so this year we
have Christmas and kanuka the same time
so how are we not going to talk about a
little bit we'll talk about a little bit
the light of God coming into the world
which is the common theme of both of
them maybe give a little bit of
background both to uh Christmas and
kanuka so let's start how not in
um Genesis chapter
1 vers 1-4
says in the beginning God created the
heavens and the Earth and the Earth was
formless and void and darkness was over
the face of the deep notice
immediately in the first couple of
verses of the Bible of Genesis that
there's a a conflict between Darkness
and Light it's amazing skip out to the
next verse coming
and God said let there be light and
there was light and God saw that the
light was good and God separated between
the light and the Darkness so we've got
four times it says light and three times
it says Darkness says the light is good
and the Darkness is bad so you see right
at the beginning at the very beginning
of the Bible there's a conflict between
and or contrast contrast I would say
physically between light light and
darkness and a conflict between good and
bad the the spiritual part of light is
in a conflict with the spiritual part of
darkness in the natural physical world
there's just a uh a contrast between the
two um it's amazing to think that um
that this is how that God created the
world by using the power of
light um I we don't know what people
thought for most of the past
6,000 years until Einstein came and he
and he said that that energy is equal to
mass times the speed of light I mean it
it's it's that what we think is physical
is actually you can convert between mass
and light I mean it's who would have
thought of that you think energy being
the power of the Holy Spirit the dunamis
of the Holy Spirit Light being light and
mass is being everything that was
created I mean Einstein said that all
goes together I don't know what people
thought I mean until this time you read
those vers said well I believe but now
it's it's physically totally obvious now
it what it means is also that what we
what looks to be physical is not as
physical as you think it is because mass
is really just converted energy if if as
I understand the physics and I don't
understand it that all the physical
world is actually very tiny tiny
particles that are moving very very
quickly and so it gives sort of an
illusion that it's Mass but it's not
really it's tiny little articles
particles that are moving so quickly
that it it uh but really there's so much
space between them it's kind of like if
you look at the solar system if you
would look at the solar system far away
it would look like one Mass but when you
get up close there's there's light years
of distance between the planets and
everything as I understand if you were
to take all the matter in the world and
collapse it down so that there would be
no space between it at all just matter
matter matter you could put all the
matter in the universe basically in your
hands now it would weigh you know trilli
beyond what we could imagine that it
could but really the mass you mean the
Bible says that God held the mass of the
universe in his hand before he created
it now think of this and then he and
then it he multiplied it by light so
what we think of is just mass is not
really mass is convertible into light
and back and forth incredible I was
thinking that the example of of a
hologram not not what we have as a
hologram but if you had a super hologram
that was actually really
three-dimensional where you could see a
figure that was made of light particles
and you you could make a picture out of
light almost like a you know 3D printing
but if you could see that you could
actually see a figure there would there
would be a figure made out of light it
would be real you could actually walk
right through
it it doesn't mean it wouldn't be there
but that's what the world is the world
is kind of God's light hologram amazing
and if you understood it like Yeshua you
could walk right through the wall just
like you could walk through a hologram
we don't understand it you know by the
way I know this don't get offended all
of us we all talk about supernatural
that world's not in the Bible not one
time that I'm aware of what I think that
we what our understanding of the world
is subnatural what you think of as
Miracles is just being natural it's not
Supernatural That's just being natural
the the to think the natural world is is
something not under our control is
subnatural know what I'm saying so if we
were to understand how things work so
the whole world is like that so it's
kind of a a hologram now if you were to
make a hologram light particles forming
a being that you could walk through and
walk out now if you would look at that
say I'm looking at a hologram here and
uh then I'd have to ask the question
where did that hologram come from if
there's hologram here there must be
somebody sitting somewhere else this
hologram didn't get here by itself
there's somebody somewhere else that
designed the Hologram and is shooting
the picture of this hologram into here
