0:00:00.930,0:00:04.058 Every day we face issues like climate change 0:00:04.058,0:00:05.488 or the safety of vaccines 0:00:05.488,0:00:08.528 where we have to answer questions whose answers 0:00:08.528,0:00:11.989 rely heavily on scientific information. 0:00:11.989,0:00:14.870 Scientists tell us that the world is warming. 0:00:14.870,0:00:17.411 Scientists tell us that vaccines are safe. 0:00:17.411,0:00:19.465 But how do we know if they are right? 0:00:19.465,0:00:21.429 Why should be believe the science? 0:00:21.429,0:00:24.898 The fact is, many of us actually[br]don't believe the science. 0:00:24.898,0:00:27.074 Public opinion polls consistently show 0:00:27.074,0:00:30.084 that significant proportions of the American people 0:00:30.084,0:00:33.625 don't believe the climate is[br]warming due to human activities, 0:00:33.625,0:00:36.564 don't think that there is[br]evolution by natural selection, 0:00:36.564,0:00:40.465 and aren't persuaded by the safety of vaccines. 0:00:40.465,0:00:44.096 So why should we believe the science? 0:00:44.096,0:00:47.707 Well, scientists don't like talking about [br]science as a matter of belief. 0:00:47.707,0:00:50.294 In fact, they would contract science with faith, 0:00:50.294,0:00:53.260 and they would say belief is the domain of faith. 0:00:53.260,0:00:57.038 And faith is a separate thing[br]apart and distinct from science. 0:00:57.038,0:01:00.190 Indeed they would say religion is based on faith 0:01:00.190,0:01:03.884 or maybe the calculous of Pascal's wager. 0:01:03.884,0:01:06.560 Blaise Pascal was a 17th century mathematician 0:01:06.560,0:01:09.190 who tried to bring scientific[br]reasoning to the question of 0:01:09.190,0:01:11.242 whether or not he should believe in God, 0:01:11.242,0:01:13.846 and his wager went like this: 0:01:13.846,0:01:16.395 well, if God doesn't exist 0:01:16.395,0:01:18.420 but I decide to believe in him 0:01:18.420,0:01:20.398 nothing much is really lost. 0:01:20.398,0:01:22.011 Maybe a few hours on Sunday. 0:01:22.011,0:01:23.004 [Laughter] 0:01:23.004,0:01:26.385 But if he does exist and I don't believe in him, 0:01:26.385,0:01:28.402 then I'm in deep trouble. 0:01:28.402,0:01:31.438 And so Pascal said, we'd better believe in God. 0:01:31.438,0:01:33.610 Or as one of my college professors said, 0:01:33.610,0:01:35.836 "He clutched for the handmill of faith." 0:01:35.836,0:01:37.772 He made that leap of faith 0:01:37.772,0:01:42.296 leaving science and rationalism behind. 0:01:42.296,0:01:44.992 Now the fact is though, for most of us, 0:01:44.992,0:01:48.126 most scientific claims are a leap of faith. 0:01:48.126,0:01:52.511 We can't really judge scientific[br]claims for ourselves in most cases. 0:01:52.511,0:01:55.351 And indeed this is actually[br]true for most scientists as well 0:01:55.351,0:01:57.681 outside of their own specialties. 0:01:57.681,0:02:00.201 So if you think about it, a geologist can't tell you 0:02:00.201,0:02:01.951 whether a vaccine is safe. 0:02:01.951,0:02:04.951 Most chemists are not experts in evolutionary theory. 0:02:04.951,0:02:07.210 A physicist cannot tell you, 0:02:07.210,0:02:08.653 despite the claims of some of them, 0:02:08.653,0:02:12.007 whether or not tobacco causes cancer. 0:02:12.007,0:02:14.457 So, if even scientists themselves 0:02:14.457,0:02:15.733 have to make a leap of faith 0:02:15.733,0:02:17.655 outside their own fields, 0:02:17.655,0:02:21.583 then why do they accept the[br]claims of other scientists? 0:02:21.583,0:02:23.881 Why do they believe each other's claims? 0:02:23.881,0:02:27.171 And should we believe those claims? 