WEBVTT 00:00:01.060 --> 00:00:02.820 Welcome! 00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:04.880 Was it cool? 00:00:05.080 --> 00:00:11.500 Welcome everyone to the Wintergatan universe. I have been doing really good progress on the Marble Machine X lately. 00:00:11.530 --> 00:00:17.910 Actually, I have been focused. I'm working six out of seven days. I take one day away from the machine per week 00:00:17.910 --> 00:00:23.420 I am getting somewhere. So I have been actually happy with the rate of progress lately. 00:00:23.420 --> 00:00:27.959 Last week we could see the cyber bass play some notes for the first time ever. 00:00:27.960 --> 00:00:42.900 [bass playing] 00:00:44.260 --> 00:00:47.880 I could really see the cyber bass function the way I wanted it to. 00:00:52.080 --> 00:00:54.920 Now when the marble drops on the cyber bass actually works, 00:00:55.110 --> 00:01:00.270 I need to put PMMA pipes to feed the marble drops from the marble divider. 00:01:00.270 --> 00:01:04.919 So this is a work that I've been doing several times during the progress. In this bending process 00:01:04.920 --> 00:01:09.580 I am using an 18 millimeter medical silicone rod and some maizena 00:01:09.880 --> 00:01:14.360 cornstarch that helps the rod slide freely inside the pipe 00:01:15.009 --> 00:01:20.459 and if I'm just patient and warm the pipe very evenly I can make this bend look 00:01:20.680 --> 00:01:27.479 really nice. But a real trick with these pipes is that the space is so tight between them. 00:01:27.700 --> 00:01:29.820 So the first pipe is easy, 00:01:30.220 --> 00:01:36.839 but then to add the second pipe is really, really difficult because all the pipe start to collide like really quick. 00:01:36.840 --> 00:01:39.240 So that is the real issue 00:01:39.480 --> 00:01:42.299 Well, the real issue is that I've done this like five times. 00:01:42.299 --> 00:01:48.898 I've changed the marble drop so many times during this design process and every time I had to make new PMMA pipes 00:01:49.840 --> 00:01:54.240 because the marble drop location was like it slightly altered so 00:01:54.760 --> 00:02:00.600 This is like the fifth time I'm making all 38 pipes or something like that. Craziness 00:02:01.040 --> 00:02:15.720 [piano music] 00:02:15.720 --> 00:02:22.640 [marbles rolling] 00:02:32.160 --> 00:02:34.160 They work! 00:02:58.690 --> 00:03:01.169 That's cool. This looks sick! 00:03:02.709 --> 00:03:06.929 And you know what I say about marks like this they tell the story 00:03:06.930 --> 00:03:11.010 I knew that the marbles from the bass were spreading in a quite big areas 00:03:11.010 --> 00:03:15.690 I needed to build a special funnel for the bass. The cyber funnel, of course. 00:03:15.690 --> 00:03:18.449 I wanted to make something functional but make it fast 00:03:18.700 --> 00:03:21.329 so I improvised this design and 00:03:21.610 --> 00:03:27.929 I love to step away from the CNC machine, step away from CAD and just create something with paper and pens. 00:03:27.930 --> 00:03:34.380 I'm sketching the shape here with my DiResta marker. I've actually done a collab with Jimmy DiResta. 00:03:34.380 --> 00:03:39.630 I'm very very proud of this because it's it's a fun story. I bought this print from him a long time ago. 00:03:40.299 --> 00:03:45.520 "Thank you, brother", he writes. I was like my heart was melting when I saw the signature on the back. 00:03:45.520 --> 00:03:47.459 To me seeing Jimmy Diresta build things 00:03:47.459 --> 00:03:51.358 is like seeing a jazz musician play a fantastic solo. 00:03:51.390 --> 00:03:56.850 He's like, drawing a line with a marker and I'm just looking at that line and there's something special about it. 00:03:56.850 --> 00:04:01.979 I can't explain it. Ever since I saw him making these prints on his letterpress machines, 00:04:01.980 --> 00:04:06.869 I wanted to make a collab so I asked him a long time ago, and he said just "yes". 