WEBVTT 00:00:00.300 --> 00:00:05.800 In the age of the internet, it’s virtually impossible to escape the odd email or pop up extolling 00:00:05.800 --> 00:00:09.250 astounding advances in the field of male enhancement. 00:00:09.250 --> 00:00:14.710 From miracle pills, to powerful pumps, to bizarre contraptions, and even serious surgery, 00:00:14.710 --> 00:00:20.990 the sensitivity of penis size leaves countless men trying out untested and potentially unsafe methods. 00:00:20.990 --> 00:00:26.640 But one factor rather absent in the male enhancement racket is the impact of one’s 00:00:26.640 --> 00:00:31.040 diet—could it be that what you eat affects the size of your penis? 00:00:35.620 --> 00:00:39.579 Hi it's Emily from Bite Size Vegan and welcome to another vegan nugget. 00:00:39.579 --> 00:00:44.090 So far in the Men’s Health Series with Dr. Greger of Nutritionfacts.org, we’ve covered 00:00:44.090 --> 00:00:49.699 the impact of diet on testosterone levels, erectile dysfunction, and prostate enlargement 00:00:49.699 --> 00:00:55.399 and cancer risk, as well as pitted soy against beer to see which has a stronger estrogenic 00:00:55.399 --> 00:00:56.769 effect on male hormones. 00:00:57.160 --> 00:01:01.560 Outside of the obvious, two common themes throughout this series have been: the prevalent 00:01:01.570 --> 00:01:06.950 and disturbing predisposition of medical professionals to ignore prevention and simple and effective 00:01:06.950 --> 00:01:11.860 treatment in favor of ineffective and debilitating measures while keeping their patients in the dark 00:01:11.860 --> 00:01:16.479 to their own detriment; and the preponderance of medical evidence that the foods and beverages 00:01:16.479 --> 00:01:21.840 most associated with “manliness” in our society are the most damaging to men’s health, 00:01:21.840 --> 00:01:27.560 while those deemed “feminizing” or “emasculating” actually lead to hormonal balance, virility, 00:01:27.560 --> 00:01:29.890 and unencumbered sexual performance. 00:01:29.890 --> 00:01:34.290 And of course have the added bonus of cancer prevention and enhancing overall health. 00:01:35.030 --> 00:01:40.549 In this fifth and final installment in the series, we’ll address perhaps the most stereotypical, 00:01:40.549 --> 00:01:45.489 often trivialized, yet intensely personal and sensitive topic of penis size. 00:01:45.940 --> 00:01:50.720 While this may appear to be purely an issue of ego, as with the previous topics in this 00:01:50.720 --> 00:01:55.530 series, the dietary factors affecting penis size have significant health impacts beyond 00:01:55.530 --> 00:01:57.210 that singular manifestation. 00:01:57.460 --> 00:02:01.180 So let’s hear from Dr. Greger for what the science says about size. 00:02:01.840 --> 00:02:05.340 Emily: The male enhancement industry is astoundingly large. 00:02:06.960 --> 00:02:11.920 Is there actually a dietary link to the size of male genitalia? 00:02:11.930 --> 00:02:17.410 Dr. Greger: You know, I mean, so…women like to say, “oh size don’t matter,” but 00:02:17.410 --> 00:02:23.720 if you actually ask them in surveys, when men aren’t around, three-quarters of women 00:02:23.720 --> 00:02:30.050 consider penile length and girth to be somewhat or very important. 00:02:30.050 --> 00:02:33.610 Supposedly, that’s the largest survey ever performed. 00:02:33.610 --> 00:02:37.210 But wait a second, what does that have to do with diet? 00:02:37.520 --> 00:02:43.340 Well there are these phthalates—phthalates chemicals, which are kind of industrial pollutants—these 00:02:43.340 --> 00:02:45.220 are plastics made in the plastic industry. 00:02:45.220 --> 00:02:50.640 Oh in fact, I actually had a video recently about phthalates in sex toys. 00:02:51.380 --> 00:02:52.680 You should check that out. 00:02:52.680 --> 00:02:55.450 There are phthalates implications for women too. 00:02:55.450 --> 00:02:59.470 But in terms of men, so these phthalate industrial pollutants, how did we become exposed? 