00:00:00.444 --> 00:00:04.972
Sandi: 16 teams have been working day and night on the concept art for their spaceship,
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but will their creations be enough to impress the judges?
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The competition is about to get very real on The Next Great Starship.
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Hi. I'm Sandi Gardiner, and we're here in Austin, Texas,
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which is home to one of Cloud Imperium's main development studios.
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Austin, Texas is also home to some of our judges. Let's meet them again.
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Mark Skelton.
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Mark: I am Mark Skelton.
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I am the art director here in the Austin CIG office, and I'm an amazing dresser, obviously.
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Chris S: Style guru extraordinaire.
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Mark: Still style guru.
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Sandi: You lost the tag. Mark: I think I'm going to fly away here...
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Chris R: Yeah, where is the tag?
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Sandi: Yeah, where is that tag? Mark: Maybe I should wear them up like this...
00:01:36.294 --> 00:01:37.463
The tag is gone.
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Chris R: I think the tag was actually taking way too much screen presence away from you...
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Mark: I think it was too. I think it was attacking my neck, is what was happening.
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It was going to attach itself.
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Chris R: So, I'm Chris Roberts, the project director and head of Cloud Imperium Games.
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I don't live in Austin anymore, but I used to,
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and it's actually where I created Wing Commander a long time ago, at a company called Origin,
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and then later on started another company called Digital Anvil, where we did Freelancer.
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It's a great town, has a huge amount of talent,
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which is one of the reasons why we have one of our major development studios here,
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and a bunch of really talented folks, of which some of them I worked with before.
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Chris Olivia worked with me on Wing Commander and at Digital Anvil. So Austin's great. On to you, Chris.
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Chris S: I'm Chris Smith. I'm the lead ship modeller, and I'm based here in Austin, as well.
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Been living here for five years and I love it here.
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Chris O: I'm Chris Olivia, and I'm Chief Visual Officer of Cloud Imperium Games. I live in Austin,
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and like Chris said I worked with Chris at Origin way back in the day and also Digital Anvil here in Austin.
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Sandi: And for the very keen eye, this is not Sean Tracy.
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You would've seen David Hobbins on the last episode, showing off the Mustang,
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and he is here with us to help judge the concept phase of this competition.
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He has worked on a lot of world class films, haven't you David?
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David: Yeah, before Cloud Imperium I worked at Lucasfilm,
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and most recently the movie Flight and the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy,
00:03:14.497 --> 00:03:18.531
but super happy to be here, in the Santa Monica studio.
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And, I get to design spaceships everyday, so...
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Chris R: Yea, it's cool. We're happy to have you.
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We all love the work that you did on the Mustang,
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and there's some other stuff that you've done that everyone hasn't seen yet,
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but that's also pretty awesome stuff.
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Chris S: Amazing stuff.
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Sandi: And now the competition is just getting started,
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because we have 16 teams vying to get their starship in the upcoming space epic Star Citizen.
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And, what else do we have for them?
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Mark: Some crazy swag.
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Cintiqs... Oh my god, just a ton of stuff.
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Chris R: The Maingear rigs, which I don't know if we've shown yet,
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but each one's themed for each one of the ship manufacturers.
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So we have a Drake one and an RSI one, an Aegis one and an Anvil one... a MISC one.
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Mark: If nobody wins, I'm stealing them all.
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I'm taking them for myself. Nobody wins!
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Sandi: What about time with you, Mark? C'mon.
00:04:09.798 --> 00:04:12.267
Mark: Yeah, and they get to touch my shirt, maybe.
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Chris O: They should get the shirt.
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Mark: If they want to give up their Cintiq, maybe I'll even give them the shirt.
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Chris S: Even trade.
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Chris R: And there's the Autodesk Creation Suite.
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That's a pretty significant package.
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I think they're like $8000 or $9000 retail, and everyone in the team gets one of those each.
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Chris O: It's all the stuff that we use at work, so...
00:04:31.018 --> 00:04:33.224
Mark: Plus the cash prizes, right? I mean, geez.
00:04:33.255 --> 00:04:35.276
Sandi: Cash prizes, yeah. There's three cash prizes.
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Mark: It's incredible. Chris R: We've had some very generous sponsors that are helping us do the show.
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There's some great stuff for people to get. It's awesome.
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Sandi: So, we're in the concept phase, which is phase 1 of this competition.
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And Chris, do you want to talk about that?
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Chris R: Yeah, sure.
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The concept stage for me is one of the most important stages of pretty much any art development,
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especially something as involved as a spaceship that we would have in Star Citizen,
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because it's really where you start to figure out the look,
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but also it's not just the form but also the function you do a lot in the concept.
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You're trying to figure out where I'm going to place the turrets, where the engine's going to be,
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and so even though you don't fully model it, you have to start to think about -
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where would the pilot climb into his cockpit or where would the cargo be loaded,
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or say in the case of the gunship that we're doing,
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it's meant to be able to carry some troops - where could they unload.
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For me, it's really important to execute concept well because that sets the tone for the rest of...
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The modeling is very involved, and the texturing and obviously animation,
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and that all brings it to actual life, but without the concept as your blueprint...
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The concept really, like... If you think about it in film terms, it's like the concept is the script.
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You can't have a good movie without a good script.
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I mean, yes, you need actors, sets... All those things need to work and they'll always be done,
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but without a really good script, everything else doesn't work.
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And the concept is basically that version when you are creating art,
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especially something as complicated as a spaceship...
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Chris O: You'd say concept is like a two-tier thing where you're trying to sell an overall look and feel,
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and get a sort of an emotional reaction of the ship,
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and then you want to be able to call out specific areas to where you know it -
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can be built in 3D accurately.
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It's trying to communicate a few different things, and it's not easy to do all that in one image.
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Except he can do it.
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Chris R: But even when David was doing the Mustang, which everyone saw last episode,
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you could see there was a couple of different tries, and you say this one looks a bit too -
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the engines are too big, it looks too racery, let's move it to this.
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Chris O: It's an evolutionary...
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Chris R: And that's what you do in the concept stages, because you can explore things quickly,
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and like Chris says, there's an emotional reaction that you'll have.
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Like, you've got an idea - someone says "gunship" and you think of something.
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If the picture on the page evokes that feeling to you, then you're on the right track,
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and then, like Chris says, the next stage is...
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You have to work out some of the details, because you want to work out the details of, like,
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how you get into things or where the engines are, or whatever, before you actually start modeling it,
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because modeling takes a long time.
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Sandi: Everybody remembers the specs, right, for the mercenary gunship?
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David: Can you repeat them for us real quick?
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Sandi: Yes, let me just recite them for you.
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Chris R: So, we gave all 16 teams the same sort of bid from the UEE,
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which was very specific in terms of engines and turrets, and functionality.
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One thing we left open was what the manufacturer was going to be,
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to allow them to add a little creative inspiration.
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They could decide they want to make it an RSI gun or they want to make it an Anvil Aerospace gunship,
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and then also hopefully infuse some of the design elements we've seen from those manufacturers -
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in our other ships into their gunship design, which I think would be really great.
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But let's see how it goes.
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Sandi: Alright, guys, so here's how it works.
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Today we're going to see six teams, but only four can go through.
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So you're going to be voting, and two aren't going to make it.
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So there's a lot at stake. Are you guys ready to see the videos?
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Chris R: Yep! Chris S: Let's do it. Mark: Can't wait.
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Sandi: Let's roll the first one.
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Chris R: Everyone's going: "too much talking from them people on the couches..."
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3Dingo: For us the mercenary gunship is a ship that covers different roles.
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It is at the forefront to give infantry support.
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It must be robust but also livable with the great firepower.
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This ship generally has low maneuverability, but the military level will follow the general linear attacks.
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Let's say that our ship is a part of the third phase.
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We're there to bombard the enemy infantry to cover the allied infantry with landings.
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Following that, we created the interior to highlight the multi-functionality of this ship.
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The main goal was to create a ship that does not give the idea of speed, but of strength.
00:10:00.800 --> 00:10:02.255
Sandi: Chris Olivia, do you want to kick that off?
00:10:02.255 --> 00:10:03.426
Chris O: Me?
00:10:03.426 --> 00:10:04.683
Sandi: Yeah, you.
00:10:05.129 --> 00:10:10.487
Chris O: I liked the feel, and the silhouette was really cool.
00:10:10.487 --> 00:10:15.945
I thought that profile in the top-down looked really nice.
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Beefy, powerful.
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He explored a lot of different things, as far as the interior, in a lot of detail.
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He had a lot of concept that was very helpful.