00:04:06.869 --> 00:04:13.700 So I made a little variation of the MMX design. This has been printed on a letterpress by Jimmy DiResta. 00:04:13.700 --> 00:04:18.200 It says "Printed by DiResta" down here and it has Jimmy's signature and my signature 00:04:18.200 --> 00:04:24.700 I wanted it to look like a patent drawing and on the patent drawings you have always like a lot of attorneys 00:04:24.700 --> 00:04:31.200 like verifying the the drawing. So this time it's me and Jimmy who are attorneys on this document 00:04:31.200 --> 00:04:37.920 I have a picture here of the actual printing plate that he used to print these. Here's another really fun one. 00:04:37.920 --> 00:04:44.580 This is my personal favorite one. So I think it's a really fun that I bought this print "If it looks straight it is straight" 00:04:44.650 --> 00:04:49.140 and then Jimmy sent me this one. There is something special with the contrast of a print like this. 00:04:49.630 --> 00:04:51.809 It just doesn't look like anything else. 00:04:54.460 --> 00:04:56.850 Down here, you can see the attorney signatures. 00:04:58.270 --> 00:05:02.639 We just put these prints up on the Wintergatan website in three different batches. 00:05:02.650 --> 00:05:05.010 They're like 100 copies made of each batch. 00:05:05.110 --> 00:05:11.639 My mother is shipping these from Sweden in triangular super cool cardboard boxes. So we're just doing this, 00:05:12.190 --> 00:05:16.739 so there's no fold, and this role will fit in the triangular cardboard box. 00:05:16.810 --> 00:05:20.180 So thanks, Lena, for helping out with the shipping on this project. 00:05:20.180 --> 00:05:25.770 And I just want to say thanks to Jimmy DiResta for being such a big inspiration. Go check them out if you want 00:05:25.920 --> 00:05:30.740 a piece of art made by me and Jimmy DiResta. I'm so proud of these. 00:05:30.740 --> 00:05:34.100 With the two-dimensional sketch of the cyber funnel 00:05:34.110 --> 00:05:40.259 I could bend all the metal wires and fit onto the sketch and then I could start to put the funnel together 00:05:55.180 --> 00:06:01.600 I'm using silicone bronze stick brazing for this work and it's wonderful to work with. It has a lower melting point 00:06:01.600 --> 00:06:07.420 than the steel, which means that the steel doesn't disappear. You can glue the steel together, so to speak. 00:06:07.560 --> 00:06:10.540 And you can easily control the result 00:06:22.700 --> 00:06:26.280 And this was going really good, really good, really good, until 00:06:26.340 --> 00:06:33.820 disaster hit. I ran out of argon gas for my TIG welding machine and it's so funny because I was always a fragile 00:06:34.040 --> 00:06:39.400 snowflake, but this process and this project has made me more brittle than ever. 00:06:39.400 --> 00:06:45.160 I got so frustrated from running out of argon gas. And my normal place to get one is closed 00:06:45.180 --> 00:06:49.580 so I have to kind of divert from here and to do things on the Marble Machine X, 00:06:49.580 --> 00:06:51.889 that doesn't require TIG welding for a couple of days 00:06:52.160 --> 00:06:57.460 Since I can't show you the final functioning cyber funnel just yet, 00:06:57.880 --> 00:07:01.920 I wanted to show you the drum drops that I finished last week. 00:07:01.980 --> 00:07:05.500 You saw parts of this in the marble racing video, 00:07:05.669 --> 00:07:09.859 but not all. And this is actually a really huge progress. 