0:00:06.171,0:00:09.930 Our story is about a girl named Iris. 0:00:09.930,0:00:13.360 Iris is very sensitive. 0:00:13.360,0:00:16.998 So much that she is always in tears. 0:00:16.998,0:00:20.002 She cries when she's sad, 0:00:20.002,0:00:23.085 when she's happy, 0:00:23.085,0:00:28.020 and even tears up when things just get to her. 0:00:28.020,0:00:31.363 She has special lacrimal glands to make new tears 0:00:31.363,0:00:33.786 and special tubes, called lacrimal puncta, 0:00:33.786,0:00:36.911 to drain old ones away. 0:00:36.911,0:00:38.949 And she cries so much that she goes through 0:00:38.949,0:00:41.257 ten ounces of tears per day, 0:00:41.257,0:00:43.469 thirty gallons a year! 0:00:43.469,0:00:45.368 In fact, if you look closely, 0:00:45.368,0:00:49.971 you'll see that she's crying a little bit all the time. 0:00:49.971,0:00:52.592 The basal tears that Iris constantly produces 0:00:52.592,0:00:54.999 form a thin coating of three layers 0:00:54.999,0:00:58.383 that cover her and keep dirt and debris away. 0:00:58.383,0:01:00.915 Right next to Iris is the mucus layer, 0:01:00.915,0:01:03.745 which keeps the whole thing fastened to her. 0:01:03.745,0:01:06.055 On top of it is the aqueous layer, 0:01:06.055,0:01:07.515 which keeps Iris hydrated, 0:01:07.515,0:01:09.449 repels invasive bacteria, 0:01:09.449,0:01:13.172 and protects her skin, or cornea, from damage. 0:01:13.172,0:01:15.585 And, finally, there is the lipid layer, 0:01:15.585,0:01:18.759 an oily outer film that keeps the surface smooth 0:01:18.759,0:01:20.340 for Iris to see through, 0:01:20.340,0:01:22.996 and prevents the other layers from evaporating. 0:01:22.996,0:01:24.929 Normally, Iris goes about her day 0:01:24.929,0:01:26.888 without really noticing the basal tears 0:01:26.888,0:01:28.209 doing their thing. 0:01:28.209,0:01:30.041 That's kind of their whole point. 0:01:30.041,0:01:32.919 But one day, she meets a girl named Onion. 0:01:32.919,0:01:34.911 Iris is immediately smitten. 0:01:34.911,0:01:37.577 Onion looks gorgeous in her bright purple jacket, 0:01:37.577,0:01:39.830 and she smells terrific. 0:01:39.830,0:01:42.339 So, Iris invites Onion to her house for dinner, 0:01:42.339,0:01:45.034 but when she comes in and takes off her jacket, 0:01:45.034,0:01:47.250 something terrible happens. 0:01:47.250,0:01:49.664 You see, when Onion's jacket is removed, 0:01:49.664,0:01:51.499 a chemical reaction happens, 0:01:51.499,0:01:54.782 converting the sulfoxides that make her smell so great 0:01:54.782,0:01:56.616 into sulfenic acid, 0:01:56.616,0:02:00.579 which then becomes a nasty substance with a long name: 0:02:00.579,0:02:03.825 syn-Propanethial S-oxide. 0:02:03.825,0:02:06.203 The gas stings Iris, 0:02:06.203,0:02:07.705 and suddenenly, she can't help it, 0:02:07.705,0:02:10.327 she starts weeping uncontrollably. 0:02:10.327,0:02:13.164 These reflex tears are different from the basal tears 0:02:13.164,0:02:14.875 that Iris is used to. 0:02:14.875,0:02:16.290 Because they're designed 0:02:16.290,0:02:17.833 to wash away harmful substances, or particles, 0:02:17.833,0:02:21.218 they're released in much larger amounts, 0:02:21.218,0:02:23.910 and their aqueous layer contains more antibodies 0:02:23.910,0:02:28.249 to stop any microorganisms that may be trying to get in, as well. 0:02:28.249,0:02:30.912 Both Iris and Onion are devastated. 0:02:30.912,0:02:32.839 They know they can't continue their relationship 0:02:32.839,0:02:34.782 if Iris is going to hurt and cry 0:02:34.782,0:02:37.613 every time Onion takes off her jacket. 0:02:37.613,0:02:39.522 So, they decide to break up. 0:02:39.522,0:02:41.666 As Onion walks out the door, 0:02:41.666,0:02:43.346 Iris stops crying. 0:02:43.346,0:02:44.870 And immediately starts again. 0:02:44.870,0:02:47.161 Only now, she's not crying reflex tears 0:02:47.161,0:02:49.660 but emotional tears. 0:02:49.660,0:02:52.591 When someone is either too sad or too happy, 0:02:52.591,0:02:54.369 it feels like a loss of control, 0:02:54.369,0:02:55.635 which can be dangerous. 0:02:55.635,0:02:57.163 So, emotional tears are sent in 0:02:57.163,0:02:58.841 to stabilize the mood 0:02:58.841,0:03:00.832 as quickly as possible, 0:03:00.832,0:03:02.757 along with other physical reactions, 0:03:02.757,0:03:04.329 such as an increased heart rate 0:03:04.329,0:03:05.921 and slower breathing. 0:03:05.921,0:03:07.849 But scientists still aren't sure 0:03:07.849,0:03:11.581 exactly how or why the tears themselves are helpful. 0:03:11.581,0:03:13.183 They may be a social mechanism 0:03:13.183,0:03:16.005 to elicit sympathy or show submission. 0:03:16.005,0:03:17.818 But some studies have also found 0:03:17.818,0:03:19.766 that emotional tears contain higher levels 0:03:19.766,0:03:21.400 of stress hormones, 0:03:21.400,0:03:24.319 such as ACTH and enkephalin, 0:03:24.319,0:03:26.666 an endorphin and natural pain killer. 0:03:26.666,0:03:30.423 In this case, emotional tears are also directly calming Iris down, 0:03:30.423,0:03:33.416 as well as signaling her emotional state to others. 0:03:33.416,0:03:35.703 Sorry things didn't work out with Onion, Iris, 0:03:35.703,0:03:37.085 but don't worry. 0:03:37.085,0:03:39.180 As long as you have all three kinds of tears 0:03:39.180,0:03:41.172 working to keep you balanced and healthy, 0:03:41.172,0:03:42.300 it will get better. 0:03:42.300,0:03:43.017 You'll see.