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I think the front part of the cockpit was a little bit boring and can use some work.
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But overall - I liked it. I mean it's cool.
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Sandi: David, do you want to jump in there?
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David: Well, I thought it was interesting.
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I do feel like I would want to come in and tweak some of the proportions,
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especially in the top view I found that it felt directionless.
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It could be either going backwards or forwards and it was completely symmetrical.
00:11:05.879 --> 00:11:10.881
I think I would want to make one of those wing frames smaller versus the other.
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And the same thing in the side profile. I found that it was a little even,
00:11:15.713 --> 00:11:22.555
and so I might want to distribute the mass around to make it a little more dynamic.
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The only other thing I would mention would be the connection points between the major components.
00:11:29.207 --> 00:11:31.818
I think I might want to spend some more time on that,
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and make sure that each of the parts are informing each other and working with each other.
00:11:36.225 --> 00:11:39.381
It felt a little bolted together.
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Chris S: I like the front part, actually.
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The language of the wing and the front part, and the rear felt a little off for me.
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Mark: Detached, yeah.
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Chris S: I think, yeah, that's what you meant -
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like that middle connection was maybe a little too fragile looking or something.
00:11:55.629 --> 00:12:02.448
I do like the detail that they put in. Sort of, where the thrusters go, the pilots, and the interior design.
00:12:02.448 --> 00:12:05.821
There was some thought put into that, which I liked.
00:12:05.821 --> 00:12:12.826
But I thought, too, what you were saying, all the appendages were going in all kinds of different ways.
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Like those back wings...
00:12:14.960 --> 00:12:16.543
David: Yeah, it's what's interesting about it.
00:12:16.543 --> 00:12:19.365
Chris S: Yeah, but... You know, well...
00:12:19.365 --> 00:12:21.386
Chris O: You're wrong. Mark: You're wrong!
00:12:21.386 --> 00:12:27.064
David: I think that's interesting. I just think that one of those needs to serve the other. One needs to be...
00:12:27.064 --> 00:12:32.101
Chris S: Yeah, those wings that kind of were on the sides - I like those.
00:12:32.101 --> 00:12:37.350
I like that. But the whole rear part didn't gel with me, with the front.
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Chris O: So did you feel it was just all too much of the same?
00:12:40.242 --> 00:12:43.582
David: No. In particular from the top silhouette,
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I felt it was two arrows that were pointing in either direction.
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Chris R: I didn't love it... I liked what those guys did with their gun.
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It didn't really do much for me.
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I like the fact that they were thinking out where things would go and all the rest of the stuff,
00:12:58.742 --> 00:13:03.024
but in terms of shape and silhouette - ehh, it was kind of there.
00:13:03.438 --> 00:13:06.708
Then also the rendering style of the concept art wasn't...
00:13:06.708 --> 00:13:08.415
Chris S: Yeah, it was a bit juvenile.
00:13:08.415 --> 00:13:12.832
Chris R: Like, I'd prefer a more sophisticated photorealistic style.
00:13:12.832 --> 00:13:19.548
This felt more, I don't know, cartoony, graphic novelly style for me.
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But I don't know. What did you think, Mark?
00:13:22.131 --> 00:13:30.927
Mark: I could see the marine animal vibe... Kind of felt like a manatee to me.
00:13:30.927 --> 00:13:37.205
It felt like a sea cow. I shall name it the sea cow.
00:13:37.205 --> 00:13:44.254
The thing about it was... I think if you're going to go that spikey with the silhouette,
00:13:44.254 --> 00:13:52.648
that honestly your rendering style has got to calm down in the interior bits, because it was way...
00:13:52.648 --> 00:13:57.486
There was just too much detail to look at all at once. I mean, I liked the...
00:13:57.486 --> 00:13:58.880
Chris R: Is this your frequency tip?
00:13:58.880 --> 00:14:04.296
Mark: Yes. Dammit. I say this every time, but if you're going to crazy frequency like that,
00:14:04.296 --> 00:14:11.710
then either smooth out the silhouette and concentrate on frequency inside the object,
00:14:11.710 --> 00:14:17.440
or if you're going to go that detailed spikey with the silhouette,
00:14:17.440 --> 00:14:26.212
then it would push the concept better if you just calm down the interior a little bit to give your eye a rest.
00:14:26.212 --> 00:14:27.414
Because it's got plenty to look at.
00:14:27.414 --> 00:14:30.207
Chris O: What do you mean "interior"? Like the interior of the silhouette?
00:14:30.207 --> 00:14:32.565
Mark: The interior of the silhouette of the ship.
00:14:32.565 --> 00:14:33.760
It's not bad.
00:14:33.760 --> 00:14:41.628
I agree with David that it feels like the front part is kind of separated; it doesn't feel like it flows.
00:14:41.628 --> 00:14:46.434
There needs to be more pieces that flow into each other better.
00:14:46.434 --> 00:14:53.614
David: I think also the illustrative style delineating all the panels is not helping.
00:14:53.614 --> 00:14:58.490
Like you said, the silhouette is already dynamic. It's going to move the eye around.
00:14:58.490 --> 00:15:02.156
But then as you go inside, you go to move from the front to the back,
00:15:02.156 --> 00:15:03.942
then you have all these panels that blocking eye movement.
00:15:03.942 --> 00:15:09.430
Chris R: When they were in - I don't know what 3D application, I didn't see it,
00:15:09.430 --> 00:15:12.194
but when they had the simple silhouette in the 3D application,
00:15:12.194 --> 00:15:15.242
that looked better to me than the 2D concept rendering.
00:15:15.242 --> 00:15:23.176
Chris O: That's where you can blow it with just too much of a cartoony style in the concept,
00:15:23.176 --> 00:15:25.179
or calling out too many details.
00:15:25.179 --> 00:15:26.156
Chris S: In the interior?
00:15:26.156 --> 00:15:26.873
Chris O: Yeah, the interior.
00:15:26.873 --> 00:15:30.695
Chris R: For our game. In some other stuff that could work, but for the style we're going for -
00:15:30.695 --> 00:15:33.212
we're going for a very photorealistic style,
00:15:33.212 --> 00:15:38.214
and so that's partly important to have it in the concept stage, or else,
00:15:38.214 --> 00:15:43.086
when you get down to the model stage, the model feels a bit cartoony.
00:15:43.978 --> 00:15:47.140
Sandi: Mixed reviews on this one. Let's roll the next one.
00:15:53.172 --> 00:15:56.106
EPhalanx: Hey, guys. EPhalanx here with team Tri-Tri.
00:15:56.106 --> 00:15:59.208
This is our entry for The Next Great Starship.
00:15:59.208 --> 00:16:03.420
We started out with like four or five concepts and narrowed it down.
00:16:03.420 --> 00:16:10.896
We really were thinking on this one, at first, it was a heavy fighter look, a little bit, outside the gunship.
00:16:11.479 --> 00:16:15.423
Then we moved on to this one, which we thought had more of that aggressive stance.
00:16:15.423 --> 00:16:19.846
And also made some thrusters we thought we'd use.
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More sketching of the concept just to give us a better look from different angles.
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And then some thruster work just showing you how the wings articulate with the thrusters.
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That was going to be important considering the gimbaled thrusters that were outlined in the concept.
00:16:41.007 --> 00:16:45.657
Then we moved on to a little block-out phase to give us a better thought on the geometry,
00:16:45.657 --> 00:16:49.500
and moved in to some internal layouts.
00:16:49.500 --> 00:16:55.094
This showed you just how things are laid out inside of the ship, with the turrets and stairs.
00:16:55.094 --> 00:17:00.206
As you can see, the design has been a little more fleshed out this time around.
00:17:00.206 --> 00:17:06.952
The paint-over has been added to, giving you more of a better look and feel of the ship overall.
00:17:06.952 --> 00:17:08.287
Sandi: Mark, do you want to kick this one off?
00:17:08.287 --> 00:17:10.863
Mark: That one was pretty awesome. I like that one.
00:17:12.786 --> 00:17:15.661
I like the silhouette, how it has kind of an aggressive stance.
00:17:15.661 --> 00:17:22.391
It almost looks like a gorilla flexing, silverback kind of feel to it. I dig that.
00:17:22.391 --> 00:17:24.870
The details - very nice.
00:17:24.870 --> 00:17:29.316
Again, I like the way... Like we were talking earlier about flow.
00:17:29.962 --> 00:17:37.416
That's a good example of how you can have a lot of detail on the ship but they flow nicely together,
00:17:37.416 --> 00:17:43.932
so you're not breaking your eye from going across the ship. I think there was a lot of nice detail in there.
