Hi, friends! Welcome back to Shanghai SL. to watch us watching a reality show! Shanghai SL is about six young people who have all failed in some way. They live in one house together for 105 days. Let's recap what's happened in the last few episodes. Last episode we watched a "three-player" game. It was hard to watch. First, Yujie went to see Binshen's match. He lost. She comforted him by hanging out and drinking coffee. Trading coffees! The coffee you're drinking is mine, right? Is your name written on it? I don't care, if I drink it it's mine. Then I'll drink yours. And most importantly, Binshen's the type of guy who's an opportunist. He's a yes man. He answers to anyone who needs him. So he ends up going to breakfast again with Carmon. Carmon even designed a company logo for Binshen. Before she can even show it to him, he gets called to fix the projector. I.. have something. What is it? Binshen, the upstairs projector is broken. Do you want to come help for a second? Sure. I'm going to take a look. He leaves Carmon downstairs and completely forgets about her. He has a great time talking to Yujie. And Yujie has one more trick up her sleeve. She stealthily questions Binshen, asking him if he could like a much older girl. So you're saying it doesn't matter if the girl's a lot older than you? As long as there's no generation gap. Where will this lead? Let's watch how the story plays out this episode. Episode 5, Week 3 "Truth or Dare" - Hello. - Hello. You're not at practice? I'm about to go. Just chilling for a bit. When's your practice? Will you make it? I have time. Practice is at one. You? Are you heading to work? I have my show today. You forgot, didn't you? I knew that. Can you come? - When is it? - 2:30pm. I don't know if I can go. But I'll ask my coach later. If he's okay with it I'll come, okay? Sure. If you end up coming, let me know before. And if you can't come, let me know. If I can't come, I'll root for you from afar. Sure. Just ask first. - I'm going. - Good luck. - Bye. - Don't trip and fall! Bye. [Translated and captioned by ShibaSubs] Chu Mengna (Nana) Student, 22 years old Chen Xiaowei (Binshen) Pro gamer, 23 years old Jin Yujie Model, 22 years old Liu Keli (Curry) Entrepreneur, 29 years old Wu Kawen (Carmon) Designer, 29 years old Wang Tianqi Salesperson, 26 years old What's wrong with you? This area... You're running it like that? Stop, stop...just stop. You're not focused today. Did you forget everything I just said? The match is the day after tomorrow. What do you want to do? Do you think I should even put you on the roster? You're going to go into the match like this, really? You're going to run the race like that? We chose this map and we can't even get the points? Are you even competing or just spectating? I want... What do you want? What? What could possibly be so important? Just spit it out. So important that you can't hear anything I say. You just want to play for fun and mess around. I have a roommate, and she... She has a Fashion Week and everyone is going... and she also asked... asked if I could go to it. So I wanted... I wanted to go see it. I wanted to go with them. It's just two or three hours. Wow, wait. Can you repeat yourself? I didn't hear you, really. When you yourself asked me for personal coaching, did you stop and think, are you worthy, right now? Are you good enough to ask for time off? You are a professional gamer, correct? With such a tight schedule, shouldn't everything else come after the match, in your priorities? Today, if I hear that you're not going to be at headquarters, then don't ever come back again. Understood? I understand. [Shanghai Fashion Week] Looks so good. I have goosebumps. Did you happen to see Binshen today? Did he come? Binshen? I don't think so. What's up? I thought he might come today. It seems like everyone's pretty busy lately. Only you and Tianqi went, right? I'm just happy you guys could come. Of course we have to go cheer for you, right? They really are all pretty busy lately. You know how Binshen is getting ready to retire after the match? I heard he wants to start a company. He might already be getting ready to do it. Already? Yeah, Carmon is even helping Binshen design a logo. Oh, so the two of them have been... like, doing stuff for this logo lately then? I think so. How do you know? Did Carmon tell you? The other day, I think Carmon was telling me... Because Binshen doesn't have any direction right now, he hasn't nailed down any specifics... So the two of them, are they discussing this stuff every day? Every day... No... I don't think so, just maybe when they're both free. When they're free they might be chatting about it. Okay. Exciting! This is really exciting. I feel like Yujie's feelings for Binshen are really obvious. She wants to date him. Yes. When she found out about the logo stuff, she just kept asking. She cares about whether those two are talking a lot. And she even heaved a big sigh. It "clicked" in her head. So now that Yujie already... let's say she knows, right? She just did that big sigh, and inside something clicked. What