0:00:36.669,0:00:37.840 Leonardo Drew:[br]When I get up in the morning, I know exactly 0:00:37.840,0:00:38.840 what I'm going to be doing. 0:00:38.840,0:00:40.340 I'll be working. 0:00:45.668,0:00:49.715 I don't know what the works are actually going[br]to be about, 0:00:49.715,0:00:52.070 but they find their way. 0:01:08.437,0:01:11.865 I was drawing and using colored inks and things[br]like that. 0:01:11.865,0:01:15.750 People in the neighborhood, the projects where[br]I grew up in Bridgeport, Connecticut, 0:01:15.750,0:01:19.509 they were telling me about this place called ABCD[br]Cultural Art Center. 0:01:19.802,0:01:23.016 They said that well you have to go there because[br]they have paints and canvases. 0:01:23.016,0:01:24.826 And I said, "Wow, this is all this stuff for[br]free?" 0:01:27.332,0:01:31.844 So once I made my way over to them, I ended[br]up with these mentors. 0:01:31.844,0:01:36.650 A fantastic group of artists who were just[br]there helping kids. 0:01:37.440,0:01:39.065 And I was one of them. 0:01:55.432,0:01:57.532 This coping cartoons here 0:01:58.036,0:02:01.598 This copy directory from television like where about watching 0:02:03.348,0:02:04.958 I had a facility 0:02:05.389,0:02:07.141 to be able to do that in young age 0:02:07.259,0:02:09.579 but at the same time it wasn't original thought 0:02:14.529,0:02:15.529 This is actually a 0:02:17.624,0:02:22.964 Newspaper article when my first exhibition of age thirteen 0:02:23.732,0:02:25.292 And we use it for flier 0:02:31.406,0:02:33.896 Of course these were much later 0:02:35.440,0:02:40.050 I was approached by DC Comics and Heavy Metal[br]magazine and Marvel Comics to, to do work 0:02:40.050,0:02:41.470 for them. 0:02:41.470,0:02:44.880 When I saw this black and white reproduction[br]of Jackson Pollock's work, when I was in the 0:02:44.880,0:02:47.360 library in high school, that was it. 0:02:47.360,0:02:51.101 And that was my first take on what fine art was. 0:02:51.101,0:02:56.350 Imagine Jackson Pollock in black and white,[br]but it still elicited such a visceral response 0:02:56.629,0:03:00.660 that when seeing it I was kind of like wow,[br]this is amazing. 0:03:01.202,0:03:07.122 From that point on, I began to question what[br]I was doing up against what I had seen and 0:03:07.280,0:03:08.330 what I had felt. 0:03:08.330,0:03:10.534 More actually what I had felt. 0:03:10.534,0:03:12.504 Probably would have been like fifteen. 0:03:16.093,0:03:20.853 I was still exhibiting a certain type of work,[br]but it had touches of what I had realized. 0:03:24.434,0:03:31.030 When it came time for me to go to college,[br]it was pretty easy to make a decision like, 0:03:31.030,0:03:37.299 okay, you could just do college or you use[br]your talents to go out and have a life or 0:03:37.299,0:03:38.299 make money. 0:03:38.570,0:03:40.351 It was pretty easy. 0:03:40.351,0:03:46.349 It was like, you go to the place where it's[br]going to get you closer to Jackson Pollock 0:03:47.884,0:03:49.660 I studied at Cooper Union. 0:03:49.660,0:03:54.000 I was probably the greediest person there[br]because I digested everything. 0:03:54.000,0:03:57.023 I mean, I was in the foundry, the woodshop. 0:03:57.023,0:03:59.387 You know, like making paper. 0:03:59.590,0:04:00.838 Photography. 0:04:00.838,0:04:03.289 And then I asked for an extra year. 0:04:03.470,0:04:06.501 I had to fight for it, but they gave it to[br]me. [laughs] 0:04:25.201,0:04:31.240 My ability to be able to draw and paint well[br]actually was getting in the way of me realizing 0:04:31.240,0:04:33.184 something larger. 