Hello all. I'm Evildea. Your god Today I'm so extremely happy In fact, there are two main reasons for my happiness I'll let you know why shortly but after that I want to put forward a new proposal So, don't think that this film is just about me being happy So, the reasons ... The first reason is that our cousins in the Spanish speaking countries around the world finally can learn Esperanto with Duolingo How many months have we waited for this course It's crazy! In fact, I totally forgot about it, because I've recently been working on Amikumu a heap, and I just ... just, just I just forgot about it I almost started speaking English then so if you heard an English word Just forget about it! So, yes, I'm very happy about that except for one thing! They decided to publicize the course while I was sleeping So, when I work up this morning went to the toilet did the necessities eh, I read on my phone, - not by the necessities - that there was news everywhere about a new thing Ah yes! Duolingo just decided to publicize their course while I was sleeping! and even better every other Esperanto YouTuber had already made a film about it! So So, I can't even really make a fresh film on the topic So I just sat there pooping and though f**k it Ah, it's a really annoying thing that I live in Australia I need ... everyone else can have the news before me! Oh, f**k that Ah, and now, noooooowwww: the second and the most important thing to me In fact, there Duolingo course is very important but for me there's an even more important thing and that's the fact that UEA, the Universal Esperanto-Association The association for people and aliens alike finally decided that they want to become the Official Sponsor of Amikumu How awesome is that! ffffahhhhh I wanted to swear then, because ehhh, it is as if someone decided to build a bridge between the traditional movement and the new movement, because when UEA and we work together that means, that both movements will become a lot stronger! So, I'm so happy about this I can't even express myself Eh, it is ... it's just proof proof that Amikumu has a bright future a head of it When the most important, most prestigious, strongest most powerful, and again most important (Esperanto) association in the world decides Yes, they will support your company. That means that you've done something good, right? So, I'm very happy about that and I want to now request that you all just go to UEA's website, their Facebook, their Twitter and send them messages and say: "Many thanks for your support of Amikumu!" because this moment is infact, a very important moment in the history of the new ehm, modern Esperanto-movement I guess, because two important, in my opinion, two important groups will now work together I believe that will make the entire Esperanto community stronger So, I'm very happy about that and I ask that you at least give thanks to the Association to simple show them that we truly are grateful for it. Ah, and now I want to put forward my proposal We'll it's not really a proposal. It's an idea So. Here's my Email richard@amikumu.com I want you all to make a film about Amikumu It doesn't have to be a long film but make a film and make it in your native language and just say a few things What is Amikumu Why it's important. How you can help us and other things You can choose the topics of you film and if you have a YouTube channel upload it to YouTube but if you don't have a channel send it to my Email address here, here! richard@amikumu.com and I will upload it to our social media and I hope that then you can, of course, share it with your friends and then, perhaps, it will become viral among your friends and perhaps outside of them because I believe that it's imporant that we present Amikumu for all languages So, if we make films in our native languages that is good proof of that, right? It proves, that Amikumu isn't just a small Esperanto thing So that is all I believe I'm now tired and I need to sleep So, if you've liked this film: like it, share it, and sub to my channel if you haven't already! and I'll see you all in the next film and if you're not there Elmo will find you. Yes, I will find you and my dear, I will do things you won't like - crazy laugh - and as always I thank my donators on Patreon but you can become a Patreon supporter if you want. There's a link in the description below My current donators are Alex, Chuck Smith ...