0:02:27.171,0:02:29.947 So what I'd like to argue is yes, we should, 0:02:29.947,0:02:32.830 but not for the reason that most of us think. 0:02:32.830,0:02:35.160 Most of us were taught in school[br]that the reason we should 0:02:35.160,0:02:38.572 believe in science is because of the scientific method. 0:02:38.572,0:02:41.488 We were taught that scientists follow a method 0:02:41.488,0:02:43.844 and that this method guarantees 0:02:43.844,0:02:45.840 the truth of their claims. 0:02:45.840,0:02:49.260 The method that most of us were taught in school, 0:02:49.260,0:02:50.836 we can call it the text book method, 0:02:50.836,0:02:53.620 is the hypothetical deductive method. 0:02:53.620,0:02:56.714 According to the standard[br]model, the textbook model, 0:02:56.714,0:02:59.671 scientists develop hypotheses, they deduce 0:02:59.671,0:03:02.131 the consequences for those hypotheses, 0:03:02.131,0:03:03.841 and then they go out into the world and they say, 0:03:03.841,0:03:06.215 "Okay, well are those consequences true?" 0:03:06.215,0:03:09.548 Can we observe them taking[br]place in the natural world? 0:03:09.548,0:03:12.148 And if they are true, then the scientists say, 0:03:12.148,0:03:15.004 "Great, we know the hypothesis is correct." 0:03:15.004,0:03:17.183 So there are many famous examples in the history 0:03:17.183,0:03:20.062 of science of scientists doing exactly this. 0:03:20.062,0:03:22.120 One of the most famous examples 0:03:22.120,0:03:24.333 comes from the work of Albert Einstein. 0:03:24.333,0:03:26.855 When Einstein developed the[br]theory of general relativity, 0:03:26.855,0:03:29.171 one of the consequences of his theory 0:03:29.171,0:03:32.010 was that space time wasn't just an empty void 0:03:32.010,0:03:33.919 but that it actually had a fabric. 0:03:33.919,0:03:35.520 And that that fabric was bent 0:03:35.520,0:03:38.900 in the presence of massive objects like the sun. 0:03:38.900,0:03:41.649 So if this theory were true then it meant that light 0:03:41.649,0:03:43.177 as it passed the sun 0:03:43.177,0:03:45.345 should actually be bent around it. 0:03:45.345,0:03:47.745 That was a pretty startling prediction 0:03:47.745,0:03:49.733 and it took a few years before scientists 0:03:49.733,0:03:51.011 were able to test it 0:03:51.011,0:03:53.521 but they did test it in 1919, 0:03:53.521,0:03:55.971 and lo and behold it turned out to be true. 0:03:55.971,0:03:59.129 Starlight actually does bend[br]as it travels around the sun. 0:03:59.129,0:04:01.223 This was a huge confirmation of the theory. 0:04:01.223,0:04:03.088 It was considered proof of the truth 0:04:03.088,0:04:05.420 of this radical new idea, 0:04:05.420,0:04:06.332 and it was written up in many newspapers 0:04:06.332,0:04:09.450 around the globe. 0:04:09.450,0:04:11.850 Now sometimes this theory or this model 0:04:11.850,0:04:14.874 is referred to as the deductive-nomological model. 0:04:14.874,0:04:18.378 Meaning those academics[br]like to make things complicated. 0:04:18.378,0:04:23.589 But also because in the ideal case, it's about laws. 0:04:23.589,0:04:26.061 So nomological means having to do with laws. 0:04:26.061,0:04:29.135 And in the ideal case, the hypothesis isn't just an idea: 0:04:29.135,0:04:31.321 ideally, it is a law of nature. 0:04:31.321,0:04:33.868 Why does it matter that it is a law of nature? 0:04:33.868,0:04:36.386 Because if it is a law, it can't be broken. 0:04:36.386,0:04:38.614 If it's a law then it will always be true 0:04:38.614,0:04:40.178 in all times and all places 0:04:40.178,0:04:42.384 no matter what the circumstances are. 0:04:42.384,0:04:45.223 And all of you know at least[br]one example of a famous law: 0:04:45.223,0:04:48.888 Einstein's famous equation, E=MC2, 0:04:48.888,0:04:50.778 which tells us what the relationship is 0:04:50.778,0:04:53.161 between energy and mass. 0:04:53.161,0:04:57.041 And that relationship is true no matter what. 0:04:57.041,0:05:01.240 Now, it turns out though that there are [br]several problems with this model. 