so when we look at the universe it's
it's a hologram according to Genesis 1
and Einstein physics and you look at
this well it didn't couldn't get there
by itself who where's the guy or where's
the thing that made that got that put
this hologram into place and if you
realize that's what matter is it can
matter can convert back and forth into
energy and the energy is light come on
that's in the Bible it's the first verse
of the Bible so it says the light comes
in and out and um and when you realize
it all matters that way so maybe you
could walk through a hologram now let's
think of the air around us I mean
there's this is not Hollow front of us
there's air right there's particles in
the air around us but you can walk
through it because it doesn't mean
there's not particles there there's
particles there it's created and it's
got light in it there's light and what
else is in the air around us one of the
things is is water there water now you
could have in the air right now if it's
a dry day 10% humidity you go wet day
you got 90% humidity you can have more
or less water in the air but you can
still walk through it you know what I'm
saying now if it gets more than that you
could actually have a cloud and if you
got more than that you have water and
then the water could come come down I
mean it's it's but it's all just
different forms of light and energy and
so just as if you understood it I mean
how can you even walk on Solid Ground I
mean if you could see what was there you
would be terrified I don't know how we
all sit on a plane you know I was
thinking the last time I flew on a plane
I was sitting there and it was kind of
windy outside we're up in the there the
plane is kind of shaking I'm thinking
between me and being 30,000 you know
feet above the ground is this thin tin
can that I could probably punch through
it if I hit it or not I said why am I
trusting that I could sit here because
cuz really but if if IID understand
Yeshua could have just walked right
through the plane and just kept walking
you could understand the physics of
what's going on so if you walk on hard
land it's just it's just particles
spinning around and you walk on water
it's particles spinning around a little
faster a little wider and then you could
walk on air and a cloud and think about
Yeshua he could walk through a wall he
could walk on top of the water he could
rise up in a cloud and and he looked at
him and said you guys don't even
understand this I'm like this is ABC why
aren't you all doing this you're going
what because we don't understand if we
could see what was really what nature
was made up it's it's amazing so um so
this is the world we live in and we look
at this world and a lot of the world is
a play on light and darkness and there
must have been somebody that made this
light now a lot of Bible commentaries
both Jewish and Christian have noticed
the fact that the sun wasn't created
till the fourth day and light created
the universe on the first day which
means the light of the first day wasn't
just the light of the sun it was before
the sun it was and you can look at that
in two ways mystically both in Mystic
Christianity and Mystic Judaism it's
kind of like Zohar it's kind of seen as
this Divine Light spiritual light um but
even just in the plain sense of the text
it's the it's the original Power that
just of the big bang that blasted the
energy out into the world so you could
see in all that levels now so
after a while the prophets were
obviously thinking about that and that
one of the great prophets of course is
Isaiah and that was going to bounce us
all the way up into the Christmas story
I hadn't forgot about it and Hanukkah so
let's go up to uh Isaiah chapter
9 and this is um it's verse one in the
Hebrew and two in the English it's a
little different right and Isaiah is
thinking about this and he's realizing
that the light of
creation was
spiritual and something moral good and
bad so he says this
the it says the people that were living
in darkness they saw a great light and
the people living in the land of the
shadow of death that's Shadow is
darkness that a great a light shown upon
them so he's saying that light that
contrast of good and bad light and dark
that's way the in the back in in in in
the beginning he's saying first of all
there's something spiritual and he said
at some point that's going to appear to
Mankind in a different way that we
haven't understood he said that what
we've you can read Genesis 1 I mean this
was before Einstein when but he said
sometime this light is we we as a human
beings we are living in darkness all of
us as human beings we are living living
in spiritual darkness and at some point
this spiritual light is going to come in
and shine upon
us what an amazing thing and then he
says I think now what is this
light what is that light was from
Genesis but not just the light of the
Sun but a spiritual light that comes
with it that represents it between good
and bad what is
it and he's praying when he gets a
vision he understands it's not a what
it's not a what it's a
who it's not a what it's a who the light
