Hello everyone, I'm Luo it's sunny today I am in the mountains to see if my Ganoderma lucidum has grown up it is shining now go this way and look for them a lot of trees fell because of the heavy rain Hey so many mosquitoes hey-hey I found a small Ganoderma lucidum here it's so small go up because it has rained a lot this year Ganoderma lucidum hasn't grown up yet there is no Ganoderma over there oops I found one here it's tender Hey it's so tender I won't pick it I will look for ripe Ganoderma Ah this way look for it I found one next to the root of this tree it's tender it won't grow up so pick it so small walk along the root of this tree I found another one here this one it hasn't grown up I won't pick this Ganoderma look for Ganoderma along this root go this way and look for Ganoderma wow I found three Ganoderma here Wow they are connected. So pretty but they are tender I won't pick it forget it, look for more Ganoderma I want ripe Ganoderma I found two Ganoderma here but they are also tender forget it wow so many Ganoderma here this is one Ganoderma it's so small and thin there is one here wow it's so beautiful Here is another small Ganoderma wow there is another Ganoderma here I'm going to find Ganoderma elsewhere I need to find another place Ganoderma here is so tender There are some Ganoderma lucidum in this butt look Wow so tender I want to go there to take a look wow so much grass so dense there is a butt there is a tender Ganoderma Ah so tender it's grown up I found a red Ganoderma here It hasn't grown up yet Here's another one so small there are two Ganoderma there are many Ganoderma. Here one Ganoderma is white two Ganoderma there must be Ganoderma here I have found five or six Ganoderma I saw it but it's small I looked for Ganoderma in the mountains today some are big Some are so small they haven't grown up yet they may be ripe after ten days then I will pick them in the mountains maybe some will ripe after half a month I picked one today so small. But I won't go home empty-handed I will go home and show it to Zeng otherwise she will think I go home empty-handed I'm going down the hill now Alright, so much for today thanks for following go down the hill slowly