1 00:00:17,970 --> 00:00:18,840 JESSICA ELDREDGE: Hello everyone. 2 00:00:18,840 --> 00:00:21,330 Thank you so much for coming. 3 00:00:21,330 --> 00:00:22,240 My name is Jessica Eldredge. 4 00:00:22,240 --> 00:00:23,820 I'm a front-end developer at Shopify, 5 00:00:23,820 --> 00:00:26,020 and today I want to talk to you about taking notes. 6 00:00:26,020 --> 00:00:28,699 More specifically, I want to talk about taking 7 00:00:28,699 --> 00:00:33,460 awesome notes by practicing sketchnoting. 8 00:00:33,460 --> 00:00:35,160 How many of you guys have heard of sketchnotes 9 00:00:35,160 --> 00:00:39,829 before? Oh, great. So exciting. 10 00:00:39,829 --> 00:00:41,079 Is anyone sketchnoting right 11 00:00:41,079 --> 00:00:45,210 now? I love you guys. Please share afterwards. We're 12 00:00:45,210 --> 00:00:47,530 gonna Tweet all the photos. 13 00:00:47,530 --> 00:00:50,360 So if you haven't heard of sketchnoting, let me 14 00:00:50,360 --> 00:00:53,659 explain. I like to describe it as visual notetaking. 15 00:00:53,659 --> 00:00:56,500 It's the practice of combining hand-drawn elements and text 16 00:00:56,500 --> 00:01:00,500 to create visually-compelling notes. Are you familiar with mind 17 00:01:00,500 --> 00:01:04,009 maps? Show of hands? Anybody done that before? Yes? 18 00:01:04,009 --> 00:01:07,110 Who's used a whiteboard when designing software before? All 19 00:01:07,110 --> 00:01:10,049 right. See? You guys got this. You're already familiar 20 00:01:10,049 --> 00:01:12,140 with the concept of sketchnoting. 21 00:01:12,140 --> 00:01:16,479 Basically, it's the difference between notes like this and 22 00:01:16,479 --> 00:01:21,490 notes like this. I first started sketchnoting because of 23 00:01:21,490 --> 00:01:24,210 a man named Mike Rohde. He's a designer who 24 00:01:24,210 --> 00:01:27,440 lives in the midwest, and he coined the term 25 00:01:27,440 --> 00:01:29,330 sketchnoting. I was preparing to go to South by 26 00:01:29,330 --> 00:01:31,790 Southwest one year, and I was searching the internet 27 00:01:31,790 --> 00:01:33,250 for photos, trying to get an idea of what 28 00:01:33,250 --> 00:01:36,060 I was getting myself into, and I stumbled across 29 00:01:36,060 --> 00:01:37,070 his notes. 30 00:01:37,070 --> 00:01:38,790 And he's been doing this for a long time. 31 00:01:38,790 --> 00:01:42,050 At least since 2008. And, you know, he does 32 00:01:42,050 --> 00:01:45,290 it when travels, when he goes to conferences, meetings. 33 00:01:45,290 --> 00:01:47,570 And I just went into this rabbithole of looking 34 00:01:47,570 --> 00:01:50,690 at his wonderful notes and I thought, you know, 35 00:01:50,690 --> 00:01:52,170 I think I can do this. Or I at 36 00:01:52,170 --> 00:01:53,620 least want to give it a try. And so 37 00:01:53,620 --> 00:01:56,640 I started practicing. I did it at that South 38 00:01:56,640 --> 00:01:59,479 by that I attended and local meetups and, and 39 00:01:59,479 --> 00:02:02,909 meetings at work and I totally fell in love. 40 00:02:02,909 --> 00:02:04,630 So I was going back through the archives, preparing 41 00:02:04,630 --> 00:02:07,250 for this talk, trying to find some of my 42 00:02:07,250 --> 00:02:10,639 first sketchnotes, and these are my very first sketchnotes. 43 00:02:10,639 --> 00:02:13,400 And it's probably kind of hard to read, but 44 00:02:13,400 --> 00:02:16,420 the first speaker I saw was actually DHH. I 45 00:02:16,420 --> 00:02:18,340 had no idea who he was back then. I 46 00:02:18,340 --> 00:02:21,480 was like, what is this? Thirty-seven signals? I don't 47 00:02:21,480 --> 00:02:21,810 know. 48 00:02:21,810 --> 00:02:25,140 My sketchnotes have changed a lot since then. Get 49 00:02:25,140 --> 00:02:26,830 ready for some eye candy. 50 00:02:26,830 --> 00:02:28,349 These are some notes by Paul Soupiset. He's one 51 00:02:28,349 --> 00:02:32,440 of my favorites. I really love his handwriting. Veronica 52 00:02:32,440 --> 00:02:35,190 Erb likes to incorporate illustrations into her notes. She's 53 00:02:35,190 --> 00:02:39,830 got a really playful style. Sacha Chua. She's from 54 00:02:39,830 --> 00:02:43,000 Toronto. She goes to a lot of technical talks. 55 00:02:43,000 --> 00:02:44,440 Captures a lot of content in her notes. And 56 00:02:44,440 --> 00:02:48,090 she actually uses a tablet PC and a stylus. 57 00:02:48,090 --> 00:02:49,970 I like that there's a lot of dense content 58 00:02:49,970 --> 00:02:51,000 here, but you can still kind of tell what's 59 00:02:51,000 --> 00:02:54,290 going on, cause she's highlighted the key points. 60 00:02:54,290 --> 00:02:56,840 You can also use an iPad. There's various apps 61 00:02:56,840 --> 00:02:58,660 on the iPad. You use a stylus to take 62 00:02:58,660 --> 00:03:02,650 notes, like Daniel Kirsch. Super condensed, simplified. I love 63 00:03:02,650 --> 00:03:05,010 the pops of color. You can still get the 64 00:03:05,010 --> 00:03:06,770 point across. 65 00:03:06,770 --> 00:03:07,890 So there's a couple different ways that you can 66 00:03:07,890 --> 00:03:11,950 take notes. There's live and there's later. Live sketchnoting 67 00:03:11,950 --> 00:03:14,300 involves taking the notes at the same time that 68 00:03:14,300 --> 00:03:16,020 the presentation is happening. You're doing it in the 69 00:03:16,020 --> 00:03:18,730 moment. Later sketchnoting is kind of where you might 70 00:03:18,730 --> 00:03:20,620 be able to jot down some bullet points, maybe 71 00:03:20,620 --> 00:03:23,220 using your computer, maybe on another piece of paper, 72 00:03:23,220 --> 00:03:25,310 and you go back to your sketchbook later and 73 00:03:25,310 --> 00:03:26,980 draw them out. 74 00:03:26,980 --> 00:03:29,160 I prefer to do live sketchnoting, because I'm a 75 00:03:29,160 --> 00:03:30,989 developer. I like to keep things DRY. I don't 76 00:03:30,989 --> 00:03:33,930 want to repeat myself. When the talk is done, 77 00:03:33,930 --> 00:03:36,020 my notes are done. I can immediately share them 78 00:03:36,020 --> 00:03:37,430 and I can move on and enjoy the next 79 00:03:37,430 --> 00:03:39,739 talk. So for the rest of this talk, the 80 00:03:39,739 --> 00:03:41,620 techniques I'm gonna talk about mostly refer to live 81 00:03:41,620 --> 00:03:44,430 sketchnoting. 