0:00:01.490,0:00:06.420 This is the new one-dose Covid-19 vaccine[br]from Johnson & Johnson. 0:00:06.420,0:00:09.246 In early March,[br]more than 6,000 doses 0:00:09.246,0:00:13.120 were supposed to be shipped[br]to the city of Detroit, Michigan 0:00:13.120,0:00:15.379 but the mayor said, "No thanks". 0:00:15.379,0:00:18.199 "Moderna and Pfizer are the best. 0:00:18.199,0:00:20.284 And I am going to do[br]everything I can 0:00:20.284,0:00:24.369 to make sure the residents[br]of the city of Detroit get the best." 0:00:24.369,0:00:29.259 He was referring to these numbers:[br]the vaccines’ "efficacy rates." 0:00:29.259,0:00:31.757 The vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech[br]and Moderna 0:00:31.757,0:00:34.213 have super high efficacy rates: 0:00:34.213,0:00:37.250 95% and 94%. 0:00:37.250,0:00:39.004 But Johnson & Johnson? 0:00:39.004,0:00:41.184 Just 66%. 0:00:41.184,0:00:45.789 And if you only look at these numbers,[br]it’s natural to think that these vaccines 0:00:45.789,0:00:48.037 are worse than these. 0:00:48.037,0:00:50.459 But that assumption is wrong. 0:00:50.459,0:00:53.808 These numbers are arguably[br]not even the most important measure 0:00:53.808,0:00:56.895 of how effective these vaccines are. 0:00:56.895,0:00:58.388 To understand what is, 0:00:58.388,0:01:02.267 you first have to understand[br]what vaccines are even supposed to do. 0:01:06.355,0:01:10.627 A vaccine’s efficacy rate[br]is calculated in large clinical trials, 0:01:10.627,0:01:14.759 when the vaccine is tested[br]on tens of thousands of people. 0:01:14.759,0:01:17.322 Those people are broken into two groups: 0:01:17.322,0:01:21.056 half get the vaccine,[br]and half get a placebo. 0:01:21.056,0:01:23.151 Then, they’re sent out[br]to live their lives, 0:01:23.151,0:01:28.279 while scientists monitor whether or not[br]they get Covid-19 over several months. 0:01:28.279,0:01:34.065 In the trial for Pfizer/BioNTech, for[br]example, there were 43,000 participants. 0:01:34.065,0:01:38.553 In the end, 170 people[br]were infected with Covid-19. 0:01:38.553,0:01:41.776 And how those people fall [br]into each of these groups 0:01:41.776,0:01:45.000 determines a vaccine’s efficacy. 0:01:45.000,0:01:47.833 If the 170 were evenly split, 0:01:47.833,0:01:51.038 that would mean you’re just as likely[br]to get sick with the vaccine 0:01:51.038,0:01:52.403 as without it. 0:01:52.403,0:01:56.093 So it would have a 0% efficacy. 0:01:56.093,0:02:01.829 If all 170 were in the placebo group, and[br]zero people who got the vaccine were sick, 0:02:01.829,0:02:05.898 the vaccine would have[br]an efficacy of 100%. 0:02:05.898,0:02:10.041 With this particular trial,[br]there were 162 in the placebo group, 0:02:10.041,0:02:12.223 and just eight[br]in the vaccine group. 0:02:12.223,0:02:18.230 It means those who had the vaccine[br]were 95% less likely to get Covid-19: 0:02:18.230,0:02:22.179 The vaccine had a 95% efficacy. 0:02:23.336,0:02:28.693 Now, this doesn’t mean that if 100 people[br]are vaccinated, 5 of them will get sick. 0:02:28.693,0:02:33.573 Instead, that 95% number[br]applies to the individual. 0:02:33.573,0:02:35.430 So each vaccinated person 0:02:35.430,0:02:40.667 is 95% less likely than a person [br]without a vaccine to get sick 0:02:40.667,0:02:43.884 each time they’re exposed to Covid-19. 0:02:43.884,0:02:49.120 And every vaccine’s efficacy rate[br]is calculated in the same way. 0:02:49.120,0:02:55.050 But each vaccine’s trial might be done in[br]very different circumstances. 0:02:55.050,0:02:57.750 So, one of the biggest [br]considerations here, 0:02:57.750,0:02:59.250 when we look at these numbers, 0:02:59.250,0:03:03.340 is the timing in which[br]these clinical trials were performed. 0:03:03.340,0:03:08.588 This is the number of daily Covid-19 cases[br]in the US since the pandemic began. 0:03:08.588,0:03:13.913 The Moderna trial was done[br]completely in the US, here, in the summer. 0:03:13.913,0:03:17.316 The Pfizer/BioNTech trial was primarily[br]based in the US, too, 0:03:17.316,0:03:20.340 and at the same time. 0:03:20.340,0:03:24.721 Johnson & Johnson, however,[br]held their US trial at this time, 0:03:24.721,0:03:26.358 when there were more opportunities 0:03:26.358,0:03:29.747 for participants [br]to be exposed to infections. 