0:05:01.240,0:05:03.985 The main problem is that it's wrong. 0:05:03.985,0:05:07.947 It's just not true. (Laughter) 0:05:07.947,0:05:10.870 And I'm going to talk about[br]three reasons why it's wrong. 0:05:10.870,0:05:13.039 So the first reason is a logical reason. 0:05:13.039,0:05:17.275 It's the problem of the fallacy[br]of affirming the consequent. 0:05:17.275,0:05:19.391 So that's another fancy academic way of saying 0:05:19.391,0:05:22.471 that false theories can make true predictions. 0:05:22.471,0:05:24.115 So just because the prediction comes true 0:05:24.115,0:05:27.477 doesn't actually logically[br]prove that the theory is correct. 0:05:27.477,0:05:31.198 And I have a good example of that too, [br]again from the history of science. 0:05:31.198,0:05:33.993 This is a picture of the Ptolemaic universe 0:05:33.993,0:05:36.265 with the Earth at the center of the universe 0:05:36.265,0:05:38.320 and the sun and the planets going around it. 0:05:38.320,0:05:41.240 The Ptolemaic model was believed 0:05:41.240,0:05:43.903 by many very smart people for many centuries. 0:05:43.903,0:05:45.589 Well, why? 0:05:45.589,0:05:48.946 Well the answer is because it made [br]lots of predictions that came true. 0:05:48.946,0:05:51.002 The Ptolemaic system enabled astronomers 0:05:51.002,0:05:53.812 to make accurate predictions[br]of the motions of the planet, 0:05:53.812,0:05:56.361 in fact more accurate predictions at first 0:05:56.361,0:06:00.925 than the Copernican theory[br]which we now would say is true. 0:06:00.925,0:06:03.347 So that's one problem with the textbook model. 0:06:03.347,0:06:05.763 A second problem is a practical problem, 0:06:05.763,0:06:08.948 and it's the problem of auxiliary hypotheses. 0:06:08.948,0:06:11.967 Auxiliary hypotheses are assumptions 0:06:11.967,0:06:13.836 that scientists are making 0:06:13.836,0:06:17.189 that they may or may not even[br]be aware that they're making. 0:06:17.189,0:06:19.490 So an important example of this 0:06:19.490,0:06:21.945 comes from the Copernican model, 0:06:21.945,0:06:24.717 which ultimately replaced the Ptolemaic system. 0:06:24.717,0:06:26.687 So when Nicolaus Copernicus said, 0:06:26.687,0:06:29.247 actually the Earth is not the center of the universe, 0:06:29.247,0:06:31.565 the sun is the center of the solar system, 0:06:31.565,0:06:33.127 the Earth moves around the sun. 0:06:33.127,0:06:36.395 Scientists said, well okay, Nicolaus, if that's true 0:06:36.395,0:06:38.279 we ought to be able to detect the motion 0:06:38.279,0:06:40.167 of the Earth around the sun. 0:06:40.167,0:06:42.403 And so this slide here illustrates a concept 0:06:42.403,0:06:44.211 known as stellar parallax. 0:06:44.211,0:06:47.953 And astronomers said, if the Earth is moving 0:06:47.953,0:06:51.243 and we look at a prominent star, let's say, Sirius 0:06:51.243,0:06:53.357 —well I know I'm in Manhattan[br]so you guys can't see the stars, 0:06:53.357,0:06:56.748 but imagine you're out in the country, [br]imagine you chose that rural life— 0:06:56.748,0:06:59.885 and we look at a star in December, we see that star 0:06:59.885,0:07:03.240 against the backdrop of distant stars. 0:07:03.240,0:07:05.954 If we now make the same observation six months later 0:07:05.954,0:07:09.456 when the Earth has moved to this position in June, 0:07:09.456,0:07:13.815 we look at that same star and we see it against a different backdrop. 