How did you tell your family and friends about the diagnosis? We were in America at the time when Ruby was diagnosed. We had been in hopsital a couple of weeks, almost a month. My family back home knew that she was very sick, was having uncontrollable seizures. It wasn't until we took her home and then a few weeks later that Ruby was actually diagnosed with having Sandhoff disease. I told my mum immediately on the phone because they were waiting, by the phone for news. I actually couldn't tell anybody else at the time. She spread the news to my sisters and my immediate family and at that time we kept it to my immediate family. In the US, where we were, we told, immediate family who were asking but that's how far we kept it until we could come to terms with the diagnosis. I told my family on the same day I got the diagnosis. My friends, I told a while later because I couldn't talk about it. When Isabella was first diagonsed we originally speak to each member of our family by the telephone. We then directed them to a website to explain more and for them to read about it, rather than us have to emotionally tell them. We had pre-warned them of the type of diagnosis it would be. We, knew that Amelie had a metabolic condition when we were staying in hospital. So, we had a pretty bad diagnosis knowing that it would be one of seventy diseases or so. We waited about two to three weeks for, blood tests that were a bit complicated, given our DNA. When we found out it was Tay-Sachs we called our friends and family to let them know. The close people first. Then it went by word of mouth. We told my parents who were there at the diagnosis, that she had Tay-Sachs. Then we told all of my family so we didn't have to field all of the phone calls about how she was getting on. One of my closest friends was with me on diagnosis day. The rest of them I told over the phone from Great Ormond Street Hospital, as we got the diagnosis. Everybody was absolutely heartbroken. Unfortunately, it was out of our control.