0:00:14.004,0:00:16.183 One of the great things about science 0:00:16.207,0:00:18.745 is that when scientists make a discovery, 0:00:18.769,0:00:21.275 it's not always in a prescribed manner, 0:00:21.299,0:00:24.419 as in, only in a laboratory[br]under strict settings, 0:00:24.443,0:00:25.864 with white lab coats 0:00:25.888,0:00:29.108 and all sorts of neat[br]science gizmos that go, "Beep!" 0:00:29.715,0:00:31.033 In reality, 0:00:31.057,0:00:32.486 the events and people involved 0:00:32.510,0:00:34.879 in some of the major[br]scientific discoveries 0:00:34.903,0:00:37.292 are as weird and varied as they get. 0:00:37.645,0:00:39.226 My case in point: 0:00:39.250,0:00:41.929 The Weird History of the Cell Theory. 0:00:42.633,0:00:44.762 There are three parts to the cell theory. 0:00:44.786,0:00:48.909 One: all organisms are composed[br]of one or more cells. 0:00:48.933,0:00:51.449 Two: the cell is the basic[br]unit of structure 0:00:51.473,0:00:53.337 and organization in organisms. 0:00:53.361,0:00:57.484 And three: all cells come[br]from preexisting cells. 0:00:57.508,0:01:01.548 To be honest, this all sounds[br]incredibly boring 0:01:01.572,0:01:03.307 until you dig a little deeper 0:01:03.331,0:01:05.976 into how the world[br]of microscopic organisms, 0:01:06.000,0:01:08.014 and this theory came to be. 0:01:08.038,0:01:11.049 It all started in the early 1600s[br]in the Netherlands, 0:01:11.073,0:01:13.736 where a spectacle maker[br]named Zacharias Janssen 0:01:13.760,0:01:17.260 is said to have come up[br]with the first compound microscope, 0:01:17.284,0:01:19.034 along with the first telescope. 0:01:19.058,0:01:20.871 Both claims are often disputed, 0:01:20.895,0:01:23.285 as apparently he wasn't the only bored guy 0:01:23.309,0:01:26.290 with a ton of glass lenses[br]to play with at the time. 0:01:26.314,0:01:27.465 Despite this, 0:01:27.489,0:01:29.852 the microscope soon became a hot item 0:01:29.876,0:01:33.304 that every naturalist or scientist[br]at the time wanted to play with, 0:01:33.328,0:01:36.195 making it much like the iPad of its day. 0:01:36.219,0:01:37.752 One such person 0:01:37.776,0:01:41.280 was a fellow Dutchman by the name[br]of Anton van Leeuwenhoek, 0:01:41.304,0:01:43.566 who heard about[br]these microscope doohickeys, 0:01:43.590,0:01:45.874 and instead of going out and buying one, 0:01:45.898,0:01:47.729 he decided to make his own. 0:01:47.753,0:01:50.494 And it was a strange[br]little contraption indeed, 0:01:50.518,0:01:54.485 as it looked more like a tiny paddle[br]the size of a sunglass lens. 0:01:54.509,0:01:56.044 If he had stuck two together, 0:01:56.068,0:01:58.847 it probably would have made[br]a wicked set of sunglasses 0:01:58.871,0:02:01.844 that you couldn't see much out of. 0:02:01.868,0:02:04.756 Anyhoo, once Leeuwenhoek[br]had his microscope ready, 0:02:04.780,0:02:05.935 he went to town, 0:02:05.959,0:02:08.493 looking at anything and everything[br]he could with them, 0:02:08.517,0:02:10.378 including the gunk on his teeth. 0:02:10.775,0:02:13.028 Yes, you heard right. 0:02:13.052,0:02:15.100 He actually discovered bacteria 0:02:15.124,0:02:17.577 by looking at dental scrapings, 0:02:17.601,0:02:19.267 which, when you keep in mind 0:02:19.291,0:02:23.644 that people didn't brush their teeth[br]much -- if at all -- back then, 0:02:23.668,0:02:27.185 he must have had a lovely bunch[br]of bacteria to look at. 0:02:27.594,0:02:29.285 When he wrote about his discovery, 0:02:29.309,0:02:32.061 he didn't call them bacteria,[br]as we know them today. 0:02:32.085,0:02:34.246 But he called them "animalcules," 0:02:34.270,0:02:36.857 because they looked[br]like little animals to him. 0:02:36.881,0:02:39.200 While Leeuwenhoek was staring[br]at his teeth gunk, 0:02:39.224,0:02:42.320 he was also sending letters[br]to a scientific colleague in England, 0:02:42.344,0:02:44.244 by the name of Robert Hooke. 0:02:44.268,0:02:48.774 Hooke was a guy who really loved[br]all aspects of science, 0:02:48.798,0:02:51.838 so he dabbled in a little bit[br]of everything, including physics, 0:02:51.862,0:02:53.365 chemistry and biology. 0:02:53.776,0:02:57.440 Thus it is Hooke who we can thank[br]for the term "the cell," 0:02:57.464,0:03:00.675 as he was looking at a piece of cork[br]under his microscope, 0:03:00.699,0:03:04.973 and the little chambers he saw[br]reminded him of cells, 0:03:04.997,0:03:08.682 or the rooms monks slept in[br]in their monasteries. 