0:07:13.815,0:07:18.287 That difference, that angular[br]difference, is the stellar parallax. 0:07:18.287,0:07:20.790 So this is the prediction that[br]the Copernican model makes. 0:07:20.790,0:07:23.071 Astronomers looked for the stellar parallax 0:07:23.071,0:07:28.693 and they found nothing, nothing at all. 0:07:28.693,0:07:32.319 And many people argued that this proved [br]that the Copernican model was false. 0:07:32.319,0:07:34.047 So what happened? 0:07:34.047,0:07:36.730 Well in hindsight we can say that astronomers were making 0:07:36.730,0:07:38.777 two auxiliary hypotheses, both of which 0:07:38.777,0:07:42.120 we would now say were incorrect. 0:07:42.120,0:07:45.085 The first was an assumption about the size of the Earth's orbit. 0:07:45.085,0:07:48.251 Astronomers were assuming that the Earth's orbit was large 0:07:48.251,0:07:50.629 relative to the distance of the stars. 0:07:50.629,0:07:53.113 Today we would draw the picture more like this, 0:07:53.113,0:07:54.760 this comes from NASA, 0:07:54.760,0:07:57.183 and you see the Earth's orbit is actually quite small. 0:07:57.183,0:08:00.174 In fact, it's actually much[br]smaller even than shown here. 0:08:00.174,0:08:01.483 The stellar parallax therefore, 0:08:01.483,0:08:04.937 is very small and actually very hard to detect. 0:08:04.937,0:08:07.011 And that leads to the second reason 0:08:07.011,0:08:09.560 why the prediction didn't work, 0:08:09.560,0:08:11.045 because scientists were also assuming 0:08:11.045,0:08:13.945 that the telescopes they had were sensitive enough 0:08:13.945,0:08:15.955 to detect the parallax. 0:08:15.955,0:08:17.972 And that turned out not to be true. 0:08:17.972,0:08:20.036 It wasn't until the 19th century 0:08:20.036,0:08:21.860 that scientists were able to detect 0:08:21.860,0:08:23.726 the stellar parallax. 0:08:23.726,0:08:26.372 So, there's a third problem as well. 0:08:26.372,0:08:29.150 The third problem is simply a factual problem, 0:08:29.150,0:08:31.586 that a lot of science doesn't fit the textbook model. 0:08:31.586,0:08:33.959 A lot of science isn't deductive at all, 0:08:33.959,0:08:35.537 it's actually inductive. 0:08:35.537,0:08:38.123 And by that we mean that scientists don't necessarily 0:08:38.123,0:08:40.754 start with theories and hypotheses, often they just 0:08:40.754,0:08:44.633 start with observations of stuff going on in the world. 0:08:44.633,0:08:47.172 And the most famous example[br]of that is one of the most 0:08:47.172,0:08:50.247 famous scientists who ever lived, Charles Darwin. 0:08:50.247,0:08:53.349 When Darwin went out as a young [br]man on the voyage of the Beagle, 0:08:53.349,0:08:57.101 he didn't have a hypothesis, he didn't have a theory. 0:08:57.101,0:09:00.217 He just knew that he wanted[br]to have a career as a scientist 0:09:00.217,0:09:02.179 and he started to collect data. 0:09:02.179,0:09:04.279 Mainly he knew that he hated medicine 0:09:04.279,0:09:06.557 because the sight of blood made him sick so 0:09:06.557,0:09:09.015 he had to have an alternative career path. 0:09:09.015,0:09:11.029 So he started collecting data. 0:09:11.029,0:09:14.235 And he collected many things including his famous finches. 0:09:14.235,0:09:16.615 When he collected these finches,[br]he threw them in a bag 0:09:16.615,0:09:19.185 and he had no idea what they meant. 0:09:19.185,0:09:21.102 Many years later back in London, 0:09:21.102,0:09:23.305 Darwin looked at his data again and began 0:09:23.305,0:09:25.743 to develop an explanation, 0:09:25.743,0:09:29.091 and that explanation was the[br]theory of natural selection. 