82 00:03:44,430 --> 00:03:47,660 So why do we want to sketchnote? Firstly, I 83 00:03:47,660 --> 00:03:52,050 think there's inspiration in analog processes. Taking yourselves out 84 00:03:52,050 --> 00:03:53,900 of your computer. We're all developers, we spend a 85 00:03:53,900 --> 00:03:56,569 lot of time on our gadgets and our devices. 86 00:03:56,569 --> 00:03:58,580 But spending some time with just good old pen 87 00:03:58,580 --> 00:04:01,680 and paper allows for a change of perspective. You 88 00:04:01,680 --> 00:04:03,459 get outside of your comfort zone and you start 89 00:04:03,459 --> 00:04:05,629 seeing things in a different way. 90 00:04:05,629 --> 00:04:08,560 Hopefully, while slowing down, you can clarify some ideas 91 00:04:08,560 --> 00:04:09,920 that you already have and maybe come up with 92 00:04:09,920 --> 00:04:13,360 some new ones. Some famous sketchers that didn't do 93 00:04:13,360 --> 00:04:16,970 it for a living include DaVinci, Kurt Vonnegut, Darwin, 94 00:04:16,970 --> 00:04:19,440 and Freud. All of those people are amazing. We 95 00:04:19,440 --> 00:04:21,589 know what they've done. They used sketching to help 96 00:04:21,589 --> 00:04:25,080 clarify their ideas. 97 00:04:25,080 --> 00:04:27,030 Sketchnoting also allows you to focus. How many of 98 00:04:27,030 --> 00:04:29,129 you guys have been in a meeting with your 99 00:04:29,129 --> 00:04:31,930 computer and you just check email real quick or 100 00:04:31,930 --> 00:04:33,800 maybe somebody IMs you cause there's a bug on 101 00:04:33,800 --> 00:04:36,740 production and you gotta fix it like right now? 102 00:04:36,740 --> 00:04:40,970 Basically, the computer is a rabbit hole of distractions. 103 00:04:40,970 --> 00:04:43,100 So, when I sketchnote, I try to put things 104 00:04:43,100 --> 00:04:44,510 away. I keep my phone out in case I 105 00:04:44,510 --> 00:04:46,000 need to look up words that I'm not familiar 106 00:04:46,000 --> 00:04:48,410 with, but all I have is my sketchbook and 107 00:04:48,410 --> 00:04:50,780 my pen and I'm listening to the content. You 108 00:04:50,780 --> 00:04:52,630 know, once you're on the computer, there's just way 109 00:04:52,630 --> 00:04:54,610 too much stuff that can come up and I 110 00:04:54,610 --> 00:04:58,650 really like stepping away from that. 111 00:04:58,650 --> 00:05:00,970 Sketchnoting also helps to improve your memory. There's this 112 00:05:00,970 --> 00:05:03,210 concept called the Duel Coding Theory which is proposed 113 00:05:03,210 --> 00:05:07,210 by Allen Pyvo. It's saying that we process information 114 00:05:07,210 --> 00:05:09,979 in two different ways. Using verbal and visual information. 115 00:05:09,979 --> 00:05:11,910 And if you utilize both of them, you have 116 00:05:11,910 --> 00:05:15,120 a better chance of remembering the content later. 117 00:05:15,120 --> 00:05:18,350 So, sketchnoting, you can use visual elements and you're 118 00:05:18,350 --> 00:05:20,610 using your handwriting and later you'll hopefully have an 119 00:05:20,610 --> 00:05:22,660 even better chance of remembering the content that you're 120 00:05:22,660 --> 00:05:25,530 trying to capture. 121 00:05:25,530 --> 00:05:27,250 So all of that stuff I just told you 122 00:05:27,250 --> 00:05:28,860 is what you're gonna tell your boss to prove 123 00:05:28,860 --> 00:05:31,190 that you're not doodling in the meetings. The real 124 00:05:31,190 --> 00:05:34,070 reason to sketchnote is that it's just fun. I 125 00:05:34,070 --> 00:05:36,410 love talking about it. People love looking at notes. 126 00:05:36,410 --> 00:05:38,430 I like looking at my notes. I think it's 127 00:05:38,430 --> 00:05:41,870 a really great practice, and really I just don't 128 00:05:41,870 --> 00:05:43,660 need an excuse. I try to find out a 129 00:05:43,660 --> 00:05:45,870 way that I can do it whenever I can. 130 00:05:45,870 --> 00:05:50,509 So let's get to the good stuff. Like you're, 131 00:05:50,509 --> 00:05:52,430 maybe you're thinking, Jess, I can't draw. I hear 132 00:05:52,430 --> 00:05:54,180 this all the time, and it's the reason why 133 00:05:54,180 --> 00:05:56,110 I'm giving my talk today. And I'm gonna debunk 134 00:05:56,110 --> 00:05:59,800 this in one slide. So what do you see 135 00:05:59,800 --> 00:06:04,110 up here? We've got some shapes. If you can 136 00:06:04,110 --> 00:06:07,419 draw any of these shapes, then you can sketchnote. 137 00:06:07,419 --> 00:06:09,680 If you can't draw these shapes, please come find 138 00:06:09,680 --> 00:06:13,680 me. We will pair. I am willing to take 139 00:06:13,680 --> 00:06:15,389 the time to practice with you and we can 140 00:06:15,389 --> 00:06:18,240 get this done. 141 00:06:18,240 --> 00:06:21,900 Using these shapes, and practicing, is how you're gonna 142 00:06:21,900 --> 00:06:25,880 sketchnote. You use lines, arrows, to connect ideas. Use 143 00:06:25,880 --> 00:06:29,479 the boxes and the clouds to add emphasis. Those 144 00:06:29,479 --> 00:06:31,740 shapes also form the basis, if you want to 145 00:06:31,740 --> 00:06:34,320 like, go and do some illustrations or icons, these 146 00:06:34,320 --> 00:06:36,690 are all the fundamental building blocks that you need. 147 00:06:36,690 --> 00:06:39,820 You're also gonna need some other tools. This is 148 00:06:39,820 --> 00:06:42,430 what I like to call my sketchnoting config file. 149 00:06:42,430 --> 00:06:45,680 I prefer to use a plain sketchbook. I use 150 00:06:45,680 --> 00:06:50,490 moleskin. Something with heavy paper. I'm a very hamfisted 151 00:06:50,490 --> 00:06:52,770 drawer and, you know, I write really heavy, so 152 00:06:52,770 --> 00:06:54,210 I don't want it to bleed. 