[Music Plays] What's special to me about Honolulu It has to be just the way of life Things that we do to pass our time Don't cost money You know we go on hikes We surf or we paddle board and it's just about enjoying what's here The beaches are beautiful The swaying palmtrees are wonderful However there's a deep rich history here We are a place with a very vibrant indigenous culture I find that to be a hugely enriching aspect of life It's special, it's Hawaii There's a fragrance to it You smell everybody's leis plumeria and tube of roses in the air You don't worry about too much here It's too pretty to work [Waves crashing] We're very fortunate with the location of the shop We're nestled in the coconut grove of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel We carry the finest Panama Hats in the world They come out of the town of Montecristi in Ecuador And they've been woven there By the artisans For literally hundreds of years You're seeing predominantly fedoras But because they're all hand woven, They're all slightly different Years ago gentlemen used to go To haberdashery His job was to fit the gentlemen With a proper hat And we carry on that kind of a tradition This space was created because I had an overflow collection of vintage I've been collecting whenever it speaks to me whether it fits me or not so that's why I'm sharing otherwise if they fit me all, they wouldn't be yours