0:04:33.184,0:04:39.075 It's hard to get past something so beautifully[br]done and then at the same time ask the question, 0:04:39.075,0:04:41.115 what's underneath that? 0:04:41.250,0:04:44.889 I decided it was time for me to stop using[br]what I did well. 0:04:44.889,0:04:47.630 So what I did was almost literally tied my[br]hands. 0:04:47.630,0:04:49.860 I said, okay, you can no longer paint or draw. 0:04:49.860,0:04:52.872 And you're going to have to find another way[br]to create. 0:04:52.872,0:04:54.975 This is where I would've stopped drawing actually, 0:04:54.975,0:04:56.840 this is where it ended. 0:05:17.655,0:05:20.339 It was like seven years before I made a breakthrough. 0:05:20.339,0:05:26.880 So from 1982 to 1989, took me seven years[br]of just experimenting. 0:05:26.880,0:05:29.862 This piece came out, which was "Number 8." 0:05:30.449,0:05:33.118 Animal parts, rope, string. 0:05:33.118,0:05:36.250 Everything that you can possibly imagine is[br]in this, all entangled in this one monster 0:05:36.250,0:05:37.440 of a piece. 0:05:37.440,0:05:41.734 It was made up of all the failures or at least[br]what I perceived as failures. 0:05:41.734,0:05:46.220 If you're a "Number 8,"" then that means there[br]is like 1 to 7 that are no longer there. 0:05:46.220,0:05:48.630 It's just like they were all a part of "Number 8." 0:05:49.104,0:05:52.789 One of the reasons why I actually number the[br]works is just to give the viewer enough room 0:05:52.789,0:05:54.030 to find themselves in the work. 0:05:54.030,0:05:56.202 The work should become a mirror. 0:05:58.731,0:06:03.110 There are three areas on this piece, of importance[br]that I should pay attention to. 0:06:03.110,0:06:07.000 So I can't place something here without knowing[br]what's going on over there. 0:06:08.332,0:06:11.475 So this tells this area what has to happen. 0:06:11.475,0:06:13.330 And that tells this what has to happen. 0:06:13.330,0:06:15.150 And then they speak to one another. 0:06:15.150,0:06:17.699 So I know there's a gradation going on. 0:06:17.699,0:06:20.628 For instance, that has a sweep you see. 0:06:20.628,0:06:22.057 "Boom." 0:06:24.000,0:06:29.604 By the time it reaches the bottom, this is[br]the top, it's going to be epic. 0:06:29.604,0:06:31.412 [laughs] 0:06:32.765,0:06:37.451 That way of creating is actually only a microcosm[br]of how I make things, 0:06:37.451,0:06:40.462 because when I'm working on this I'm paying attention to that. 0:06:40.462,0:06:43.205 And that's telling me what has to happen over[br]here too. 0:06:43.205,0:06:45.341 And I can see things that are not working[br]over there, 0:06:45.341,0:06:48.910 that I say, okay, make sure that that's not occurring here. 0:06:48.910,0:06:50.854 And then this helps me by saying, oh you know[br]what, 0:06:50.854,0:06:52.771 this needs that over there you know. 0:06:52.771,0:06:54.617 So a lot of times I can rip things out. 0:06:54.617,0:06:58.744 That piece actually is already made up of[br]at least four different pieces. Yeah. 0:06:58.744,0:07:02.198 And the longer the work hangs around, the[br]better off it is. 0:07:04.297,0:07:05.590 My number's usually seven. 0:07:05.590,0:07:06.720 I'm rotating seven things. 0:07:06.720,0:07:08.682 They're speaking to each other. 0:07:10.105,0:07:12.520 But it is sometimes like seven crying babies. 0:07:12.926,0:07:15.860 You're trying to get to this one, to that[br]one and you're bouncing around. 0:07:15.860,0:07:17.222 And then they leave. 0:07:19.660,0:07:23.431 I end up visiting these things in museums[br]or people's homes. 