0:03:09.158,0:03:10.698 Think college dorm rooms, 0:03:10.722,0:03:14.359 but without the TVs, computers[br]and really annoying roommates. 0:03:14.836,0:03:17.349 Hooke was something[br]of an underappreciated scientist 0:03:17.373,0:03:18.524 of his day -- 0:03:18.548,0:03:20.187 something he brought upon himself, 0:03:20.211,0:03:22.085 as he made the mistake of locking horns 0:03:22.109,0:03:25.032 with one of the most famous[br]scientists ever, Sir Isaac Newton. 0:03:25.056,0:03:27.887 Remember when I said Hooke[br]dabbled in many different fields? 0:03:27.911,0:03:30.293 Well, after Newton published[br]a groundbreaking book 0:03:30.317,0:03:32.668 on how planets move due to gravity, 0:03:32.692,0:03:33.844 Hooke made the claim 0:03:33.868,0:03:37.542 that Newton had been inspired[br]by Hooke's work in physics. 0:03:37.889,0:03:41.275 Newton, to say the least,[br]did not like that, 0:03:41.299,0:03:43.634 which sparked a tense[br]relationship between the two 0:03:43.658,0:03:45.961 that lasted even after Hooke died, 0:03:45.985,0:03:49.978 as quite a bit of Hooke's research --[br]as well as his only portrait -- 0:03:50.002,0:03:52.674 was ... misplaced, due to Newton. 0:03:52.698,0:03:56.027 Much of it was rediscovered,[br]thankfully, after Newton's time, 0:03:56.051,0:03:57.313 but not his portrait, 0:03:57.337,0:04:00.123 as, sadly, no one knows[br]what Robert Hooke looked like. 0:04:00.776,0:04:02.553 Fast-forward to the 1800s, 0:04:02.577,0:04:05.088 where two German scientists[br]discovered something 0:04:05.112,0:04:07.776 that today we might find rather obvious, 0:04:07.800,0:04:11.243 but helped tie together[br]what we now know as the cell theory. 0:04:11.267,0:04:13.819 The first scientist[br]was Matthias Schleiden, 0:04:13.843,0:04:16.775 a botanist who liked to study[br]plants under a microscope. 0:04:17.299,0:04:19.912 From his years of studying[br]different plant species, 0:04:19.936,0:04:21.245 it finally dawned on him 0:04:21.269,0:04:23.740 that every single plant he had looked at 0:04:23.764,0:04:26.462 were all made of cells. 0:04:26.866,0:04:28.051 At the same time, 0:04:28.075,0:04:30.841 on the other end of Germany[br]was Theodor Schwann, 0:04:30.865,0:04:33.835 a scientist who not only[br]studied slides of animal cells 0:04:33.859,0:04:35.077 under the microscope 0:04:35.101,0:04:38.230 and got a special type[br]of nerve cell named after him, 0:04:38.254,0:04:40.947 but also invented rebreathers[br]for firefighters, 0:04:40.971,0:04:43.282 and had a kickin' pair of sideburns. 0:04:43.306,0:04:45.321 After studying animal cells for a while, 0:04:45.345,0:04:47.232 he, too, came to the conclusion 0:04:47.256,0:04:49.423 that all animals were made of cells. 0:04:49.447,0:04:52.276 Immediately, he reached out[br]via snail mail, 0:04:52.300,0:04:54.486 as Twitter had yet to be invented, 0:04:54.510,0:04:57.655 to other scientists working[br]in the same field with Schleiden, 0:04:57.679,0:04:58.840 who got back to him, 0:04:58.864,0:05:01.928 and the two started working[br]on the beginnings of the cell theory. 0:05:01.952,0:05:03.885 A bone of contention arose between them. 0:05:03.909,0:05:06.048 As for the last part of the cell theory -- 0:05:06.072,0:05:08.680 that cells come from preexisting cells -- 0:05:08.704,0:05:11.133 Schleiden didn't exactly[br]subscribe to that thought, 0:05:11.157,0:05:14.726 as he swore cells came[br]from free-cell formation, 0:05:14.750,0:05:18.611 where they just kind of spontaneously[br]crystallized into existence. 0:05:19.009,0:05:21.937 That's when another scientist[br]named Rudolph Virchow, 0:05:21.961,0:05:25.570 stepped in with research showing[br]that cells did come from other cells, 0:05:25.594,0:05:28.239 research that was actually --[br]hmm ... How to put it? -- 0:05:28.263,0:05:30.030 "borrowed without permission" 0:05:30.054,0:05:33.131 from a Jewish scientist[br]by the name of Robert Remak, 0:05:33.155,0:05:36.038 which led to two more feuding scientists. 0:05:36.062,0:05:39.195 Thus, from teeth gunk[br]to torquing off Newton, 0:05:39.219,0:05:41.593 crystallization to Schwann cells, 0:05:41.617,0:05:44.921 the cell theory came to be[br]an important part of biology today. 0:05:45.301,0:05:49.515 Some things we know[br]about science today may seem boring, 0:05:49.539,0:05:53.198 but how we came to know them[br]is incredibly fascinating. 0:05:53.222,0:05:54.976 So if something bores you, 0:05:55.000,0:05:56.462 dig deeper. 0:05:56.486,0:06:00.291 It's probably got a really weird[br]story behind it somewhere.