1 00:00:02,570 --> 00:00:04,916 The graph of Cynex looks like 2 00:00:04,916 --> 00:00:09,580 this. And we can see the gradient of the tangents at 3 00:00:09,580 --> 00:00:11,325 certain points of the graph. 4 00:00:12,340 --> 00:00:16,520 For instance, when X equals π by two, the gradient of 5 00:00:16,520 --> 00:00:18,040 the tangent is 0. 6 00:00:19,140 --> 00:00:24,194 And it's also 0 - Π Pi 2, and at three π by 2. 7 00:00:25,310 --> 00:00:30,271 At other points, the symmetry of the sine curve can help. 8 00:00:31,160 --> 00:00:35,888 So the gradient of the tangent at X equals 0 is positive. 9 00:00:36,440 --> 00:00:40,060 And it must be equal to the gradient of the 10 00:00:40,060 --> 00:00:41,870 tangent at X equals 2π. 11 00:00:42,970 --> 00:00:47,579 Also, the gradient of the tangent at X equals minus. Pi 12 00:00:47,579 --> 00:00:53,026 must be equal to the gradient of the tangent at X equals π. 13 00:00:54,410 --> 00:00:58,414 They must also both have the same magnitude as the gradient 14 00:00:58,414 --> 00:00:59,870 at X equals 0. 15 00:01:00,530 --> 00:01:01,739 But be negative. 16 00:01:03,850 --> 00:01:07,689 Let's now plot the gradients of these tangents on a graph 17 00:01:07,689 --> 00:01:09,434 directly underneath the sine graph. 18 00:01:16,230 --> 00:01:20,490 Now assume we can join up the points with a smooth curve. 19 00:01:21,500 --> 00:01:25,508 Once we don't know the values of the peaks and the troughs, 20 00:01:25,508 --> 00:01:28,514 what we've drawn looks remarkably like the graph of 21 00:01:28,514 --> 00:01:29,516 a cosine function. 22 00:01:31,440 --> 00:01:36,036 So now we've got an idea of what we're looking for. Let's 23 00:01:36,036 --> 00:01:39,100 differentiate cynex from first principles. Now there's three 24 00:01:39,100 --> 00:01:41,398 things that we need to know. 25 00:01:42,040 --> 00:01:48,956 The first is our definition of a derivative Cy by DX equals the 26 00:01:48,956 --> 00:01:55,872 limit as Delta X approaches zero of F of X Plus Delta X 27 00:01:55,872 --> 00:01:58,000 minus F of X. 28 00:01:58,620 --> 00:02:00,918 Or divided by its Delta X? 29 00:02:01,860 --> 00:02:06,936 The second is one of our trigonometric identity's and 30 00:02:06,936 --> 00:02:10,320 that sign C minus sign D. 31 00:02:11,130 --> 00:02:18,342 Equals twice the cause of C plus 3. / 2 multiplied by 32 00:02:18,342 --> 00:02:23,751 the sign of C minus D divided by two. 33 00:02:24,770 --> 00:02:28,310 And the third is the limit. 34 00:02:28,880 --> 00:02:36,250 As theater approaches zero, that sign Theta divided by theater 35 00:02:36,250 --> 00:02:42,130 equals 1. Now we can see this from a table of values. 36 00:02:42,750 --> 00:02:46,150 So if we have a look at theater. 37 00:02:46,660 --> 00:02:48,728 When it's in radians. 38 00:02:50,060 --> 00:02:51,539 And then calculate. 39 00:02:52,150 --> 00:02:58,639 Sign theater And then sign theater divided by theater. 40 00:02:59,570 --> 00:03:02,377 We can have a look and see 41 00:03:02,377 --> 00:03:07,022 what's happening. So our theater in radians. Let's look at one 42 00:03:07,022 --> 00:03:08,066 first of all. 43 00:03:09,010 --> 00:03:15,178 The sign of one is 0.84147. 44 00:03:16,040 --> 00:03:21,550 So if we calculate sine Theta divided by Sita, we 45 00:03:21,550 --> 00:03:24,305 just get the same 0.84147. 46 00:03:25,960 --> 00:03:29,389 Now let's make theater smaller. Let's go to 0.1. 47 00:03:29,960 --> 00:03:37,288 The sign of 0.1 is 0.0998 three and 48 00:03:37,288 --> 00:03:39,120 so on. 49 00:03:40,190 --> 00:03:42,710 Just it continued on there, sorry. 