00:17:44.348 --> 00:17:48.991
And overall, I think it's a really strong design.
00:17:48.991 --> 00:17:50.174
Sandi: Chris, what did you think?
00:17:50.174 --> 00:17:53.304
Chris S: Yeah. The quality of the concept was better on this one,
00:17:53.304 --> 00:17:57.674
so it already comes across better in that way.
00:17:57.674 --> 00:18:02.922
I like the shape. Actually, that stance reminded me of the Vanduul ship.
00:18:02.922 --> 00:18:07.216
That kind of has a cockpit in the middle with those two arms sticking out.
00:18:07.216 --> 00:18:13.221
It did look powerful and heavy. I quite like the design, I agree with Chris.
00:18:13.221 --> 00:18:20.175
Maybe the rear thrusters... We'd have to look at it some more, maybe in another iteration,
00:18:20.175 --> 00:18:22.669
and see where the other maneuvering thrusters are.
00:18:22.669 --> 00:18:26.675
There was a couple of detail specs that were maybe not included in that.
00:18:26.675 --> 00:18:30.064
But overall, the art style, I thought, was pretty good.
00:18:30.618 --> 00:18:31.597
Sandi: Chris?
00:18:31.597 --> 00:18:32.628
Chris O: It was cool.
00:18:33.012 --> 00:18:33.938
Sandi: That's it?
00:18:34.938 --> 00:18:37.587
Chris O: I generally agree with everybody.
00:18:37.587 --> 00:18:42.604
I do like the front arm parts.
00:18:42.604 --> 00:18:43.850
Chris R: Everyone likes that except for me.
00:18:43.850 --> 00:18:50.672
I think it may be just because it reminds me way too much of the old Wing Commander Dralthi stuff...
00:18:50.672 --> 00:18:55.593
Chris O: It might take away from the fact that it feels less powerful thrust wise,
00:18:55.593 --> 00:18:59.426
because it's putting all the focus on the front.
00:18:59.426 --> 00:19:01.390
Mark: That's what's making it feel heavier.
00:19:01.390 --> 00:19:06.362
Like you're saying, it's kind of front heavy, and that's because your eye just goes straight to those wings...
00:19:06.362 --> 00:19:08.514
Chris S: Yeah, it feels like a bulldog.
00:19:09.160 --> 00:19:15.864
It's got the tail end diminished and the front exaggerated...
00:19:17.219 --> 00:19:18.674
Chris O: Gorilla, I thought you said...?
00:19:18.674 --> 00:19:20.160
Mark: Yeah. Silverback.
00:19:20.160 --> 00:19:22.725
Chris S: Silverback, yeah.
00:19:22.725 --> 00:19:26.016
Chris O: It was nice. The rendering style was better.
00:19:26.016 --> 00:19:32.012
I think in the design phase a lot of stuff doesn't need to be photoreal right off the bat,
00:19:32.012 --> 00:19:35.068
because you're still exploring pieces and shapes...
00:19:35.068 --> 00:19:37.574
Chris R: But I like, like... You could see when he went...
00:19:37.574 --> 00:19:42.381
In the video, they go over the process, you could actually see what the concept process is.
00:19:42.381 --> 00:19:47.776
They drew some stuff out, then they did a simple 3D block-out, then they did paint-overs on it.
00:19:47.776 --> 00:19:52.226
That was actually quite nice, because that was showing what you normally do in that process.
00:19:52.226 --> 00:19:55.843
David: The blue color erase pencil iterations and dissolving surfaces...
00:19:55.843 --> 00:19:59.662
Chris O: And you should reference, which is key to bring it in the real world.
00:19:59.662 --> 00:20:02.095
But yeah, overall that was cool.
00:20:02.095 --> 00:20:03.845
Sandi: Alright, what did you think, David?
00:20:03.845 --> 00:20:11.422
David: I really like this one. I thought it was fantastic presentation. Pretty professional all around.
00:20:11.422 --> 00:20:14.258
I like the arms, too.
00:20:14.258 --> 00:20:16.193
Chris R: I give up. I'm in a minority.
00:20:16.193 --> 00:20:25.815
David: But I will say this: I do think the rear thruster pods, the ones that are gimbaled and articulate,
00:20:25.815 --> 00:20:31.457
I feel like they weren't really long enough to balance the length of the front part.
00:20:31.457 --> 00:20:37.454
And I think that if you were to just figure out a way to lengthen them...
00:20:37.454 --> 00:20:39.231
Sandi: So Chris, what did you think?
00:20:39.231 --> 00:20:42.600
Chris R: I really liked it. I thought the rendering style was really good.
00:20:42.600 --> 00:20:47.899
I also liked the way that you could see the process of the concept evolution.
00:20:47.899 --> 00:20:53.283
A lot of it was the initial sketching, then a block out in 3D, then doing paint overs.
00:20:53.283 --> 00:20:56.583
That's very much what you tend to do on this kind of stuff.
00:20:56.583 --> 00:21:02.261
I'm not so sure I was in love with the two big front wings.
00:21:02.261 --> 00:21:07.916
It felt a little too front heavy for me, but the rest of it I quite liked.
00:21:07.916 --> 00:21:10.520
But I thought in general it was cool.
00:21:10.520 --> 00:21:18.366
Like I said the style was more functional and slightly more detailed and photorealistic for me, so it worked better.
00:21:18.366 --> 00:21:25.937
I think we forgot to tell everyone that the need to pick a manufacturer, but for me this one felt very Drake-like to me.
00:21:25.937 --> 00:21:32.221
The turret on the top felt like the Cutlass, so perhaps is a Drake submission for the gunship bid.
00:21:32.221 --> 00:21:38.951
But yeah, I thought it looks really great. It would be nice to see what sort of changes and tweaks they make.
00:21:38.951 --> 00:21:42.983
Sandi: Alright, well generally well liked. Let's roll the next one.
00:21:52.120 --> 00:21:55.184
Fuzzy_Modem: Greetings Citizens, Fuzzy Modem here, passed the first gauntlet,
00:21:55.184 --> 00:21:58.410
and onto the concept phase of The Next Great Starship competition.
00:21:58.410 --> 00:22:03.183
For this design, I'm imagining that it's a used ship. You're buying it from these three mercenaries.
00:22:03.183 --> 00:22:07.810
There's the captain, he's an alcoholic vet who has a grudge against pirates.
00:22:07.810 --> 00:22:11.790
There's a crazy guy who couldn't get into the military because he couldn't get past the psych evaluation.
00:22:11.790 --> 00:22:14.517
And then there's the technician who got kicked out of the military for
00:22:14.517 --> 00:22:17.268
hacking into his drill instructor's file and changing his gender.
00:22:17.268 --> 00:22:22.686
So these guys have been living and working and sleeping and sweating and eating on this ship for years.
00:22:22.686 --> 00:22:26.902
When something broke, they patched over it or jerry rigged a work around.
00:22:26.902 --> 00:22:29.804
Now they're looking to get a bigger ship and add some more crew.
00:22:29.804 --> 00:22:35.603
So you can get this ship at a good price if you accept that it's kind of a fixer upper and you're buying it as is.
00:22:35.603 --> 00:22:39.885
For the design itself, I took inspiration from a sword and shield.
00:22:39.885 --> 00:22:43.935
It's an asymmetrical design with a big plate of armor and two turrets on one side.
00:22:43.935 --> 00:22:50.230
Because it's an asymmetrical design, I'm working on visual balance as well as center of mass.
00:22:50.230 --> 00:22:55.808
I'm also trying to position thrusters for improved roll speed as well as VTOL capability while in atmosphere.
00:22:55.808 --> 00:22:58.300
So it would fly more like a helicopter than a jet.
00:22:59.592 --> 00:23:01.767
Sandi: Alright David, you want to kick this one off?
00:23:01.767 --> 00:23:09.399
David: Well, I really liked the colorful back-story, and actually the design story.
00:23:09.399 --> 00:23:17.512
Starting with the shield and sword concept, then trying to bring that through into the design.
00:23:17.512 --> 00:23:22.237
Also his thoughtfulness when it came to function and utility of the vehicle.
00:23:22.237 --> 00:23:29.152
I liked the second design better, I felt it was a little more unified.
00:23:29.152 --> 00:23:36.822
For me what's jumping out as a negative is really the surfacing, the form language is a little too rectilinear.
00:23:36.822 --> 00:23:45.820
I get that it may speak to survivability and being robust, but that said,
00:23:45.820 --> 00:23:50.175
I feel like parts need to be integrated a little more, a little more designed.