00:07:09.860 --> 00:07:15.650 So all the three drum drops, for the kick drum, the snare drum and hi hat are now matrix sentinel marble drops, 00:07:15.680 --> 00:07:22.780 Which is a huge thing because these kind of marble drops is the perfect version. It's the best design I made 00:07:26.760 --> 00:07:30.920 And now for the first time we have a matrix sentinel marble drops on all the instruments 00:07:31.020 --> 00:07:34.190 already assembled on the Marble Machine X. So that has never happened and 00:07:34.830 --> 00:07:39.710 this is the last version of the marble drops I will make. If these doesn't work in the end 00:07:39.710 --> 00:07:45.289 I have to start on a new marble machine, so I will not replace these anymore on the Marble Machine X. 00:07:45.289 --> 00:07:48.829 But I think it will work and so far they seem to hold up really good. 00:07:49.409 --> 00:07:54.468 This is a perfect illustration why I designed these like this. If I drop marble from the left, 00:07:55.229 --> 00:07:58.008 check where it's landing in the funnel. 00:07:59.420 --> 00:08:04.840 Little bit to this side. Check again... little bit on this side where my finger is. 00:08:06.920 --> 00:08:09.540 And if I drop from the right channel 00:08:11.710 --> 00:08:13.710 It's a little bit towards this side. 00:08:17.290 --> 00:08:24.450 Although all the marbles were caught I want them to hit the middle. This is very easy on this design. I just take 00:08:24.970 --> 00:08:26.970 this plier. 00:08:28.800 --> 00:08:30.800 I give a little bend out... 00:08:32.760 --> 00:08:34.760 And I do the same on that. 00:08:39.060 --> 00:08:41.760 Still a little bit too much 00:08:41.960 --> 00:08:43.020 to this side 00:08:43.020 --> 00:08:45.020 Little bit better 00:08:51.560 --> 00:08:53.560 so let's give this... 00:09:03.180 --> 00:09:05.180 Let's double check this one again 00:09:08.260 --> 00:09:10.960 Dead in the middle. 00:09:10.960 --> 00:09:12.900 Dead in the middle. 00:09:15.280 --> 00:09:19.160 This easy adjustment of the marble arc 00:09:19.780 --> 00:09:23.549 is what this design is giving me. I love it. I'm very happy with it. 00:09:26.040 --> 00:09:30.300 So I want to show some details about the funnels that I didn't show in a funnel video. 00:09:30.300 --> 00:09:33.120 So back here I can put a set screw 00:09:34.200 --> 00:09:41.540 and these will clamp on the PMMA pipe internally here. So now I can just tighten these set screws, 00:09:43.780 --> 00:09:50.100 and the funnel sits so. And I love the fact that the PMMA pipe is vibrating a little bit. 00:09:50.440 --> 00:09:54.749 So we have two motions: we have this opening, but we have also this 00:09:55.810 --> 00:09:58.469 moving around a little bit. I think that adds. 00:10:01.450 --> 00:10:03.719 I don't think it looks rickety, I think it looks organic. 00:10:06.360 --> 00:10:10.340 Beautiful, hahaha. Yes! 00:10:11.220 --> 00:10:12.600 Top for the morning to y'all! 00:10:12.600 --> 00:10:15.220 I am working on another marble funnel 00:10:15.220 --> 00:10:16.700 I've the parts here on the table. 00:10:16.700 --> 00:10:19.420 So I have cleaned these parts with acetone 00:10:25.100 --> 00:10:32.000 Up until today I had assembled two marble funnels, but now I assembled a third one for the hi hat. 00:10:32.720 --> 00:10:37.100 So I welded the two halves, they go together like this. 00:10:37.500 --> 00:10:42.380 In the original funnel video I didn't talk so much about this spring steel on the backside, here. 00:10:43.020 --> 00:10:46.020 So this is a very nice design addition. 00:10:47.180 --> 00:10:53.140 Instead of using a hinge in a spring, we're letting the spring here be the hinge. 00:10:53.300 --> 00:10:58.360 So, shout out again to the funnel team and shout out to D.I.Wire 00:10:58.680 --> 00:11:02.700 for bending all these wires so beautifully. 00:11:02.700 --> 00:11:10.480 I'm sanding the tops of these wires to have a unison slope. Tops are sanded and now I need to 00:11:11.280 --> 00:11:13.280 band this top wire. 00:11:23.580 --> 00:11:25.620 And it's done! 00:11:26.060 --> 00:11:28.240 Let's do a test drop. 00:11:33.740 --> 00:11:36.400 I think it should be lower. 