50 00:03:43,720 --> 00:03:50,540 OK, if we do sign theater divided by Theta then 51 00:03:50,540 --> 00:03:53,950 we get 0.99833 and again. 52 00:03:54,510 --> 00:03:55,500 Continues on. 53 00:03:57,240 --> 00:04:01,648 Let's make seat even smaller now at 0.01. 54 00:04:02,860 --> 00:04:09,756 The sign of Theta is going to be 55 00:04:09,756 --> 00:04:13,204 0.00999, and so on. 56 00:04:14,820 --> 00:04:22,404 So sine Theta divided by Sita equals 0.9998 57 00:04:22,404 --> 00:04:26,196 three and so on. 58 00:04:27,150 --> 00:04:32,064 And you can see that as Theta is getting smaller and smaller and 59 00:04:32,064 --> 00:04:33,198 tending to 0. 60 00:04:33,720 --> 00:04:37,820 Then sign Theta divided by theater is tending to one. 61 00:04:39,010 --> 00:04:42,830 OK, let's carry on with 62 00:04:42,830 --> 00:04:50,072 the calculation. So we have our Y equals sign 63 00:04:50,072 --> 00:04:56,520 X. And let's start by just looking at the top part of our 64 00:04:56,520 --> 00:05:02,045 formula. Our function of X Plus Delta X minus a function of X. 65 00:05:03,580 --> 00:05:09,895 Sign X is our function of X, so our function of X Plus Delta X 66 00:05:09,895 --> 00:05:13,263 is the sign of X Plus Delta X. 67 00:05:13,930 --> 00:05:16,751 Minus R function of X, so minus 68 00:05:16,751 --> 00:05:22,006 sign X. And this is where we have our sign. See take away as 69 00:05:22,006 --> 00:05:28,524 signed D. So we can rewrite this as twice the cause. 70 00:05:29,030 --> 00:05:36,530 Of C Plus D divided by two. So it's X Plus Delta 71 00:05:36,530 --> 00:05:40,280 X Plus X divided by two. 72 00:05:40,910 --> 00:05:47,345 Multiplied by the sign of C minus D divided by two. 73 00:05:48,060 --> 00:05:51,180 So it's X Plus Delta X. 74 00:05:51,860 --> 00:05:54,870 Minus X divided by two. 75 00:05:55,950 --> 00:06:03,191 So this equals twice the cause. X Plus X is 2X Plus Delta 76 00:06:03,191 --> 00:06:10,989 X or divided by 2 multiplied by the sign of X minus X is 77 00:06:10,989 --> 00:06:16,132 0. So we just have Delta X divided by two. 78 00:06:16,910 --> 00:06:21,264 I'm just going to tidy this up a little bit further, so we've got 79 00:06:21,264 --> 00:06:22,508 two times the cause. 80 00:06:23,500 --> 00:06:30,670 2 / 2 gives us just RX plus Delta X over 2 multiplied by the 81 00:06:30,670 --> 00:06:33,538 sign of Delta X over 2. 82 00:06:34,280 --> 00:06:39,690 So now if we go back to divide by DX. 83 00:06:40,190 --> 00:06:45,638 Equals the limit as Delta X approaches 0. 84 00:06:46,630 --> 00:06:50,150 Of F of X Plus Delta X minus F of X. 85 00:06:51,200 --> 00:06:57,990 Which is this? So it's two calls X plus Delta X over 2 multiplied 86 00:06:57,990 --> 00:07:01,870 by the sign of Delta X over 2. 87 00:07:02,540 --> 00:07:05,410 All divided by Delta X. 88 00:07:06,930 --> 00:07:11,880 Now multiplying the numerator, the top part of the fraction by 89 00:07:11,880 --> 00:07:16,380 two is exactly the same as dividing the denominator. The 90 00:07:16,380 --> 00:07:18,180 bottom part by two. 91 00:07:18,690 --> 00:07:20,748 So I'm going to rewrite this. 92 00:07:21,410 --> 00:07:24,336 Limit of Delta X tends to 0. 93 00:07:25,130 --> 00:07:28,380 Taking this too from here. 94 00:07:28,430 --> 00:07:36,015 And. Putting it as a division 95 00:07:36,015 --> 00:07:38,316 in the denominator. 96 00:07:39,530 --> 00:07:43,604 And I've done that so that you can see here. We've got the sign 97 00:07:43,604 --> 00:07:45,059 of Delta X over 2. 