153 00:06:54,210 --> 00:06:56,470 I use a uniball pen for most of the 154 00:06:56,470 --> 00:06:59,160 writing. It's very smooth. Something like a roller ball. 155 00:06:59,160 --> 00:07:01,490 I know people that like gel pens. There's a 156 00:07:01,490 --> 00:07:02,949 couple of other art pens in there that I 157 00:07:02,949 --> 00:07:05,009 use for bolder notes. And I've been using a 158 00:07:05,009 --> 00:07:07,560 FaverCastle artist's pen for shading. 159 00:07:07,560 --> 00:07:10,000 So, kind of pick what works for you. A 160 00:07:10,000 --> 00:07:11,470 lot of people like to start out with grid 161 00:07:11,470 --> 00:07:13,000 paper, too, because if you feel like you can't 162 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:14,970 write in straight line, then the grid lines kind 163 00:07:14,970 --> 00:07:17,460 of help you keep everything in place. 164 00:07:17,460 --> 00:07:20,770 And, obviously, like I talked earlier about some of 165 00:07:20,770 --> 00:07:22,780 the electronic devices that you can use. So if, 166 00:07:22,780 --> 00:07:23,850 you know, it makes you feel better to use 167 00:07:23,850 --> 00:07:28,310 an iPad, then, you know, absolutely go for it. 168 00:07:28,310 --> 00:07:29,759 So here are some sketchnotes of mine where you 169 00:07:29,759 --> 00:07:32,229 can see some of those building blocks being used. 170 00:07:32,229 --> 00:07:34,789 We've got a cloud and some arrows and lines 171 00:07:34,789 --> 00:07:40,160 and boxes. That's pretty much all you need. 172 00:07:40,160 --> 00:07:41,810 So here's the good part, right. How do you 173 00:07:41,810 --> 00:07:44,770 actually do this? And for this I'm gonna turn 174 00:07:44,770 --> 00:07:47,090 to one of my favorite poets, Mary Oliver, who 175 00:07:47,090 --> 00:07:50,229 wrote in "Sometimes," "Instructions for living a life: Pay 176 00:07:50,229 --> 00:07:54,020 attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." 177 00:07:54,020 --> 00:07:56,000 When I was reading this poem again really recently, 178 00:07:56,000 --> 00:08:00,910 I thought, these are really good advice for sketchnoting, 179 00:08:00,910 --> 00:08:04,340 as well. So how do we pay attention? 180 00:08:04,340 --> 00:08:05,660 The very first thing I want to tell people 181 00:08:05,660 --> 00:08:07,759 about sketchnoting is that it's not about drawing, it's 182 00:08:07,759 --> 00:08:11,190 about listening. It requires active listening to really focus 183 00:08:11,190 --> 00:08:14,470 on what the speaker's talking about. Sketchnoting helps you 184 00:08:14,470 --> 00:08:17,849 focus on the important parts of a presentation. 185 00:08:17,849 --> 00:08:21,340 Listening is different than thinking. Sometimes a speaker might 186 00:08:21,340 --> 00:08:24,210 be talking about something controversial, maybe other ideas come 187 00:08:24,210 --> 00:08:26,530 up in your head while they're, while they're speaking. 188 00:08:26,530 --> 00:08:29,099 You don't want to let your emotional reactions get 189 00:08:29,099 --> 00:08:31,460 in the way of capturing content. 190 00:08:31,460 --> 00:08:33,690 So if you disagree or maybe, I mean, you 191 00:08:33,690 --> 00:08:35,370 might think of something else, or, you know, oh 192 00:08:35,370 --> 00:08:37,880 I wish he'd said this, like. Eh. You don't 193 00:08:37,880 --> 00:08:39,179 want to let that get in the way. You 194 00:08:39,179 --> 00:08:40,679 really want to focus on what the speaker is 195 00:08:40,679 --> 00:08:43,860 saying, and then let the emotion come later. 196 00:08:43,860 --> 00:08:45,579 I also advise to follow the speaker and not 197 00:08:45,579 --> 00:08:48,130 the slides. We live in an age where most 198 00:08:48,130 --> 00:08:50,029 speakers are gracious enough to share their slides on 199 00:08:50,029 --> 00:08:52,230 the internet with us later, so you can kind 200 00:08:52,230 --> 00:08:54,279 of get that content if you need to later, 201 00:08:54,279 --> 00:08:56,269 most of the time. The good stuff's not gonna 202 00:08:56,269 --> 00:08:58,369 be on the slides, though. The good stuff is 203 00:08:58,369 --> 00:09:00,399 gonna be with the speaker. You have one moment 204 00:09:00,399 --> 00:09:02,199 to be in the presentation with them and to 205 00:09:02,199 --> 00:09:04,470 really hear what they're saying. 206 00:09:04,470 --> 00:09:06,369 If you know a speakers' style, it's a little 207 00:09:06,369 --> 00:09:09,360 bit easier to plan your notes. I've been going 208 00:09:09,360 --> 00:09:10,959 to enough tech conferences that I kind of get 209 00:09:10,959 --> 00:09:13,889 an idea ahead of time. DHH is gonna be 210 00:09:13,889 --> 00:09:18,540 super colorful and crazy and controversial. Aaron Patterson loves 211 00:09:18,540 --> 00:09:20,689 to tell a story, there's like, cool jokes in 212 00:09:20,689 --> 00:09:26,149 there. Glenn Vanderberg. Great storyteller. Very linear format. So, 213 00:09:26,149 --> 00:09:28,129 as you practice, you'll kind of get an idea 214 00:09:28,129 --> 00:09:29,129 for that. 215 00:09:29,129 --> 00:09:31,720 I would follow the speaker's body language. Their speech 216 00:09:31,720 --> 00:09:34,410 patterns. Maybe they like to take dramatic pauses. It's 217 00:09:34,410 --> 00:09:36,300 a time for you to slow down, also, and 218 00:09:36,300 --> 00:09:39,629 pay attention to what they're saying. 