will she do? Will she talk to Carmon? Or do you think she'll look for Binshen to label their relationship? I think she'll try to get Binshen to label their relationship. It doesn't make sense to go to Carmon. What would she say, what's your deal with this logo? "You looking for a fight?" "No no!" It's not a soap opera! She's totally going to find Binshen. Make the first move. Yeah, she'll be more assertive. This thing with the logo actually gives her a push. I think from Yujie's point of view, Carmon doesn't even count as her as... - an opponent. - an obstacle. She's not even a match. No need to talk to her. Yeah. Then who's her opponent? Fate? Coach! She'll go to the coach! It was you! You made him miss my show! If you'd just let him come that day we'd be together. Binshen also had it rough. He got chewed out today. Yeah. But professional e-sports is just like this. It's very strict. It's a pressure cooker. But I feel like Binshen really does like Yujie. Before, he was worrying about losing his career. He should be more focused on practice than ever. But even with these stakes, he says he wants to see the show. What's so great about the show? Binshen's not going for the show. He wants Yujie to see him. Because Yujie also went to see his match. - He feels like he owes her. - Yeah. I feel like it's like this. Binshen needs to sort out his priorities. If he wasn't scolded by his coach today and forced to stay, but he actually decided by choice to focus on training, that would show his priorities. But right now he doesn't know what his priorities are. I think she has a point. You could say, I will definitely stay and practice. I will miss the show because this is way more important. That would be fine. But he's stuck in the middle. He wants to go, but he can't... I don't like this. Let's watch! Why didn't you go see Yujie's show? Something came up. You went? Yeah, I went with Tianqi, he happened to be free. So we went together. How was it? Amazing. I'll show you the photos I took of Yujie. Oh, I sent them to the group, you saw them, right? You took those photos? - It was Tianqi... - They took them together. Who exactly took them? No, he took them because the ones I took weren't good. So I didn't send them. You guys... what? What the heck? So it seems like it was a pretty good day. Seems like you and Tianqi are getting along well. Me and Tianqi? Everyone gets along well. Yeah, everyone gets along well. Right, Teacher Liu? Doesn't everyone get along well? I'll just smile mysteriously. It's nice, getting along well is nice. And everyone gets along, it's nice. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - What are you guys up to? Just gossiping. We're preparing a congratulatory dinner. - We're about to grill on the balcony. - Yeah. Our Teacher Curry made Yujie a big congratulatory feast. Ok. How come you didn't get one? I'm not good. Teacher Curry plays favorites. What do you mean I play favorites? What's the feast for? Well, the reason I'm cooking this is... First it's because we, well, I missed her thing, right? I missed her show. Secondly, to be honest, there's been some small misunderstandings between me and her. Little spats. So I wanted to get us together, have a nice fun dinner. Then how come when you missed my match, you didn't make me dinner? I did cook, I left it out for you. Oh, so I get leftovers! Next time I'll make you something new. Be careful what you're implying. [an idiom] Be careful what you're implying! This is a congratulatory celebration feast. Why can I already smell barbecue? Already? - Let's start. - Begin! Let's wait for today's guest of honor. You're really hungry? My mouth is watering just standing here. - Yujie's back! - Hello, hello. - You're finally back! - Everyone's home? Why? Today's the celebration feast! Curry made it especially for you. So nice! - We hand-skewered these. - I'm so impressed! Just now there was nobody home, I thought everyone was out. - And then you were all here. - Were you surprised? Super surprised! I was just telling them when you walked the show, you looked great! No, when I turned I saw Tianqi, he smiled at me! So awkward. This batch is going to taste good. You even hired a griller! You haven't even joined the conversation. When you first put this stuff on you need to really heat it. Big flames. Get that really charred, nice flavor on the outside. And then you slowly bring the heat up. That's my understanding. Teacher Curry, why are you grilling alone? You should let us do it. - No. - Because it's for you (Yujie). What do you mean I'm doing it for her? The fire's kind of intense. I want to take a photo of Curry. Check out his pose! Get a plate. Plates are there. Just leave it, I'll do it. Here, this is for President Liu. - So hot! - It's hot? - It's okay, I got it. - Hold the bottom. I'll bring it, you help me take the foil off. Coming, coming. I'll take a turn. Ok. How come Binshen's grilling all alone? Yeah. Carmon you're not going to help him? Ok. Do you know why we have to fan it? Why? Because that way... - Heat it? - That way it will flame up