Okay, welcome back.
Today we're gonna cover a couple separate
two main topics related to the shell.
First, we're gonna do some kind of shell
scripting, mainly related to bash,
which is the shell that most of you will start
in Mac, or like in most Linux systems,
that's the default shell.
And it's also kind of backward compatible through
other shells like zsh, it's pretty nice.
And then we're gonna cover some other shell
tools that are really convenient,
so you avoid doing really repetitive tasks,
like looking for some piece of code
or for some elusive file.
And there are already really
nice built-in commands
that will really help you to do those things.
So yesterday we already kind of introduced
you to the shell and some of it's quirks,
and like how you start executing commands,
redirecting them.
Today, we're going to kind of cover more about
the syntax of the variables, the control flow,
functions of the shell.
So for example, once you drop
into a shell, say you want to
define a variable, which is
one of the first things you
learn to do in a programming language.
Here you could do something like foo equals bar.
And now we can access the value
of foo by doing "$foo".
And that's bar, perfect.
One quirk that you need to be aware of is that
spaces are really critical when
you're dealing with bash.
Mainly because spaces are reserved, and
that will be for separating arguments.
So, for example, something like foo equals bar
won't work, and the shell is gonna
tell you why it's not working.
It's because the foo command is not
working, like foo is non-existent.
And here what is actually happening,
we're not assigning foo to bar,
what is happening is we're
calling the foo program
with the first argument "=" and
the second argument "bar".
And in general, whenever you are having
some issues, like some files with spaces
you will need to be careful about that.
You need to be careful about quoting strings.
So, going into that, how you do strings in bash.
There are two ways that you can define a string:
You can define strings using double quotes
and you can define strings using single,
using single quotes.
However, for literal strings they are equivalent,
but for the rest they are not equivalent.
So, for example, if we do value is $foo,
the $foo has been expanded like
a string, substituted to the
value of the foo variable in the shell.
Whereas if we do this with a simple quote,
we are just getting the $foo as it is
and single quotes won't be replacing. Again,
it's really easy to write a script, assume that
this is kind of like Python, that you might be
more familiar with, and not realize all that.
And this is the way you will assign variables.
Then bash also has control flow
techniques that we'll see later,
like for loops, while loops, and one main
thing is you can define functions.
We can access a function I have defined here.
Here we have the MCD function, that
has been defined, and the thing is
so far, we have just kind of seen how
to execute several commands by piping
into them, kind of saw that briefly yesterday.
But a lot of times you want to do first
one thing and then another thing.
And that's kind of like the
sequential execution that we get here.
Here, for example, we're
calling the MCD function.
We, first,
are calling the makedir command,
which is creating this directory.
Here, $1 is like a special variable.
This is the way that bash works,
whereas in other scripting languages
there will be like argv,
the first item of the array argv
will contain the argument.
In bash it's $1. And in general, a lot
of things in bash will be dollar something
and will be reserved, we will
be seeing more examples later.
And once we have created the folder,
we CD into that folder,
which is kind of a fairly common
pattern that you will see.
We will actually type this directly
into our shell, and it will work and
it will define this function. But sometimes
it's nicer to write things in a file.
What we can do is we can source
this. And that will
execute this script in our shell and load it.
So now it looks like nothing happened,
but now the MCD function has
been defined in our shell. So
we can now for example do
MCD test, and now we move from
the tools directory to the test
directory. We both created the
folder and we moved into it.
What else. So a result is...
We can access the first argument with $1.
There's a lot more reserved commands,
for example $0 will be the name of the script,
$2 through $9 will be the second
through the ninth arguments
that the bash script takes.
Some of these reserved
keywords can be directly used
in the shell, so for example
$? will get you the error code
from the previous command,
which I'll also explain briefly.
But for example, $_ will get
you the last argument of the
previous command. So another way
we could have done this is
we could have said like "mkdir test"
and instead of rewriting test, we
can access that last argument
as part of the (previous command), using $_
like, that will be replaced with
test and now we go into test.
There are a lot of them, you
should familiarize with them.
Another one I often use is called "bang
bang" ("!!"), you will run into this
whenever you, for example, are trying
to create something and you don't have
enough permissions. Then, you can do "sudo !!"
and then that will replace the command in
there and now you can just try doing
that. And now it will prompt you for a password,
because you have sudo permissions.