is coming from the guy that made the
light and would you ask that you're
thinking of what because we're still
thinking of neutral energy this there is
no such thing as neutral energy it's all
personal and God he said that light when
it comes to us is not going to be like
just the sun shining it's going to be
born into us like a baby come on whoever
had that thought I think Isaiah was the
first person to have that thought pretty
deep thought huh that's what is verse um
what is it it's it's five in Hebrew six
in English and says
this for now let's just make the
connection he said the people living in
darkness are going to see a light what
is the light no who is the light they're
going to see a light
because a child will be given will be
born he says for a child will be born to
us and a son will be given to us and on
and uh the government will be on his
shoulders and he and his name will be
called a wonderful counselor Mighty God
Everlasting father the Prince of Peace
amazing so the light is going to come
into this world in a
baby and you think why didn't God just
bring the light only like a um like the
pillar of fire in the wilderness that's
what the people weren't ready to see the
real light they had get was halfway you
know he was like well I wish I could
have seen that pillar no no no no this
is better the B well why did he bring it
as a baby why didn't he just come down
from heaven riding on a right
horse well that's a stupid question God
babies God likes babies
but why does he want to have his light
come into the world coming down as an
adult he wants to see a baby God likes
babies that's his idea not yours you
know we could bring a Le oror because
God likes babies why does he so he's
going to bring his eternal light that
created the world he's going to bring it
into this world in the form of a baby
now come on only God could think of that
one huh that's pretty astounding so he's
going to bring the light now this light
because uh we're still influenced as
much much as we are believers we're
still influenced by kind of naturalism
materialism and we think that energy is
neutral there's got no no qualities to
it but power in the Bible is personal
the light has the character qualities of
that child in
it the child has the character quality
of of God in it it's it's not just its
energy but it's energy with love
and its energy with generosity and its
energy with Holiness and with humility
and with all the all the wonderful
qualities of God are in that light power
that's in it it's not neutral physical
light or even neutral spiritual light it
is personal of the light the character
the qu the character qual qualities of
an all powerful and loving God I mean
all the young people want to have
positive energy this is the most
positive energy you get you could get
it's so positive that it's pure it's so
pure that it's holy and it's loving and
it's generous and it's patient and it's
humble and it's confit in a baby I mean
this is this is God's light his light it
has energy in it I mean it's amazing
think the energy that created the whole
universe is in that baby and from God's
point of view think about the big bang
with all the materialist out there how
much energy to create that how to be out
there energy time mass times speed of
light squar I mean that's enormous
amount of energy enormous amount of
energy but to God that's smaller than
the characteristic of love that's in the
child I mean that to God that's stronger
I mean all that power he's all
powerful but what's impressing him is
the love the love that's in that baby
wow now we
because our people have been turned away
from the Lord we want
we get sensitive about this word Ben the
Son of God well here it is a child is
born to us a son is
given who who is this child this isn't
any child it's it's the child who's also
called The Mighty God and the
Everlasting father and wonderful and
counselor and Prince of Peace and Men
this is the child so we don't have
anything to be afraid about saying the
word the Son of God here it is among
many places in Isaiah 9 a child is given
to us a son is Born To Us
and the government of the king that's
the that's the Messiah the government
will be upon him now we'll come back to
that in a moment uh let's jump back and
do a little bit of background
to kanuka and Christmas here uh don't
get offended I'm going to but what I say
here just but kanuka is taken there's
actually two totally different stories
in hanuka one is the story of the makabe
conquest and the other one is the story
of the the Min the kanuk in the temple
and they're to totally two different
stories the story about the mabes is
historically in the book of mccabes
which is between what we call the law
and the prophets and the New Covenant
between the Old Testament and the New
Testament uh Catholics actually see that
as part of the Bible uh we Jews and
Protestants don't see that as it's an
inner testamental book um and it's a
historical book we'll come that to
minute then there's another part this
thing about the lighting of the lamp in
the eight days that's all the way in the