00:23:50.175 --> 00:23:57.147
The large bolts were really speaking to an earlier construction period that doesn't fit into
00:23:57.147 --> 00:24:00.235
this universe and is also throwing the scale off for me.
00:24:00.235 --> 00:24:07.979
So I would refine the surfaces, but ultimately I think he's balancing the asymmetric design pretty well.
00:24:07.979 --> 00:24:09.486
Especially in the second one.
00:24:09.486 --> 00:24:11.905
Sandi: Alright, Chris, what do you think.
00:24:11.905 --> 00:24:16.210
Chris O: Yeah, I uh... Pretty much everything David said.
00:24:16.210 --> 00:24:17.279
00:24:17.279 --> 00:24:19.640
Chris O: It was a great build up.
00:24:19.640 --> 00:24:21.570
Sandi: You guys hug a little bit, it's like love.
00:24:21.570 --> 00:24:22.777
00:24:22.777 --> 00:24:24.508
What David said.
00:24:24.724 --> 00:24:26.204
Mark: Copying off his paper are we?
00:24:26.204 --> 00:24:28.391
Chris O: The back-story was awesome.
00:24:28.391 --> 00:24:34.399
It was a nice build up, but then the first version was very ugly, but not in a good way.
00:24:34.399 --> 00:24:39.039
He made some big improvements with the second version,
00:24:39.039 --> 00:24:45.983
but there's a lot of little pieces all over the place that just seemed tacked on, you didn't know what they were for.
00:24:45.983 --> 00:24:51.820
Obviously the bolts and the scale was a huge issue, they're just all over the place, too big.
00:24:51.820 --> 00:24:58.393
And the fact that he was presenting it with a lot of black shadow everywhere,
00:24:58.393 --> 00:25:01.662
you couldn't really get a sense of overall form.
00:25:01.662 --> 00:25:08.038
I think he needs to display and show it on a nicer render or a few different views at least.
00:25:08.038 --> 00:25:14.785
It was an interesting concept, the way he was describing the shield on one side and the weapon on the other.
00:25:14.785 --> 00:25:23.885
I thought it just needs to be executed better, you know, taken a little further, try some different things.
00:25:23.885 --> 00:25:29.927
Sandi: Chris, are you going to copy off of Chris and David, or have you got some of your own thoughts?
00:25:29.927 --> 00:25:33.471
Chris R: [Laughs] I have no thoughts of my own.
00:25:33.471 --> 00:25:37.786
Chris S: [Laughs] I mean yeah, I agree with some of the stuff that they said obviously.
00:25:37.786 --> 00:25:42.282
The one thing I missed was the thruster placements.
00:25:42.282 --> 00:25:48.202
It was not very fleshed out, and some of the interior crew design stuff was not there.
00:25:48.202 --> 00:25:54.181
Just a lot of the hardware stuff wasn't really fully rendered out.
00:25:54.181 --> 00:25:57.989
The first design, I didn't really like that much.
00:25:57.989 --> 00:26:02.950
The weapon was bubbly looking and the surface was lacking.
00:26:02.950 --> 00:26:07.879
David: It also looked like the gun pod, towards the narrow end of the wing--
00:26:07.879 --> 00:26:08.891
Chris S: Very fragile.
00:26:08.891 --> 00:26:10.949
David: Yeah, like it would snap right off.
00:26:10.949 --> 00:26:15.996
Chris S: So yeah, the second design is definitely better, more cohesive, and a little bit more tougher looking.
00:26:15.996 --> 00:26:19.285
I agree the surfacing could use some work.
00:26:19.285 --> 00:26:26.288
Even though he describes it's supposed to be patched together, you can do that in a better way.
00:26:26.288 --> 00:26:32.315
It was just not rendered very well I thought. And presentation is a big thing, so it carries a lot.
00:26:32.315 --> 00:26:34.309
Sandi: Mark, presentation?
00:26:34.309 --> 00:26:38.848
Mark: Yeah, the presentation for me wasn't super great.
00:26:38.848 --> 00:26:45.488
It felt because the bolts were so big, it made it feel super small. So it felt like a matchbox car or something.
00:26:45.488 --> 00:26:56.903
It was hard to tell what was what. Like where are the thrusters, where does the pilot sit, where are the...
00:26:56.903 --> 00:27:06.158
Like it looked like a bunch of random boxes on a ruler or something, with a little weight on the end of it.
00:27:06.158 --> 00:27:14.036
It didn't flow very well as far as to tell me, visually, what I'm looking at, and that kind of ruined it for me.
00:27:14.036 --> 00:27:15.116
Sandi: Chris Roberts?
00:27:15.116 --> 00:27:19.256
Chris R: The story was great, maybe we should talk to him about getting on the writing team.
00:27:19.256 --> 00:27:25.732
It felt like a very Serenity/Firefly background story.
00:27:25.732 --> 00:27:28.841
But generally I sort of agree on a couple of things.
00:27:28.841 --> 00:27:37.533
One, it does feel like a horizontal B-Wing from Star Wars, that's the ship that's the tall vertical one.
00:27:37.533 --> 00:27:43.207
And the second design I definitely liked a lot better than the first design.
00:27:43.207 --> 00:27:49.891
But even on the second design, I would look at that and go "ok, well how are the thrusters placed?"
00:27:49.891 --> 00:27:54.435
Because he was talking about how you can roll to put the shield in front of your attacker,
00:27:54.435 --> 00:27:57.539
but are the attackers coming from the side? Are they coming from the front?
00:27:57.539 --> 00:28:02.287
It felt to me like that whole concept sounded really great in the pitch,
00:28:02.287 --> 00:28:06.039
but I was looking at the ship wondering how it's really going to do that.
00:28:06.039 --> 00:28:12.013
Where are the thrusters that would allow it to roll, where are the thrusters that would allow it to yaw and pitch.
00:28:12.013 --> 00:28:18.455
As far as the manned turrets, they didn't look very...
00:28:18.455 --> 00:28:23.624
Like how do you get into those how do you sit in them? It's hard to get a sense of scale.
00:28:23.624 --> 00:28:24.987
Chris S: Sort of stuck on there.
00:28:24.987 --> 00:28:28.622
Chris R: Partly because probably, talking about the rivets and the bolts.
00:28:28.622 --> 00:28:32.788
So yeah, I would have liked to see more angles of it, not just that.
00:28:32.788 --> 00:28:36.236
It would have been better to go to the concept and do a block out,
00:28:36.236 --> 00:28:41.404
then render some different versions of that and do paint overs, and get some sense of scale like Chris is suggesting,
00:28:41.404 --> 00:28:46.852
with like a human figure in there. How do you get inside the ship? How does it land?
00:28:46.852 --> 00:28:51.651
All those things have to be thought out before you go to the modeling stage.
00:28:51.651 --> 00:28:57.202
I think maybe he's stronger on the 3D modeling side, because he's a one man show,
00:28:57.202 --> 00:29:01.621
so maybe he's stronger on modeling than concept. But those are all things I would like to see answered.
00:29:01.621 --> 00:29:06.281
I like the idea and the concept of the shield and the sword, so that all sounded great.
00:29:06.281 --> 00:29:11.099
It's just looking at the ship, I wasn't saying "I want to own that spaceship."
00:29:11.099 --> 00:29:16.082
And really, that's why we're designing it. We're designing a spaceship that everyone out there in Star Citizen
00:29:16.082 --> 00:29:26.081
will go "I want to have that sitting in my hangar," and I'm looking at that thinking it's not doing it for me unfortunately.
00:29:26.081 --> 00:29:31.349
Sandi: Ok, well, people seem to like the second version, but still quite a few questions unanswered.
00:29:31.349 --> 00:29:32.625
Let's roll the next one.
00:29:36.163 --> 00:29:40.596
Jan: This is 1Bit Amoeba, and I show you my concept for the mercenary gunship.
00:29:40.596 --> 00:29:46.098
The first thing I did was to think about where to place the turrets on the ship.
00:29:46.098 --> 00:29:51.549
I decided to put two on the top and one on the bottom in the front.
00:29:51.549 --> 00:29:58.151
This way we have a very good coverage and nearly no dead spots around the ship.
00:29:58.151 --> 00:30:06.017
In addition to that, we have some areas which are covered by two or all three turrets.
00:30:06.017 --> 00:30:19.644
The green area here is where two turrets cover, and the red one is where all three turrets can shoot at the target.
00:30:19.644 --> 00:30:24.649
Then I got the shape which I really like, this one.