Before, I mentioned the, kind
of the error command.
Yesterday we saw that, in general, there are
different ways a process can communicate
with other processes or commands.
We mentioned the standard
input, which also was like
getting stuff through the standard input,
putting stuff into the standard output.
There are a couple more interesting
things, there's also like a
standard error, a stream where you write errors
that happen with your program and you don't
want to pollute the standard output.
There's also the error code,
which is like a general
thing in a lot of programming languages,
some way of reporting how the
entire run of something went.
So if we do
something like echo hello and we
query for the value, it's zero. And it's zero
because everything went okay and there
weren't any issues. And a zero exit code is
the same as you will get in a language
like C, like 0 means everything
went fine, there were no errors.
However, sometimes things won't work.
Sometimes, like if we try to grep
for foobar in our MCD script,
and now we check for that
value, it's 1. And that's
because we tried to search for the foobar
string in the MCD script and it wasn't there.
So grep doesn't print anything, but
let us know that things didn't work by
giving us a 1 error code.
There are some interesting commands like
"true", for example, will always have a zero
error code, and false will always
have a one error code.
Then there are like
these logical operators that you can use
to do some sort of conditionals.
For example, one way...
you also have IF's and ELSE's, that
we will see later, but you can do
something like "false", and echo "Oops fail".
So here we have two commands connected
by this OR operator.
What bash is gonna do here, it's
gonna execute the first one
and if the first one didn't work, then it's
gonna execute the second one. So here we get it,
because it's gonna try to do a logical
OR. If the first one didn't have
a zero error code, it's gonna try to
do the second one. Similarly, if we
instead of use "false", we
use something like "true",
since true will have a zero error code, then the
second one will be short-circuited and
it won't be printed.
Similarly, we have an AND
operator which will only
execute the second part if the first one
ran without errors.
And the same thing will happen.
If the first one fails, then the second
part of this thing won't be executed.
Kind of not exactly related to that, but
another thing that you will see is
that no matter what you execute,
then you can concatenate
commands using a semicolon in the same line,
and that will always print.
Beyond that, what we haven't
seen, for example, is how
you go about getting the output
of a command into a variable.
And the way we can do that is
doing something like this.
What we're doing here is we're getting
the output of the PWD command,
which is just printing the
present working directory
where we are right now.
And then we're storing that
into the foo variable.
So we do that and then we ask
for foo, we view our string.
More generally, we can do this thing
called command substitution
by putting it into any string.
And since we're using double quotes
instead of single quotes
that thing will be expanded and
it will tell us that we are
in this working folder.
Another interesting thing is, right now,
what this is expanding to is a string
instead of
It's just expanding as a string.
Another nifty and lesser known tool
is called process substitution,
which is kind of similar. What it will do...
it will, here for example, the "<(",
some command and another parenthesis,
what that will do is: that will execute,
that will get the output to
kind of like a temporary file and it will
give the file handle to the command.
So here what we're doing is we're getting...
we're LS'ing the directory, putting
it into a temporary file,
doing the same thing for the
parent folder and then
we're concatenating both files. And this
will, may be really handy, because
some commands instead of expecting
the input coming from the stdin,
they are expecting things to
come from some file that is giving
some of the arguments.
So we get both things concatenated.
I think so far there's been a lot of
information, let's see a simple,
an example script where we
see a few of these things.
So for example here we have a string and we
have this $date. So $date is a program.
Again there's a lot of programs
in UNIX you will kind of slowly
familiarize with a lot of them.
Date just prints what the current date is
and you can specify different formats.
Then, we have these $0 here. $0 is the name
of the script that we're running.
Then we have $#, that's the number
of arguments that we are giving
to the command, and then $$ is the process
ID of this command that is running.
Again, there's a lot of these dollar
things, they're not intuitive
because they don't have like a mnemonic
way of remembering, maybe, $#. But
it can be... you will just be
seeing them and getting familiar with them.
Here we have this $@, and that will
expand to all the arguments.
So, instead of having to assume that,
maybe say, we have three arguments
and writing $1, $2, $3,
if we don't know how many arguments we
can put all those arguments there.