00:11:42.540 --> 00:11:48.320 And I want the marbles to hit higher up, so I'm gonna reduce the length even more of the pipe. 00:11:49.320 --> 00:11:51.680 So this placement works perfect, 00:11:54.540 --> 00:11:59.989 but I just can't accept it from an aesthetic point of view because these are on the same height. 00:12:00.320 --> 00:12:08.080 And as these grow beautifully like mushrooms, I want like an unbalance here as well. I need to put this lower. 00:12:08.580 --> 00:12:12.800 You see [tik took tok]. It's much better than [pook gok]. 00:12:31.530 --> 00:12:35.959 I have been going a little bit crazy today because while the funnels are there 00:12:36.030 --> 00:12:38.689 and I made the drops work, all of sudden 00:12:38.690 --> 00:12:45.260 the motor stopped working. Couldn't turn the machine, the tempo went down and down and I texted Alex, and he was like, 00:12:45.260 --> 00:12:50.809 "It's probably resistance in the machine somewhere". So I disconnected the conveyor belt and fish stair 00:12:51.420 --> 00:12:57.709 Then I felt the wheel on this side. I couldn't turn it by hand and I found some resistance 00:13:00.680 --> 00:13:07.240 So this little screw has unscrewed itself and it stopped the whole machine. 00:13:07.740 --> 00:13:08.360 Here. 00:13:11.180 --> 00:13:13.400 The only thing I can do is to cut it off 00:13:15.840 --> 00:13:18.360 This makes me a little bit worried about the machine on tour. 00:13:18.360 --> 00:13:21.940 It's so vulnerable. We have to secure all things like this. 00:13:23.800 --> 00:13:27.040 Before the world tour we have to take the whole machine apart 00:13:27.040 --> 00:13:30.540 and epoxy all screws in place into the plywood. 00:13:38.520 --> 00:13:39.720 And what now? 00:13:39.720 --> 00:13:43.160 Ah, I thought there is a lot of resistance 00:13:43.160 --> 00:13:45.160 and I forgot I have the clamp here. 00:13:48.040 --> 00:13:50.040 The clamp was there to stop the gear, so... 00:13:51.520 --> 00:13:53.520 Oh, yeah! 00:13:56.980 --> 00:14:02.380 Closing thoughts. I bought a new piano you saw it a little bit in the video 00:14:02.380 --> 00:14:06.840 It's a super cool white Yamaha from 1976 freshly renovated 00:14:07.120 --> 00:14:10.740 So I'm so happy that I have a real piano in my studio 00:14:10.740 --> 00:14:14.180 I'm going just play something for you on the piano in upcoming videos 00:14:14.540 --> 00:14:17.140 But it's the mark of me 00:14:17.660 --> 00:14:22.899 transitioning a little bit into composing music for the Marble Machine X because the Marble Machine X is 00:14:23.360 --> 00:14:26.860 actually just on the verge to need some songs. 00:14:26.980 --> 00:14:32.860 Which is very exciting and it's... it's tricky because I need to make sure 00:14:33.020 --> 00:14:36.520 that this project is not a waste of time 00:14:37.340 --> 00:14:45.040 There are some different kind of mental battles going on with this project. I've said this before but the doubts about the project is 00:14:45.830 --> 00:14:49.479 is increasing with the success of the project. It's it's very strange, 00:14:49.480 --> 00:14:55.100 but, the machine is so loud, and I have been kind of naive about that in the design process 00:14:55.180 --> 00:15:01.340 I have designed for looks a lot, but I've not designed for silence of the marbles 00:15:01.450 --> 00:15:06.939 For example the cyber bass when you hear it. It has a perfect line level you don't hear the marbles at all 00:15:07.220 --> 00:15:10.180 But for the vibraphone that is going to be an issue 00:15:10.910 --> 00:15:13.029 For the drums. It's a little bit of an issue 00:15:13.030 --> 00:15:18.910 I can do a cool trick with the drums where I put normal microphones plus a contact microphone