0:07:23.431,0:07:26.742 And on the whole, those people, those folks 0:07:26.742,0:07:32.043 or even security guards at museums end up knowing more about the works than I could[br]have, 0:07:32.043,0:07:33.607 because they're living with them 0:07:33.607,0:07:38.089 and they've had much longer amount of time to[br]experience them. 0:07:38.089,0:07:40.734 And I only have them for a second. 0:07:41.840,0:07:44.128 I remember making a piece in my apartment. 0:07:44.128,0:07:45.968 At the time I was living in Washington Heights. 0:07:45.968,0:07:48.050 A friend of mine came over and said, "Well[br]how are you going to get it out?". 0:07:48.050,0:07:50.606 I said, I hadn't thought of that that. 0:07:50.606,0:07:53.592 I wasn't really thinking about taking the[br]piece out of there. 0:08:08.478,0:08:13.792 I got smart enough to sort of at least break[br]these things up into like increments of 24" by 24" 0:08:13.792,0:08:19.460 plates so that when I do hang it, you[br]know at least if there was no help around, I could do it by myself. 0:08:25.267,0:08:29.340 Being a person of color is one of those things[br]that you know you will have to contend with 0:08:29.340,0:08:30.530 as an artist. 0:08:30.530,0:08:34.376 You're going to have to realize it and you're[br]going to have something to say. 0:08:35.233,0:08:40.430 When I actually did this show back in 1992,[br]there were things that sort of came out of 0:08:40.430,0:08:45.000 that exhibition, which I have not necessarily[br]returned to, but they have definitely been 0:08:45.000,0:08:49.580 things that people will probably continue[br]to remember and write about, even if the work 0:08:49.580,0:08:56.780 has absolutely at this point nothing to do[br]with cotton or ropes or things like that. 0:08:58.067,0:09:00.448 There's a huge cotton wall piece that I had done. 0:09:00.448,0:09:03.826 At the time I was using my friend Jack Whitten's[br]studio. 0:09:04.029,0:09:06.000 And I didn't have a car; I didn't even have[br]a license. 0:09:06.000,0:09:07.180 My goodness. 0:09:07.180,0:09:10.892 And Jack was living down on Lispenard...which[br]is behind Canal Street. 0:09:10.892,0:09:13.690 That's like, oh it's some almost thirty blocks. 0:09:13.690,0:09:14.706 [laughs] 0:09:14.706,0:09:19.620 So it's like, okay, I put the bale of cotton[br]on the dolly and pushed it in the street. 0:09:19.620,0:09:22.519 And I remember the photographs that came out[br]from that. 0:09:22.519,0:09:23.338 [laughs] 0:09:23.338,0:09:24.338 Outrageous. 0:09:25.557,0:09:31.220 For me, it was very practical to get from[br]A to B, but in fact, if you look at the photographs, 0:09:31.220,0:09:33.229 it's like a political statement. 0:09:33.229,0:09:36.402 Then from there it was like, okay, creating[br]the piece. 0:09:37.824,0:09:40.399 My people's history is not about just black[br]people. 0:09:40.399,0:09:42.000 It's about all of us. 0:09:44.890,0:09:49.174 I mean there were things in that exhibition[br]that went through my body that were huge. 0:09:52.267,0:09:54.780 In 1992, I got it all out. 0:09:54.780,0:09:56.166 It got said. 0:09:58.717,0:10:03.167 For me to just linger on that, it would be[br]almost doing the art a disservice. 0:10:07.840,0:10:10.434 [saw whirring] 0:10:11.520,0:10:14.787 I was there eleven years in a studio in San Antonio. 0:10:14.787,0:10:18.000 I was always going back and forth from New[br]York to San Antonio. 0:10:19.942,0:10:23.861 One of the issues that has consistently come[br]up when people write about the art 0:10:23.861,0:10:26.030 is that they talk about found objects. 