And that has been given to a
for loop. And the for loop
will, in time, get the file variable
and it will be giving each one of the arguments.
So what we're doing is, for every
one of the arguments we're giving.
Then, in the next line we're running the
grep command which is just search for
a substring in some file and we're
searching for the string foobar in the file.
Here, we have put the variable
that the file took, to expand.
And yesterday we saw that if we care
about the output of a program, we can
redirect it to somewhere, to save it
or to connect it to some other file.
But sometimes you want the opposite.
Sometimes, here for example, we care...
we're gonna care about the error code. About
this script, we're gonna care whether the
grep ran successfully or it didn't.
So we can actually discard
entirely what the output...
like both the standard output and the
standard error of the grep command.
And what we're doing is we're
redirecting the output to /dev/null which
is kind of like a special device in UNIX
systems where you can like write and
it will be discarded. Like you can
write no matter how much you want,
there, and it will be discarded.
And here's the ">" symbol
that we saw yesterday for redirecting
output. Here you have a "2>"
and, as some of you might have
guessed by now, this is for redirecting the
standard error, because those those two
streams are separate, and you kind of have to
tell bash what to do with each one of them.
So here, we run, we check if the file has
foobar, and if the file has foobar then it's
going to have a zero code. If it
doesn't have foobar, it's gonna have a
nonzero error code. So that's exactly what we
check. In this if part of the command we
say "get me the error code". Again, this $?
And then we have a comparison operator
which is "-ne", for "non equal". And some
other programming languages
will have "==", "!=", these
symbols. In bash there's
like a reserved set of comparisons and
it's mainly because there's a lot of
things you might want to test for when
you're in the shell. Here for example
we're just checking for two values, two
integer values, being the same. Or for
example here, the "-F" check will let
us know if a file exists, which is
something that you will run into very,
very commonly. I'm going back to the
example. Then, what happens when we
if the file did not have
foobar, like there was a
nonzero error code, then we print
"this file doesn't have any foobar,
we're going to add one". And what we do is
we echo this "# foobar", hoping this
is a comment to the file and then we're
using the operator ">>" to append at the end of
the file. Here since the file has
been fed through the script, and we don't
know it beforehand, we have to substitute
the variable of the filename. We can
actually run this. We already have
correct permissions in this script and
we can give a few examples. We have a
few files in this folder, "mcd" is the
one we saw at the beginning for the MCD
function, some other "script" function and
we can even feed the own script to itself
to check if it has foobar in it.
And we run it and first we can
see that there's different
variables that we saw, that have been
successfully expanded. We have the date, that has
been replaced to the current time, then
we're running this program, with three
arguments, this randomized PID, and then
it's telling us MCD doesn't have any
foobar, so we are adding a new one,
and this script file doesn't
have one. So now for example let's look at MCD
and it has the comment that we were looking for.
One other thing to know when you're
executing scripts is that
here we have like three completely
different arguments but very commonly
you will be giving arguments that
can be more succinctly given in some way.
So for example here if we wanted to
refer to all the ".sh" scripts we
could just do something like "ls *.sh"
and this is a way of filename expansion
that most shells have
that's called "globbing". Here, as you
might expect, this is gonna say
anything that has any kind of sort of
characters and ends up with "sh".
Unsurprisingly, we get "example.sh"
and "mcd.sh". We also have these
"project1" and "project2", and if there
were like a... we can do a
"project42", for example
And now if we just want to refer
to the projects that have
a single character, but not two characters
afterwards, like any other characters,
we can use the question mark. So "?"
will expand to only a single one.
And we get, LS'ing, first
"project1" and then "project2".
In general, globbing can be very powerful.
You can also combine it.
A common pattern is to use what
is called curly braces.
So let's say we have an image,
that we have in this folder
and we want to convert this image from PNG to JPG
or we could maybe copy it, or...
it's a really common pattern, to have
two or more arguments that are
fairly similar and you want to do something
with them as arguments to some command.
You could do it this way, or more
succinctly, you can just do
And here, I'm getting some color feedback,
but what this will do, is
it'll expand into the line above.
Actually, I can ask zsh to do that for
me. And that what's happening here.
This is really powerful. So for example
you can do something like... we could do...
