(fan and idling truck engine noises) (metallic screeching noises) The reception out here is really bad so I might lose you guys. If I do, I'm going to be posting the regular videos soon and I'm going to be sharing more of these turkeys on Wednesday. I'm going to see if I can hold a signal. (turkeys clucking) There's a whole other one of these sheds inside the plant's walls. So far no one has seen me, but if they do I might have to go for a little bit. Just letting you guys know right now. These big fans, they park them in between these fans, and in the dead of summer they'll stay here for hours. It's pretty chilly right now. (turkeys clucking) In just a few days, people are going to be giving thanks over their corpses... (turkeys clucking) It's such a, insane... (*trails off*) (turkeys clucking and rattling their metal cages)