0:03:29.747,0:03:32.683 And most of their trial took place [br]in other countries, 0:03:32.683,0:03:36.269 primarily South Africa and Brazil. 0:03:36.269,0:03:39.638 And in these other countries,[br]not only were case rates high, 0:03:39.638,0:03:43.259 but the virus itself was different. 0:03:43.259,0:03:47.001 The trials took place[br]as variants of Covid-19 emerged, 0:03:47.001,0:03:50.345 and became the dominant infections[br]in these countries; 0:03:50.345,0:03:54.293 variants that are more likely [br]to get participants sick. 0:03:54.293,0:03:59.380 In South Africa, most of the cases in the[br]Johnson & Johnson trial were that of the 0:03:59.380,0:04:03.357 variant, not the original strain that was[br]in the US over the summer. 0:04:03.357,0:04:08.757 And despite that, it still[br]significantly reduced infections. 0:04:08.757,0:04:12.300 "If you're trying to make one-to-one [br]comparisons between vaccines, 0:04:12.300,0:04:16.310 they must have been studied in the same[br]trial, with identical inclusion criteria, 0:04:16.310,0:04:19.082 in the same parts of the world,[br]at the same time." 0:04:19.082,0:04:21.819 "If we were to take[br]Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines and 0:04:21.819,0:04:27.483 redo their clinical trial at the same time[br]that we saw J&J's clinical trial, 0:04:27.483,0:04:30.665 we might see quite different[br]efficacy numbers for those." 0:04:30.665,0:04:35.864 These efficacy numbers just tell you[br]what happened in each vaccine’s trial, 0:04:35.864,0:04:38.900 not exactly what will happen[br]in the real world. 0:04:38.900,0:04:44.509 But many experts argue this isn’t even the[br]best number to judge a vaccine by anyway. 0:04:44.509,0:04:49.330 Because preventing any infection at all is[br]not always the point of a vaccine. 0:04:49.330,0:04:54.128 "The goal of a Covid-19 vaccine program[br]is not really to get to 'Covid zero', 0:04:54.128,0:04:56.505 but it's to tame this virus, to defang it, 0:04:56.505,0:05:00.727 to remove its ability to cause serious[br]disease, hospitalization, and death." 0:05:00.727,0:05:05.681 It helps to look at the different outcomes[br]of an exposure to Covid-19 like this: 0:05:05.681,0:05:09.070 The best-case scenario[br]is, you don’t get sick at all. 0:05:09.070,0:05:11.632 The worst case is death. 0:05:11.632,0:05:15.384 In between, there’s being hospitalized,[br]severe-to-moderate symptoms, 0:05:15.384,0:05:17.736 or having no symptoms at all. 0:05:17.736,0:05:23.819 In the best circumstances, vaccines[br]give you protection all the way to here. 0:05:23.819,0:05:29.979 But realistically, that isn’t the[br]main objective of Covid-19 vaccines. 0:05:29.979,0:05:35.360 The real purpose is to give your body the[br]protection to cover these possibilities, 0:05:35.360,0:05:38.796 so if you do get an infection,[br]it feels more like a cold 0:05:38.796,0:05:42.155 than something you'd be[br]hospitalized for. 0:05:42.155,0:05:47.397 And this is one thing that every one[br]of these Covid-19 vaccines do well. 0:05:47.397,0:05:51.803 In all these trials, while some people in[br]the placebo groups were hospitalized, 0:05:51.803,0:05:54.349 or even died from Covid-19, 0:05:54.349,0:05:58.525 not one fully vaccinated person,[br]in any of these trials, 0:05:58.525,0:06:01.816 was hospitalized or died from Covid-19. 0:06:01.816,0:06:04.300 "Something I wish that mayor[br]would have understood 0:06:04.300,0:06:10.560 was that all three vaccines are basically[br]100% effective in protecting from death." 0:06:10.560,0:06:15.789 The mayor of Detroit backtracked and said[br]he’d start taking Johnson & Johnson doses, 0:06:15.789,0:06:21.000 because it’s still "highly effective[br]against what we care about most." 0:06:21.000,0:06:25.027 Efficacy matters.[br]But it doesn’t matter the most. 0:06:25.027,0:06:29.849 The question isn’t which vaccine will[br]protect you from any Covid infection, 0:06:29.849,0:06:31.900 but which one will keep you alive? 0:06:31.900,0:06:33.919 Or out of the hospital? 0:06:33.919,0:06:36.400 Which one will help end the pandemic? 0:06:36.400,0:06:38.165 And that’s any of them. 0:06:38.165,0:06:41.702 "The best vaccine right now for you[br]is the one that you're offered." 0:06:41.702,0:06:46.450 "With each shot given to someone,[br]we approach the end of this pandemic."