and I put an audio gate on 00:15:18.910 --> 00:15:25.459 The normal microphone that is triggered by the contact phone that workaround seems to be very very promising 00:15:25.740 --> 00:15:29.960 My second word that I don't like to talk about. I need to make music 00:15:30.660 --> 00:15:37.939 that lives up to this machine. You have to be able to listen to the songs that the Marble Machine X play without seeing it and 00:15:38.340 --> 00:15:41.090 and be amazed right? That's like 00:15:41.820 --> 00:15:43.820 That's what I'm going for 00:15:43.860 --> 00:15:48.480 I'm not happy with just having some marbles playing a song and playing it well. 00:15:49.000 --> 00:15:53.840 I'm... going to make music that I never heard before with this instrument 00:15:53.840 --> 00:16:00.920 so I'm not happy with this project if we have a Marble Machine X a place well and that can play songs and I can 00:16:00.920 --> 00:16:07.549 make some cool Daft Punk covers and play the popcorn melody and drive everyone insane. And yeah, we did it 00:16:09.270 --> 00:16:11.270 That's failure 00:16:11.400 --> 00:16:14.780 What I want is to make music that I never heard that 00:16:15.440 --> 00:16:18.300 can touch people and inspire people 00:16:18.560 --> 00:16:22.340 when you hear the songs without seeing the Machine. That is the 00:16:23.910 --> 00:16:25.560 Acceptable grade 00:16:25.560 --> 00:16:33.440 now when I have my piano, I'm going to put my Mozart composer hat a little bit more on, because the engineer in Martin is 00:16:33.960 --> 00:16:38.269 soon finished. So the composer Martin can can can come up 00:16:38.270 --> 00:16:41.900 I don't like to talk about it because sometimes I feel like I should just 00:16:41.970 --> 00:16:46.609 You should just deliver art and you should not like share this part of the process 00:16:46.610 --> 00:16:49.400 But if you want to know really what's going through my head 00:16:49.400 --> 00:16:54.290 It's like how can I make music that is more beautiful than how this machine looks so 00:16:55.020 --> 00:16:58.850 That's just the next problem in the long row of problem solving that you are 00:16:58.980 --> 00:17:02.539 Witnessing me trying to do here on Wintergatan Wednesdays 00:17:04.220 --> 00:17:07.820 Will get there I will get there the question is how and when. 00:17:07.820 --> 00:17:15.560 But anyway, we have to basically fix the funnels in front of the vibraphone and connect the vibraphone funnels and 00:17:16.110 --> 00:17:19.490 The basic function on the whole Marble Machine X is completed 00:17:19.709 --> 00:17:25.579 So that's just a couple of argon bottles and a couple of weeks away and from there 00:17:25.580 --> 00:17:33.139 I can just connect my new audio equipment so I can record 36 channels at the same time and I can start composing 00:17:33.300 --> 00:17:40.999 so we are there now I have no clue how I can do good videos about me composing that is going to be like 00:17:42.300 --> 00:17:49.699 That is going to be a challenging time for for you and me I think, but hey we're gonna do this together. 00:17:49.700 --> 00:17:54.680 I feel so much support from you. I don't always 00:17:55.230 --> 00:18:00.079 Answer the comments, but I see comments and I see all the support coming my way 00:18:00.080 --> 00:18:06.800 I want to thank everyone who has ever commented on a Wintergatan video for all the positivity you're giving. It's 00:18:07.680 --> 00:18:13.459 really really encouraging and I want to thank everyone who are supporting this crazy dream 00:18:13.770 --> 00:18:19.249 through patreon and YouTube memberships. I can't thank you enough for being the best community 00:18:19.430 --> 00:18:26.749 Thank you for watching Wintergatan Wednesdays, and I hope you're having great luck with everything you're doing. See you next week. Bye