1 00:00:00,997 --> 00:00:07,729 Hi guys, my name's Federico Pistono and I'd like to talk about something I really care 2 00:00:07,729 --> 00:00:12,763 which is the Italian political situation, also because I think that we're really trough an historical moment, 3 00:00:12,763 --> 00:00:17,456 and we could be an example for all the civilized world. 4 00:00:17,456 --> 00:00:26,797 As you know I'm a 5 Stelle activist since the beginning, and what's going on now is crucial. 5 00:00:26,797 --> 00:00:32,462 So, everyone's talking about doing or not doing the deal, [blah blah] which are the points. 6 00:00:32,462 --> 00:00:40,185 I don't want to talk about that, I'd like to talk as I've been doing for years and 7 00:00:40,200 --> 00:00:43,406 in particular some months ago with a video I made, about the method, that is: 8 00:00:43,406 --> 00:00:49,755 even though the M5S talks about collaboration, participation and choice from the base 9 00:00:49,786 --> 00:00:56,927 this does happen in municipalities and regions where M5S has some representants 10 00:00:56,927 --> 00:01:01,160 and this is something extraordinary, that NOBODY ELSE does 11 00:01:01,160 --> 00:01:05,758 however at the national level this thing doesn't happen, and this is why we have these 12 00:01:05,758 --> 00:01:12,584 huge discussions: 10.000 comments on facebook, 20.000 comments on Grillo's blog 13 00:01:12,584 --> 00:01:19,269 450 answers on "La Cosa"'s videos, others on twitter... 14 00:01:19,269 --> 00:01:27,860 Is it really possible that we still don't have a national platform like Liquid Feedback, Airesis, or a wiki 15 00:01:27,860 --> 00:01:33,756 where we can discuss together about the program, projects and decisions? 16 00:01:33,756 --> 00:01:38,797 I mean, they've been saying for years that "we'll do that!"(3x) and it still didn't happen. 17 00:01:38,797 --> 00:01:44,530 It was already a shame that we didn't have it to lay down the electoral program, and now that 18 00:01:44,530 --> 00:01:50,202 we have people going into the parliament and represent us, and we've become the 19 00:01:50,202 --> 00:01:56,973 first political power in the country, and that we've made all our electoral campaign saying 20 00:01:56,973 --> 00:01:59,629 "there will be democracy from the base, participated" 21 00:01:59,629 --> 00:02:04,105 well we still don't have these instruments and decisions are taken... 22 00:02:04,105 --> 00:02:06,266 well, we don't know how 23 00:02:06,266 --> 00:02:11,907 one or two people that say "we do that way" or the other, and then 50.000 people lost in the blog 24 00:02:11,907 --> 00:02:15,784 and people goes crazy when somebody starts a petition 25 00:02:15,784 --> 00:02:23,457 they say "ohh she's from Pirate Party", and then actually she... 26 00:02:23,457 --> 00:02:25,365 this is what's called "character assassination" 27 00:02:25,365 --> 00:02:32,942 we attack this poor woman that, by the way, from what I've seen belonged to the other Pirate Party 28 00:02:32,942 --> 00:02:38,765 the one that has many points in common with M5S 29 00:02:38,765 --> 00:02:46,228 and that by the way Rick Falkvinge, who started swedish Pirate Party, baptised M5S 30 00:02:46,228 --> 00:02:52,892 when it was created. So I don't know if you get it, they looked for her address, they said they'd kill her, 31 00:02:52,892 --> 00:02:57,990 really crazy things! Guys, let's take a deep breath 32 00:02:57,990 --> 00:03:02,457 let's say: "we need to make some decisions together" 33 00:03:02,457 --> 00:03:09,455 "in a collaborative way", we had this need years ago, it was a HUGE need few months ago, and now 34 00:03:09,455 --> 00:03:12,546 it's unacceptable that we don't have such a platform. 35 00:03:12,546 --> 00:03:14,935 In the last post Beppe said "they're working on it"... 36 00:03:14,935 --> 00:03:20,688 4 years they've been saying that, and also, who is working on that?? Casaleggio and so on... 37 00:03:20,688 --> 00:03:27,106 Let's make it in community, managed by the community like Wikipedia. Is it that hard? 38 00:03:27,106 --> 00:03:32,231 There are hundreds of people offering their efforts for free. 39 00:03:32,231 --> 00:03:39,940 We made some encounters, talked with activists from Bergamo, Sicily, Puglia, 40 00:03:39,940 --> 00:03:49,174 and also developers from Airesis who said they'll change their platform DEPENDING on M5S needs, 41 00:03:49,174 --> 00:03:59,938 for free. We have a great knowledge and intellectual power, immense, that we can use for free 42 00:03:59,938 --> 00:04:06,350 and we're not using it because the staff won't answer our requests. 43 00:04:06,350 --> 00:04:17,816 We've written to hundreds of M5S activists, among which some are in municipal or regional councils, 44 00:04:17,816 --> 00:04:24,953 and we've talked even to people elected into the parliament, and everyone agrees with us that 45 00:04:24,953 --> 00:04:29,969 we need a platform of this kind, and that it must be managed by the community 46 00:04:29,969 --> 00:04:38,275 NOT that Casaleggio will make it someday, with his servers, his ways, his timings 47 00:04:38,275 --> 00:04:40,982 who knows where, how, who manages it. 48 00:04:40,982 --> 00:04:44,563 It must be made by the community, managed by the community 49 00:04:44,563 --> 00:04:48,332 we need it now, we have to do it together 50 00:04:48,332 --> 00:04:54,410 and we have to stop to focus on what a random guy says or does, it's foolish, 51 00:04:54,410 --> 00:05:01,290 we have to talk about the system and the community. So let's get together and say: 52 00:05:01,290 --> 00:05:09,671 Staff.. Beppe, I agree with 99% of what you say. What you say is not what you do! 53 00:05:09,671 --> 00:05:13,964 Because you say that the movement makes decision all together, from the base, we discuss, 54 00:05:13,964 --> 00:05:23,513 but it's not happening and this thing must change. So please, guys, we have to make them listen us and 55 00:05:23,513 --> 00:05:29,152 say: do we all agree? so we have to do it all together as a community. 56 00:05:29,152 --> 00:05:37,385 We've created a FB group to discuss and participate, the link is in the video description. 57 00:05:37,385 --> 00:05:44,714 Participate, there's a tweet, @DemLiquida (?), which is going around, let's make it Top Trend 58 00:05:44,714 --> 00:05:58,608 so that it.... it will explode(!) and come on, let's make us heard, and take the leads of this Italy. 59 00:05:58,608 --> 00:06:03,097 I don't know what's the future of Italy and I don't know what decisions we'll take. 60 00:06:03,097 --> 00:06:09,347 But the one thing I know is that if we want to do the right things, we have to take them together. 61 00:06:09,347 --> 00:06:11,000 Bye.