0:10:26.030,0:10:28.416 Actually, I don't work with found objects. 0:10:28.701,0:10:31.965 Most of my material are actually created in[br]the studio, 0:10:31.965,0:10:35.690 so I actually go out and I buy material, brand new stuff. 0:10:36.209,0:10:38.114 I actually have become the weather. 0:10:39.514,0:10:44.019 My reasons for having a studio in San Antonio[br]had everything to do with the intensity of 0:10:44.019,0:10:48.453 the heat and how I could actually weather[br]some of the materials that I was working with. 0:10:48.453,0:10:53.585 But what I ended up doing was hoisting onto[br]the roof of the studio these 0:10:53.585,0:10:55.910 eight-foot cattle troughs. 0:10:55.910,0:11:01.520 Buy like six of them and I would cook the[br]materials, sometimes for months and years 0:11:01.520,0:11:03.590 depending on what it is I was after. 0:11:04.222,0:11:08.089 There is the artwork that you physically make,[br]but there's also the journey that happens 0:11:08.089,0:11:09.470 on the inside. 0:11:11.908,0:11:16.165 That body of work was emotionally heavy and[br]I just thought, 0:11:16.165,0:11:19.180 what would happen if you took that away? 0:11:19.180,0:11:21.326 Here we are again with this question. 0:11:21.326,0:11:23.829 We're comfortable, how do I get to the next place? 0:11:24.664,0:11:27.982 So when you get rid of all the things that[br]you find that are comfortable. 0:11:27.982,0:11:30.350 So I said, okay, get rid of the rust. 0:11:31.095,0:11:35.649 It was at that point that the Fabric Workshop[br]had asked me to come up with an idea for a 0:11:35.649,0:11:37.503 piece as I was asking that question. 0:11:37.503,0:11:42.572 And I said, what if I took just white paper--just[br]like Xerox paper, like 0:11:42.572,0:11:47.060 really sixteen-pound paper--and transform that into something. 0:11:47.557,0:11:51.903 What if I took objects and I wrapped the paper[br]around them 0:11:51.903,0:11:54.719 and then released them from the objects? 0:11:54.719,0:11:56.850 Boom, take a razor blade, you cut it away. 0:11:57.324,0:11:58.578 Boom, take the object out. 0:11:58.578,0:12:00.120 Boom, put it back together. 0:12:00.481,0:12:02.220 And there's nothing underneath the white paper. 0:12:02.762,0:12:03.387 Just the paper. 0:12:03.387,0:12:05.329 So it's just a shell in the end. 0:12:05.329,0:12:07.530 So you're getting really a ghost image. 0:12:08.862,0:12:11.050 What happened was revealing. 0:12:11.050,0:12:16.016 No matter what materials I end up using, once[br]you find your voice, that's it. 0:12:20.238,0:12:24.979 [sander grinding] 0:12:37.232,0:12:39.650 There is no escaping your past. 0:12:39.650,0:12:42.491 With certainty, absolute certainty I can look[br]back 0:12:42.491,0:12:45.018 on some of the configurations that I created 0:12:45.018,0:12:48.730 and I can see those projects. I can see the landfill. 0:12:49.227,0:12:51.097 We were right next to the dump. 0:12:51.639,0:12:56.680 I mean literally we could see the dump from[br]our window and we could see the tractors going 0:12:56.680,0:12:58.930 back and forth over the landfills. 0:13:01.142,0:13:03.060 That was what I knew. 0:13:03.647,0:13:05.559 I spent time at the dump. 0:13:09.510,0:13:12.289 I can see the grid for instance. 0:13:13.192,0:13:16.978 Interesting enough, people go on like, "Oh,[br]his connection is to minimalism." 0:13:16.978,0:13:21.434 I say actually it's more like [br]those gridded projects. 0:13:59.799,0:14:03.578 When you're creating, there are satisfying[br]moments and then there are 0:14:03.578,0:14:08.441 moments that are kind of like endpoints--or beginnings. 