"touch" on a bunch of foo's, and
all of this will be expanded.
You can also do it at several levels
and you will do the Cartesian...
if we have something like this,
we have one group here, "{1,2}"
and then here there's "{1,2,3}",
and this is going to do
the Cartesian product of these
two expansions and it will expand
into all these things,
that we can quickly "touch".
You can also combine the asterisk
glob with the curly braces glob.
You can even use kind of ranges.
Like, we can do "mkdir"
and we create the "foo" and the
"bar" directories, and then we
can do something along these lines. This
is going to expand to "fooa", "foob"...
like all these combinations, through "j", and
then the same for "bar". I haven't
really tested it... but yeah, we're getting
all these combinations that we
can "touch". And now, if we touch something
that is different between these
two [directories], we
can again showcase the process
substitution that we saw
earlier. Say we want to check what
files are different between these
two folders. For us it's obvious,
we just saw it, it's X and Y,
but we can ask the shell to do
this "diff" for us between the
output of one LS and the other LS.
Unsurprisingly we're getting: X is
only in the first folder and Y is
only in the second folder. What is more
is, right now, we have only seen
bash scripts. If you like other
scripts, like for some tasks bash
is probably not the best,
it can be tricky. You can actually
write scripts that
interact with the shell implemented in a lot
of different languages. So for
example, let's see here a
Python script that has a magic line at the
beginning that I'm not explaining for now.
Then we have "import sys",
it's kind of like... Python is not,
by default, trying to interact
with the shell so you will have to import
some library. And then we're doing a
really silly thing of just iterating
over "sys.argv[1:]".
"sys.argv" is kind of similar to what
in bash we're getting as $0, $1, &c.
Like the vector of the arguments, we're
printing it in the reversed order.
And the magic line at the beginning is
called a shebang and is the way that the
shell will know how to run this program.
You can always do something like
"python script.py", and then "a b c" and that
will work, always, like that. But
what if we want to make this to be
executable from the shell? The way the
shell knows that it has to use python as the
interpreter to run this file is using
that first line. And that first line is
giving it the path to where that thing lives.
However, you might not know.
Like, different machines will have probably
different places where they put python
and you might not want to assume where
python is installed, or any other interpreter.
So one thing that you can do is use the
"env" command.
You can also give arguments in the shebang, so
what we're doing here is specifying
run the "env" command, that is for pretty much every
system, there are some exceptions, but like for
pretty much every system it's is in
"usr/bin", where a lot of binaries live,
and then we're calling it with the
argument "python". And then that will make
use of the path environment variable
that we saw in the first lecture. It's
gonna search in that path for the Python
binary and then it's gonna use that to
interpret this file. And that will make
this more portable so it can be run in
my machine, and your machine
and some other machine.
Another thing is that the bash is not
really like modern, it was
developed a while ago. And sometimes
it can be tricky to debug. By
default, and the ways it will fail
sometimes are intuitive like the way we
saw before of like foo command not
existing, sometimes it's not. So there's
like a really nifty tool that we have
linked in the lecture notes, which is called
"shellcheck", that will kind of give you
both warnings and syntactic errors
and other things that you might
not have quoted properly,
or you might have misplaced spaces in
your files. So for example for
extremely simple "mcd.sh"
file we're getting a couple
of errors saying hey, surprisingly,
we're missing a shebang, like this
might not interpret it correctly if you're
it at a different system. Also, this
CD is taking a command and it might not
expand properly so instead of using CD
you might want to use something like CD
and then an OR and then an "exit". We go
back to what we explained earlier, what
this will do is like if the
CD doesn't end correctly, you cannot CD
into the folder because either you
don't have permissions, it doesn't exist...
That will give a nonzero error
command, so you will execute exit
and that will stop the script
instead of continue executing as if
you were in a place that you are
actually not in. And actually
I haven't tested, but I
think we can check for "example.sh"
and here we're getting that we should be
checking the exit code in a
different way, because it's
probably not the best way, doing it this
way. One last remark I want to make
is that when you're writing bash scripts
or functions for that matter,
there's kind of a difference between
writing bash scripts in isolation like a
thing that you're gonna run, and a thing
that you're gonna load into your shell.
