Hi, it's View from Point of View Channel. After many episodes of Ramakien we're still on the topic of the birth of main characters of this epic. And the character we're talking about today is Mondho (Mandodari in Ramayana) who's the consort of Thotsakan. Let's see how this character was born. The story I'm about to tell you is still from the same version which is the one written by King Rama I of Chakri Dynasty as usual. If you guys are ready, then let's begin! For the birth of ordinary characters it would be like the father comes from here, the mother comes from there. The two met and fell in love. Then they got married and later had a baby. Something like that, right? That was how a normal person is born, so basic. But from many episodes you can probably see that this isn't the case for the characters in Ramakien. Mondho, for instance, owes her birth to the four hermits. Four hermits. All Men. That is Hermit Atunta, Hermit Vajira, Hermit Visudh and Hermit Maharommasing. These four hermits didn't have sexual intercourse or whatsoever. They practice asceticism in Himmapan forest. They are all quite rigorous. They sit there, practicing asceticism, for a long long time -- their entire life span. So, they are very holy which means that we shouldn't joke about them like I just did Such a bad role model, don't copy me, okay? Since these four hermits are good-hearted and they purely practice asceticism, they have plenty of food to eat. There are 500 cows in the area of Himmapan forest. Every morning, all 500 cows would walk uniformly to the front of the hermits' dwelling. They arrive and there's a glass bowl Every cow would stop there and leak its milk right in the glass bowl then leave. The cows take turn leaking their milk until all 500 of them finish. So it means that the hermits wake up every morning to the milk buffet. It's like when we're staying at the hotel there'll be milk dispenser for breakfast buffet that sort of thing. So, the hermits wake up each morning then share the milk in that bowl. After finishing the meal, of course, the milk is from 500 cows so it's more than enough for the four of them. The hermits would always make merit by sharing the milk to the animal surrounding which is a frog. There's a frog a female frog living in that area. Each morning, when the hermits are full they'll feed some to the frog. I also don't understand why this frog is drinking milk. Frogs actually eat insects or stuff like that, don't they? Anyways, the frog in this story drinks milk. It lives near the milk bowl. Its heart is filled with gratitude toward the hermits. In the afternoon, the hermits will go out and do their daily routine which includes collecting fruits and plants to eat or use in daily life. The story proceeds this way until the emergence of this sophisticated woman. That woman has no name. And she's not a human but a female Naga. I'm not talking about Thai Mae Nak Phra Khanong who's the wife of P Mak, no. I'm talking about a real Naga which is a female and a daughter of the Nagaraja or the king of Naga whose name is Kala Naga. He's like the king of the Underworld. Well... Let's refer to her as the Naga princess. This princess lives in the Underworld and she's very lonely. She doesn't understand why she hasn't had any lover. She's stuck here in the Underworld without any romance. The reason isn't written in the book. In my view, I think that it's because she's the daughter of the king, the princess. Hello? Who'd dare hit on her? Everyone is considered lower than her. The other Naga princes are also gone without reason leaving her lonely. This Naga princess just can't take it anymore, she really needs someone so she can yup She wants to party, you know? She really needs to get laid. So, one day, the princess can't take it anymore. She decided to sneak out like us sneaking out to RCA something like that. The Naga princess makes her way into the human land drilling through the ground from the Underworld. When she arrives, she takes the form of a beautiful woman, walking along the beach. Casually walking, strolling along the beach. "If I come across a male being" "I'm gonna get him", she thinks. Human being, Gandharva, Kinnara, angel, giant Anything that's considered male I'll take it. "I can't take this no more! Anyone!", she must be screaming inside. But it turns out that she's been walking for so long without anyone in sight. "What's going on today?", she asks in her mind. There's literally no one. She can't hold this anymore. She keeps walking and walking. Suddenly, she spots a male being. But it's not a human. It's actually