00:30:30.094 --> 00:30:33.406
The interior, I made a rough layout with the main areas.
00:30:33.406 --> 00:30:35.748
For example, the crew area and the cargo hold.
00:30:42.394 --> 00:30:46.742
Here you can see the ship again from the side view, top view, and the front.
00:30:48.649 --> 00:30:52.245
And this is how it would look like while landing.
00:30:56.459 --> 00:30:58.741
And another one while in space.
00:30:58.741 --> 00:31:00.911
Thanks for watching.
00:31:00.911 --> 00:31:03.160
Sandi: Alright, Chris Smith, what did you think of that one?
00:31:03.160 --> 00:31:07.475
Chris S: So I actually like this one quit a bit, uh...
00:31:07.475 --> 00:31:09.016
Chris R: That's surprising to you?
00:31:09.016 --> 00:31:09.996
00:31:09.996 --> 00:31:13.596
Chris S: No, I mean I thought he had some good iterations.
00:31:13.596 --> 00:31:19.362
I liked the idea of the coverage of the turrets, that was kind of cool.
00:31:19.362 --> 00:31:25.843
And he thought about weaponizing it and making it powerful that way.
00:31:25.843 --> 00:31:33.513
The first iteration, he went through a couple and I liked it better as it went on, when it went a little wider with the wings.
00:31:33.513 --> 00:31:44.866
It was a cool design, the one thing I would say critique wise would be, animations would help.
00:31:44.866 --> 00:31:48.513
You know, some preview animations on the thrusters. It was hard to tell how they would work.
00:31:48.513 --> 00:31:53.303
The whole pitch and yaw thing, how it would actually work in space.
00:31:53.303 --> 00:32:02.121
I liked the interior, he pulled out the interiors and had specific areas, I liked that.
00:32:02.121 --> 00:32:12.730
I didn't like, from the top view, for a design standpoint had a weird snake-like cockpit with a head.
00:32:12.730 --> 00:32:17.024
I probably would adjust that a little bit because it makes it look a little fragile.
00:32:17.024 --> 00:32:22.136
In that area it's just this long, skinny neck, with the cockpit on the end.
00:32:22.136 --> 00:32:25.431
But over all everything else was pretty solid.
00:32:25.431 --> 00:32:27.790
Sandi: Chris, do you agree?
00:32:27.790 --> 00:32:32.042
Chris O: It's interesting the way that it over all feels like a very flat shape,
00:32:32.042 --> 00:32:37.424
except they have the cockpit, fuselage area more of a skinny vertical.
00:32:37.424 --> 00:32:43.980
It needs support structures holding that there in place and it would feel a bit more powerful.
00:32:43.980 --> 00:32:49.642
I think in the next iteration, use the paint overs to push it a little further.
00:32:49.642 --> 00:33:01.514
But the fact that he was able to achieve something really nice with just basic flat shading and very angular shapes,
00:33:01.514 --> 00:33:05.386
it was very well done, done in a very nice way.
00:33:05.386 --> 00:33:07.893
It reminded me a little bit of Ryan Church.
00:33:07.893 --> 00:33:09.450
Chris S: Like a little stealthy.
00:33:09.450 --> 00:33:14.455
Chris O: Very stealth, the side view, at first I was like, "Oh, it's very simple" from the profile,
00:33:14.455 --> 00:33:18.147
but it is a nice, clean, profile silhouette.
00:33:18.147 --> 00:33:28.479
The front view head on looked a little weird and sort of messy. I wasn't sure why, but over all it's nice and clean.
00:33:28.479 --> 00:33:29.810
Chris S: Sort of like a wedge.
00:33:29.810 --> 00:33:31.505
Chris O: Yeah, yeah.
00:33:31.505 --> 00:33:33.584
Chris S: I like that kind of wide shape.
00:33:33.584 --> 00:33:36.309
Chris O: No. Chris S: Yeah.
00:33:36.309 --> 00:33:38.585
Sandi: David, what did you think?
00:33:38.585 --> 00:33:47.685
David: I like this design a lot, I think it has a lot of potential, I like the tear-dropped delta wing,
00:33:47.685 --> 00:33:58.076
but then he cut into it and extruded the cockpit section from that. I think it creates a pretty sophisticated form.
00:33:58.076 --> 00:34:09.902
That said, when it comes to some of the cockpit and volume break up of the cannons and the front cockpit,
00:34:09.902 --> 00:34:12.709
it seemed to be lacking in sophistication.
00:34:12.709 --> 00:34:19.512
So if I were him, I would go back and bring those things up to the level of sophistication of the main shape.
00:34:19.512 --> 00:34:25.194
The only other critique I would have would be when it was landed,
00:34:25.194 --> 00:34:30.742
It wasn't quite as sexy looking as it was in flight mode.
00:34:30.742 --> 00:34:39.767
Mark: Yeah, I agree. I think what it was is the verticallity of the thrusters kind of ruined the lines of the ship.
00:34:39.767 --> 00:34:41.138
Chris S: Is that a word?
00:34:41.138 --> 00:34:43.419
Chris R: Add that to "frequency," verticallity.
00:34:43.419 --> 00:34:48.993
Mark: [Moving hands up and down] Verticality, [Hands side to side] frequency, [Hands forward] thrusters, you know.
00:34:48.993 --> 00:34:52.905
It kind of ruined the lines when it was sitting, and that bothered me too.
00:34:52.905 --> 00:34:55.118
Chris R: You mean when they were deployed into VTOL position?
00:34:55.118 --> 00:34:56.243
Mark: VTOL, yeah.
00:34:56.243 --> 00:34:57.451
Chris R: Vertical Take Off and Landing.
00:34:57.451 --> 00:34:59.246
Mark: That's right, that's what that stands for.
00:34:59.246 --> 00:35:00.854
00:35:00.854 --> 00:35:06.695
Mark: So, the other thing, yes, the neck is annoying because it's so fragile.
00:35:06.695 --> 00:35:17.135
I think if you were to have, maybe from the top down, if you had some supports that came out and made it porous,
00:35:17.135 --> 00:35:20.946
it might make it look a little more reinforced.
00:35:20.946 --> 00:35:26.416
Chris R: I don't think it needs to be quite as long and deep. I mean what's the benefit of that?
00:35:26.416 --> 00:35:28.362
Chris O: I didn't see the reason why there was that gap. David: Yeah.
00:35:28.362 --> 00:35:30.121
Chris R: I mean usually there should be some function.
00:35:30.121 --> 00:35:31.174
Chris S: Just fill it in.
00:35:31.174 --> 00:35:32.524
Chris R: It had a bit of of--
00:35:32.524 --> 00:35:34.100
Chris S: Wide flat snake?
00:35:34.100 --> 00:35:38.469
Chris R: Retaliator kind of vibe to me, like I would say it could be an Aegis ship or...
00:35:38.469 --> 00:35:41.209
Chris S: Even Drake.
00:35:41.209 --> 00:35:48.423
Chris R: I'll say for me this is my favorite one of the ones I've seen so far, so, like Chris said,
00:35:48.423 --> 00:35:57.492
I really like the idea of gun turret placement. If you're making a gunship, that's the first thing you should think about.
00:35:57.492 --> 00:36:05.503
So that was really good. I actually, for a couple of the earlier iteration, one that was sort of like the Millennium Falcon.
00:36:05.503 --> 00:36:14.003
That had the two turrets actually attached on the side, so I like the final design a lot.
00:36:14.003 --> 00:36:21.309
I agree on the neck, it sort of feels like it's a bit too long, so I would have it shorter and make some reason.
00:36:21.309 --> 00:36:25.336
Some detail could be in there, it could be cool.
00:36:25.336 --> 00:36:31.767
I actually thought it was cool when it was landing with the thrusters down in the VTOL position.
00:36:31.767 --> 00:36:35.592
So that may just be me verses other people's opinions on that.
00:36:35.592 --> 00:36:37.532
Mark: Maybe a little smaller.
00:36:37.532 --> 00:36:44.090
Chris R: Like Chris said, I would like again to make sure the thrusters could move and apply the directions.
00:36:44.090 --> 00:36:47.139
It looked like he placed them in generally the right areas, so I really liked it.
00:36:47.139 --> 00:36:54.717
Chris S: I think for the second iteration, maybe the guys can include little preview animations on those things.
00:36:54.717 --> 00:37:00.450
Really simple key-framing block out animations on those things would help a lot.
00:37:00.450 --> 00:37:06.010
David: Basically if you have a great idea, you have to show it. You can't just tell us about it.
