WEBVTT 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 The shocking police crackdown on protestors 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 in Missouri, in the wake of the police shooting 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 of Michael Brown 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 underscored the extent to which 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 advanced military weapons and equipment, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 designed for the battlefield, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 are making their way 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 to small town police departments across the United States. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Although much tougher to observe, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 this same thing is happening 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 with surveillance equipment. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 NSA-style mass surveillance is enabling 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 local police departments to gather 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 vast quantitates of sensitive informaiton 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 about each and every one of us 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 that was never previously possible. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Location information can be very sensitive. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 If you drive your car around the United States, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 it can reveal if you go to a therapist, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 or an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 if you go to church or if you don't go to church, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and when that information about you 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 is combined with the same 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 information about everyone else, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 the government can gain a detailed portrait 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 of how private citizens act 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 this information used to be private 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 thanks to modern technology, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 the government knows far too much 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 about what happens behind closed doors. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and local police departments make decisions 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 about who they think you are 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 based on this information. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 One of the key technologies driving mass location tracking 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 is the innocuous sounding automatic license plate reader. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 if you haven't seen one, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 it's probably because you didn't know what to look for 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 they're everywhere. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 mounted on roads or on police cars, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 automatic license plate readers 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 capture images of every passing car 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and convert the license plate 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 into machine-readable text 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 so that they can be checked 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 against hot lists 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 of cars potentially wanted 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 for wrongdoing.