We will see some of this in the command
line environment lecture, where we will kind of
be tooling with the bashrc and the
sshrc. But in general, if you make
changes to for example where you are,
like if you CD into a bash script and you
just execute that bash script, it won't CD
into the shell are right now. But if you
have loaded the code directly into
your shell, for example you load...
you source the function and then you execute
the function then you will get those
side effects. And the same goes for
defining variables into the shell.
Now I'm going to talk about some
tools that I think are nifty when
working with the shell. The first was
also briefly introduced yesterday.
How do you know what flags, or like
what exact commands are. Like how I am
supposed to know that LS minus L will list
the files in a list format, or that
if I do "move - i", it's gonna like prom me
for stuff. For that what you have is the "man"
command. And the man command will kind of
have like a lot of information of how
will you go about... so for example here it
will explain for the "-i" flag, there are
all these options you can do. That's
actually pretty useful and it will work
not only for really simple commands
that come packaged with your OS
but will also work with some tools
that you install from the internet
for example, if the person that did the
installation made it so that the man
package were also installed. So for example
a tool that we're gonna cover in a bit
which is called "ripgrep" and
is called with RG, this didn't
come with my system but it has installed
its own man page and I have it here and
I can access it. For some commands the
man page is useful but sometimes it can be
tricky to decipher because it's more
kind of a documentation and a
description of all the things the tool
can do. Sometimes it will have
examples but sometimes not, and sometimes
the tool can do a lot of things so a
couple of good tools that I use commonly
are "convert" or "ffmpeg", which deal
with images and video respectively and
the man pages are like enormous. So there's
one neat tool called "tldr" that
you can install and you will have like
some nice kind of explanatory examples
of how you want to use this command. And you
can always Google for this, but I find
myself saving going into the
browser, looking about some examples and
coming back, whereas "tldr" are
community contributed and
they're fairly useful. Then,
the one for "ffmpeg" has a lot of
useful examples that are more nicely
formatted (if you don't have a huge
font size for recording). Or even
simple commands like "tar", that have a lot
of options that you are combining. So for
example, here you can be combining 2, 3...
different flags and it can not be
obvious, when you want to combine
different ones. That's how you
would go about finding more about these tools.
On the topic of finding, let's try
learning how to find files. You can
always go "ls", and like you can go like
"ls project1", and
keep LS'ing all the way through. But
maybe, if we already know that we want
to look for all the folders called
"src", then there's probably a better command
for doing that. And that's "find".
Find is the tool that, pretty much comes
with every UNIX system. And find,
we're gonna give it... here we're
saying we want to call find in the
current folder, remember that "." stands
for the current folder, and we want the
name to be "src" and we want the type to
be a directory. And by typing that it's
gonna recursively go through the current
directory and look for all these files,
or folders in this case, that match this
pattern. Find has a lot of useful
flags. So for example, you can even test
for the path to be in a way. Here we're
saying we want some number of folders,
we don't really care how many folders,
and then we care about all the Python
scripts, all the things with the extension
".py", that are within a
test folder. And we're also checking, just in
cases really but we're checking just
that it's also a type F, which stands for
file. We're getting all these files.
You can also use different flags for things
that are not the path or the name.
You could check things that have been
modified ("-mtime" is for the modification
time), things that have been
modified in the last day, which is gonna
be pretty much everything. So this is gonna print
a lot of the files we created and files
that were already there. You can even
use other things like size, the owner,
permissions, you name it. What is even more
powerful is, "find" can find stuff
but it also can do stuff when you
find those files. So we could look for all
the files that have a TMP
extension, which is a temporary extension, and
then, we can tell "find" that
for every one of those files,
just execute the "rm" command for them. And
that will just be calling "rm" with all
these files. So let's first execute it
without, and then we execute it with it.
Again, as with the command line
philosophy, it looks like nothing
happened. But since we have
a zero error code, something
happened - just that everything went
correct and everything is fine. And now,
if we look for these files,
they aren't there anymore.
Another nice thing about the shell
in general is that there are
these tools, but people will keep
finding new ways, so alternative
ways of writing these tools. It's
nice to know about it. So, for
example find if you just want to match
the things that end in "tmp"
it can be sometimes weird to do this
thing, it has a long command.