219 00:09:39,629 --> 00:09:41,420 So how do you listen for key points? This 220 00:09:41,420 --> 00:09:44,720 is pretty hard. It's, you know, requires some multi-tasking. 221 00:09:44,720 --> 00:09:48,819 Firstly, I would avoid summarizing everything. I think when 222 00:09:48,819 --> 00:09:51,709 you first start sketching, it's really tempting to try 223 00:09:51,709 --> 00:09:53,939 to get everything on paper. You don't want to 224 00:09:53,939 --> 00:09:57,360 miss stuff. But you kinda gotta let that go. 225 00:09:57,360 --> 00:09:59,529 The talk title is the first clue to what 226 00:09:59,529 --> 00:10:01,639 the important content is gonna be. But it's not 227 00:10:01,639 --> 00:10:06,290 always, you know, accurate. Sometimes the speaker's gonna be 228 00:10:06,290 --> 00:10:08,189 really cool and nice and tell you ahead of 229 00:10:08,189 --> 00:10:10,209 time what they're gonna cover. You know, the opening 230 00:10:10,209 --> 00:10:11,850 slide, and say, I've got three things that I'm 231 00:10:11,850 --> 00:10:15,269 gonna go over today. But you're not always gonna 232 00:10:15,269 --> 00:10:17,059 be able to rely on that. 233 00:10:17,059 --> 00:10:19,399 So one thing I like to tell people is, 234 00:10:19,399 --> 00:10:20,489 if you had your phone out and you weren't 235 00:10:20,489 --> 00:10:23,720 taking sketchnotes right now, what would you Tweet about? 236 00:10:23,720 --> 00:10:25,869 So anything that you listen to that you're like, 237 00:10:25,869 --> 00:10:27,459 man, that's really awesome, that's what you want to 238 00:10:27,459 --> 00:10:28,559 get down in your sketchnotes. 239 00:10:28,559 --> 00:10:32,709 So we're in a technical conference. I'm talking to 240 00:10:32,709 --> 00:10:35,089 developers who want to do this. There's gonna be 241 00:10:35,089 --> 00:10:37,869 a lot of demos and live coding, and my 242 00:10:37,869 --> 00:10:41,809 advice to you is don't sketch it. I tried 243 00:10:41,809 --> 00:10:45,129 to do it once. It's really hard. I tried 244 00:10:45,129 --> 00:10:50,199 to actually, you know, sketch code samples. It's, it's 245 00:10:50,199 --> 00:10:53,119 really hard. It's also gonna look kind of boring 246 00:10:53,119 --> 00:10:55,970 cause it's code. 247 00:10:55,970 --> 00:10:57,639 If you do want to sketchnote during a demo, 248 00:10:57,639 --> 00:11:00,069 though, I think there's still some tips you can, 249 00:11:00,069 --> 00:11:02,110 you can follow. You want to listen for gems 250 00:11:02,110 --> 00:11:04,709 of advice. Usually there's a reason why somebody's demoing. 251 00:11:04,709 --> 00:11:06,420 They want to show you that something's better than 252 00:11:06,420 --> 00:11:08,540 something else or, you know, kind of go through 253 00:11:08,540 --> 00:11:12,779 a problem-solving exercise. Maybe there's code libraries, gems, plugins, 254 00:11:12,779 --> 00:11:14,660 that are mentioned during a talk that you've never 255 00:11:14,660 --> 00:11:16,220 heard of before. I usually like to jot those 256 00:11:16,220 --> 00:11:18,730 down to go look up later. 257 00:11:18,730 --> 00:11:20,819 A lot of times, pros and cons. You know, 258 00:11:20,819 --> 00:11:22,499 obviously, if somebody's showing off something that they did, 259 00:11:22,499 --> 00:11:24,509 they might say this is better than this other 260 00:11:24,509 --> 00:11:25,959 way. Those are things that you might want to 261 00:11:25,959 --> 00:11:29,589 capture as well. 262 00:11:29,589 --> 00:11:32,279 It's virtually impossible to write as fast as somebody 263 00:11:32,279 --> 00:11:35,619 can speak. So sometimes you need a back-up plan. 264 00:11:35,619 --> 00:11:38,309 I like to carry around some scratch paper. I 265 00:11:38,309 --> 00:11:40,009 advise using post-its to just kind of like jot 266 00:11:40,009 --> 00:11:42,529 down ideas real quick, in case you can't keep 267 00:11:42,529 --> 00:11:46,119 up with the speaker's speech. There's usually also lulls 268 00:11:46,119 --> 00:11:48,850 between the main ideas. People pausing between all of 269 00:11:48,850 --> 00:11:51,009 their main points. That's also a good time to 270 00:11:51,009 --> 00:11:52,889 kind of go back and fill in, if you 271 00:11:52,889 --> 00:11:55,149 missed something earlier. 272 00:11:55,149 --> 00:11:56,980 You can also use post-its to hold on to 273 00:11:56,980 --> 00:11:59,019 a note or an idea while you're waiting for 274 00:11:59,019 --> 00:12:02,379 the connection. Sometimes they'll bring up the problem and 275 00:12:02,379 --> 00:12:04,119 talk about the solution later, and you want to 276 00:12:04,119 --> 00:12:05,709 just, like, hold onto that thought. 277 00:12:05,709 --> 00:12:09,540 Also, sometimes, I mean, you might not want to 278 00:12:09,540 --> 00:12:11,600 commit an idea right away. Like, maybe something better 279 00:12:11,600 --> 00:12:13,299 is gonna come up next, so you can use 280 00:12:13,299 --> 00:12:15,189 the post-it to sort of be a placeholder and 281 00:12:15,189 --> 00:12:18,339 a backup plan in case that following idea doesn't 282 00:12:18,339 --> 00:12:20,549 pan out for you. 283 00:12:20,549 --> 00:12:25,339 It's also important to be astonished. You might want 284 00:12:25,339 --> 00:12:27,179 to share your notes with the world and show 285 00:12:27,179 --> 00:12:29,179 them to other people, but ultimately your notes are 286 00:12:29,179 --> 00:12:31,220 for you. You want to capture what stands out 287 00:12:31,220 --> 00:12:32,670 to you in the moment and not worry about 288 00:12:32,670 --> 00:12:35,529 what anybody else thinks. 