0:00:00.000,0:00:05.248 Pretend you're me and you're in math class. Actually... nevermind, I'm sick so I'm staying home today 0:00:05.248,0:00:10.449 so pretend you are Stanislaw Ulam instead. What I am about to tell you is a true story. 0:00:10.449,0:00:13.785 So you are Stan Ulam and you're at a meeting but there's this really boring presentation so 0:00:13.785,0:00:17.578 of course you're doodling and, because you're Ulam and not me, you really like numbers... 0:00:17.578,0:00:20.828 I mean super like them. So much that what you're doodling is numbers, just counting 0:00:20.828,0:00:25.379 starting with one and spiralling them around. I'm not too fluent in mathematical notation so 0:00:25.379,0:00:29.489 so i find things like numbers to be distracting, but you're a number theorist and if you love numbers 0:00:29.489,0:00:32.926 who am I to judge? Thing is, because you know numbers so intimately, 0:00:32.926,0:00:37.593 you can see beyond the confusing, squiggly lines you're drawing right into the heart of numbers. 0:00:37.593,0:00:40.821 And, because you're a number theorist, and everyone knows that number theorists are 0:00:40.821,0:00:44.327 enamoured with prime numbers( which is probably why they named them "prime numbers"), 0:00:44.327,0:00:50.132 the primes you've doodled suddenly jump out at you like the exotic indivisible beasts they are... 0:00:50.132,0:00:54.822 So you start drawing a heart around each prime. Well... it was actually boxes but in my version 0:00:54.822,0:00:59.002 of the story it's hearts because you're not afraid to express your true feelings about prime numbers. 0:00:59.002,0:01:02.833 You can probably do this instantly but it's going to take me a little longer... I'm all like - 0:01:02.833,0:01:08.174 "Does 27 have factors besides one and itself? ... o.0 ... Oh yeah, it's 3 times 9, not prime." 0:01:08.174,0:01:10.380 "Hmmm what about 29...? pretty sure it's prime." 0:01:10.380,0:01:14.908 But as a number theorist, you'll be shocked to know it takes me a moment to figure these out. 0:01:14.908,0:01:20.086 But, even though you have your primes memorised up to at least 1000 that doesn't change that 0:01:20.086,0:01:22.547 primes, in general, are difficult to find. 0:01:22.547,0:01:26.889 I mean if I ask you to find the highest even number, you'd say, "that's silly, just give me 0:01:26.889,0:01:30.465 the number you think is the highest and i'll just add 2.... BAM!!" 0:01:30.465,0:01:39.706 But guess what the highest prime number we know is? 2 to the power of 43,112,609 - 1. 0:01:39.706,0:01:44.510 Just to give you an idea about how big a deal primes are, the guy that found this one won 0:01:44.510,0:01:47.026 a $100,000 prize for it! 0:01:47.026,0:01:50.821 We even sent our largest known prime number into space because scientists think 0:01:50.821,0:01:54.683 aliens will recognise it as something important and not just some arbitrary number. 0:01:54.683,0:01:57.423 So they will be able to figure out our alien space message... 0:01:57.423,0:02:00.163 So if you ever think you don't care about prime numbers because they're 'not useful', 0:02:00.163,0:02:04.807 remember that we use prime numbers to talk to aliens, I'm not even making this up! 0:02:04.807,0:02:10.310 It makes sense, because mathematics is probably one of the only things all life has in common. 0:02:10.310,0:02:14.342 Anyway, the point is you started doodling because you were bored but ended up 0:02:14.342,0:02:18.205 discovering some neat patterns. See how the primes tend to line up on the diagonals? 0:02:18.205,0:02:21.990 Why do they do that?... also this sort of skeletal structure reminds me of bones so 0:02:21.990,0:02:25.821 lets call these diagonal runs of primes: Prime Ribs! 0:02:25.821,0:02:29.769 But how do you predict when a Prime Rib will end? I mean, maybe this next number is prime... 0:02:29.769,0:02:32.694 (but my head is too fuzzy for now this right now so you tell me.) 0:02:32.694,0:02:35.922 Anyway...Congratulations, You've discovered the Ulam Spiral! 0:02:35.922,0:02:38.035 So that's a little mathematical doodling history for you. 0:02:38.035,0:02:41.216 Yyou can stop being Ulam now... or you can continue. Maybe you like being Ulam. (thats fine) 0:02:41.216,0:02:46.719 However you could also be Blaise Pascal. Here's another number game you can do using 0:02:46.719,0:02:50.063 Pascal's triangle.