There's things like "fd",
for example, that is a shorter command
that by default will use regex
and will ignore your gitfiles, so you
don't even search for them. It
will color-code, it will have better
Unicode support... It's nice to
know about some of these tools. But, again,
the main idea is that if you are aware
that these tools exist, you can
save yourself a lot of time from doing
kind of menial and repetitive tasks.
Another command to bear in mind is like
"find". Some of you may be
wondering, "find" is probably just
actually going through a directory
structure and looking for things but
what if I'm doing a lot of "finds" a day?
Wouldn't it be better, doing kind of
a database approach and build an index
first, and then use that index
and update it in some way. Well, actually
most Unix systems already do it and
this is through the "locate" command and
the way that the locate will
be used... it will just look for paths in
your file system that have the substring
that you want. I actually don't know if it
will work... Okay, it worked. Let me try to
do something like "missing-semester".
You're gonna take a while but
it found all these files that are somewhere
in my file system and since it has
built an index already on them, it's much
faster. And then, to keep it updated,
using the "updatedb" command
that is running through cron,
to update this database. Finding files, again, is
really useful. Sometimes you're actually concerned
about, not the files themselves,
but the content of the files. For that
you can use the grep command that we
have seen so far. So you could do
something like grep foobar in MCD, it's there.
What if you want to, again, recursively
search through the current
structure and look for more files, right?
We don't want to do this manually.
We could use "find", and the "-exec", but
actually "grep" has the "-R" flag
that will go through the entire
directory, here. And it's telling us
that oh we have the foobar line in example.sh
at these three places and in
this other two places in foobar. This can be
really convenient. Mainly, the
use case for this is you know you have
written some code in some programming
language, and you know it's somewhere in
your file system but you actually don't
know. But you can actually quickly search.
So for example, I can quickly search
for all the Python files that I have in my
scratch folder where I used the request library.
And if I run this, it's giving me
through all these files, exactly in
what line it has been found. And here
instead of using grep, which is fine,
you could also do this, I'm using "ripgrep",
which is kind of the same idea but
again trying to bring some more
niceties like color coding or file
processing and other things. It think it has,
also, unicode support. It's also pretty
fast so you are not paying like a
trade-off on this being slower and
there's a lot of useful flags. You
can say, oh, I actually want to get some
context around those results.
So I want to get like five
lines of context around
that, so you can see where that import
lives and see code around it.
Here in the import it's not really useful
but like if you're looking for where you
use the function, for example, it will
be very handy. We can also do things like
we can search, for example here,.
A more advanced use, we can say,
"-u" is for don't ignore hidden files, sometimes
you want to be ignoring hidden
files, except if you want to
search config files, that are by default
hidden. Then, instead of printing
the matches, we're asking to do something
that would be kind of hard, I think,
to do with grep, out of my head, which is
"I want you to print all the files that
don't match the pattern I'm giving you", which
may be a weird thing to ask here but
then we keep going... And this pattern here
is a small regex which is saying
at the beginning of the line I have a
"#" and a "!", and that's a shebang.
Like that, we're searching here for all
the files that don't have a shebang
and then we're giving it, here,
a "-t sh" to only look for "sh"
files, because maybe all your
Python or text files are fine
without a shebang. And here it's telling us
"oh, MCD is obviously missing a shebang"
We can even... It has like some
nice flags, so for example if we
include the "stats" flag
it will get all these results but it will
also tell us information about all
the things that it searched. For example,
the number of matches that it found,
the lines, the file searched,
the bytes that it printed, &c.
Similar as with "fd", sometimes
it's not as useful
using one specific tool or another and
in fact, as ripgrep, there are several
other tools. Like "ack",
is the original grep alternative that was
written. Then the silver searcher,
"ag", was another one... and they're all
pretty much interchangeable so
maybe you're at a system that has one and
not the other, just knowing that you can
use these things with these tools can be
fairly useful. Lastly, I want to cover
how you go about, not finding files
or code, but how you go about
finding commands that you already
some time figured out. The first, obvious
way is just using the up arrow,
and slowly going through all your history,
looking for these matches.
This is actually not very efficient, as
you probably guessed. So the bash
has ways to do this more easily.