gar that wasn't that wasn't written till
400 years after the time of the New
Covenant and it's only in one place in
other words the the the textual support
that that even happened is pretty weak
now that doesn't have to bother us uh
because it's talking about lighting the
manora in the temple and that's got
hundreds of references to the whole
Bible so we we believe in the
restoration we believe in the meaning of
the in the
temple whether the kanuk the Min is the
Seven Candle the kukia is the eight and
nine candled one and that the reason why
there's eight days to kanuka is because
it's sukot huh did you know that kanuka
was sukot kanuka was got when the temple
was in the and the Tabernacle was
dedicated was an 8-day ceremony from the
eight days that's according to the8 days
of of sukot that's when it was dedicated
now when they when they conquered
according the story when they conquered
the temple it was already past the time
so they took another 8 days in Kev to to
uh to cleanse the temple and to and and
so they had to take another eight days
um and Define it and it wasn't they
didn't have oil they didn't have oil
that was sealed by the priest it wasn't
there wasn't any oil in the city they
didn't have they didn't have oil with
Aim so it wasn't it wasn't pure from
from the from the temple Viewpoint so
anyway that story did it really happen I
could see yes or no it could be a later
invention to kind of compete with
Christmas I don't know whatever it is it
but in any case it doesn't matter why do
I say it doesn't matter because we we
believe in the spiritual meaning of the
of the manur that this baby is the light
and then he comes to light the manur and
we see that in Revelation chap 1 big
surprise it says it's clear no mystery
it says clear the manora is the Ecclesia
the manora in the temple is a symbol of
the Ecclesia this the branches are the
different people groups and it's being
lit by the high priest the high priest
is the is is Yeshua he lights a
different people in congregations and
people of Faith all around the world he
brings the light into the world and then
he lights us up so that we become
together Jews and people from all the
nations that believe in him we become a
living minora of the light of God
hallelujah so that's what we're we're
here to do now the
mccabes and let's go back to that story
macbes was basically
uh um a group of ultra Orthodox Jews who
conquered uh the Greeks the Greek Empire
at that time and reconquered the Temple
Mount Hallelujah let's eat donuts you
know to celebrate but
um listen the political implications of
this holiday in our generation
are pretty crazy I mean do we believe in
that do we believe do we want a group of
ultra Orthodox Jews going now and taking
an army and burning down the eloa mosque
and and and taking a building up a
temple and doing that well at some point
that's going to happen but I don't know
that that's what we're going to say well
we want that to happen right now I mean
that could that could cause a lot of
problems I'm saying that's basically
what they did so but then after they set
that up they like they became a corrupt
priesthood in the government themselves
and they had to be destroyed but what I
realized and that's why it the in the
new in the New Covenant it recognizes in
John 10 recognizes that this was a
holiday it doesn't it doesn't criticize
it but doesn't really bless it it's just
this is something that happened there in
other words I interpret that to mean
were good things and bad things that
happened in that 200-year period of the
mcabe story now here's something else
now this is my interpretation of it that
had to happen the story of the mccabes
had to happen before you get to the
birth of Yeshua why the mabes were a
Messianic movement not not in the sense
that we mean Messianic Messianic in the
in the terms of ultra Orthodox militant
conquer kill the Romans kill the kill
the kill the Greeks up the temple have a
halic state you know and and that had to
happen because God is preparing the
people for the coming of the Messiah
Yeshua so intuitively to every person
there's an expectation of the Messiah
coming now because because we understand
that the Messiah had to come first as a
baby and to suffer the the the
expectations of the coming of the
Messiah was correct the expectation that
he would be a conqueror and set up the
Kingdom by driving out the Greeks and
Romans at that time was wrong but it had
to happen because the people wouldn't
have been ready for the king to come so
it built the faith of the expectation of
the Messiah am I going too fast you're
with it built the expectations of the
coming of the Messiah in a good way but
it also let to led to a conflict that
the people were were such a high level
of expecting a
militant uh Messiah at that time that
Yeshua coming on dying on the cross was
a scandal to them so they but so it had
to happen yet it was also doomed to half
of a failure half success and half
failure I was thinking about
that I think
that kind of a makabe generation has to
happen again in the generation before