289 00:12:35,529 --> 00:12:37,660 Also feel free to fill-in gaps and add your 290 00:12:37,660 --> 00:12:40,499 own sort of notes on the side. I used 291 00:12:40,499 --> 00:12:43,329 to be really worried about capturing what a speaker 292 00:12:43,329 --> 00:12:46,220 said extremely accurately and I didn't want to misrepresent 293 00:12:46,220 --> 00:12:48,249 what they said in a talk, and I learned 294 00:12:48,249 --> 00:12:50,569 to sort of let that go, because I need 295 00:12:50,569 --> 00:12:52,939 to remember what they were saying. I need to 296 00:12:52,939 --> 00:12:54,949 interpret what they were saying. So sometimes, you know, 297 00:12:54,949 --> 00:12:57,379 I'll write something off to the side just to, 298 00:12:57,379 --> 00:12:59,709 you know, add in and enhance what they're saying 299 00:12:59,709 --> 00:13:01,609 so I can remember later. 300 00:13:01,609 --> 00:13:04,019 It's, it's all about listening to what's being said 301 00:13:04,019 --> 00:13:05,839 and interpreting it in your own way, cause you 302 00:13:05,839 --> 00:13:09,109 want to remember what happened in the presentation. It's 303 00:13:09,109 --> 00:13:10,850 really interesting to see that a bunch of people 304 00:13:10,850 --> 00:13:12,399 can attend the same talk and come out of 305 00:13:12,399 --> 00:13:15,040 it with different things. 306 00:13:15,040 --> 00:13:16,970 These are some sketchnotes by Carolyn Sewell at Brooklyn 307 00:13:16,970 --> 00:13:20,279 Beta. She went to a talk by Tim O'Reilly. 308 00:13:20,279 --> 00:13:21,769 I went to that same talk and these are 309 00:13:21,769 --> 00:13:26,619 my notes. So vastly different styles. 310 00:13:26,619 --> 00:13:29,569 Other fun things to capture include jokes and quotes 311 00:13:29,569 --> 00:13:33,339 and f-bombs. If the speaker's funny, capturing a joke 312 00:13:33,339 --> 00:13:35,319 is a great way to enhance your notes. Like, 313 00:13:35,319 --> 00:13:37,779 I mean, it's what everybody remembers. It's gonna make 314 00:13:37,779 --> 00:13:39,279 you laugh when you go back and look at 315 00:13:39,279 --> 00:13:43,779 your notes later. Cuss words usually used for emphasis, 316 00:13:43,779 --> 00:13:46,660 which means that it's something important. If you want 317 00:13:46,660 --> 00:13:49,029 great colorful notes, I advise going back and looking 318 00:13:49,029 --> 00:13:52,540 all of DHH's talks in the past. 319 00:13:52,540 --> 00:13:55,160 I also listen for quotable moments. Any time a 320 00:13:55,160 --> 00:13:58,290 speaker makes a dramatic pause. Maybe they've repeated a 321 00:13:58,290 --> 00:14:01,579 phrase over and over again. Listening for metaphors and 322 00:14:01,579 --> 00:14:03,509 similes - that's a great chance for you to 323 00:14:03,509 --> 00:14:06,160 kind of visualize something. The speaker's doing it for 324 00:14:06,160 --> 00:14:08,189 you. They're giving you a hint. This is like 325 00:14:08,189 --> 00:14:10,179 this. And if you can come up with an 326 00:14:10,179 --> 00:14:12,220 image that captures that, that's a good way to 327 00:14:12,220 --> 00:14:14,799 enhance your notes as well. 328 00:14:14,799 --> 00:14:16,749 So, speaking of f-bombs, these are some notes by 329 00:14:16,749 --> 00:14:19,559 Erin Hawkins. This talk looks like it was really 330 00:14:19,559 --> 00:14:23,439 fun to go to. 331 00:14:23,439 --> 00:14:25,139 Another thing you can do is create your own 332 00:14:25,139 --> 00:14:28,019 visual language. And that means kind of coming up 333 00:14:28,019 --> 00:14:29,799 with a style or some sort of cue that 334 00:14:29,799 --> 00:14:33,040 helps you remember certain things in, in a talk. 335 00:14:33,040 --> 00:14:36,139 So what's an example of a visual language? Maybe 336 00:14:36,139 --> 00:14:38,119 if you're trying to take direct quotes from a 337 00:14:38,119 --> 00:14:41,019 speaker you can use quote marks. Speech bubbles for 338 00:14:41,019 --> 00:14:44,230 direct quotes. Question bubbles for maybe something, a question 339 00:14:44,230 --> 00:14:45,939 you asked yourself and you want to look up 340 00:14:45,939 --> 00:14:49,730 later. Like, an eye in a circle for info 341 00:14:49,730 --> 00:14:53,579 or tips. I read on a blog somewhere that 342 00:14:53,579 --> 00:14:56,839 this girl likes to put titles of books inside 343 00:14:56,839 --> 00:14:58,699 a picture of a book, so she knows when 344 00:14:58,699 --> 00:15:00,279 she scans through her notes if she wants to 345 00:15:00,279 --> 00:15:02,239 go buy a book later, she can find it 346 00:15:02,239 --> 00:15:05,059 very quickly. 347 00:15:05,059 --> 00:15:08,980 So here's some examples of Eva-Lotta Lamm's notes, and 348 00:15:08,980 --> 00:15:14,139 she's using little highlighted quotes everywhere. It's an easy 349 00:15:14,139 --> 00:15:19,069 way to pick out the speaker's direct, direct quotations. 350 00:15:19,069 --> 00:15:21,269 And sometimes, you're gonna listen to a talk, and 351 00:15:21,269 --> 00:15:23,609 the content's still not gonna stick, is not gonna 352 00:15:23,609 --> 00:15:25,600 stick. And there's always a backup plan for that 353 00:15:25,600 --> 00:15:28,429 too. I went to this keynote. It was way 354 00:15:28,429 --> 00:15:31,189 over my head. You know. Sometimes you just gotta 355 00:15:31,189 --> 00:15:32,279 be in the moment and you can't get it 356 00:15:32,279 --> 00:15:33,569 on paper. 357 00:15:33,569 --> 00:15:37,509 So, the last step is to tell people about 358 00:15:37,509 --> 00:15:40,319 it. I really think it's important to share your 359 00:15:40,319 --> 00:15:42,859 notes. I think it's a great way to continue 360 00:15:42,859 --> 00:15:46,889 the dialogue after a conversation. I use Twitter as 361 00:15:46,889 --> 00:15:49,790 the, as the main avenue for my notes. I 362 00:15:49,790 --> 00:15:52,049 always use the conference hash tag and at mention 363 00:15:52,049 --> 00:15:53,350 the speaker. 