hi, my name is Dr Sima Pendharkar and I'm the founder and CEO of Valeet Health Care At Valeet Health Care our main mission is to take complex health data and create treatment algorithms using machine learning to really help providers as well as patients to understand conditions and treatment pathways. Welcome to Innovator Tribe Outside the Bubble A show about bridging the gap between the inspiration of the idea to the creation of a product. (music) Hey Marv, what's goin' on man? What's good brother? How you doin'? I'm good, I'm good. Life's good right now. Yeah things, things are happening The blessings are coming down Uh ya know this year has been so crazy. I mean So much going on right now but I mean everything's moving in a positive and right direction so I can't complain. How are you doin man? Oh man that's good to hear Man that just brightens up my space right now But uh I'm doin good. I'm workin on trying to finish up this book called 'switched" right now. I forget the author or the name But yeah Thats a good one Thats definitely a book its uh switched. Try to change hard things when theyre too hard to change. Yeah, yeah I just actually finished a book myself It's actually nothing to do with business or technology 'Sing to Me' By LA Reid So its kind of like this autobiography of this record executive Who's had his hand in, ya know, 30 plus years of music and hip hop and r&b. So it was just it was a great read just because ya know, he literally has had a hand in almost, ya know, the last 3 decades in bringing to the world, you know, really great music I mean, they say most successful people read biographies and autobiographies A lot. So I mean I guess thats reflective of you. I appreciate that