Yeshua coming the second time because
the ex the the expectations of the
coming of the Messianic Kingdom have to
be built up both in Israel and around
the world again in other words this
holiday is having a meaning not just uh
of 2,200 years ago but now it's starting
to have meaning now in our country
because for and it's going to cause a
problem it's good and bad but it's
unavoidable there has to be a movement
of building up expectations in our
country and in the rest of the nations
of the world for Yeshua to be able to
come back he comes back to a Messianic
apocalyptic expectations now the funny
thing is this time he's not coming back
to disappoint he is coming back to
conquer he's not coming as a baby he's
coming back as a conquering King from
the heaven it's almost like what the
macbes were sort of wishing that would
happen the lion of the tribe of Judah is
going to come and that's what they
wanted to happen 2,000 years ago and it
didn't happen and they were freaked out
was this a baby you know is that a
crucified baby come on what this isn't
what we were expecting but now
he's going to come back and it will be a
conquering King now here there's of
course also for our people there's going
to be a
huge disappointment frustration surprise
because when he comes it's going to be
issue I mean what what what who was
expecting that to happen but the Bible
says when he come it says that the that
the tribe of Judah will be fighting for
Jerusalem fighting for God being heroic
amazing and then and then when he's
going to come and he's say what you're
the one we pierced and there's going to
be this incredible contrast and this
time fighting with Yeshua and then
surpris that it is Yeshua amazing story
so we're doing a kind of makabe 2.0 you
know it's coming in so there'll be
tremendous um positive buildup but then
also a total surprise when Yeshua comes
back now it's going to be a surprise
also for the Christian world who are
still stuck back there 2,000 years ago
with that little baby in the m you know
that's not going to happen it's not
going to happen he's not going to come
back that way so everybody's going to
surprised we're all going to be wrong
you know but but but God is moving us
toward this event for the Messianic
Kingdom to
come and now what's
happened over this past 14 months since
since October 7th last year you know we
went through that one week of horrible
really one day of horribly being
slaughtered by by Kamas but really after
that day our army has been unbelievable
I mean just victory after Victory after
Victory after Victory after Victory
after all this time we get to it 15
months later you know a week before
kanuka and a week before
and everybody's gone Hamas is gone kbal
is gone Assad is gone Iran has been
destroyed the H well they get on the two
days they'll get wiped out but they I
mean it's oh like Hey we're standing on
our feet and the rest of the world is
capping Israel has become in this one
year the single superpower of the Middle
East this is shocking fact our people
haven't even gotten it yet we're like
wait a minute what's happening you know
what what's what's going on here we
don't we we don't we don't even know how
to deal with it yet we don't know how to
deal with the fact that we are the
superpower of the Middle
East you know I mean we're getting the
point that the United States wants to
attack somebody here they got to come
and ask us how to do it I'm not being
sarcastic about that but I'm saying is
that it's something Supernatural
biblical because God was saying in the
end times I'm going to make Israel so
strong that all the rest of the world is
going to look at him and say well this
must be God this must be God it's going
on and God is doing that now another
thing that happened during this is
that the
ideology of a of classic secular Zionist
loving you know kutnik people their
motivation has been going down and
what's been happening is little by
little the the
Umi the nationalistic religious are
becoming more into the front line of the
army along with another group of people
who are the messianics the messianics
and the because we have an ideology to
to have faith to be able to to keep
fighting and to and and to win this
thing and this is and what's happening
now is this group has risen up now the
blessing on the messianics has been that
not only they fighting in the front line
almost nobody's gotten killed we've had
one or two instances and one or two in
of people but the the numbers the the
It's Supernatural God's protection on
our children has been amazing totally
Supernatural and among the ultra and
among the the
nationalistic uh
religious the number of people that have
been killed and injured is
proportionally percentage wise you know
I don't know five six seven times the
rest of the population because they're
the one fighting there the only one
fighting now at really the highest level
of motivation because it's too difficult
now you need some kind of spiritual
Faith to stand against all the evil and
so it and this is coming forward so the
messianics are in that and but people