0:09:29.091,0:09:31.010 Besides inductive science, 0:09:31.010,0:09:34.146 scientists also often participate in modeling. 0:09:34.146,0:09:36.392 One of the things scientists want to do in life 0:09:36.392,0:09:39.050 is to explain the causes of things. 0:09:39.050,0:09:40.568 And how do we do that? 0:09:40.568,0:09:43.340 Well, one way you can do it is to build a model 0:09:43.340,0:09:44.872 that tests an idea. 0:09:44.872,0:09:46.373 So this is a picture of Henry Cadell, 0:09:46.373,0:09:48.889 who was a Scottish geologist in the 19th century. 0:09:48.889,0:09:50.632 You can tell he's Scottish because he's wearing 0:09:50.632,0:09:53.180 a deerstalker cap and Wellington boots. 0:09:53.180,0:09:54.984 [Laughter] 0:09:54.984,0:09:57.230 And Cadell wanted to answer the question, 0:09:57.230,0:09:58.408 how are mountains formed? 0:09:58.408,0:09:59.944 And one of the things he had observed 0:09:59.944,0:10:02.298 is that if you look at mountains[br]like the Appalachians, 0:10:02.298,0:10:04.321 you often find that the rocks in them 0:10:04.321,0:10:06.280 are folded, 0:10:06.280,0:10:07.246 and they're folded in a particular way, 0:10:07.246,0:10:08.950 which suggested to him 0:10:08.950,0:10:11.499 that they were actually being[br]compressed from the side. 0:10:11.499,0:10:13.737 And this idea would later play a major role 0:10:13.737,0:10:16.090 in discussions of continental drift. 0:10:16.090,0:10:18.576 So he built this model, this crazy contraption 0:10:18.576,0:10:20.818 with levers and wood and here's his wheelbarrow, 0:10:20.818,0:10:23.090 buckets, a big sledgehammer. 0:10:23.090,0:10:25.028 I don't know why he's got the Wellington boots. 0:10:25.028,0:10:26.765 Maybe it's going to rain. 0:10:26.765,0:10:29.810 And he created this physical model in order 0:10:29.810,0:10:34.095 to demonstrate that you could in fact create 0:10:34.095,0:10:36.489 patterns in rocks, or at least in this case in mud, 0:10:36.489,0:10:38.935 that looked a lot like mountains 0:10:38.935,0:10:40.777 if you compressed them from the side. 0:10:40.777,0:10:43.905 So it was an argument about[br]the cause of mountains. 0:10:43.905,0:10:46.703 Nowadays, most scientists prefer to work inside, 0:10:46.703,0:10:50.020 so they don't build physical models so much 0:10:50.020,0:10:51.671 as to make computer simulations. 0:10:51.671,0:10:55.270 But a computer simulation is a kind of a model. 0:10:55.270,0:10:56.943 It's a model that's made with mathematics, 0:10:56.943,0:10:59.116 and like the physical models of the 19th century, 0:10:59.116,0:11:03.524 it's very important for thinking about causes. 0:11:03.524,0:11:05.989 So one of the big questions[br]to do with climate change, 0:11:05.989,0:11:08.372 we have tremendous amounts of evidence 0:11:08.372,0:11:09.902 that the earth is warming up. 0:11:09.902,0:11:12.126 This slide here, the black line shows 0:11:12.126,0:11:14.276 the measurements that scientists have taken 0:11:14.276,0:11:16.529 for the last 150 years 0:11:16.529,0:11:17.949 showing that the earth's temperature 0:11:17.949,0:11:19.513 has steadily increased, 0:11:19.513,0:11:21.989 and you can see in particular[br]that in the last 50 years 0:11:21.989,0:11:24.203 there's been this dramatic increase 0:11:24.203,0:11:26.513 of nearly one degree Centigrade, 0:11:26.513,0:11:28.748 or almost two degrees Fahrenheit. 0:11:28.748,0:11:31.605 So what, though, is driving that change? 0:11:31.605,0:11:33.940 How can we know what's causing 0:11:33.940,0:11:35.436 the observed warming? 0:11:35.436,0:11:36.880 Well, scientists can model it 0:11:36.880,0:11:39.048 using a computer simulation. 