a snake. A simple, ground snake which is considered low-class. But since she's losing control of herself she doesn't really care anymore. And she can also transform into other creatures. She's a Naga, okay? That's why she can transform back into a giant snake. So, this princess transforms herself back into the form of Naga. A Naga, you know? Then she slithers into the bush along the way of Himmapan forest and have hot sex with that ground snake. But this sneaky princess has her luck run out because of the four hermits that we were talking about. They are out for their daily routine, walking in the forest, just chilling, collecting fruits like mango mayongchid, this and that. Then they look at the ground Whoa! "What are you guys doing?" "Why are you guys doing it here?", they ask. If this were an ordinary animal or an ordinary person what will one do if one see this? Walk away, right? Just let them have some privacy. But these four hermits wouldn't let them. They feel like this is inappropriate. She's the daughter of the king of Nagas. It's not possible for a princess like her to associate with such peasant. No no. "We are the guardians of Himmapan's forest purity", they think. "This is unacceptable" So one hermit takes out his walking stick, and pokes the Naga princess. At first, he pokes around the end of her tale. Like, hey, what are you doing? Of course, it's just her tale. She is having fun, she won't feel anything. But the hermit still keeps doing it. He should stop, isn't he? But he wouldn't. So, he changes his mind and pokes right in the center of her body. How could she feel anything on her tail anyway? Let's just poke her body. Bam! She must've felt something, it was quite a hard one. She finally realizes what's going on, then looks up and becomes shocked. "Who are these four people?", she screams in her mind. "And what have they seen?" "Will they tell father?" Feeling embarrassed, she hurriedly drills through the ground back into the Underworld. On the contrary, the hermits don't know what they have done. They are happy with it. They feel like they've preserved the purity of Himmapan forest. Now, they are pleased and ready to go back to what they were doing, which is collecting fruits, leaving the Naga princess, who has already gone down into the Underworld, stressed out (sighing). She thinks, "Gosh, these four hermits" "Will they tell anyone?" "And will father know about this eventually?" "Then what will happen to me?" "Will he scold me?" "Or am I getting punished?" "Can he bear with what I've done?" "What am I gonna do???" "Let's just kill them." So, she comes back on the human land and spy on them near their hermitage. Then she finally notices that each morning the hermits will drink the milk in this glass bowl. And there's no one guarding it. So, one day, after the cows finished their milking into the bowl, the hermits haven't come out. She crawls to the glass bowl and spit her venom into it. A Naga is a snake, you know? A venomous one. And since she is a giant snake her venom is fatal. So, the Naga princess spits her venom into the milk, hoping that all of them would drink it and be dead. Just get rid of them, so they can't tell anyone what she's done. Then she goes back to the Underworld. Guess who has witnessed all this, the frog. The one that lives near the glass bowl. After the frog saw the Naga princess spit her venom into the bowl, she feels like she must do something. She must be grateful for these hermits who feed her milk every day, --- even though I actually eat insects as food. So, she makes up her mind, thinking that she must do something to make the hermits aware of the veom in the bowl. Hmm, but how? They won't understand her hand gesture. "Hmm, what am I supposed to do?", she thinks. " I've got an idea" "I''m gonna sacrifice my life" "I'll jump into the milk bowl" "And if I were dead" "I'd be reincarnated in human form in my next life because of this sacrifice." So, the frog decides to kill herself. She jumps into the milk bowl, splash! Obviously, the Naga's venom kills her. She floats in the bowl. In the next morning, the hermits wake up as they always do. They are about to have their usual breakfast, which is the milk. As they arrived where the bowl is, they are shocked to see a dead floating frog. Four of them get into group and engage in gossip, such as, "Isn't the frog so ungrateful?" "We feed her milk everyday" "How gluttony!" "So gluttony!" "She should've waited, it's just a few hours." "And she's so small." "Only a couple spoons would make her ful.l" "She should've waited to eat after us." "But