faster. Here's the short loin I marinated. - These are the intestines. - Awesome. Here, this one's marinated cartilage. - Still seems... - Flavor's too light? - I wonder why it's sweet. - I didn't add anything. Then why is it so sweet? What do you think? - What? - Is it sweet? - A bit. - Right? The texture is good but the flavor's a bit off. Wait 30 seconds. - Actually, I feel like it's OK. - Me too. Ok. Try it. Your hard work! Thanks. So delicious! It's really tasty. - Not bad. - Really? It's different. Why don't we play a game or something? There's only truth or dare. - Ok. - Go ahead and spin it. I used my power of intention to turn it. Your intention is turning it back. Nana! This is too suspenseful, it came back to me. It's fate. Alright. - What do you choose? - Truth. - Which... - Don't be too hard on me. Ok, which member of the opposite sex in this share house.. did you last text? What was in your text? The most recent... Guy, yeah. Let me think. Should I check? You can check to make sure. Kind of scary. The most recent... was him. And the last text was just a smiling emoji. The yellow face smiley. Yeah. Your turn. So suspenseful. - Binshen. - Truth or dare? Truth. Who gets to ask? I'll ask. Sure, you ask. Carmon's really spirited today. In this sharehouse is there a girl that you're attracted to? So direct. I'm a little... well, more than a little... I'm very slow to warm up to others. I... I think you are all great. But to say I'm attracted to someone... I think that will still take time. Because I'm not the type that can quickly be sure that I like someone. - You don't have to explain. - Yes or no? I just feel really happy hanging out with all of you. He just put all three of you in the friend zone. So right now you're not into anyone? Right, I can't clearly identify what I'm exactly feeling. Maybe one day out of the blue some clarity will burst through. Next. That's interesting. Yujie. Allow me. Pretend the world has ended. There are only these three guys left. Now if you had to choose, who would you pick? - Let me think. - You're all so good at questions. I'd pick Curry. No way. Why? I feel like Curry is really upbeat. No. Now I'm confused because we just had an argument two days ago. So for her to suddenly say this I'm just... Curry is speechless. - No. - He's so nervous. Let's keep spinning. Let's keep going. It's your turn, Yujie. Truth or dare? - How about for the first round-- - No, just pick. We'll try next round, for now let's keep going. - Truth ok? - You all picked truth, so I'll do truth. Truth. We should be nicer to Curry. Nothing too harsh. Ok. Of these three girls, who do you like more? Everyone has to answer this one. - Can I respond like this? - No. No, no... Honestly, I warm up to people slowly too. I want to find a girl I can really share a life with. So I wouldn't lightly tell a girl I have feelings for her. It's not something that someone my age should do. Is there anyone you're more drawn toward? Not necessarily like, but drawn to? No, I think all three are great! You two are both like this! How about this, I think Nana is lively and like a younger sister. Carmon is the kind-hearted girl-next-door type. And then Yujie is... really opinionated. She stands up for justice. How do I say this? - All right, so I said that, let's just.. - Nice. Thanks for the praise. Good answer. Thanks, President Liu. Spin it. Scared. - Nana. - You guys choose, I'm fine with either. - I choose truth. You? - Yeah, truth. - Not too personal. - Which guy do you like? Actually, is there one? Um.. okay. So... I'm slow to warm to people. - No! - Okay just say, do you like someone? Do you or not? Let me think. - I guess so, yeah. - Okay, spin. - Oh, it's my turn. - Wow, Yujie. So merciful. I applaud you. Carmon! - Wait, Tianqi? - Carmon! Choose a guy, someone you're attracted to, and look into his eyes for 10 seconds. - This is a truth AND dare! - Yeah. Nice one, Mr. Liu. - Didn't think you had it in you. - This one is a lot. - This one's evil. - Powerful. So evil. Let's time it. Start on the count of 3, 2, 1. 3, 2, 1, start. - Okay. - Good job! - Wow, fantastic. - So good. I want to ask Professor Chen what he thinks. How did you feel about it? I thought it was pretty good. I think this segment was really representative of Asian culture. Because they all chose truth, no one chose dare. They all preferred to talk rather than act, unlike most young people. I'm so curious what Professor Chen's youth was like. I'm telling you, the way they're acting is like how I was in high school. After college, no one asks each other these things so directly. We went to the same college, and it was like this! Really? That's why you're so stunted. And during the stare-off, they were sitting so far from each other. I think they should have told them to sit this close. You're the worst. Even closer! If it were longer, like thirty seconds, I think-- Thirty seconds is too hard. Can you two even do ten seconds? I don't want to do it with a guy. - On another show-- - You two do it. - It's so awkward. - It's not awkward at all. Do it! It's