There is the "history" command, that will
print your history. Here I'm in zsh and
it only prints some of my history, but
if I say, I want you to print everything
from the beginning of time, it will print
everything from the beginning
of whatever this history is.
And since this is a lot of results,
maybe we care about the ones where we
use the "convert" command to go from some
type of file to some other type of file.
Some image, sorry. Then, we're getting all
these results here, about all the ones
that match this substring.
Even more, pretty much all shells by default will
link "Ctrl+R", the keybinding,
to do backward search. Here we
have backward search, where we can
type "convert" and it's finding the
command that we just typed. And if we just
keep hitting "Ctrl+R", it will
kind of go through these matches and
it will let re-execute it
in place. Another thing that you can do,
related to that, is you can use this
really nifty tool called "fzf", which is
like a fuzzy finder, like it will...
It will let you do kind of
like an interactive grep. We could do
for example this, where we can cat our
example.sh command, that will print
print to the standard output, and then we
can pipe it through fzf. It's just getting
all the lines and then we can
interactively look for the
string that we care about. And the nice
thing about fzf is that, if you enable
the default bindings, it will bind to
your "Ctrl+R" shell execution and now
you can quickly and dynamically like
look for all the times you try to
convert a favicon in your history.
And it's also like fuzzy matching,
whereas like by default in grep
or these things you have to write a regex or some
expression that will match within here.
Here I'm just typing "convert" and "favicon" and
it's just trying to do the best scan,
doing the match in the lines it has.
Lastly, a tool that probably you have
already seen, that I've been using
for not retyping these extremely long
commands is this "history
substring search", where
as I type in my shell,
and both F fail to mention but both face
which I think was originally introduced,
this concept, and then
zsh has a really nice implementation)
what it'll let you do is
as you type the command, it will
dynamically search back in your
history to the same command
that has a common prefix,
and then, if you...
it will change as the match list stops
working and then as you do the
right arrow you can select that
command and then re-execute it.
We've seen a bunch of stuff... I think I have
a few minutes left so I'm going
to cover a couple of tools to do
really quick directory listing
and directory navigation.
So you can always use the "-R" to recursively
list some directory structure,
but that can be suboptimal, I cannot
really make sense of this easily.
There's tool called "tree" that will
be the much more friendly form of
printing all the stuff, it will
also color code based on...
here for example "foo" is blue
because it's a directory and
this is red because it has execute permissions.
But we can go even further than
that. There's really nice tools
like a recent one called "broot" that
will do the same thing but here
for example instead of doing
this thing of listing
every single file, for example in bar
we have these "a" through "j" files,
it will say "oh there are more, unlisted here".
I can actually start typing and it will again
again facily match to the files that are there
and I can quickly select them
and navigate through them.
So, again, it's good to know that
these things exist so you don't
lose a large amount of time
going for these files.
There are also, I think I have it installed
also something more similar to what
you would expect your OS to have,
like Nautilus or one of the Mac
finders that have like an
interactive input where you can just use your
navigation arrows and quickly explore.
It might be overkill but you'll
be surprised how quickly you can
make sense of some directory structure
by just navigating through it.
And pretty much all of these tools
will let you edit, copy files...
if you just look for the options for them.
The last addendum is kind of going places.
We have "cd", and "cd" is nice, it will get you
to a lot of places. But it's pretty handy if
you can like quickly go places,
either you have been to recently or that
you go frequently. And you can do this in
many ways there's probably... you can start
thinking, oh I can make bookmarks, I can
make... I can make aliases in the shell,
that we will cover at some point,
symlinks... But at this point,
programmers have like built all these
tools, so programmers have already figured
out a really nice way of doing this.
One way of doing this is using what is
called "auto jump", which I
think is not loaded here...
Okay, don't worry. I will cover it
in the command line environment.
I think it's because I disabled
the "Ctrl+R" and that also
affected other parts of the script.
I think at this point if anyone has
any questions that are related to this,
I'll be more than happy to answer
them, if anything was left unclear.
Otherwise, a there's a bunch of
exercises that we wrote, kind of
touching on these topics and we
encourage you to try them and
come to office hours, where we can help
you figure out how to do them, or some
bash quirks that are not clear.