0:11:39.048,0:11:41.830 So this diagram illustrates a computer simulation 0:11:41.830,0:11:44.151 that has looked at all the different factors 0:11:44.151,0:11:46.436 that we know can influence the earth's climate, 0:11:46.436,0:11:49.338 so sulfate particles from air pollution, 0:11:49.338,0:11:52.778 volcanic dust from volcanic eruptions, 0:11:52.778,0:11:54.332 changes in solar radiation, 0:11:54.332,0:11:56.980 and, of course, greenhouse gases. 0:11:56.980,0:11:58.748 And they asked the question, 0:11:58.748,0:12:01.904 what set of variables put into a model 0:12:01.904,0:12:06.250 will reproduce what we actually see in real life? 0:12:06.250,0:12:07.900 So here is the real life in black. 0:12:07.900,0:12:09.900 Here's the model in this light grey, 0:12:09.900,0:12:11.740 and the answer is 0:12:11.740,0:12:15.867 a model that includes, it's the answer E on that SAT, 0:12:15.867,0:12:18.268 all of the above. 0:12:18.268,0:12:19.884 The only way you can reproduce 0:12:19.884,0:12:21.422 the observed temperature measurements 0:12:21.422,0:12:23.580 is with all of these things put together, 0:12:23.580,0:12:25.539 including greenhouse gases, 0:12:25.539,0:12:28.270 and in particular you can see that the increase 0:12:28.270,0:12:29.774 in greenhouse gases tracks 0:12:29.774,0:12:32.380 this very dramatic increase in temperature 0:12:32.380,0:12:33.700 over the last 50 years. 0:12:33.700,0:12:36.124 And so this is why climate scientists say 0:12:36.124,0:12:38.942 it's not just that we know that[br]climate change is happening, 0:12:38.942,0:12:41.870 we know that greenhouse gases are a major part 0:12:41.870,0:12:45.350 of the reason why. 0:12:45.350,0:12:46.668 So now because there all these different things 0:12:46.668,0:12:48.487 that scientists do, 0:12:48.487,0:12:50.933 the philosopher Paul Feyerabend famously said, 0:12:50.933,0:12:53.389 "The only principle in science 0:12:53.389,0:12:57.658 that doesn't inhibit progress is: anything goes." 0:12:57.658,0:13:00.464 Now this quotation has often[br]been taken out of context, 0:13:00.464,0:13:02.582 because Feyerabend was not actually saying 0:13:02.582,0:13:03.962 that in science anything goes. 0:13:03.962,0:13:05.876 What he was saying was, 0:13:05.876,0:13:07.900 actually the full quotation is, 0:13:07.900,0:13:09.990 "If you press me to say 0:13:09.990,0:13:11.636 what is the method of science, 0:13:11.636,0:13:15.265 I would have to say: anything goes." 0:13:15.265,0:13:16.523 What he was trying to say 0:13:16.523,0:13:19.110 is that scientists do a lot of different things. 0:13:19.110,0:13:21.218 Scientists are creative. 0:13:21.218,0:13:23.328 But then this pushes the question back: 0:13:23.328,0:13:26.389 if scientists don't use a single method, 0:13:26.389,0:13:28.418 then how do they decide 0:13:28.418,0:13:30.156 what's right and what's wrong? 0:13:30.156,0:13:32.730 And who judges? 0:13:32.730,0:13:34.530 And the answer is, scientists judge, 0:13:34.530,0:13:37.013 and they judge by judging evidence. 0:13:37.013,0:13:39.942 Scientists collect evidence in many different ways, 0:13:39.942,0:13:42.044 but however they collect it, 0:13:42.044,0:13:44.621 they have to subject it to scrutiny. 0:13:44.621,0:13:46.891 And this led to sociologist Robert Merton 0:13:46.891,0:13:49.361 to focus on this question of how scientists 0:13:49.361,0:13:51.280 scrutinize data and evidence, 0:13:51.280,0:13:53.418 and he said they do it in a way he called 0:13:53.418,0:13:55.767 "organized skepticism." 0:13:55.767,0:13:57.651 And by that he meant it's organized 0:13:57.651,0:13:59.129 because they do it collectively, 0:13:59.129,0:14:00.908 they do it as a group, 0:14:00.908,0:14:03.574 and skepticism, because they do it from a position 0:14:03.574,0:14:05.028 of distrust. 