not hard, right? Daxun, come on. You two do it. - How hard can it be? - Yeah, it's not! How close? This close. That's too close! See, "how hard can it be"? Aren't you an actor? Didn't you go to drama school? Come on! Stop fussing! One, two, three! The only reason this is hard is because we have to be cross-eyed! Really cross-eyed! - Stop messing around! - How's that for deep feelings? If you're doing this without feelings for the person, it's not hard at all. It's just funny. But I think it was really hard for that girl. It makes you feel bad for her. Because she's so earnest. No one else was affected by it. What about Yujie, didn't she look hurt? - Yeah. - No, only a little. I don't agree, I think Yujie really wanted to pick Binshen. It would have been better if Yujie had picked him on her turn. - Yeah. - If you like him, you should choose him. I think her choice made sense. Binshen didn't pick her, so she just picked Curry. But if I were Yujie, I'd feel betrayed, like you won't say you like me? Screw you! Calm down. Wait a second, let's not get so emotional. I think Binshen is simultaneously playing with three women's emotions. Yujie, Carmon, and you. Yeah. You think the way he's acting is hurtful? I think, is he confused? He's already acting this way towards Yujie and still saying he's not into her. "Slow to warm up". - Slow warming up?! - Right? Those two feel pretty warm to me! - How is that slow? - Right! They're not, they're very warmed up! Not sure what Yujie's motivation is, but Curry is a bit naive. Kind of simple and honest. He believes her. So tonight, Curry's happy. Curry won. Curry won. Curry's happy. He's sure Yujie likes him. You see how the whole time he's cooking for Yujie? Right. Then when Yujie picks him you see how he says things. - He loves to do "1, 2, 3." - True. And his third point is always the most important. He sets up these three girls the same way. First, Nana is like this. Then...when it gets to Yujie, he trips up. He's caught feelings my man. This guy's done for. It's over. He was used, this guy. This 29 year old CEO is done for. But, Curry...because this show will be broadcasted, in the end he'll see this. Curry, hi! You got played. You didn't know at the time, now you know. Sorry about that. Alright, let's watch the last part. You're cleaning up? Yeah, I finished eating so... Let me do it. Bring that trash can over. - How was today? You liked the food? - It was, I haven't finished this. - It's cold now, go ahead and toss it. - Ok. I'll throw this away. You were late today, for your own celebration party. I've been so busy lately. On the way home I hit traffic. But the game we played was really exciting, President Liu. Right. Didn't I say before that I do independent media? And in a few days our company is having a script meeting. If you have time you come check it out. Sit in on it. If you like what you hear, maybe you can act in our series. What happens in a script meeting? Because one season has 36 episodes, each month is 12 episodes, so we plan the season's overall story and some general dialogue. That's pretty interesting. - Ok? - Ok. When we figure out a time I'll let you know. Sure. - Great. - Let's clean up. I'll clean up. I'll take care of this. - Grab the cups. - Sure. Just now, the two of you, you with Tianqi. - Don't be so obvious. - What? What's so obvious? What do you mean? Just right now they asked you if you like someone here. You said yes. Yeah? Whose to say it's him for sure? - Maybe you all are overthinking it. - Maybe we're underthinking it. No, it's not! It's not like that. I feel like maybe you two, you and Wang Tianqi, will be our first couple in this share house to become official. - What? What? Us two... I feel like you both really match. Your appearances, heights, personalities, outlooks...all fit well. Actually, I'm not sure right now. It's a mess, actually. - All mixed up. - Get to know him more, don't rush. I'll take my time. But I feel like you two really look good together. Look good together? You two had some developments. I feel like you and Yujie look good together. - What? - You and Yujie. No. - No? - Yeah. There's nothing at all? Nope, there's nothing to begin with. I thought I could see you two start to spark. Says who? You're saying that? - That's what I feel. - You're saying that? I didn't say that. But seeing how you're reacting, now I... Nope, nope, nope. Well, you're acting embarrassed is what I'm saying. No, no, it's just because before, I had made her upset. And I felt bad about it. So you think of her as just a roommate? Yeah, everyone's acting normally. What I'm saying, is, I'm also slow warming up to others... Right now with my situation, for me be attracted to a girl it'll take a good amount of time with each other before I get that feeling. Sure, you're both like this. You and Binshen are slow to warm up. - Anyways... - Anyways, just be happy right? Right, right. Honestly, there's nothing between me and Yujie. You two today were much more exciting. - Yeah, the staring contest. - Right? How was it? Were you nervous or anxious? Of course. I