364 00:15:53,350 --> 00:15:56,220 You can also upload to places like Flicker or 365 00:15:56,220 --> 00:15:59,779 Instagram or Dribble. There's a blog called sketchnote army 366 00:15:59,779 --> 00:16:02,399 which is run by Mike Rhody. He takes submissions. 367 00:16:02,399 --> 00:16:03,869 You can just Tweet at him. You can email 368 00:16:03,869 --> 00:16:06,129 him. But he's also got a comittee of people 369 00:16:06,129 --> 00:16:09,569 that go around the internet looking for sketchnotes, whether 370 00:16:09,569 --> 00:16:11,329 it's on Flicker or Twitter, and then he features 371 00:16:11,329 --> 00:16:14,049 them on his blog. And, and it's really a 372 00:16:14,049 --> 00:16:17,629 nice way to, you know, share with people, but 373 00:16:17,629 --> 00:16:19,549 also, like, thank the speaker. 374 00:16:19,549 --> 00:16:21,249 Speaking of thanking the speaker, they're gonna be really 375 00:16:21,249 --> 00:16:23,299 grateful if you share your notes. I didn't actually 376 00:16:23,299 --> 00:16:26,160 realize that this was a thing until about last 377 00:16:26,160 --> 00:16:28,449 year when I was, like, really getting going with 378 00:16:28,449 --> 00:16:30,660 this. And people were Tweeting back at me, like, 379 00:16:30,660 --> 00:16:33,449 thank you so much, this is amazing. And it's, 380 00:16:33,449 --> 00:16:34,959 it's kind of weird that I didn't think that 381 00:16:34,959 --> 00:16:38,519 it was something that other people would care about. 382 00:16:38,519 --> 00:16:41,160 But it's nice to have an artifact of your 383 00:16:41,160 --> 00:16:44,119 talk when you leave. It's also nice that people 384 00:16:44,119 --> 00:16:46,259 are talking about your talk after you leave. You 385 00:16:46,259 --> 00:16:48,589 kind of want that, so sketchnotes are a good 386 00:16:48,589 --> 00:16:51,319 way to, I think, thank the speaker and prove 387 00:16:51,319 --> 00:16:53,350 that you were there and you really listened and, 388 00:16:53,350 --> 00:16:55,329 like, captured the information. 389 00:16:55,329 --> 00:16:57,379 A lot of times in your sketchnotes, you'll realize 390 00:16:57,379 --> 00:16:59,579 that you capture information that the speaker didn't even 391 00:16:59,579 --> 00:17:01,259 intend. They didn't think it was that important and 392 00:17:01,259 --> 00:17:03,749 then, you know, here you're getting feedback from people 393 00:17:03,749 --> 00:17:07,609 saying, no, this was really cool. 394 00:17:07,609 --> 00:17:11,689 Your boss will also be impressed. I think. No 395 00:17:11,689 --> 00:17:14,609 one else in your meeting is probably gonna be 396 00:17:14,609 --> 00:17:18,349 taking sketchnotes. You know, you're gonna capture different ideas, 397 00:17:18,349 --> 00:17:20,290 and it's a good way to enhance, like, team 398 00:17:20,290 --> 00:17:22,679 dialogue, when you're like, sketching out ideas or thinking 399 00:17:22,679 --> 00:17:26,500 about, like, really hard problems. Sketchnotes will add, like, 400 00:17:26,500 --> 00:17:30,970 a diversity to the conversation. 401 00:17:30,970 --> 00:17:33,009 So this isn't all. There are some actual practical 402 00:17:33,009 --> 00:17:35,940 tips that I can pass on to you. The 403 00:17:35,940 --> 00:17:38,610 first one is to get comfortable. I always go 404 00:17:38,610 --> 00:17:40,360 to a meeting or a talk early to find 405 00:17:40,360 --> 00:17:44,120 a good seat. The aisle is great for elbow 406 00:17:44,120 --> 00:17:46,830 room. It's not so great for people flowing into 407 00:17:46,830 --> 00:17:48,200 the room and you constantly have to get up 408 00:17:48,200 --> 00:17:51,360 and interrupted. So I actually recommend a middle seat. 409 00:17:51,360 --> 00:17:53,549 I also try to tell people to find a 410 00:17:53,549 --> 00:17:55,860 good light source. They'll dim the lights in a 411 00:17:55,860 --> 00:17:57,610 lot of conferences, so you want to try to 412 00:17:57,610 --> 00:17:59,330 find some way that you can look at your 413 00:17:59,330 --> 00:18:00,740 sketch book. 414 00:18:00,740 --> 00:18:03,159 I'm also that jerk that will put my purse 415 00:18:03,159 --> 00:18:04,820 on the seat next to me so I have 416 00:18:04,820 --> 00:18:10,139 some room. I'm sorry Marty. I mean. You know, 417 00:18:10,139 --> 00:18:12,360 it's really hard when you're squished in and people 418 00:18:12,360 --> 00:18:13,929 are sitting next to you and typing on their 419 00:18:13,929 --> 00:18:15,759 laptops. You know, sometimes it's nice to have a 420 00:18:15,759 --> 00:18:18,850 little bit of elbow room. 421 00:18:18,850 --> 00:18:21,100 I think also getting to a talk early means 422 00:18:21,100 --> 00:18:23,169 that you can write down the speaker's name, their 423 00:18:23,169 --> 00:18:25,139 Twitter handle, the title. Get that stuff out of 424 00:18:25,139 --> 00:18:26,740 the way so that you're ready to go when 425 00:18:26,740 --> 00:18:29,850 they start. 426 00:18:29,850 --> 00:18:32,309 It's also important to slow down. When I did 427 00:18:32,309 --> 00:18:34,240 a practice run of this talk at Shopify, some 428 00:18:34,240 --> 00:18:36,210 people came up to me and said, well my 429 00:18:36,210 --> 00:18:37,889 hand handwriting's really bad. So what do I do 430 00:18:37,889 --> 00:18:40,769 about that? And I advised this person to slow 431 00:18:40,769 --> 00:18:42,909 down and write your letters as if you're drawing 432 00:18:42,909 --> 00:18:45,059 them. When you slow down, you have to be 433 00:18:45,059 --> 00:18:46,509 deliberate about it. 434 00:18:46,509 --> 00:18:49,169 Also, trying to draw larger letters will force you 435 00:18:49,169 --> 00:18:51,620 to slow down, and I think make you really 436 00:18:51,620 --> 00:18:55,330 pay attention to your writing. When, if you're doing 437 00:18:55,330 --> 00:18:57,149 your normal handwriting it's easy to just go really 438 00:18:57,149 --> 00:18:58,559 fast and it, you know, turns out a little 439 00:18:58,559 --> 00:19:00,399 bit sloppy. So if you slow down, I think 440 00:19:00,399 --> 00:19:01,860 it really helps. 