00:37:06.010 --> 00:37:09.959
It has to be communicated in an illustration or an animation.
00:37:09.959 --> 00:37:14.532
Sandi: Well positive reviews for that one, but we're not done yet. Here we go with the next video.
00:37:14.532 --> 00:37:20.704
Scott: Hello Star Citizen Community. Our design process involves the members of team catapult getting together,
00:37:20.704 --> 00:37:25.339
sitting down, throwing ideas onto a sketch pad, talking about various features we wanted.
00:37:25.339 --> 00:37:31.754
We wanted the mission profile to be able to involve things such as land marines on a planet's surface,
00:37:31.754 --> 00:37:34.505
and function like an armored truck in space.
00:37:34.505 --> 00:37:38.007
As those discussions came to a head, we decided we wanted to go with something that was
00:37:38.007 --> 00:37:46.065
aerodynamically sleek, and avoided the sci-fi pitfall that most "dropships" use of the "flying brick."
00:37:46.065 --> 00:37:51.334
We came up with the idea to use retractable wings that could help with aerodynamic control going into
00:37:51.334 --> 00:37:55.957
the atmosphere and also be pulled in during combat to provide a lower profile target.
00:37:55.957 --> 00:38:02.084
Now I present to you: Anvil Aerospace's Albatross, the mercenary gunship from team Catapult.
00:38:02.084 --> 00:38:09.630
Then what we did is we printed off some renders that we could then sketch on in paper so we could share our ideas.
00:38:09.630 --> 00:38:14.120
As we go forward, we'll be adding more and more details to the overall design.
00:38:14.120 --> 00:38:19.800
As you can see with this image here, we're in our closed mode, and this would be for interstellar travel,
00:38:19.800 --> 00:38:24.205
providing a smaller target and keeping sensitive parts of the wing out of the way.
00:38:24.205 --> 00:38:26.394
And this is again the top down view of it opened up.
00:38:26.394 --> 00:38:30.347
So you can see that when they're coming into an atmosphere the pilot would pull up,
00:38:30.347 --> 00:38:33.879
deploy the wings, and that would provide a huge breaking surface.
00:38:33.879 --> 00:38:40.860
So the engines we wanted to go with something similar to how the F-35 Lockheed Martin works where the engine can
00:38:40.860 --> 00:38:45.814
turn 90 degrees, and in our case we could rotate the engine so you can get some more range so they act as thrusters.
00:38:45.814 --> 00:38:52.370
And this is its landed view. As you can see here, we've got the cockpit access as well as the missile racks deployed.
00:38:52.370 --> 00:38:54.985
This is an interior cross-section of our ship.
00:38:54.985 --> 00:39:00.008
We wanted to go with a two level split design. It would be very compressed and compact.
00:39:00.008 --> 00:39:02.811
This is Scott from team Catapult signing off, see you in the 'verse.
00:39:04.995 --> 00:39:06.309
Sandi: Chris O, what did you think?
00:39:06.309 --> 00:39:15.824
Chris O: I can't really comment on it, 'cause it just, it's... Everything is so not finished and amateurish.
00:39:15.824 --> 00:39:18.673
So I wasn't happy... Moving on.
00:39:18.673 --> 00:39:19.994
Sandi: Ok.
00:39:19.994 --> 00:39:21.298
00:39:21.298 --> 00:39:22.789
Mark: That's very diplomatic of you.
00:39:22.789 --> 00:39:24.099
Sandi: Ok, David Hobbins.
00:39:24.099 --> 00:39:36.255
David: I feel like there's nothing really pulling me into this design. There's nothing , it's...
00:39:36.255 --> 00:39:37.336
Mark: Come on.
00:39:37.336 --> 00:39:39.593
Chris S: Just say it.
00:39:39.593 --> 00:39:41.144
00:39:41.144 --> 00:39:52.784
David: I feel like the overall shape could be cool, could be workable, it's interesting to see the thought going into
00:39:52.784 --> 00:39:55.954
some function, utility, layout of the interior.
00:39:55.954 --> 00:40:01.693
That said, a lot of the sketching over the 3D model renderings was...
00:40:03.999 --> 00:40:06.104
Chris S: Drawn by a three year-old?
00:40:06.104 --> 00:40:07.677
David: Was lacking.
00:40:07.677 --> 00:40:09.594
00:40:09.594 --> 00:40:16.646
David: So I would go back, continue to work that 3D block in, maybe try to get a little more visual interest going there,
00:40:16.646 --> 00:40:25.800
and then take another pass at the surfacing and internal graphics of the ship.
00:40:26.043 --> 00:40:30.852
Chris O:I think it took away from it how loose the sketching was, even if they had used a
00:40:30.852 --> 00:40:35.357
ruler to do some of the lines it would have helped. Sorry, I don't mean to keep...
00:40:35.357 --> 00:40:41.153
Chris S:There was a lot of problems with that concept, first of all the sketches were very
00:40:41.153 --> 00:40:48.770
rudimentary and amateurish. Like David was saying, there was no confidence in the line art
00:40:48.770 --> 00:40:58.363
even though we are making 3D assets it helps to be able to draw and present things, right?
00:40:58.363 --> 00:41:03.818
You need to be able to present things correctly, and there was his problem. Even though he put a lot
00:41:03.818 --> 00:41:10.564
of thought into things where thruster placements were and loading, docking collars, stuff like that
00:41:10.564 --> 00:41:16.667
it was just hard to tell what was going on because the drawings were not very good at all.
00:41:16.667 --> 00:41:23.874
The 3D shape maybe had some promise, but overall I thought this was pretty weak.
00:41:23.874 --> 00:41:25.644
Sandi:Chris Roberts?
00:41:25.644 --> 00:41:32.468
Chris R:Hmm. Well I will remind everyone that I voted for AEM over team Catapult ....CS:I did too...
00:41:32.468 --> 00:41:38.889
Chris did too, because I thought the AEM design was much more interesting.
00:41:38.889 --> 00:41:41.325
Mark:So the rest of us are fired? (laughter)
00:41:41.325 --> 00:41:46.726
Chris R:I thought team Catapult's design was not particularly inspiring, therefore I'm kind of
00:41:46.726 --> 00:41:57.683
angry about that, then angry about seeing a concept design that feels like it was "phoned in" or
00:41:57.683 --> 00:41:59.986
done over a very short period of time.
00:41:59.986 --> 00:42:02.897
Chris O:There's no reason to be angry, this is all for fun...
00:42:02.897 --> 00:42:06.345
Chris R:And not presented well? No! because I feel like you should take it seriously, you got
00:42:06.345 --> 00:42:11.293
this far right? There is a bunch of people that wanted to get this far, that worked really hard to get
00:42:11.293 --> 00:42:15.913
this far, there were some on the cusp, that you could flip a coin, we even had some people that,
00:42:15.913 --> 00:42:21.164
after we had all voted, emailed asking why they never even made the cut into the 24?
00:42:21.164 --> 00:42:26.804
Well it turned out that they were number 26 or number 25, and they were literally, when we were making
00:42:26.804 --> 00:42:32.049
our picks they had 4 of us saying they would be a good one to put in, but they just ended up just missing
00:42:32.049 --> 00:42:38.216
the cut, so I feel like, if you get to this stage you can't phone it in, and this is absolutely phoning it in.
00:42:38.216 --> 00:42:45.073
Maybe they are not great on 2D work, not great on concept, because when we saw Catapult
00:42:45.073 --> 00:42:51.630
it was mostly more sort of 3D work that we saw, but if you are going to do that, do what 1bitAmoeba did
00:42:51.630 --> 00:42:59.000
which was concepting in 3D and block it out. The little bit of 3D blockout in that was the best thing about it
00:42:59.000 --> 00:43:06.240
The detail and line work on top was not going to help. There is no way it's going to have any chance
00:43:06.240 --> 00:43:13.523
of going through. I can promise you that, we the ten to go through from the 16, and they are not
00:43:13.523 --> 00:43:19.519
going to make the ten, that's just not going to happen ...Sandi:Twelve... or the 12, whatever it will be
00:43:19.519 --> 00:43:25.691
It's 10 we vote for and the community saves 2. The point is that it feels like it was phoned in and
00:43:25.691 --> 00:43:31.319
that kind of bugs me. If you get this far, why drop the ball.
00:43:31.319 --> 00:43:34.257
Chris O:Can we get them on the phone right now? (laughs)
00:43:34.257 --> 00:43:38.413
Chris R:I would! If someone was working for me and did that I would chew them out.
00:43:38.413 --> 00:43:40.698
I'm not happy, and I'm not voting for them.