don't know about us but then the the
National Religious it's kind of like the
makabe story is arising and so the
people people that believe in this type
of makabe story are saying yeah it's
happening we're and we are we are the
new mcabe the whole the whole of course
I'm oversimplifying but but it's much
more complex than that but basically
speaking the Nationalist the Dau me the
National Religious see themselves as the
they are the new mabes we're coming
forward and the people that used to see
them the mabes themselves as the mabes
up until 2 3 years ago which was the the
basically the secular leftwing Army who
have incredible bravery they're they're
feeling disenfranchised from that I me
even at the point of saying we're
wondering maybe we shouldn't even
celebrate Kano this is they're seeing
the political implications of it it's
incredible so here we have this now just
want to make uh we'll get to a moment
when we say walking through the darkness
let's look at that and all right now
this uh child is born to us God brings
his light into the world and this child
is the center of
everything he is the he's from even he's
he was the center of God speaking and
saying let there be light now if you
follow this story particularly in the
book of Isaiah it's so beautiful well
we're not going to study the whole thing
but let me just give you kind of a
snapshot of it so this
baby carries the light and he is the one
who will be the Messianic King with the
government on
him all right right what kind of
government well it says in Isaiah 2 it
says that all the nations there will be
peace and prosperity in all the nations
Jerusalem will be the capital city all
the nations will have ambassadors coming
up to Jerusalem and will come up to
worship and there'll be one one
beautiful K Kingdom of world peace on
the whole world and there will be the
king over that in
Jerusalem that's this child the king
that's in Isaiah 2 ruling the world is
also the child that was born here
in Isaiah
9 now it's pretty a supernatural Kingdom
how's there going to be peace over the
whole earth well the Bible shows us
there in chapter six that this King when
he grows up is going to be filled with
light he's going to be super proun he's
been resurrected from the dead he's
going to be shining with light how is
there going to be a king that's going to
rule over the whole world if he isn't
filled with the power and glory of God
so Isaiah 2 says there will be a kingdom
of peace all over the world with the
king in Jerusalem Isaiah 6 says he's
going to be resurrected from the dead
and glorified and and and Isaiah 9 here
says that he would be born as a
child into the world well none of this
is a child of course but two chapters
before that Isaiah 7 says he's going to
be born of a
virgin now our people want to say that
it's not true listen all the Orthodox
Jews you ever notice no that all of our
what what's it what's the word for
matriarchs all of our matriarch Sarah
Rifka Rachel were all
Baron as well as who else was Baron Kan
the mother of of of S Shimon and then
you have uh Elizabeth the mother of the
mother of John all six people well now I
didn't say this the rabbis say this now
they actually exaggerate this they said
well why are why were why were all the
mothers a a kot why were they Barren and
why did that the way because God wanted
their the birth to be Supernatural they
say that not me they say all the
forefathers were born supernaturally it
was a miracle that they that the
children were born there in fact they
even say that really it was born that
way because the children Abraham Isaac
and Jacob and Joseph and Judah were
really born without the effects of the
fall of Adam and Eve because it was a
supernatural event now I don't think
that's true because you'd have to be a
total virgin to not have that effect but
that's the exact s that's the correct
thinking why were all these people in
because God has and I would I would
correct it to say this it's not that
they overcame the power original sin but
they were born out of a promise they
were born miraculously of a promise and
that Covenant promise then led the way
for the full virgin Miriam to be born
and and this is a hope and we've talked
about this of seeing uh Miriam we talked
about that last week of Miriam as being
the ultimate Ultra Orthodox
girl I mean because what you know why
are all these Orthodox girls having so
many kids because they're
thinking maybe my child maybe my child
maybe my child will be the Messiah so if
I can have 200 kids then I have greater
odds of it being the Messiah I'm but but
the point is they are they are looking
to keep themselves pure and holy and
bear children because they're believing
that the Messiah will come out of this
generation and and Miriam was the
ultimate Orthodox Jewish girl holding
herself pure believing for the Messiah
to come now of course it was way above
what she was expecting but still look at
this is I mean Christmas the birth of
the Messiah should be the most Jewish
holiday in the world I mean is if you
talk about Jewish Jewish Jewish the
Jewish King the son of David was born
