No! I'm not dating Mavericks! And that just scared me. Hey guys! What's up? It's Rebecca. And this week, I've got a bit of a different video for you guys. If you've been watching this channel for the past few weeks you've known that I've been loving to do really sarcastic, comedic kinds of videos to the point where I know some of you guys have been like, "Come on, Rebecca! Are you ever going to take anything seriously?" Well! Here I am, with a more serious kind of video this week So, now, I think this video is pretty long overdue if I may say so myself I've been wanting to do something like this since... Okay I've been wanting to do something like this honestly ever since the whole 'Friday' thing happened. But I didn't really know how to put it or how to go about it. So I think the best way to go about it would be to sit in front of the camera and just, kind of, go with it. I don't really have anything written down at all but I'll be raw, I guess. So, we'll see how this goes. I don't know. Now, if you don't know who I am, My name is Rebecca. Rebecca Renee Black. And a video of mine that was uploaded in February of 2011 went decently viral in March of that year. And my life, kind of, twisted upside down and sideways and then, did another flip and back around again. So, it's been quite the whirlwind ever since. That's not what this video is about though, honestly. But, anyways, my point. As a lot of you probably know That video had a bit of a backlash if I may say so myself. And ever since then, especially, in more recent times I've gotten a lot of questions from people my age or even younger or older asking for advice on how I dealt with all of it being that I was only thirteen at the time. If you want a much more detailed story of what happened back then and, not only that, but what happened in my whole life before that in my whopping sixteen years of existence, you can click right around here. And you'll see the draw of my life that I put out in June of this year where I hit pretty deep into my life. So, yeah. As I was saying, A lot of people have asked how I stay positive How I stay myself How I've learnt to not let, what people say, bother me or make me stop from doing what I love. So I'm here to give you a little bit of advice and just kind of talk to you one on one because I haven't done that yet. Where I've just sat in front of a camera and talked and shared personal experiences and help you guys too. So I'm really going to start with the basics here on how to stay positive. Because I think that's the main way to accomplish not only to accomplish, a lot of other things that I'm going to be addressing. To be honest, the way I look at it is, I don't want to look back in a year or five years or ten, fifteen how ever many and see myself being miserable in a time where I'm supposed to be finding myself and figuring out who I am and why I'm here and what I'm going to do in the future. So I learned to not let things or people that are going to try to bring me down when they don't even know me affect me. Whatever Whatever you could think of, I've heard. And I just don't care. There's a decently thick line in between constructive criticism and hating on someone. I love constructive criticism and even on videos that I make weekly or anything I do, what I wear, how I act. I take it. Happily. But, if you're just going to tell me that I'm fat and annoying just because I have a different opinion than you do then that's where I learn to just ignore it. That's just, kind of, how I've learnt to go through life, especially since then. There's a reason why there's an 'exit app' button and this is my channel and there are just times when I'm going to do with it what I please. And I love being able to entertain you guys and everyone, honestly, I love being able to not only make myself happy with the content I've put out but also make you guys happy. So, I try to have a balance. It doesn't always work but you don't have to watch just like you don't have to watch any of my other videos. That's just how it is. Now as far as being yourself, that's a major part of it I think you just kind of have to learn to love yourself and to love everyone around you. You learn to love yourself and you learn to love other people when you realize their flaws and you learn to accept them for who they are because no one is perfect. Because trying to force or trying to make anyone perfect especially yourself, is only going to make you miserable in life. To be honest, people love those little flaws that you have because it makes you, you. So maybe you have a little thicker eyebrows than normal. That's your thing. Or you've got a widow's peak like me, you know. I hated it. There was one point I tried pulling all of my hair out of this. And when I did that, which was in middle school, by the way, in case you're wondering, People came up to me and asked, "Oh, what happened to your widow's peak? I loved that!" when I hated it. And I thought everyone else hated it too. Then I would just think that just because something is the way society perceives is beautiful means that that's what beautiful is. I know that's really, really corny, really cheesy, but, it's true! It's so true! And that's my way of just being happy. And of course, I've gone through so many times where I can't even listen to my own advice and I feel horrible about myself. And everyone has those days where they don't feel their best and that's okay. It's okay to not be perfect. And, yeah. I hope I didn't get too corny in this video. I honestly have been wanting to do something like this and I just thought it was the right time. And I just want to thank everyone so much who's helped shape me into who I am today, which is, a lot of you guys, and I couldn't have dealt with a lot of things that I did without the support of everyone, on here, Youtube, or on Tumblr or on Twitter or Facebook or friends that I've known for forever. And all I can do is thank you guys. Yeah. I guess that's it. I love you guys. There'll be a new cover out next week, hopefully. Maybe the week after, I don't know. And, this is where that loud outro music starts to get really loud and your booty starts to pop! You know. Alright, I'm going to go. I love you guys. Bye!