0:14:05.028,0:14:07.180 That is to say, the burden of proof 0:14:07.180,0:14:09.471 is on the person with a novel claim. 0:14:09.471,0:14:12.614 And in this sense, science[br]is intrinsically conservative. 0:14:12.614,0:14:15.186 It's quite hard to persuade the scientific community 0:14:15.186,0:14:18.897 to say, "Yes, we know something, this is true." 0:14:18.897,0:14:21.173 So despite the popularity of the concept 0:14:21.173,0:14:22.990 of paradigm shifts, 0:14:22.990,0:14:24.274 what we find is that actually, 0:14:24.274,0:14:26.479 really major changes in scientific thinking 0:14:26.479,0:14:30.779 are relatively rare in the history of science. 0:14:30.779,0:14:34.342 So finally that brings us to one more idea: 0:14:34.342,0:14:38.050 if scientists judge evidence collectively, 0:14:38.050,0:14:40.382 this has led historians to focus on the question 0:14:40.382,0:14:42.031 of consensus, 0:14:42.031,0:14:43.926 and to say that at the end of the day, 0:14:43.926,0:14:46.400 what science is, 0:14:46.400,0:14:47.530 what scientific knowledge is, 0:14:47.530,0:14:50.679 is the consensus of the scientific experts 0:14:50.679,0:14:53.063 who through this process of organized scrutiny, 0:14:53.063,0:14:54.888 collective scrutiny, 0:14:54.888,0:14:56.610 have judged the evidence 0:14:56.610,0:14:59.207 and come to a conclusion about it, 0:14:59.207,0:15:01.884 either yea or nay. 0:15:01.884,0:15:03.608 So we can think of scientific knowledge 0:15:03.608,0:15:05.480 as a consensus of experts. 0:15:05.480,0:15:07.012 We can also think of science as being 0:15:07.012,0:15:09.010 a kind of a jury, 0:15:09.010,0:15:11.184 except it's a very special kind of jury. 0:15:11.184,0:15:13.368 It's not a jury of your peers, 0:15:13.368,0:15:15.804 it's a jury of geeks. 0:15:15.804,0:15:18.928 It's a jury of men and women with Ph.Ds, 0:15:18.928,0:15:20.830 and unlike a conventional jury, 0:15:20.830,0:15:23.290 which has only two choices, 0:15:23.290,0:15:25.445 guilty or not guilty, 0:15:25.445,0:15:28.926 the scientific jury actually has a number of choices. 0:15:28.926,0:15:32.680 Scientists can say yes, something's true. 0:15:32.680,0:15:35.500 Scientists can say no, it's false. 0:15:35.500,0:15:36.920 Or, they can say, well it might be true 0:15:36.920,0:15:39.984 but we need to work more[br]and collect more evidence. 0:15:39.984,0:15:41.940 Or, they can say it might be true, 0:15:41.940,0:15:43.250 but we don't know how to answer the question 0:15:43.250,0:15:44.950 and we're going to put it aside 0:15:44.950,0:15:47.483 and maybe we'll come back to it later. 0:15:47.483,0:15:51.425 That's what scientists call "intractable." 0:15:51.425,0:15:54.481 But this leads us to one final problem: 0:15:54.481,0:15:56.819 if science is what scientists say it is, 0:15:56.819,0:15:59.960 then isn't that just an appeal to authority? 0:15:59.960,0:16:01.022 And weren't we all taught in school 0:16:01.022,0:16:03.799 that the appeal to authority is a logical fallacy? 0:16:03.799,0:16:06.861 Well, here's the paradox of modern science, 0:16:06.861,0:16:09.193 the paradox of the conclusions I think historians 0:16:09.193,0:16:11.724 and philosophers and sociologists have come to, 0:16:11.724,0:16:15.235 that actually science is the appeal to authority, 0:16:15.235,0:16:19.051 but it's not the authority of the individual, 0:16:19.051,0:16:21.180 no matter how smart that individual is, 0:16:21.180,0:16:25.165 like Plato or Socrates or Einstein. 0:16:25.165,0:16:28.039 It's the authority of the collective community. 