she hadn't, that's why she's dead from drowning in the milk." "Maybe she ate too much and her stomach couldn't take it." "Or maybe she ate so much that she became fat" " and she couldn't possibly climp up." They go on guessing. But since these four hermits have practiced asceticism, are kind-hearted, and are merciful, they then feel like they can't just let her die like this. It would be a sin. They think they should bring the frog back to life. So they arrange a ceremony, building the fire. Then they put the frog in the middle of the fire. They pray then the frog is revived. When she regains her consciousness, the hermits ask her right away "Frog, why are you so greedy?" "So greedy that you went in there?" "We take good care of you" "and this is how you repay? Being gluttony?" Of course, being accused like that, the frog clarifies -- "Hey, wait!" "I didn't go in there to drink the milk." "Do you know that there was a Naga spitting her venom into the bowl?" "I didn't know how to tell you," "so I decided to jump in there." "So that you can see my dead body" "and know that the milk is contaminated." If the frog could really talk like this, I don't know why she didn't just wait around the bowl and tell the hermits what'd happened in the morning, like, "Hi, there's venom in the milk, don't drink it." I don't really know why she didn't do that. But many people say that the frog couldn't talk at first, but after the ritual and the spells of the hermits, she then can. This isn't stated in the book, anyway, so I'm gonna skip it. When the hermits hear the frog's reason, they praise her for her goodness, her gratitude, her loyalty, and for saving their lives. "You want to be a human, right?", they ask the frog. "You don't have to die anymore." "You were already dead, right?" "We'll transform you" "into a human." As a result, they rearrange the ritual, resetting the fire and stuff. Then they put the frog into the fire again and keep praying. The frog then turns into a beautiful woman, so beautiful. She's perfect from head to toe. Let's say her beauty is beyond human. She's so pretty that it's hard to believe she's a human. It's like she's an angel fallen from heaven. It's unclear which species she is right now. Maybe she's not human. So, the hermits name her "Frog, since you've been transformed into a human" "We'll name you Mondho." But they are all hermits, they forgot that to have this pretty woman in the same dwelling is rather inappropriate. What should they do? "Frog, you can't stay here anymore", they say to her. "You can't just sleep and wait for the milk like you used to". "'We'll bring you to Shiva" That being said, the four hermits bring Mondho to Shiva on the paradise. When they arrive, they say, "Shiva, we found this beautiful woman, Mondho" "We decided to give her to you." But guess when do they take her there, when Uma is sitting there. It isn't written in the book how Shiva and Uma felt but we can guess based on reality. Giving a beautiful woman to Shiva while Uma is there, weird, right? When the hermits go back, Shiva turns to Uma and tells her that "Sweetheart, see this beautiful woman?" "It wouldn't be appropriate for me to keep her" "So, I'd like to give Mondho to you." "She can be your servant." And that's how Mondho is Uma's servant. Of course, since she is decent, , good, hard worker, etc. Uma loves her dearly. She teaches Mondho everything magic, spell, anything, she'd teach her all by herself. She teaches Uma regularly. This is how Mondho ends up with Uma ever since. That being said, I feel like this episode is already long. I should just end it right here. For those who like this episode, don't forget to click LIKE to support me and click SHARE so your friends can see it too. If you don't wanna miss my new videos, click SUBSCRIBE. After subscribing, also click the little bell, so it notifies you when I new videos are uploaded. See you next time, bye-bye. Sa wad dee ka. Seriously, have you guys ever questioned this? When the frog was dead, the hermits revived her. And why can't they also do this with the other characters in Ramakien? Except for those monkey soldiers who were granted with the wish to be immortal, to resurrect when the wind blows, something like that. For example, Thotsakan was in despair because of Indrajit's death. Why didn't he bring Indrajit to the hermits and asked them to bring him back to life, stuff like that. I also don't know why. Maybe there are more details about it details that are not stated in the book. Take this as a casual talk or funny thoughts during the story, then. See you later, bye.