0:14:11.060,0:14:17.219 My gallery approached me, "What if we allowed[br]you to take on the space?"" 0:14:18.235,0:14:22.105 I have the space for a month to actually create[br]in the space. 0:14:22.376,0:14:27.250 What I did was, as always, bought materials[br]like the wood and stuff like that and began 0:14:27.250,0:14:32.618 to wash it and burn it and transform it. 0:14:33.002,0:14:36.105 What we ended up with was this dilapidated[br]wall. 0:14:43.577,0:14:46.764 This thing was a one hundred and nine feet long. 0:14:46.764,0:14:48.440 And monstrous. 0:14:52.334,0:14:56.282 Just because something is big, bombastic,[br]and sensational 0:14:56.282,0:14:59.380 does not necessarily mean that it's successful. 0:15:03.489,0:15:06.465 It was like all of a sudden, I had this epiphany. 0:15:07.935,0:15:10.240 It is time for you to start reaching again. 0:15:10.240,0:15:12.000 This is not quite enough. 0:15:13.310,0:15:18.654 I know this too well and I'm getting too comfortable[br]again. 0:15:23.824,0:15:26.397 Now for the viewer, they can't know that. 0:15:26.397,0:15:29.150 They can only know what you present to them. 0:15:34.004,0:15:37.930 I'm finding out the work is becoming like[br]a monster sometimes in what it needs, and 0:15:37.930,0:15:39.289 I just keep feeding it. 0:15:41.434,0:15:47.722 The fact is I've almost set myself up in life[br]so that I can give completely or commit completely 0:15:47.722,0:15:50.339 to this process of creating. 0:15:50.339,0:15:52.334 I've never been married, I have no kids. 0:15:52.334,0:15:54.470 I love kids, I love women. [laughs] 0:15:54.470,0:15:55.730 But I don't have either. 0:15:55.730,0:15:59.148 So that tells you something about my commitment[br]to like this life. 0:16:00.976,0:16:02.490 We're all reaching. 0:16:02.490,0:16:05.422 I'm not talking just about artists, but I[br]mean we all are reaching. 0:16:06.596,0:16:09.440 As I'm creating, I know that I have the opportunity. 0:16:09.440,0:16:12.490 Whatever I feel or know, I make into material. 0:16:15.199,0:16:16.860 What a journey though. 0:16:16.860,0:16:21.060 I've enjoyed it for all of my life and still[br]I'm intrigued. 0:16:21.647,0:16:22.643 I still want to reach out. 0:16:22.643,0:16:23.255 I still want to reach. 0:16:23.255,0:16:24.116 I still want to reach. 0:16:24.116,0:16:24.868 I still want to reach. 0:16:37.787,0:16:40.812 There's no other way of doing it except for[br]this physical manifestation 0:16:40.812,0:16:42.249 of what I've been through. 0:16:43.634,0:16:48.310 If I were to say what my work was--actually[br]what my work was about--I couldn't tell you. 0:16:48.310,0:16:51.241 Even if I knew, I probably wouldn't tell you. [laughs] 0:17:09.912,0:17:11.790 [drill whirring] 0:17:24.000,0:17:28.155 As I'm moving closer and closer to answering[br]questions, at the same time, 0:17:28.155,0:17:30.520 I'm moving further away from the answers. 0:17:30.520,0:17:34.993 So all I have to do at this point is continue[br]to place my body in the act 0:17:34.993,0:17:37.051 of attempting to know. 0:17:43.305,0:17:48.401 (ambient electronic music) 0:17:48.401,0:17:50.730 To learn more about "Art in the Twenty-First Century" 0:17:50.730,0:17:52.700 and it's educational resources, 0:17:52.700,0:17:57.128 please visit us online at PBS.org/Art21 0:17:57.964,0:18:01.185 "Art in the Twenty-First Century" is available on DVD 0:18:01.185,0:18:06.704 To order, visit shopPBS.org or call 1-800-PLAY-PBS 0:18:06.704,0:18:12.203 (ambient electronic music)