98 00:07:45,570 --> 00:07:50,358 Divided by Delta X over 2 and that was where I third 99 00:07:50,358 --> 00:07:54,348 fact came in that when we had signed theater divided 100 00:07:54,348 --> 00:07:58,737 by Sita when we took the limit of Delta extending to 101 00:07:58,737 --> 00:08:01,131 0, this will tend to one. 102 00:08:02,660 --> 00:08:06,906 So let's actually take the limit. Now is Delta X approaches 103 00:08:06,906 --> 00:08:11,538 0 sign Delta X over 2 divided by Delta X over 2? 104 00:08:12,150 --> 00:08:18,198 Is one and Delta Rex over 2. As Delta X approaches, zero will be 105 00:08:18,198 --> 00:08:23,424 0. So we're just left with our derivative of 106 00:08:23,424 --> 00:08:25,964 sine X thing Cos X. 107 00:08:27,270 --> 00:08:32,060 Let's have a look at the derivative now from first 108 00:08:32,060 --> 00:08:33,976 principles of Cos X. 109 00:08:35,150 --> 00:08:37,694 The graph of Cos X looks like this. 110 00:08:39,750 --> 00:08:43,224 Again, we can draw the tangents at certain points. 111 00:08:45,520 --> 00:08:49,972 And we can plot their values on a graph directly underneath the 112 00:08:49,972 --> 00:08:55,120 cosine graph. This time if we join the points with a smooth 113 00:08:55,120 --> 00:08:58,970 curve, we get a graph that looks like minus sign X. 114 00:08:59,700 --> 00:09:02,136 Now before we differentiate cause X 115 00:09:02,136 --> 00:09:05,790 from first principles, let's just have a look at 116 00:09:05,790 --> 00:09:10,256 the graph of the sign of X plus Π by 2. 117 00:09:11,960 --> 00:09:17,134 The graph of sign of X plus Π by 2 looks like this. 118 00:09:17,780 --> 00:09:21,758 It's just the graph of cynex with everything happening 119 00:09:21,758 --> 00:09:23,526 pie by two earlier. 120 00:09:24,650 --> 00:09:29,460 It's as though we've shifted the sign curve back along the X axis 121 00:09:29,460 --> 00:09:30,940 by Π by 2. 122 00:09:33,130 --> 00:09:35,476 And that just gives us Cossacks. 123 00:09:37,120 --> 00:09:39,520 The two functions are the same. 124 00:09:41,590 --> 00:09:46,122 Now shifting the sign curve back along the Axis doesn't affect 125 00:09:46,122 --> 00:09:51,478 the shape of the curve, so it doesn't affect the shape of its 126 00:09:51,478 --> 00:09:54,774 gradient function. Only the position of the gradient 127 00:09:54,774 --> 00:09:56,834 function on the X axis. 128 00:10:01,880 --> 00:10:06,936 So the derivative of sign of X plus Π by two is the cause of X 129 00:10:06,936 --> 00:10:08,200 plus Π by 2. 130 00:10:09,630 --> 00:10:14,940 But the graph of cause of X plus Π by two is identical to the 131 00:10:14,940 --> 00:10:16,710 graph of minus sign X. 132 00:10:17,750 --> 00:10:20,480 So the derivative of Cos X. 133 00:10:21,050 --> 00:10:22,710 Is minus sign X? 134 00:10:24,510 --> 00:10:27,228 Let's have a look at the 135 00:10:27,228 --> 00:10:31,050 calculation now. Y equals Cos 136 00:10:31,050 --> 00:10:34,742 X. And we need to know three 137 00:10:34,742 --> 00:10:41,420 things again. To help us do the calculation, the first is our 138 00:10:41,420 --> 00:10:47,864 definition of our derivative DY by DX equals the limit as Delta 139 00:10:47,864 --> 00:10:49,475 X approaches 0. 