441 00:19:01,860 --> 00:19:05,590 Also, try to play with layouts. You know, normally 442 00:19:05,590 --> 00:19:07,980 when we're writing just regular notes on pen and 443 00:19:07,980 --> 00:19:10,580 paper, we're going top down. I think, kind of 444 00:19:10,580 --> 00:19:12,370 stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something 445 00:19:12,370 --> 00:19:15,610 different will really help. There's different ways to do 446 00:19:15,610 --> 00:19:18,409 that. I tend to do sort of a popcorn 447 00:19:18,409 --> 00:19:20,419 style, where I just fill in notes anywhere there's 448 00:19:20,419 --> 00:19:22,799 space on my page. 449 00:19:22,799 --> 00:19:25,720 People can also do columns. It's really great for 450 00:19:25,720 --> 00:19:28,450 panels. You can do a radial style, where maybe 451 00:19:28,450 --> 00:19:30,080 you start in the middle and sort of map 452 00:19:30,080 --> 00:19:32,669 out, kind of like mind maps. There's also sort 453 00:19:32,669 --> 00:19:35,899 of the winding story lane sort of style. You 454 00:19:35,899 --> 00:19:38,090 can go left to right, left to right. 455 00:19:38,090 --> 00:19:40,409 But, basically it's important to try to challenge yourself 456 00:19:40,409 --> 00:19:43,840 and do something different. So these are some examples 457 00:19:43,840 --> 00:19:47,130 from Veronica Erb, again, doing sort of a radial 458 00:19:47,130 --> 00:19:48,380 style. You can see like the title up at 459 00:19:48,380 --> 00:19:52,110 the top and she's sort of going out. 460 00:19:52,110 --> 00:19:54,710 And the decoration last. This is gonna be really 461 00:19:54,710 --> 00:19:56,289 tempting, too, when you're sketchnoting. You want to make 462 00:19:56,289 --> 00:19:57,899 it look really pretty and you're trying to capture 463 00:19:57,899 --> 00:20:00,190 everything. But I said before, you know, there's always 464 00:20:00,190 --> 00:20:02,059 these moments in the talk where people are pausing 465 00:20:02,059 --> 00:20:04,490 or maybe transitioning or maybe the speaker's kind of 466 00:20:04,490 --> 00:20:06,799 boring for a little while. And you can use 467 00:20:06,799 --> 00:20:08,649 that time to sort of add all those boxes 468 00:20:08,649 --> 00:20:11,610 and arrows and shading that you weren't able to 469 00:20:11,610 --> 00:20:13,480 capture earlier. 470 00:20:13,480 --> 00:20:15,100 And you can also use your post-its, again, to 471 00:20:15,100 --> 00:20:16,889 keep that backlog and sort of, you know, help 472 00:20:16,889 --> 00:20:19,960 you pace yourself if you can't fill up the 473 00:20:19,960 --> 00:20:21,870 space. I like to go back after the talk, 474 00:20:21,870 --> 00:20:23,820 as well, just really quickly, before I share, just 475 00:20:23,820 --> 00:20:25,570 to sort of add some more detail and boldness 476 00:20:25,570 --> 00:20:27,340 if I'm, like, reflecting on the talk and sort 477 00:20:27,340 --> 00:20:29,110 of realizing that something was extra important, I'll try 478 00:20:29,110 --> 00:20:32,220 to go back and, and add some embellishment. 479 00:20:32,220 --> 00:20:35,830 It's also important to embrace mistakes. Especially if you're 480 00:20:35,830 --> 00:20:37,950 live sketchnoting, it's gonna happen. There's no way to 481 00:20:37,950 --> 00:20:41,690 get around it. It can be really scary to, 482 00:20:41,690 --> 00:20:43,620 to use a pen and paper. You might want 483 00:20:43,620 --> 00:20:45,220 to use pencil but I really encourage you to 484 00:20:45,220 --> 00:20:48,940 just go ahead and use pen. I bring a 485 00:20:48,940 --> 00:20:50,850 bold marker just in case I need to fix 486 00:20:50,850 --> 00:20:53,529 something really crazy. But be OK with scratching out 487 00:20:53,529 --> 00:20:54,879 a word. If you didn't spell it right the 488 00:20:54,879 --> 00:20:56,669 first time or if it was wrong, it's, it's 489 00:20:56,669 --> 00:20:57,590 totally OK. 490 00:20:57,590 --> 00:20:59,740 So here are some notes that I took and 491 00:20:59,740 --> 00:21:02,809 there's like smudges and this word right here, that 492 00:21:02,809 --> 00:21:05,590 was the first time I spelled entrepreneurs wrong. I 493 00:21:05,590 --> 00:21:12,110 tried again. I still spelled it wrong. Like, so 494 00:21:12,110 --> 00:21:14,100 it's gonna happen. Like. 495 00:21:14,100 --> 00:21:17,009 As with anything, practice makes better. There's some ways 496 00:21:17,009 --> 00:21:19,049 you can do that. I advice people to start 497 00:21:19,049 --> 00:21:22,679 out with already recorded conference talks, like TED talks. 498 00:21:22,679 --> 00:21:25,049 Do it in your meetings at work. Even reality 499 00:21:25,049 --> 00:21:28,450 TV. I have sketchnoted Real Housewives before. It's really 500 00:21:28,450 --> 00:21:30,330 fun. 501 00:21:30,330 --> 00:21:32,789 Watching videos at home on your own takes the 502 00:21:32,789 --> 00:21:35,070 pressure off of live sketchnoting a little bit. You've 503 00:21:35,070 --> 00:21:37,000 got a pause button. You can sort of figure 504 00:21:37,000 --> 00:21:39,690 out your pace. As you practice, you'll also get 505 00:21:39,690 --> 00:21:42,379 a really good sense of how much information you 506 00:21:42,379 --> 00:21:44,539 can capture in a given amount of time. 507 00:21:44,539 --> 00:21:47,279 I used to take up two pages for every 508 00:21:47,279 --> 00:21:50,500 single talk no matter how long the content was. 509 00:21:50,500 --> 00:21:53,379 I have no gotten everything down to a page, 510 00:21:53,379 --> 00:21:55,370 like, whether it's an hour and a half talk 511 00:21:55,370 --> 00:21:57,690 or a thirty minute talk. And so as you 512 00:21:57,690 --> 00:22:00,350 practice you'll sort of find, you know, your own 513 00:22:00,350 --> 00:22:00,899 style. 