00:02:59.470 --> 00:03:05.390 What they did was do a survey where they measured the phthalate urine levels, which is an indicator 00:03:05.390 --> 00:03:06.880 of how much is falling through your bodies. 00:03:06.880 --> 00:03:08.980 Then they looked at your and did dietary analysis. 00:03:08.980 --> 00:03:13.290 And they found were actually what is that in the diet that is leading to the highest levels. 00:03:13.940 --> 00:03:17.960 So they were looking for something called MEHP, one of the phthalates associated with 00:03:18.000 --> 00:03:21.110 smaller penis size in infants. 00:03:21.110 --> 00:03:26.300 So, if pregnant women are exposed to a lot of phthalates their infant sons are born with 00:03:26.300 --> 00:03:31.240 smaller penises and lots of other more meaningfully negative effects. 00:03:31.760 --> 00:03:37.380 In addition to a smaller penis, MEHP appears to increase the odds of boys later growing breasts, 00:03:37.380 --> 00:03:42.120 25-fold, and then decreased testosterone later in life. 00:03:42.160 --> 00:03:46.700 The chicken phthalates have also been associated with increased odds of Caesarean section, 00:03:46.700 --> 00:03:53.640 diminished child intelligence (particularly in boys), attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 00:03:53.640 --> 00:04:00.320 symptoms, later in life, abdominal obesity, altered thyroid function, damaged sperm, and 00:04:00.320 --> 00:04:02.140 a lower sperm count. 00:04:02.140 --> 00:04:08.660 And actually poultry consumption was associated most with MEHP levels in the urine. 00:04:09.020 --> 00:04:12.840 It wasn’t clear exactly, we’re not sure where that’s actually coming from. 00:04:12.850 --> 00:04:18.830 Originally they thought it’s coming from the plastic, from the plastic wrapping the chicken, but 00:04:18.830 --> 00:04:23.190 it turns out eggs really have high phthalate levels as well. 00:04:23.190 --> 00:04:26.190 So it may be coming from the chicken itself. 00:04:26.190 --> 00:04:30.980 Perhaps something that we’re feeding the chickens, it’s not particularly sure. 00:04:30.980 --> 00:04:37.250 So I have a video about this kind of feminization of male genitalia with maternal phthalate 00:04:37.250 --> 00:04:43.790 consumption BUT you know I think for men who are going to this video and be like oh well, 00:04:43.790 --> 00:04:47.990 you know, I have no control over what my mom ate but what about now? 00:04:47.990 --> 00:04:50.370 I’m out of the womb. 00:04:50.370 --> 00:04:54.650 Is there anything that I eat that is going to affect the length of my penis? 00:04:56.040 --> 00:04:58.400 And there is actually. 00:04:58.400 --> 00:05:03.160 I have a video coming up—there's a different class of pollutants PCBs, a certain 00:05:03.160 --> 00:05:12.480 class of PCBs that can actually affect the size of penis in boys found predominantly in fish. 00:05:12.480 --> 00:05:18.120 And so they found that boys who ate a lot of fish, contain a lot of the PCB pollutants, 00:05:18.130 --> 00:05:21.050 actually grew up with shortened penises. 00:05:21.050 --> 00:05:23.970 We are talking three-quarters of an inch, at the most. 00:05:23.970 --> 00:05:25.570 So it wasn’t really a big effect. 00:05:25.570 --> 00:05:30.400 And of course as with all industrial pollutants, the strategy is to eat as low as possible 00:05:30.400 --> 00:05:37.420 on the food chain, so plants would be the ideal, then stay away from the aquatic food 00:05:37.420 --> 00:05:42.870 chain as much as possible because everything eventually flows into the sea, our oceans, 00:05:42.870 --> 00:05:44.960 are humanity sewers. 00:05:44.960 --> 00:05:49.900 And so unfortunately without a time machine it’s very difficult to go back before the 00:05:49.900 --> 00:05:54.720 industrial revolution and get non-contaminated seafood. 00:05:54.720 --> 00:05:57.300 I hope you found what Dr. Greger shared to be helpful. 00:05:57.300 --> 00:06:02.920 I’ve included more in-depth information, further resources, citations to specific studies, 00:06:02.920 --> 00:06:07.050 and more of Dr. Greger’s videos and essays on the blog post for this video 00:06:07.050 --> 00:06:08.070 linked in the description below. 