0:00:00.655,0:00:01.688 Is it a fact, 0:00:01.688,0:00:03.088 or is it an opinion? 0:00:03.248,0:00:04.279 Does it matter? 0:00:04.440,0:00:05.461 Yes. 0:00:05.461,0:00:06.513 Both are important. 0:00:06.723,0:00:09.370 But knowing how to distinguish[br]between fact and opinion 0:00:09.621,0:00:12.751 can help us to better understand[br]what we read and hear, 0:00:12.751,0:00:14.665 and how we form our opinions. 0:00:15.088,0:00:16.318 Let's take a look. 0:00:17.356,0:00:19.970 A fact is a statement [br]that can be proven to be true. 0:00:20.472,0:00:21.726 Facts are objetive, 0:00:21.726,0:00:25.201 which means they are not influenced[br]by what someone thinks or believes. 0:00:25.530,0:00:28.303 A fact is indisputable[br]and cannot be changed. 0:00:28.714,0:00:30.878 Here are some key questions[br]to identify facts. 0:00:31.294,0:00:35.073 1. Can it be measured or confirmed[br]with calculations or data? 0:00:36.383,0:00:39.395 For example, two plus two equals four. 0:00:39.680,0:00:42.929 We can add the numbers[br]and demostrate that this stament is true. 0:00:43.603,0:00:46.804 2). Can it be observed? [br]Can we see it happen? 0:00:48.607,0:00:52.133 For instance, 99% of people[br]cannot lick ther elbow. 0:00:53.183,0:00:54.201 This is true. 0:00:54.201,0:00:55.989 This is a fact that can be observed. 0:00:56.349,0:00:57.556 Research has determined 0:00:57.556,0:01:01.347 that only one out of a hundred people[br]can successfully complete this task. 0:01:02.214,0:01:05.273 3. Can it be verified by primary sources, 0:01:06.052,0:01:09.667 such as research, photographs,[br]newspapers, and other facts? 0:01:10.314,0:01:11.453 Here is an example, 0:01:12.062,0:01:14.080 Nintendo was started in 1889. 0:01:14.436,0:01:17.564 This is a fact because it can[br]be verifed by many sources. 0:01:17.777,0:01:20.485 A man named Fusajiro Yamauchi from Japan 0:01:20.485,0:01:23.786 founded Nintendo[br]as a playing card company in 1889, 0:01:23.786,0:01:26.606 and now is one of the largest[br]gaming companies in the world. 0:01:27.178,0:01:29.054 Now let's move on to opinion, 0:01:29.054,0:01:31.644 which sometimes can be a little trickier. 0:01:31.986,0:01:34.369 An opinion is a statement[br]of believe or judgement. 0:01:34.846,0:01:37.603 Opinions express[br]what someone thinks or feels. 0:01:37.772,0:01:39.335 An opinion can change. 0:01:39.618,0:01:41.135 Let's look at some examples. 0:01:41.590,0:01:43.421 Ice cream is delicious. 0:01:43.841,0:01:46.108 Many people believe this [br]but some people don't. 0:01:46.378,0:01:48.747 It is a judgement, [br]and therefore an opinion. 0:01:49.456,0:01:51.492 When we evaluate something or somebody 0:01:51.492,0:01:56.200 we often use adjectives such as[br]important, beautiful fun or difficult. 0:01:56.753,0:01:58.901 An adjective that allows us[br]to judge something 0:01:58.901,0:02:01.198 is a clue that a statement is an opinion. 0:02:01.935,0:02:05.189 Another signal word for opinions[br]is the word "should". 0:02:05.380,0:02:06.408 Here is an example. 0:02:06.721,0:02:08.915 Everyone should learn[br]more than one language. 0:02:09.312,0:02:12.567 Well, there may be many good reasons[br]to learn more than one language, 0:02:12.750,0:02:15.811 not everyone would agree[br]about personal value of doing so. 0:02:16.624,0:02:18.676 Political views are opinions. 0:02:18.935,0:02:22.317 Different people have different ideas[br]about what societie's problems are 0:02:22.317,0:02:23.770 and how to best address them. 0:02:23.966,0:02:26.350 Since opinion canĀ“t [br]be proven or disproven, 0:02:26.350,0:02:28.057 there is no right or wrong answer: 0:02:28.057,0:02:29.693 just different view points. 