00:43:40.698 --> 00:43:43.625
Chris O:You can curse it you want to. (laughs) Chris S: they will bleep it out.
00:43:43.625 --> 00:43:45.249
Sandi:Mark Skelton?
00:43:45.249 --> 00:43:49.214
Mark:I loved it. (laughter) I thought it was fantastic for a second grader.
00:43:49.214 --> 00:44:00.686
Well, it's got a Romulan Bird of Prey feel, I will say that for the block out, but how can you argue
00:44:00.686 --> 00:44:04.585
with the implementation. It's not good.
00:44:04.585 --> 00:44:10.559
Chris R:They have got the talent, that's why I'm sort of angry, you got talent, deliver it!
00:44:10.559 --> 00:44:15.810
Mark:They just ruined their chance. They ruined the chance, and that's a bummer because
00:44:15.810 --> 00:44:23.837
you have to take this seriously, there's a lot at stake here. We take everything we do here seriously
00:44:23.837 --> 00:44:30.034
we have the top people in the world working on this, and there's hundreds of people who would
00:44:30.034 --> 00:44:34.176
die for this chance. Chris S:Yeah, they wasted it for someone else.
00:44:34.176 --> 00:44:37.042
Mark:They wasted it. That's a bummer.
00:44:37.042 --> 00:44:41.226
Sandi:Right. Here's the last video of the day.
00:44:42.143 --> 00:44:46.605
Greetings once again fellow citizens, this it Skyguard Fabrications, and I'm honored and excited to
00:44:46.605 --> 00:44:49.034
have been selected to compete in this competition.
00:44:49.034 --> 00:44:52.298
I spent a lot of time doing nothing but silhouettes, I did a LOT of them.
00:44:52.298 --> 00:44:59.843
I was looking for a silhouette that resonated with me, and the challenge was to come up with an
00:44:59.843 --> 00:45:07.841
overall design that would fit in with the current military ships, but that could also be identified at a glance
00:45:07.841 --> 00:45:10.958
as an independant, unique design.
00:45:10.958 --> 00:45:16.405
I'm proud to present the Guardian AX-1. The core of my design centred around the idea of
00:45:16.405 --> 00:45:22.376
being able to deploy Marines into combat as quickly and safely as possible.
00:45:22.376 --> 00:45:31.093
You'll notice that the mercenary gunship has two large hatches on either side with built-in rapelling systems
00:45:31.093 --> 00:45:36.250
This is to allow Marines to deploy from the ship without forcing the ship to land.
00:45:36.250 --> 00:45:45.329
Because of where the turrets are placed, the main class 4 and one class 5 turrets are able
00:45:45.329 --> 00:45:51.655
to provide ground support to the Marines either during deployment or throughout the ground operation
00:45:51.655 --> 00:45:59.770
It would be very difficult to sneak up on this ship. You have almost no location around this ship that is not
00:45:59.770 --> 00:46:04.039
possible for this mercenary ship cannot shoot back at you.
00:46:04.039 --> 00:46:07.179
Sandi:Alright. Mark, silhouettes? Frequencies?
00:46:07.179 --> 00:46:14.216
Mark:Silhouette, silhouette, silhouette. Awsome. I loved the silhouettes that he explored
00:46:14.216 --> 00:46:19.741
a lot of those were great, he could have used quite a few of those. I think the one he picked was good
00:46:19.741 --> 00:46:31.028
I would say that, there was a lot like, the top is very clean, and ah, the underside has a lot of
00:46:31.028 --> 00:46:37.051
detail in it, and because of all that detail and the bulkiness of the bottom, that the wings felt
00:46:37.051 --> 00:46:45.526
a little small. A big fat bird with little wings. When they fold out they look better, but he needs,
00:46:45.526 --> 00:46:51.876
for me personally, to re-think the wings a little bit and make them proportionate.
00:46:51.876 --> 00:46:59.236
I realise that it's a spaceship, and wings don't really matter in space, but just weighting-wise....
00:46:59.236 --> 00:47:04.291
Chris R:The specs say it also has to be capable of atmospheric flight.
00:47:04.291 --> 00:47:06.816
Chris O:See those guys rapelling out?
00:47:06.816 --> 00:47:14.916
Mark:Yeah, I know, If you have enough thruster then you can have a UFO saucer if you want,
00:47:14.916 --> 00:47:24.125
but for me the wings felt too small to handle this big ship. I do like the underbelly, I like the way the
00:47:24.125 --> 00:47:32.217
detail works. I like that the top in clean, kinda like a turtle from the top? You don't realise what you
00:47:32.217 --> 00:47:35.399
are dealing with. Chris O:What about the wings?
00:47:35.399 --> 00:47:41.012
Mark:(sigh)I think I'm going to kick you in the face about the wings.
00:47:41.012 --> 00:47:43.268
Sandi:What do you think about the wings Chris?
00:47:43.268 --> 00:47:45.152
Chris O:Oh, you're going to me now?
00:47:45.152 --> 00:47:46.963
Mark:YEAH! What do YOU think about the wings Chris?
00:47:46.963 --> 00:47:51.446
Chris O:Well, I completely agree, for the most part, with Mr. Skelton. Mark:(whisper) What?
00:47:51.446 --> 00:47:53.373
Chris R:Even on the wings?
00:47:53.373 --> 00:47:57.297
Chris O:About everything. Mark:But the WINGS though! We are talking about WINGS!
00:47:57.297 --> 00:47:59.617
Chris S:He always disagree with me...
00:47:59.617 --> 00:48:04.166
Chris O:No, overall I felt it was too sleek and "Fightery" looking actually. I think there
00:48:04.166 --> 00:48:12.415
could be something done differently with the wings without just, sort of, standard, swept back, wings
00:48:12.415 --> 00:48:19.959
I think even though the rendering style was a bit "cartoony" I think it would translate into
00:48:19.959 --> 00:48:28.234
"real world" pretty nicely, and there was a lot of thought put into the interior and what was
00:48:28.234 --> 00:48:33.694
going on. Pretty good. Thought the wings were a little too small for the ship.
00:48:33.694 --> 00:48:35.492
00:48:35.492 --> 00:48:37.087
00:48:37.087 --> 00:48:44.621
David:ah wings. That was not my biggest problem, especially when the wings deployed out
00:48:44.621 --> 00:48:51.555
I felt it was a little more balanced. I think from the profile it's drooping nose? I get that it serves a
00:48:51.555 --> 00:48:59.608
function, that it would get more visibility for the pilot and the gun-pod and landing gear assembly
00:48:59.608 --> 00:49:06.462
but with that said, I still, in profile, I felt it was a little droopy and needed to be balanced
00:49:06.462 --> 00:49:09.926
by something else, so I would play around there.
00:49:09.926 --> 00:49:15.188
I like how he communicated, a lot of the ideas he had about the function and utility, people being
00:49:15.188 --> 00:49:22.178
able to drop down and deployed on the ground. Style-wise, surfacing-wise, it could use a second pass
00:49:22.178 --> 00:49:26.938
although I think he's headed in the right direction. I would look at more reference, more real world
00:49:26.938 --> 00:49:35.039
vehicles, and certain things. I remember these two intakes on the side, they felt almost cartoony
00:49:35.039 --> 00:49:43.122
so it's important to get the size and proportion of these things correct, then it will sell the rest
00:49:43.122 --> 00:49:47.999
of the vehicle, but otherwise a pretty good job.
00:49:47.999 --> 00:49:50.863
Mark:I take back what I said and I'm gonna say what he said.
00:49:50.863 --> 00:49:55.234
(laughter)Sandi:Aaaaaaw! ... Chris, would you like to say what he said?
00:49:55.234 --> 00:50:02.271
Chris S:Sure, yeah, I disagree....no. (laughs) Actually I DO disagree with the wing part.
00:50:02.271 --> 00:50:09.498
I thought the wings were cool. I looked like, well kinda like a bomber, a heavy bomber, to me rather
00:50:09.498 --> 00:50:17.701
than a gunship perhaps? The style was cool, all the silhouettes he did were awsome. Like Mark said,
00:50:17.701 --> 00:50:23.620
he probably could have used a few of those. The silhouette he chose I almost liked better than
00:50:23.620 --> 00:50:30.399
the final rendering, but with the extended wings up I thought the shape was interesting and cool.
00:50:30.399 --> 00:50:39.273
One thing on the technical side is he mentioned the main thrusters, but not the manouvring thrusters
00:50:39.273 --> 00:50:44.284
that maybe needs fleshed out, maybe he did, but he never mentioned it.