into this world by an Orthodox Jewish
girl who M maintained herself pure to
give birth to Messiah so that God could
bring a savior to all the rest of the
Nations I mean this is come on this to
is almost
racist anyway so then it goes on of
course and then he says uh that when
this kingdom is about to come that all
the the Nations will attack it to stop
the kingdom but they will miss it that's
the story of Isaiah 29 and what's called
the Ariel they will come and attack and
it'll be like a dream and they will miss
it and not only that when they come to
attack the Messiah will come as the
angel of the Lord and kill all the
armies that come that's Isaiah 37 and
then he will come to set up his kingdom
on it's all there in Isaiah amazing
except for one thing which our people
want to skip over to bring this Kingdom
he's not only got to be pure himself
he's got to make the M the rest of the
people in the world pure and we're not
pure we're sinful and we deserve death
and judgment and so the only way this
person this child who has the light of
God can be the king to rule over the
world is do something to get us out of
sin and death how is he going to have an
eternal Kingdom when we're all dying
hello how's he going to have a pure
Kingdom when we're all in sin he's got
to figure out a way to make us pure and
there's only one way to do that is to
take our sin upon himself Isaiah 53 so
that then he could purify us to do that
and that way he does he does several
things he he takes our sin upon us to
set us free he demonstrates to us what
is the light of God which is sacrificial
love to love other people and he proves
that he is the one worthy to be the
king Yeshua was crucified and said this
is the king of the Jews and said well I
don't know but then he rose from the
dead proof maybe you didn't believe that
sign over his head when he was crucified
that this is the king of the Jews but
when he rose from the dead it's kind of
hard to say I don't know what else you
got to do you know look it the the the
the C the crucifixion was the
Declaration of Yeshua being the king and
him changing getting us out of sin so we
could be in his kingdom and the
resurrection was the proof that this is
the guy hey maybe it's somebody else
except to be somebody else you got to
die and be raised from the dead to see
that happen I haven't seen that happen
yet with anybody
else all right so that's the story in
Isaiah let's look at the last point in
Isaiah uh and that
is uh which has been our theme verse for
this year really is Isaiah 60 veres 1
through3 we'll end with
this watch the word watch the play on
Darkness and Light again here it's
amazing from is one created light
Darkness the light overcomes the
darkness arise and shine it really says
shine with light
there your light has
come and for the glory of the Lord has
sh shown upon
you behold the
darkness has covered the
Earth and and fog the
Nations but upon you the glory of the
Lord will shine and uh the light will
shine and His glory will be seen upon
you there and you skip over a little
bit and it says and Kings will come to
your light uh Nations will come to your
KN light and Kings to your shining Glory
now here we see that that all these
themes come come together the light in
the Darkness Darkness covering the whole
Earth but then there will be a people
who have the light of God in them
against Great odds numerically then the
darkness is bigger but the light is
stronger so we have to rise and shine
with light we become the manora we
become the kukia we become the extension
of the Child of Light it's both
Christmas and kanuka coming together
into the end times apocalyptic version
of the merging of Christmas and kanuka
coming to this is a rise and shine he's
saying here is that in the end times the
the the great majority will be huge
darkness and fog but in that midst will
be a people in every nation that need to
arise and shine they will be the living
manora and their light will then come
and push back the darkness As we sing in
in we have come to as the light to drive
out the darkness just I mean I so wish
the Christians could see this part of
the driving out the darkness and the
Jews could see the part of it theu is
where the light comes fromo they're I'll
get it pretty soon Hallelujah and then
we'll have that Victory um so we're
walking in this I see the darkness as
being evil and the and the cloud as
being confusion I interpret that you
know if there but the the the darkness I
think is the the the violent spirit in
in Islam and communist dictatorships and
the confusion is the the modern academic
news fake you know lies that's causing
confusion so you got darkness which is
evil and violence you got fog which is
confusion but our light has to shine
within us to push back both the evil and
the confusion so this world can shine
and we and that's what we want to
believe for this year couple comments
and we'll close one is that for each of
us individually it's great to read this
in the Bible but we have to all walk
this out in our individual lives as a
nation as all the eclesia but each one
