Sometimes we given functions that are actually products of functions. That means two functions multiplied together. So an example would be Y equals X squared. Times by the cosine of 3 X so there we've got a product X squared is one function multiplied by the cosine of 3 XA second function. Usually we write this as UV. And there is a formula which we can use to be able to differentiate this DY by the X is UDVIDX. Plus V times by du by DX. So every time we've got a product, we can use this formula. We've identified you with X squared. We've identified V with calls 3X, So what we need to do now is write down those derivatives. So do you buy the X? You, we've identified as X squared. So do you buy the X is 2 X. DV by DX, we identified V as costs 3X, so we need to write down the derivative of DV by DX, and we know that that will be minus three sign 3X. Now we can put these two. Together with these two into this formula. So let's do that. Why by DX is equal to. You X squared. Times DV by the X so it's times by minus three sign 3X. Plus the. That's cause 3X. Times by du by DX2X. Now this. Looks ugly and really we need to tidy it up a little bit. We want to write these terms in a nice order, but at the same time we want to try and identify any common factors that there are. The reason is that what you might want to do is solve an equation like this by putting it equal to 0 to find solutions for Maxima and minima. So it's important to be able to spot the common factors and take them out. And if we look in this term, we've gotten X squared, and in this term we've gotten X, so we actually got a common factor of X, and we can take that out and put it at the front of the bracket so X and then a bracket. Let's think what we've got left here. We've got minus three and an X, so we have minus three X sign 3X. Plus now we took out the X, so we've got the two left to multiply by the cost 3X, and so we have two cars 3X and we just close the bracket there. We've got that finished and it's in a nice factorize form so that if we wanted to do something more with it, as I said, find a maximum or minimum we could go on and do that. Let's have a look at another example. This time, let's have a look at one. Where we've got all just functions of X know trig functions in just nice functions of X except will make this one have a fractional index will make it be to the power 1/2. In other words, it's a square root. So why is a U times of E? So let's try and get into the habit of identifying these functions very specifically. So we've identified the two bits that would be multiplied together to make the product U&V. Now let's do that derivatives. Do you buy the axis three X squared? Member multiplied by the index and take one off it so that gives us a three X squared. TV by The X. Now this one is going to be a little bit different. We've got a half there. We've gotta minus X in there. Making use of our idea of function of a function, we differentiate this inside, so that's the derivative of minus. X is minus one. And then we must differentiate this so we get a half. Times 4 minus X and we take one away from 1/2. That gives us minus 1/2. Let's quote our formula DY by the X is equal to. And we know that it's UDV by the X plus VU by The X. And we can now plug in the bits that we need, so we you is X cubed. Times by this minus 1/2 of 4 minus X to the minus 1/2. Plus VDU by DX. That's 4 minus X to the half. Times by three X squared. Now again, this doesn't look a nice lump of algebra really. We might have to do something with it later on, and if we did have to do something with it later on, we need it to look a lot better. We need it to look a lot nicer. So I'm going to go into a new sheet and I'm going to rewrite this at the top of the page, and then we're going to have a look at how we might simplify it. So the why by DX? Equal 2X cubed times minus half 4 minus X to the minus 1/2. Plus now we have V which was 4 minus X to the half times EU by DX, which was three X squared and we want to put all this together. It's this term which doesn't look awfully good. Let's remember that. To the power minus 1/2 means that it's in the denominator, so we have minus X cubed over 2 * 4 minus X to the half plus. Haven't done anything with this side yet, so we can leave it as it is what we want to do is put everything over this denominator. 2 * 4 minus X to the half. We treat this as though it's over a denominator of one, so I'll common denominator. Will be 2, four minus X to the half. This stays just the same no problem. We haven't done anything with the denominator, so we don't do anything with the top. Plus this we have multiplied a one here. By this so we must multiply everything here. So two times the three is going to give us six X squared, and then we have 4 minus X to the power half multiplied by 4 minus X to the power half. So that just gives us 4 minus X, 'cause if we have the half and half together, that's one, and to the power one is just traditionally written is just 4 minus X. Equals the denominator can stay the same. We've now got it all over this common denominator. And we can look at what we've got on the top. Again, we're looking for the idea of a common factor. Can we take out a common factor? And yes, we can. There's an X squared there, and there's an X squared inside that X cubed X cubed is X squared times by X, so we can pull out that X squared. Then what are we left with? If I take out the X squared out of this bracket? I've got 6 times by 4 which is 24 and I've got 6 times by minus X which is minus 6. Thanks, but I mustn't forget if I take an X squared out of here. I've also got another minus X left. So altogether that's minus 7X. And again, that's in a nice tidy form, so that if we need too next time, we can actually do something else with it. We could put this equal to 0 and take the top and solve it. We just look at one more example. Let's take Y equals 1 minus X cubed all times by E to the 2X. First of all, let's identify our U and our V, so will put that you is going to be equal to 1 minus X cubed. The V is going to be equal to E to the 2X. And now we differentiate you. So we have DU by the X is equal to the derivative of one is 0 because one is a constant and the derivative of minus X cubed is minus three X squared. We want the derivative of V. V is E to the 2X and remember that in order to differentiate the exponential function, we differentiate the power. And we multiply the derivative of that power by E to the 2X in this case, so that DV by the X is equal to the derivative of the power. The derivative of 2X, which is just two times by E to the 2X. And let's remember our formula that if Y is equal to U times by V then D why by DX is equal to you? TV by the X plus VD you by X. So we've got U. We've got DV by DX. We've got V and we've got du by DX here, so let's make those substitutions DY by ZX is equal to. U to begin with, that's one minus X cubed. Times by and we want the derivative of VDV by DX, so that's here 2 times E to the power 2X. Plus and now we want V. That's E to the 2X. And now we want the ubaidi X, and that's minus three X squared. That's times by minus three X squared. And as we've done before, let's look for any common factors that there might be. And here we've got a common factor of E to the 2X in each term, so let's take that out E to the 2X, which will leave us with. Well, here we've got 2 times by one minus X cubed, so let's do that multiplication. So we've got 2. 2 times by 1 - 2 times by X cubed. And then from this one we've got minus three X squared. So we put that minus three X squared and its usual. When you've got an expression like this, a polynomial in terms of X to write it so that we've got the powers of X in some kind of order. And in this case I'll write them in ascending order from the smallest powers of X up to the largest, so that would be 2 - 3 X squared. Minus two X cubed and being factorized. That derivative is now in a position where we can use it for other things, perhaps to solve the why by DX equals 0.