00:50:44.284 --> 00:50:50.278
Chris R:I was looking, I didn't see them on the front. The back thrusters he had them rotating
00:50:50.278 --> 00:50:55.573
which was great, but you need to yaw too, make them go this way.
00:50:55.573 --> 00:50:57.427
Chris S:He had the main ones.
00:50:57.427 --> 00:51:01.923
Chris R:They were just that. You need them to come out this way, and then some in the front to do
00:51:01.923 --> 00:51:04.983
the same thing. I didn't see those on the design.
00:51:04.983 --> 00:51:09.810
I liked the approach, right, so I liked the fact it was "I'm going to make these silhouettes" and
00:51:09.810 --> 00:51:16.313
"I'm gonna look at the silhouettes of existing military ships", so I though he really approached it
00:51:16.313 --> 00:51:22.114
in the right way in terms of how to make this ship fit inside the universe. That though process was
00:51:22.114 --> 00:51:28.410
really good. Like Mark said, there were a bunch of silhouettes that would have been really cool.
00:51:28.410 --> 00:51:36.068
I tend to prefer a slightly more photo-realistic rendering style when doing the 2D side, and
00:51:36.068 --> 00:51:41.615
his was a little cartoony, I think there were parts on the ship that came across as slightly out of
00:51:41.615 --> 00:51:46.176
proportion. They would look great in a comic or graphic novel, but not necessarily in a more
00:51:46.176 --> 00:51:51.598
film design stuff? Having said that I really liked the way the inside was thought out.
00:51:51.598 --> 00:51:55.343
How you would get in, what the coverage of the turrets were, that was all good.
00:51:55.343 --> 00:52:03.131
I felt the the front cockpit/nose area, for me, it just felt a bit small, I didn't like the shape
00:52:03.131 --> 00:52:11.378
For me I would like to see different explorations there, maybe more visibility, more exploration.
00:52:11.378 --> 00:52:19.027
It just sort of felt like he was attaching an Apache helicopter cockpit on the front of some big
00:52:19.027 --> 00:52:22.961
fat thing at the back. Chris O:Was it too droopy?
00:52:22.961 --> 00:52:26.063
Chris R:It just felt really small compared to the rest.
00:52:26.063 --> 00:52:32.248
Chris S:You have the cockpit then all this mechanical stuff. It was really bulky underneath.
00:52:32.248 --> 00:52:37.145
Chris R:I liked the fact that there was a concealed gun that would come out, but that front area
00:52:37.145 --> 00:52:43.563
that could have had more substance. Thrusters I would have liked to have seen. I like the wing
00:52:43.563 --> 00:52:49.715
configuration when tilted up, I liked it less when they were not tilted, but I did like that he had
00:52:49.715 --> 00:52:54.782
worked the interior out, where they would store weapons and the rest of the stuff, that was good.
00:52:54.782 --> 00:53:01.873
Generally a lot of potential, some criticisms, love to see the next iteration.
00:53:01.873 --> 00:53:06.526
David:I wanted to add that the silhouettes were awesome, I wanted to design in all of them
00:53:06.526 --> 00:53:12.313
(noises of agreement from all) Really creative, and it you have that stage going on then
00:53:12.313 --> 00:53:15.531
you are well on your way to becoming a fanstastic designer.
00:53:15.531 --> 00:53:21.797
Sandi:Alright guys. Now time for voting. get out your phones and email me your top 4 I'll tally
00:53:21.797 --> 00:53:28.240
the votes and we will work out the 4 going through and the 2 getting cut.
00:53:28.240 --> 00:53:33.579
I'm guessing Catapult might not make it....
00:53:53.306 --> 00:53:57.343
Sandi:Alright guys, I tallied the votes and it's unanimous, team Catapult....
00:53:57.343 --> 00:53:59.703
Mark:Is IN....(laughter)
00:53:59.703 --> 00:54:05.346
Sandi:Will not be moving on, but with 5 votes each I can tell you that Skyguard Fabrications,
00:54:05.346 --> 00:54:10.688
1bitAmoeba and TriTri are now officially going on to round two.
00:54:10.688 --> 00:54:18.851
That leaves us with Cryo and 3Dingo's, it was a close vote, let's hear how that played out.
00:54:18.851 --> 00:54:22.722
Mark:(whisper)You guys are going to shoot me.
00:54:22.722 --> 00:54:33.656
If we can work with them and iterate a little bit I honestly think that 3Dingo have enough there
00:54:33.656 --> 00:54:39.391
to be able to art direct them into something that's really cool.
00:54:39.391 --> 00:54:48.154
Chris R:So you went 3Dingo. I went with Cryo because I liked the weapon that he did
00:54:48.154 --> 00:54:55.746
and I think there is talent in 3D modelling. I felt like, even the rendering style wasn't terrible in the
00:54:55.746 --> 00:55:02.652
concept stuff, it was just the approach that has the issues we brought up, but I thought Cryo was
00:55:02.652 --> 00:55:10.353
trying something different where the 3Dingo one was more straight ahead "drop-ship" style
00:55:10.353 --> 00:55:16.894
that's why I picked Cryo but, hey, I picked AEM because I thought that was more interesting
00:55:16.894 --> 00:55:19.358
and looked what happened! (laughs)
00:55:19.358 --> 00:55:28.758
Chris S:So I went with Cryo as well, they has a little more interest, a little more thought put into it
00:55:28.758 --> 00:55:37.744
and I really liked the back story of the guy too, it was interesting in that regard. I think more iteration
00:55:37.744 --> 00:55:41.736
on that and it could be something pertty unique.
00:55:41.736 --> 00:55:44.698
Sandi:Cryo for you Chris Olivia?
00:55:44.698 --> 00:55:51.164
Chris O:So exciting! Ahm, I went with, er, like Mark, 3Dingo.
00:55:51.164 --> 00:55:56.993
Sandi:Wow Mark:Nailbiter Chris R:You'd think this was staged! I don't believe it.
00:55:56.993 --> 00:56:05.048
Chris R:It's like the NBA finals. Why listen to the four of us, just ask David Hobbins
00:56:05.048 --> 00:56:07.429
00:56:07.429 --> 00:56:09.810
00:56:09.810 --> 00:56:13.209
Chris O:Whoah, whoah, whoah (laughter)
00:56:13.209 --> 00:56:15.598
David:Please, go on.
00:56:15.598 --> 00:56:19.570
Chris O:I had a long winded explanation, 'cos these are the Italian guys right?
00:56:19.570 --> 00:56:22.240
Chris R:Right. Mark:Party with those guys!
00:56:22.240 --> 00:56:28.870
Chris O:As much as I like the guy from Alaska, and all the alcohol in that area, and I agree he had a
00:56:28.870 --> 00:56:36.015
unique approach and design, I just think in the end I think there is more potential with the 3Dingo ship
00:56:36.015 --> 00:56:41.389
Sandi:Alright, David Hobbins. All the pressure is on you. Chris O:Drumroll
00:56:41.389 --> 00:56:49.760
David:This for me was really close. I can make arguments either way, that said, I did end up
00:56:49.760 --> 00:57:01.263
going towards Cryo... (laughter) ...it was really close, but I guess the back story, the thoughtfulness
00:57:01.263 --> 00:57:15.031
Cryo's passion for his vehicle and the weapon in previous episodes won me over.
00:57:15.031 --> 00:57:24.611
Him not going with a conventional design, I liked that, and with some coaching he will have the passion
00:57:24.611 --> 00:57:28.780
and resilience to take this all the way.
00:57:28.780 --> 00:57:30.908
ChrisO:He's rolled his eyes.
00:57:30.908 --> 00:57:39.235
Mark:I guess I can accept that. I'm changing my vote to "I like Cryo". Unanimous!
00:57:39.235 --> 00:57:45.241
Sandi:So Team Catapult and 3Dingo have been cut, however, that does not mean they are out
00:57:45.241 --> 00:57:47.183
because there is "The Save".
00:57:47.183 --> 00:57:51.994
The community gets involved once again at the end of phase 1 the community will get to
00:57:51.994 --> 00:57:54.345
vote back in two teams.
00:57:54.345 --> 00:57:58.658
All the teams will get the judges feedback, they will do another pass and put out a new video
00:57:58.658 --> 00:58:01.462
and you guys will get to vote two teams back in.
00:58:01.462 --> 00:58:06.773
Next week, three more teams move on, and two more get cut.See you next Friday.
00:58:06.773 --> 00:58:16.605
All: Later. Take it easy. Cyas. It's been real. Oh My God!(laughter) "It's been real!"