140 00:10:50,480 --> 00:10:55,400 About function of X Plus Delta X minus a function 141 00:10:55,400 --> 00:10:58,352 of X divided by Delta X. 142 00:10:59,570 --> 00:11:03,890 The second thing we need to know is one of the trigonometric 143 00:11:03,890 --> 00:11:10,640 identity's. And that cause see minus calls D equals minus two 144 00:11:10,640 --> 00:11:17,712 times the sign of C Plus D divided by 2 multiplied by the 145 00:11:17,712 --> 00:11:21,520 sign of C minus D divided by 146 00:11:21,520 --> 00:11:28,638 two. And the third thing is the limit. As theater 147 00:11:28,638 --> 00:11:35,819 approaches 0. Sign Theta divided by feature is equal to 1. 148 00:11:37,370 --> 00:11:39,380 So let's have a look. 149 00:11:40,160 --> 00:11:45,836 Add putting our function into this top part against RF of X 150 00:11:45,836 --> 00:11:49,147 Plus Delta X minus a function of 151 00:11:49,147 --> 00:11:52,179 X. Is equal to. 152 00:11:53,420 --> 00:11:57,140 I cause of X Plus 153 00:11:57,140 --> 00:12:02,919 Delta X. Minus a function of X which is called sex. 154 00:12:03,760 --> 00:12:08,212 So here we have our cause of C minus icons of D. 155 00:12:09,310 --> 00:12:12,106 So let's do this substitution now. 156 00:12:13,140 --> 00:12:20,475 So it's minus twice the sign of C Plus D over 2, so that's X 157 00:12:20,475 --> 00:12:21,942 Plus Delta X. 158 00:12:22,620 --> 00:12:25,698 Plus, X all divided by two. 159 00:12:28,880 --> 00:12:35,549 Multiplied by the sign of C minus T over 2. So that's X 160 00:12:35,549 --> 00:12:37,088 Plus Delta X. 161 00:12:37,590 --> 00:12:40,700 Minus X divided by two. 162 00:12:41,700 --> 00:12:48,530 Which equals minus two times the sign of X plus 163 00:12:48,530 --> 00:12:54,677 X is 2X plus Delta X divided by two. 164 00:12:54,680 --> 00:13:01,442 Multiplied by the sign of X minus X is 0, so we're just left 165 00:13:01,442 --> 00:13:04,340 with Delta X divided by two. 166 00:13:04,340 --> 00:13:07,328 And again, as we did before. 167 00:13:07,330 --> 00:13:14,050 We write this is minus 2 sign 2X divided by two leaves us with X 168 00:13:14,050 --> 00:13:19,426 Plus our Delta X over 2 multiplied by our sign of Delta 169 00:13:19,426 --> 00:13:20,770 X over 2. 170 00:13:21,890 --> 00:13:24,490 Now we can turn the page and put 171 00:13:24,490 --> 00:13:31,410 this into our. Formula. 172 00:13:32,440 --> 00:13:39,808 So that we have the why by DX equals the limit a 173 00:13:39,808 --> 00:13:47,176 Delta X approaches zero of minus 2 signs of X Plus Delta 174 00:13:47,176 --> 00:13:49,018 X over 2. 175 00:13:49,760 --> 00:13:52,952 Multiplied by sign Delta X over 176 00:13:52,952 --> 00:13:56,516 2. All divided by Delta 177 00:13:56,516 --> 00:14:02,752 X. I'm not equals, and again we're going to do this change 178 00:14:02,752 --> 00:14:07,504 where instead of multiplying the numerator by two, I'm going to 179 00:14:07,504 --> 00:14:13,120 divide the denominator by two. So we have the limit as Delta X 180 00:14:13,120 --> 00:14:19,134 approaches 0. Of minus the sign of X Plus Delta 181 00:14:19,134 --> 00:14:24,942 X divided by 2 multiplied by the sign of Delta X 182 00:14:24,942 --> 00:14:29,166 divided by two all divided by Delta X 183 00:14:29,166 --> 00:14:30,750 divided by two. 184 00:14:32,010 --> 00:14:36,606 Now as we take the limit as Delta X approaches 0. Again, 185 00:14:36,606 --> 00:14:42,351 here we've got the sign of Delta X over 2 divided by Delta X over 186 00:14:42,351 --> 00:14:47,330 2, and we know that as Delta X approaches zero, then this tends 187 00:14:47,330 --> 00:14:53,374 to one. And then as Delta X divided by two, here tends to 0. 188 00:14:54,090 --> 00:14:59,490 Then our derivative will be minus the sign of X. 189 00:15:00,940 --> 00:15:06,310 So our derivative of Cos X is minus sign X.