WEBVTT 00:00:01.501 --> 00:00:03.487 They took three groups of people 00:00:03.487 --> 00:00:05.356 and put them on a basketball court, 00:00:05.356 --> 00:00:07.367 and they just had them do three throws 00:00:07.367 --> 00:00:09.586 and saw how many points they scored. 00:00:09.586 --> 00:00:11.319 And what they did at the end 00:00:11.319 --> 00:00:13.756 is they went through group A, B and C 00:00:13.756 --> 00:00:16.423 and gave them different instructions. 00:00:16.423 --> 00:00:17.547 They said the group A: 00:00:17.547 --> 00:00:19.592 "For the next 30 days, I want you to 00:00:19.592 --> 00:00:21.502 practice for an hour a day. Go on 00:00:21.502 --> 00:00:24.391 the court and practice those free throws." 00:00:24.651 --> 00:00:25.879 They said the group B: 00:00:25.879 --> 00:00:27.515 "I don't want you to go out on the 00:00:27.515 --> 00:00:29.373 court but I still want you to practice 00:00:29.373 --> 00:00:30.452 every single day, 00:00:30.452 --> 00:00:32.785 but without touching the ball. 00:00:32.785 --> 00:00:34.835 I just want you to practice in your mind. 00:00:34.855 --> 00:00:36.099 See yourself, 00:00:36.146 --> 00:00:37.614 visualise yourself 00:00:37.614 --> 00:00:40.086 successfully throwing free throws." 00:00:40.354 --> 00:00:42.228 And they went to group C and said: 00:00:42.228 --> 00:00:44.094 "We don't want you to practice at all. 00:00:44.094 --> 00:00:45.782 For the next 30 days, don't even 00:00:45.782 --> 00:00:47.774 think about basketball. Don't touch 00:00:47.774 --> 00:00:48.742 a basketball." 00:00:48.742 --> 00:00:50.592 They followed up 30 days later 00:00:50.592 --> 00:00:52.456 and they saw surprising results. 00:00:52.456 --> 00:00:54.963 Group A, who practiced each day for 00:00:54.963 --> 00:00:56.706 an hour a day on the court, 00:00:56.706 --> 00:00:59.506 they improved 24%, right? 00:00:59.506 --> 00:01:02.515 Because practice makes progress. 00:01:02.515 --> 00:01:04.172 Practice makes progress. 00:01:04.283 --> 00:01:06.431 Group C, which is the group that 00:01:06.431 --> 00:01:08.068 didn't touch a basketball and 00:01:08.068 --> 00:01:10.498 they didn't even think about basketball, 00:01:10.498 --> 00:01:11.817 there was no progress. 00:01:11.817 --> 00:01:13.519 No practice, no progress. 00:01:13.708 --> 00:01:16.258 What was striking though was group B. 00:01:16.258 --> 00:01:18.207 Those individuals that 00:01:18.207 --> 00:01:19.592 didn't go on the court, 00:01:19.592 --> 00:01:21.209 they didn't put on their sneakers 00:01:21.209 --> 00:01:22.771 and throw a ball, they just 00:01:22.771 --> 00:01:24.522 practice successfully in their mind, 00:01:24.584 --> 00:01:28.491 they improved 23%, 00:01:28.491 --> 00:01:31.107 just 1% less than the people that 00:01:31.107 --> 00:01:33.505 actually went on the court to practice. 00:01:33.505 --> 00:01:35.706 I mean, this is evidence that 00:01:35.706 --> 00:01:37.439 your mind is powerful. 00:01:37.439 --> 00:01:38.950 You'll find that athletes 00:01:38.950 --> 00:01:39.977 like Roger Bannister, 00:01:39.977 --> 00:01:42.724 they will visualise themselves having success. 00:01:42.724 --> 00:01:44.719 So you'll find a great athlete, 00:01:44.719 --> 00:01:46.581 they don't just do physical training, 00:01:46.581 --> 00:01:48.821 they mentally train themselves to see 00:01:48.821 --> 00:01:50.895 the result in advance. 00:01:50.895 --> 00:01:53.235 So with this lesson, what 00:01:53.235 --> 00:01:55.912 I want you to do is practice the art 00:01:55.912 --> 00:01:57.410 of visualisation. 00:01:57.410 --> 00:02:00.448 I want you to imagine the perfect day. 00:02:00.448 --> 00:02:03.826 What would a limitless day be like for you 00:02:03.826 --> 00:02:05.877 from the moment you get up 00:02:05.877 --> 00:02:07.446 to when you go to bed. 00:02:07.446 --> 00:02:09.092 Because if you can see it here 00:02:09.092 --> 00:02:10.966 you can create it out here. 00:02:10.966 --> 00:02:12.983 Because what you vividly imagine 00:02:12.983 --> 00:02:14.114 you're rehearsing. 00:02:14.114 --> 00:02:16.206 One of the challenges is 00:02:16.206 --> 00:02:18.446 a lot of people use their visualisation to 00:02:18.446 --> 00:02:21.015 get the results they don't want in life 00:02:21.015 --> 00:02:23.671 and by visualising it over and over again, 00:02:23.671 --> 00:02:26.315 they're actually preparing and rehearsing 00:02:26.315 --> 00:02:27.699 for failure. 00:02:27.699 --> 00:02:29.802 Visualising all the things that can 00:02:29.802 --> 00:02:31.815 go wrong, all the things they're fearing 00:02:31.815 --> 00:02:33.525 and then their attention goes there 00:02:33.525 --> 00:02:36.128 and they're mentally rehearsing failing 00:02:36.128 --> 00:02:38.197 on stage, or failing on that exam, 00:02:38.197 --> 00:02:40.223 or failing when they're going to meet 00:02:40.223 --> 00:02:42.570 that person on that date. And they're 00:02:42.570 --> 00:02:44.898 practicing in their mind. 00:02:45.031 --> 00:02:46.915 Here is your lesson: 00:02:46.915 --> 00:02:49.554 as you're going through and constructing 00:02:49.554 --> 00:02:52.390 your limitless day, you're rehearsing that 00:02:52.390 --> 00:02:53.917 and your attention goes there. 00:02:53.917 --> 00:02:55.909 Remember that your feelings are 00:02:55.909 --> 00:02:57.622 the language of your body and that 00:02:57.622 --> 00:03:00.205 your thoughts are the language of your mind. 00:03:00.365 --> 00:03:03.427 My goal for you to become limitless is to 00:03:03.427 --> 00:03:05.511 imagine your perfect day, 00:03:05.511 --> 00:03:07.774 your perfect moment. I want you to 00:03:07.774 --> 00:03:11.858 imagine it, visualise it, see it, feel it, 00:03:11.858 --> 00:03:13.357 believe in it, and then 00:03:13.357 --> 00:03:15.372 work daily for it.