0:16:28.039,0:16:31.225 You can think of it is a kind of wisdom of the crowd, 0:16:31.225,0:16:35.081 but a very special kind of crowd. 0:16:35.081,0:16:36.951 Science does appeal to authority, 0:16:36.951,0:16:39.681 but it's not based on any individual, 0:16:39.681,0:16:42.127 no matter how smart that individual may be. 0:16:42.127,0:16:44.018 It's based on the collective wisdom, 0:16:44.018,0:16:46.840 the collective knowledge, the collective work, 0:16:46.840,0:16:48.078 of all of the scientists who have worked 0:16:48.078,0:16:50.855 on a particular problem. 0:16:50.855,0:16:54.021 Scientists have a kind of culture of collective distrust, 0:16:54.021,0:16:55.991 this "show me" culture, 0:16:55.991,0:16:57.931 illustrated by this nice woman here 0:16:57.931,0:17:00.923 showing her colleagues her evidence. 0:17:00.923,0:17:02.980 Of course, these people don't[br]really look like scientists, 0:17:02.980,0:17:05.326 because they're much too happy. 0:17:05.326,0:17:09.058 (Laughter) 0:17:09.058,0:17:13.050 Okay, so that brings me to my final point. 0:17:13.050,0:17:15.768 Most of us get up in the morning. 0:17:15.768,0:17:17.718 Most of us trust our cars. 0:17:17.718,0:17:19.060 Well, see, now I'm thinking, I'm in Manhattan, 0:17:19.060,0:17:20.558 this is a bad analogy, 0:17:20.558,0:17:23.102 but most Americans who don't live in Manhattan 0:17:23.102,0:17:25.400 get up in the morning and get in their cars 0:17:25.400,0:17:27.189 and turn on that ignition, and their cars work, 0:17:27.189,0:17:29.170 and they work incredibly well. 0:17:29.170,0:17:32.065 The modern automobile hardly ever breaks down. 0:17:32.065,0:17:35.148 So why is that? Why do cars work so well? 0:17:35.148,0:17:36.712 It's not because of the genius of Henry Ford 0:17:36.712,0:17:40.743 or Carl Benz or even Elon Musk. 0:17:40.743,0:17:42.465 It's because the modern automobile 0:17:42.465,0:17:47.369 is the product of more than 100 years of work 0:17:47.369,0:17:49.079 by hundreds and thousands 0:17:49.079,0:17:50.765 and tens of thousands of people. 0:17:50.765,0:17:52.626 The modern automobile is the product 0:17:52.626,0:17:55.225 of the collected work and wisdom and experience 0:17:55.225,0:17:57.812 of every man and woman who has ever worked 0:17:57.812,0:17:59.700 on a car, 0:17:59.700,0:18:02.225 and the reliability of the technology is the result 0:18:02.225,0:18:05.018 of that accumulated effort. 0:18:05.018,0:18:07.585 We benefit not just from the genius of Benz 0:18:07.585,0:18:09.221 and Ford and Musk 0:18:09.221,0:18:11.729 but from the collective intelligence and hard work 0:18:11.729,0:18:14.240 of all of the people who have worked 0:18:14.240,0:18:15.910 on the modern car. 0:18:15.910,0:18:17.660 And the same is true of science, 0:18:17.660,0:18:20.164 only science is even older. 0:18:20.164,0:18:23.068 Our basis for trust in science is actually the same 0:18:23.068,0:18:25.372 as our basis in trust in technology, 0:18:25.372,0:18:29.459 and the same as our basis for trust in anything, 0:18:29.459,0:18:32.047 namely, experience. 0:18:32.047,0:18:33.961 But it shouldn't be blind trust 0:18:33.961,0:18:36.921 any more than we would have blind trust in anything. 0:18:36.921,0:18:39.062 Our trust in science, like science itself, 0:18:39.062,0:18:41.185 should be based on evidence, 0:18:41.185,0:18:42.667 and that means that scientists 0:18:42.667,0:18:44.545 have to become better communicators. 0:18:44.545,0:18:47.572 They have to explain to us not just what they know 0:18:47.572,0:18:49.840 but how they know it, 0:18:49.840,0:18:53.180 and it means that we have[br]to become better listeners. 0:18:53.180,0:18:55.149 Thank you very much. 0:18:55.149,0:18:57.452 (Applause)