0:02:30.189,0:02:32.872 While opinions may be supported[br]by facts and evidence, 0:02:33.060,0:02:35.877 the issue we care about[br]may still be up for debate. 0:02:36.317,0:02:37.521 For example, I could say 0:02:37.521,0:02:40.246 that going to school year-round [br]is better for students. 0:02:40.936,0:02:43.582 Now there are reasons[br]to support this viewpoint. 0:02:43.752,0:02:45.959 Some may argue[br]that a shorter vacation period 0:02:45.959,0:02:48.590 would prevent students[br]from forgetting what they learnt, 0:02:48.590,0:02:51.357 or say that students often[br]get bored over the summer, 0:02:51.357,0:02:54.635 or that other countries around the world[br]use a year-round system. 0:02:55.283,0:02:58.266 However, we cannot prove[br]that the stament is true. 0:02:58.549,0:03:01.729 There are many reasons to think[br]that a 10 month calendar is better. 0:03:01.898,0:03:04.375 You could argue that students[br]need an extended break 0:03:04.375,0:03:08.081 and they should be allowed to participate[br]in camps or other summer activities, 0:03:08.081,0:03:09.982 or that a lack of air conditioning means 0:03:09.982,0:03:12.726 they shouldn't be inside a school[br]building in the summer. 0:03:13.386,0:03:15.100 If we look back at the statement, 0:03:15.100,0:03:18.144 we can also identify[br]another signal word for opinion: 0:03:18.593,0:03:19.916 the word "better". 0:03:20.336,0:03:24.686 When we are comparing different things or we see words[br]like 'greatest','best' or 'better', 0:03:24.986,0:03:27.933 it can suggest we are looking [br]at an opinion statement. 0:03:28.249,0:03:30.763 Another type of opinion is a prediction. 0:03:31.144,0:03:34.061 Often predictions are made on experience. 0:03:34.343,0:03:35.607 knowledge or research. 0:03:35.966,0:03:37.839 But because they are based on the future, 0:03:38.189,0:03:39.887 we can't actually verify them today. 0:03:40.236,0:03:41.552 Let's look an example. 0:03:41.851,0:03:45.979 Driveless cars will represent[br]10% of all cars in 2026. 0:03:47.028,0:03:48.909 That sounds both amazing and scary. 0:03:49.225,0:03:53.055 Although there are so many factors[br]about car technology 0:03:53.288,0:03:55.436 we have no way of verifying[br]the statement today. 0:03:55.785,0:03:57.666 So, it is an opinion. 0:03:57.983,0:04:00.845 One thing to remember [br]is that just because 0:04:01.563,0:04:04.709 we believe something to be true, 0:04:04.975,0:04:05.575 that does not make it a fact. 0:04:05.828,0:04:07.318 Let's recap what we learnt. 0:04:07.639,0:04:11.020 A fact is a statement[br]that can be proven to be true, 0:04:11.852,0:04:14.032 Can it be measured[br]or confirmed by data? 0:04:14.631,0:04:15.414 Can it be observed? 0:04:15.763,0:04:18.226 Can we verify its truth[br]with other sources? 0:04:18.592,0:04:19.942 Does it say the same? 0:04:20.492,0:04:22.856 If we answer yes to one of these questions 0:04:23.422,0:04:25.019 that means it is a fact. 0:04:25.753,0:04:27.883 An opinion is a statement [br]of believe and judgement 0:04:28.632,0:04:29.798 that cannot be proven to be true. 0:04:30.182,0:04:31.630 Does it evalute someone or something? 0:04:32.029,0:04:33.111 Can we debate it? 0:04:33.444,0:04:34.360 Does it make a prediction? 0:04:34.709,0:04:35.742 Can it change? 0:04:36.141,0:04:39.238 If you may answer 'Yes' [br]to these questions, is an opinion. 0:04:40.171,0:04:42.717 Knowing how to separate[br]between fact and opinion, 0:04:43.134,0:04:44.565 help us to understand information 0:04:45.215,0:04:46.929 and shape our own beliefs about the world. 0:04:47.296,0:04:51.341 Try it and see[br]if you can use these questions 0:04:52.723,0:04:53.361 and tell the difference in your own light.