obviously felt really nervous. Do you have to hug yourself whenever you get nervous? You're being way too nervous! Did you feel any attraction? Or nothing? I was just trying to... hide, or laugh it off. Come in. Please come in. Hello. Hello. You all chatting? Yup. Binshen, there's something I wanted to chat with you about. Oh my god. Hurry. Yeah, Binshen! - Stop heckling me. - Go for it. Nice, nice, nice, nice. Go get it! What's up? I wanted to ask if... you could come help me out with a coffee festival. Do you have time? To be a laborer? - When is it? - 10 am the day after tomorrow. Is that ok? - Sure. - Ok. - Then, see you the day after tomorrow. - Sounds good. - See you. - Goodnight. This guy's a real laugh. He totally knows that this girl likes him. And she asks him out and he still goes, but he doesn't even like her. Why are you giving her hope? Either you really like her and you want to move things along or you just want to be friends. You just found out the girl likes you, but you don't like her. Why give her false hope? Yeah! I feel like he's the type that doesn't know how to say no. So as a result, he causes hurt and misunderstanding. There's a lot of people like this. You can't say that he's a bad person. His personality's flawed, but we can't say he's a bad person. But, this particular aspect of his personality will definitely hurt people. Whether he means to or not isn't really the issue. - He should change. - No, I feel like If he didn't know that the other person was interested, that's fine. But he knows, he knows and still– He can't be harsh to anyone. - You don't have to be harsh. - He can't say no to others. He can't refuse others. The way I see it, he wants to develop his relationship with Carmon. I don't think so, I really don't think so. No way. If I were to come up with an alternate theory, it's that right now he doesn't have a girlfriend. Right now he doesn't have a person that he really likes. So he doesn't mind if someone likes him. "I don't like you, but I like that you like me"? - Exactly. - But I feel that the girl hasn't clearly expressed that she likes him. It's still not clear enough? Still not showing enough interest? She's already done -- "someone you're attracted to", she picked him. She did this! Also, she's having a coffee festival, she passed over the two other guys and only picked him to come. But he doesn't have an excuse to not go. You don't need an excuse, just don't go. Why do you need an excuse to reject someone? I think the reason they're both ended up in this situation is because they both have these bashful, shy, avoidant personalities. That's why it felt so painfully tense and uncomfortable when they talked, even though they only said simple things to each other. You feel anxious for the both of them, watching it. But it's precisely because they're both this type of person, that they ended up in this predicament together. If this guy was outspoken, knew exactly what he liked and disliked, then he wouldn't be living this life. But Teacher Chen, it would be fine if they both liked each other. They could carry on fumbling like this. But right now one of them doesn't like the other and won't say it. Who doesn't like who? That guy doesn't like her? - Binshen obviously doesn't like Carmon. - When did he say that? He never explicitly said that. He never made it explicit. - No, no, he would never. - He said he's slow to warm up. I think it's like this -- if you like someone you don't need to say it, they can feel it. But if you don't like someone, you need to say it out loud. No, no, you need to say it either way. You don't need to say "I don't like you", but you can find an excuse. If someone I didn't like asked me out, I'd just say I'm busy. That's you! That's you. You may be like this, but don't assume everyone else is the same. - You'd go out alone with someone you--? - Listen, I obviously wouldn't. But I do understand this boy and that girl. How can we be sure they have no future? They still have a lifetime ahead of them. Maybe in six months, or in a long time, they'll slowly get together. It's totally possible. Curry also chose Yujie to help him with his script, right? - Yeah. - If you think about it, Nana is the actress. If he picked Nana, Tianqi would kick his ass. So, let's say Curry's chosen you. - Curry, yes. - Yep. - Curry's like-- - Bro, I have a romantic drama. - 36 episodes! - I've picked you! If you're interested, I'll let you glance at the script. Come for two days, sound good? Take it seriously! Right? - But do you think Yujie will go? - Not necessarily. Sometimes, when you're drowning you just need a life buoy. Probably... she'll go. Looking back, Curry's actually not that bad. He can cook, he's very capable. Yeah I think Yujie will likely start to warm up to Curry. Plus Yujie won't be a doormat. She'll fight him the whole way, right? She won't let Curry bully her. Those two might end up together. What's going to happen next episode? Let's find out next week. Bye bye. [Translated and timed by cSharp, Dishwasher JYS, & cissy] [Reviewed by cSharp & cissy]