of us individually you got to walk this
out oh what a beautiful
verse oh it sounds so nice no you're
talking about living in a world of evil
and darkness and you got to stand up by
faith and let your light shine in the
dark I mean this is terrifyingly
demanding Faith to stand up and do that
but we but we have to do that and what
you know it's like psalm 23 it
says even if I have to walk through the
valley of the shadow of death will fear
no evil and what I say to a lot of
people listen it doesn't say when you
get stuck in the Valley of the shadow of
death it says when you walk through it
and I've learned this year no matter
what happens just put the next foot in
front of your foot and then put the next
foot just keep going when you feel
Darkness all over you and depression and
fear and
oosh with a Despair and it just like and
you can't go on just take one more step
just keep going just don't stop in if
you stop in the middle of the valley of
death and sit down you're going to
you're going to succumb to Darkness just
keep going keep going and all of a
sudden you'll end up in Green Pastures
and pure Waters and it'll happen faster
than you think but this just the way God
does it the the the pathways of
righteousness always go through the Val
the shadow of death but just keep
walking so I'm telling you folks
whatever you're going through right now
just take another step and then another
step after that and don't worry about
that just take another step God will
take care of you and he'll let the light
shine so we come out of this two more
quick comments one is that we work we
have to walk through the valley of
shadow of death we're coming out at the
end of this year that just seem to be
disaster disaster and disaster we come
to the end of the year the only
superpower in the Middle East what
happened this was God this was God
giving a miraculous sign to all of the
Nations the world now the Nations ruling
may not like
it but they can't help seeing it you
know you can't help seeing it you can be
angry you can be jealous but you canot
see that it's not here you know and the
second thing is is for all the problems
in the world
folks United States is still the
strongest nation in the world today
and in another two weeks the majority of
the cabinet
members in the United States are going
to be born again Christian this has
never happened in history before guys be
encouraged be encouraged you know
something has happened and we have to
pray the other thing we have to pray for
is there are people that are being
persecuted around the world first of all
any Christian within the greater Muslim
world is really under
attack and they don't have the Israeli
Army to help them you know so we really
need to pray for them the Christians in
in Iran and in Lebanon and in Egypt and
in me Iraq and Syria and everywhere and
Jordan we need to pray for them you know
and there's also places in those other
Beast Nations we've got Russia attacking
Ukraine we have to pray for Ukraine we
have to have Hong Kong China is
attacking Hong Kong you got to pray for
Hong Kong you have North Korea attacking
South Korea to track C for South Korea
there are nations that are standing on
the front lines of the Beast powers and
then like I said for for Europe we
prayed early and we'll end with it we
just is having this think about this
terrorist attack it was on this
Market packed full of people I don't
know if you saw the pictures of in in
Eastern Eastern Germany I talked to some
friends there they said look it wasn't
like there was a gospel story going on
in this market you know it was it was
European Christian culture you know cook
and songs and and you know selling stuff
and it was a commercial event but it was
still Christian it was still Christian
culture it was not a coincidence that's
that where that attack went the attack
was against Christian symbolism because
they're saying we are going to destroy
Europe in Europe we have to pray fast
and hard because Europe is one step away
from bending its knee to to Islamic
jihadism and and and they have to wake
up to it but I want to believe that that
this attack is is it's going to cause
people to wake up you know sometimes bad
events are wakeup calls okay it talked
for a long time but there was a lot of
material to get out father we just thank
you for um this amazing period that
we're in
WoW everything connected with the light
coming into the world Christmas Hanukah
the end times Israel the Nations it's
it's all happening right in front of us
Lord we it's like the Bible on the
newspaper seems to be everything's
happening and Lord I just pray for all
of us to be strong to rise and stand and
don't let depression and confusion and
despair and fear and don't let that take
us down but you just keep walking stand
up and shine Stand Up Walk shine walk in
the light along with Yeshua the light
that created the world is in that baby
and he's in our hearts and all of us
together Hallelujah we've come to drive
out of the darkness all of us are just a
little light but together we're a big
strong light in yeshua's name amen