514 00:22:00,899 --> 00:22:07,840 Here are some of my notes. Name the movie. 515 00:22:07,840 --> 00:22:10,769 So some notes by MJ Valente. She was sketchnoting 516 00:22:10,769 --> 00:22:13,039 a BBC episode. 517 00:22:13,039 --> 00:22:18,149 Get inspired. When we all started out developing, what 518 00:22:18,149 --> 00:22:21,769 did we do? We just copied other peoples' code 519 00:22:21,769 --> 00:22:23,529 and then we tried to make it better. And 520 00:22:23,529 --> 00:22:27,480 I advise doing the same thing for sketchnoting. I, 521 00:22:27,480 --> 00:22:30,029 when I first started, just went on the internet, 522 00:22:30,029 --> 00:22:32,759 just through Flicker everyday looking for other peoples' styles 523 00:22:32,759 --> 00:22:34,529 that I liked, and I tried to just copy 524 00:22:34,529 --> 00:22:35,940 it. 525 00:22:35,940 --> 00:22:38,370 As you become more comfortable, you'll find your own 526 00:22:38,370 --> 00:22:40,629 style. But it's OK, because even if you're trying 527 00:22:40,629 --> 00:22:42,529 to copy somebody else's style, it's never gonna look 528 00:22:42,529 --> 00:22:44,679 exactly like theirs. So it's always gonna be your 529 00:22:44,679 --> 00:22:45,809 own. 530 00:22:45,809 --> 00:22:48,299 Some good resources for that include Sketchnote Army, like 531 00:22:48,299 --> 00:22:50,590 I said before. There is a hash tag on 532 00:22:50,590 --> 00:22:53,919 flicker and there's various user groups on Flicker devoted 533 00:22:53,919 --> 00:22:56,840 just to sketchnoting. I actually found a bunch of 534 00:22:56,840 --> 00:23:02,809 boards on Pinterest, so that's another great resource. 535 00:23:02,809 --> 00:23:05,789 So experimentation is how you're gonna find your own 536 00:23:05,789 --> 00:23:07,629 style. And what I advise doing is start with 537 00:23:07,629 --> 00:23:10,740 the copying, and then copy another persons' style and 538 00:23:10,740 --> 00:23:13,450 then copy another persons' style and start mixing and 539 00:23:13,450 --> 00:23:16,289 matching, and you'll sort of find your happy place. 540 00:23:16,289 --> 00:23:18,299 I mean, I spent a lot of time trying 541 00:23:18,299 --> 00:23:22,769 to, to match Paul Soupiset's handwriting. I've never gotten 542 00:23:22,769 --> 00:23:24,830 it quite right. 543 00:23:24,830 --> 00:23:26,450 But I've taken elements of what all of my 544 00:23:26,450 --> 00:23:30,169 favorite sketchnoters do and tried to add them to 545 00:23:30,169 --> 00:23:31,279 my own. 546 00:23:31,279 --> 00:23:33,399 Mike Rohde wrote a book that covers a lot 547 00:23:33,399 --> 00:23:35,440 more than what I was able to tell you 548 00:23:35,440 --> 00:23:37,710 today. This book is amazing. It's actually got some 549 00:23:37,710 --> 00:23:40,639 really great hands on exercises that you can do. 550 00:23:40,639 --> 00:23:44,559 I highly recommend it. 551 00:23:44,559 --> 00:23:45,669 So at the end of this talk, I've sat 552 00:23:45,669 --> 00:23:46,820 here and I've told you all about how to 553 00:23:46,820 --> 00:23:49,000 do this, and you're like, Jess, I still can't 554 00:23:49,000 --> 00:23:50,950 draw. You haven't told me how to draw. But 555 00:23:50,950 --> 00:23:54,950 that's OK. Cause you can sketchnote. So please go 556 00:23:54,950 --> 00:23:55,769 do that. 557 00:23:55,769 --> 00:23:58,840 OK. So the question was this talk focused on 558 00:23:58,840 --> 00:24:01,889 sketchnoting for yourself, and is there any advice for 559 00:24:01,889 --> 00:24:03,809 communicating with other people? 560 00:24:03,809 --> 00:24:07,269 Yeah. I mean, I think, like, I, I mentioned 561 00:24:07,269 --> 00:24:09,759 different ways or, different places that you can sketchnote. 562 00:24:09,759 --> 00:24:12,360 I sketchnote in my meetings at work. I don't 563 00:24:12,360 --> 00:24:14,330 do a great job of sharing them with everyone. 564 00:24:14,330 --> 00:24:17,190 Nick, I'll do that next week. It is, I 565 00:24:17,190 --> 00:24:20,029 think that is a good way. Sharing them actually 566 00:24:20,029 --> 00:24:21,960 helps other people, too. 567 00:24:21,960 --> 00:24:24,820 You'll find, in meetings, there's not actually a lot 568 00:24:24,820 --> 00:24:26,899 of people that take notes. I mean, it's kind 569 00:24:26,899 --> 00:24:30,340 of surprising sometimes. We all think we're gonna remember 570 00:24:30,340 --> 00:24:32,330 when we walk away. So if you're the one 571 00:24:32,330 --> 00:24:35,210 that sketchnotes and you know you find it fun 572 00:24:35,210 --> 00:24:36,860 and other people find it fun, sharing it right 573 00:24:36,860 --> 00:24:39,929 afterwards is actually really, really helpful. 574 00:24:39,929 --> 00:24:42,159 We've done a lot of whiteboarding sessions, you know, 575 00:24:42,159 --> 00:24:44,690 people take pictures with their cameras to capture that. 576 00:24:44,690 --> 00:24:47,639 Your sketchnotes add another layer to that conversation. And 577 00:24:47,639 --> 00:24:49,440 so I think just bringing all of that together 578 00:24:49,440 --> 00:24:52,950 helps, you know, sort of document what happened so 579 00:24:52,950 --> 00:24:53,889 people can remember. 580 00:24:53,889 --> 00:24:56,370 Does that answer your question? 581 00:24:56,370 --> 00:24:56,990 Thank you very much.