(I don't know why I'm so into numbers today but I have a cold so 0:02:50.063,0:02:55.078 if you'll just indulge my sick predelections maybe I'll manage to infect you with my enthusiasm :D 0:02:55.078,0:02:59.119 Pascal's Triangle is the one where you get the next row in the triangle by adding two adjacent 0:02:59.119,0:03:03.781 numbers. Constructing Pascal's Triangle is, in itself a sort of number game because it's not just 0:03:03.781,0:03:07.380 about adding, but about trying to find patterns and relationships in the numbers so you 0:03:07.380,0:03:09.161 don't have to do all the adding. 0:03:09.161,0:03:12.610 I don't know if this was discovered through doodling but it was discovered independantly in: 0:03:12.610,0:03:16.603 France, Italy, Persia, China and probably other places too so it's possible someone did. 0:03:16.603,0:03:19.436 Right... so I don't actually care about the individual numbers right now. 0:03:19.436,0:03:24.754 So, if you still Ulam, you pick a property and highlight it(e.g. if it's even or odd) 0:03:24.754,0:03:29.746 If you circle all the odd numbers you'll get a form which might be starting to look familiar. 0:03:29.746,0:03:33.117 And it makes sense you'd get Sierpinski's Triangle because when you add 0:03:33.117,0:03:35.412 an odd number and an even number, you get an odd number. 0:03:35.412,0:03:38.244 (odd + odd) = even and (even + even) = even... So it's just like the 0:03:38.244,0:03:42.935 crash and burn binary tree game. The best part about it is that, if you know these properties, you can 0:03:42.935,0:03:45.698 forget about the details of the numbers 0:03:45.698,0:03:50.481 You don't have to know that a space contains a 9 to know that it's going to be odd. 0:03:50.481,0:03:55.799 Now, instead of two colours, let's try three. we'll colour them depending on what the remainder is 0:03:55.799,0:03:57.935 when you divide them by three(instead of by two). 0:03:57.935,0:03:59.299 Here's a chart! :) 0:03:59.299,0:04:03.327 So, all the multiples of three are coloured red, remainder of one will be coloured black and 0:04:03.327,0:04:07.863 remainder of two will be coloured green. The structure is a little different from Sierpinski's Triangle 0:04:07.863,0:04:12.359 already but I'm tired of figuring out remainders based of individual numbers, so 0:04:12.359,0:04:16.046 Let's figure out the rules... If you add up two multiples of three you always get 0:04:16.076,0:04:21.201 another multiple of three( which is the sort of fact you use everday in math class) 0:04:21.201,0:04:22.943 However, here this means (red + red) = red. 0:04:22.943,0:04:26.403 and when you add a multiple of three to something else, it doesn't change it's remainder. 0:04:26.403,0:04:30.884 So, (red + green) = green and (red + black) = black. 0:04:30.884,0:04:34.713 (remainder 1 + remainder 1) = remainder 2, (remainder 2+ remainder 2) = remainder 4 0:04:34.713,0:04:40.288 and the remainder of 4 divided by 3 is one and (1+2) = 3 remainder 0. (whew...) 0:04:40.288,0:04:43.585 The bottom line is you're making up some rules as to what coloured dots combine to 0:04:43.585,0:04:46.279 produce which other coloured dots and then you're following those rules to their 0:04:46.279,0:04:49.344 mathematical and artistic conclusion... 0:04:49.344,0:04:52.525 The numbers themselves were never necessary to get this picture. 0:04:52.525,0:04:56.751 Anyway, those are just a couple of examples of number games that are out there but you should 0:04:56.751,0:05:00.768 also try making up your own. For example, I have no idea what you'd get if you 0:05:00.768,0:05:04.065 highlighted the prime numbers in Pascal's Triangle, maybe nothing interesting(who knows...) 0:05:04.065,0:05:07.895 Or, what happens if, instead of adding to get the next row, you start with a two(and a sea of invisible ones) 0:05:07.895,0:05:10.913 and multiple two adjacent numbers to get the next row. 0:05:10.913,0:05:13.516 I've no idea what hapens there either or if it's already a 'thing' people do. 0:05:13.516,0:05:16.316 (Hmmm? o.0 Powers of two...) 0:05:16.316,0:05:19.205 I know another way to write this. Ok, that makes sense. 0:05:19.205,0:05:24.243 Then there is also a thing called Floyd's Triangle where you put the numbers like this... 0:05:24.243,0:05:25.604 Maybe you can do something with that as well. 0:05:25.604,0:05:26.892 ... Man, it seems like everyone has a triangle these days... 0:05:26.907,0:05:28.000 I'm going to take a nap... ZZZzzz...