00:06:08.070 --> 00:06:13.440 It is vital that men—and actually everyone—are proactive about their health. 00:06:13.440 --> 00:06:17.330 Unfortunately, relying on our doctors and the medical industry in its current state 00:06:17.330 --> 00:06:21.389 can be severely detrimental to our wellbeing, even fatal. 00:06:21.389 --> 00:06:26.440 And perpetuating the ideas of “manliness” ingrained within our cultures and societies 00:06:26.440 --> 00:06:31.860 under the charge of “preserving tradition” or “fighting overly PC culture” actually 00:06:31.860 --> 00:06:37.030 contributes to the decline in men’s health and leads to more men dying prematurely. 00:06:37.030 --> 00:06:41.710 The good news is that there are more and more solid resources for evidence-based nutrition 00:06:41.710 --> 00:06:43.430 and health information. 00:06:43.430 --> 00:06:47.710 And luckily, when it comes to the influence of diet, to heighten sexual performance, prevent 00:06:47.710 --> 00:06:53.240 prostate cancer and enlargement, balance hormones, and maybe avoid loosing some length, the answer 00:06:53.240 --> 00:06:54.940 is the same across the board. 00:06:54.940 --> 00:07:00.070 To make sure you’re getting the male-enhancing nutrition you need, check out Cronometer—a 00:07:00.070 --> 00:07:04.350 free website and app that I’ve used in several of my videos because of it’s uniquely detailed 00:07:04.350 --> 00:07:06.600 nutrition reports and ease of use. 00:07:06.600 --> 00:07:10.990 Cronometer has reached out to help sponsor the Men’s Health series to get this vital 00:07:10.990 --> 00:07:13.410 educational information out to those who need it. 00:07:13.410 --> 00:07:16.660 Click the link in the description, or go here to make your free profile. 00:07:16.980 --> 00:07:20.720 It’s not an affiliate link, but it will let Cronometer know that Bite Size Vegan sent you. 00:07:21.000 --> 00:07:26.080 On a personal note, even though I'm well-aware of the misinformation and disinformation rampant 00:07:26.080 --> 00:07:30.190 within the medical industry, through making the men's health series I've become more and 00:07:30.190 --> 00:07:36.270 more frustrated and astounded by the level and nature of misinformation surrounding these issues. 00:07:36.440 --> 00:07:42.040 When that's compounded with social and cultural taboos about manliness and discussing these 00:07:42.040 --> 00:07:46.930 kinds of issues, health concerns that literally mean life and death for men are reduced to 00:07:46.930 --> 00:07:50.820 comedic memes or written off as inevitabilities of aging. 00:07:50.820 --> 00:07:56.310 To help combat this and actually save men's lives, please share this video and the information, 00:07:56.310 --> 00:07:59.530 and the whole series to help men take hold of their health. 00:07:59.530 --> 00:08:04.300 The more we talk about it, the less of a stigma it has and the more access men can have to 00:08:04.300 --> 00:08:06.420 real life-saving information. 00:08:06.780 --> 00:08:11.000 Be sure to subscribe to the channel and click the bell to enable notifications for more 00:08:11.000 --> 00:08:13.030 fresh vegan content every week. 00:08:13.030 --> 00:08:17.260 To support free education like this, please see the support links below or click the Nugget 00:08:17.260 --> 00:08:19.750 Army icon or the link in the sidebar. 00:08:19.750 --> 00:08:23.850 Now go live vegan, enhance your health, and I’ll see you soon. 00:08:23.850 --> 00:08:29.160 Usually I'm trying to figure out how to title videos in a way that makes it engaging and something 00:08:29.160 --> 00:08:32.180 people want to click on without being click bait and totally inaccurate. 00:08:32.860 --> 00:08:38.080 But with this video, it's like impossible to title it in a way that doesn't look like click bait. 00:08:38.080 --> 00:08:42.180 Even when it's completely accurate as to the contents of the video. 00:08:44.140 --> 00:08:45.180 That's weird.