[Translated and captioned by ShibaSubs] [Translated and timed by jackie] [Reviewed by soph] Welcome back to Shanghai Share Life! This show is sponsored by the sports app Keep. Keep Live Class makes burning fat happier. Let's review what happened last episode. Our new member, Ming, moved into the house. For Curry, it seemed to be love at first sight. He did his hair and changed clothes just to cook a big meal. And spent ages doing the dishes. When it seemed like the two of them might be going somewhere, Hao came back. Ming is clearly interested in Hao. I have a wine bar awards ceremony next week. I might have to work on Monday. Why not ask Curry to go? Then it's arranged? I still have to check if I can bring someone. This section was so brilliant. What a huge difference, right? When has our Curry, our President Liu, ever suffered like this? Currently, it seems like Curry likes Ming, Ming likes Hao, and Hao likes Carmon. In this house's food chain, Curry is standing... at the bottom. Let's see how this interlocking love rectangle will develop. It's finally time. I've been looking forward to this day for a month. Are we observing their 105 days or our own? -We have to stretch first. -Ok. [panelist] 6:30am? They're real friends now. 6:30! Have they even slept? How many kilometers are you running today? Didn't we say that I'll run as much as you do? -Really? -Yeah. So if I run 20 km today, you will too? If you can keep going for that long... I will try my best to persevere. I won't, don't worry. You scared me for real. I broke out in a cold sweat. -Ready? -We're going now, right? -Yes. -Is there any other preparation? -No! Let's go. -Okay. -Your shoes look new, are they? -No, no, no. I don't use them that often. -In running, your arm swing is important. -Yeah. I understand a bit about running now. [panelist] Can you talk while running? Wouldn't it defeat the point if they didn't? -But it's so tiring. -No matter how tiring, he has to talk. Yeah. Uh-oh, he can't catch up. Oh no. Terrible. At least they talked at the start. He can't even see her anymore. Too weak! You can do it! Not bad, not bad. Here's a little red flower. Wait, let me catch my breath. [panelist] She's not even breathing hard. Are you still going to run tomorrow? Should be able to. And the day after? I can do that too. Ok, then it's decided. 1 week. -I'm thinking we could buy some water. -Sure. Just run at your own speed. You don't have to start so fast. Chu Mengna (Nana) Student, 22 years old Wang Tianqi Salesperson, 26 years old Wu Kawen (Carmon) Designer, 29 years old Liu Keli (Curry) Entrepreneur, 29 years old Li Xing (Hao) Manager, 35 years old Chen Liuming (Ming) Financial Advisor, 27 years old Episode 15, Week 8 “Squash is a Two-Player Game” Tianqi, familiarize yourself here. See what they're doing. Then you can talk to them, see if you have any new ideas. If you want to start a street fashion brand, the process will be different from luxury brands. Sister, are you home? -What? -Where's our mother? -Not home, she's out shopping. -Really? Stop. What's going on with you lately? Do you not know your own volume on the stage? I'm very disappointed with your performance. [panelist] What's he writing? -Work? -He's grown up. -Yeah. -He's busily working. Hello. Hello. You're still... Working on that? -Thank you. -Careful, it's hot. Are you the only one home? I think Carmon is here too. [panelist] That's it, she's going to ask for a hug. Um... my teacher yelled at me today. What happened? I was late to class today. And my performance was bad. The teacher was very disappointed. She just... yelled at me. You keep working then, I'm going up first. Today I'm your training partner. -Neither of us have played in a long time. -Yeah. -But I don't even know how. -What? You? I haven't played since I left Hong Kong. 3-4 years. It's been ages for me. -I don't even know how. -But didn't you play a lot before? I did for a short period of time. -Ming, your water. -Thank you. [panelist] Why did he come? I don't get it. He's asking to be ridiculed. You two play, I'll watch first. -Or you can warm up. -Ok. How about we all play? No, a game is between two players. Yeah. Then maybe let Ming teach you first. Hao, you go first. Don't hit me with the ball, I'll be outside. [panelist] He's constantly trying to make opportunities for them. -One foot? -Yes. Ok. [panelist] What's he doing? You didn't see that. I didn't see that. Not bad! [panelist] The ball represents the couple. Here, you serve. Why do you always roll it to me? I'm afraid you won't catch it and it'll hit you! Ok. -I'll serve. -Ok. The balls you serve-- Look! Too tricky! How can I hit it when you serve like that? I can only-- If the ball is here, just take a few steps back and use backhand. Oh, I can use backhand. Ok. All right. I see, ok. But I still... -That was an accident. -I listened to you! Are you losing on purpose? No! I can't return it. Your grip is wrong. Ming, teach him how to hold the racket. I can't. Don't press me! -Hurry up and teach him! -I don't know how to hold it either! Ok. Do you want to play a match with Hao to practice? Sure. -Come on. -Ok, let's start! -Nice stance. -It's good? Nice shot. My bad. Nice, Hao! You're doing great! He picked it up real fast. Nice shot. Nice. Impressive! Not bad. -You're pretty good. -All right. Nice shot. Nice! Great. There was no way. Don't hit such difficult shots! Nice shot. Nice. So good! Nice! Great job. Very impressive. You're not bad. -Now you can challenge the master. -Ok. Come on, master! -He's really not bad. -Really good. -She won't go easy on you. -Ok. -The master has no mercy. -All right, the master can serve. What happened? You return my shots so smoothly! Are you doing it on purpose? What is this! [panelist] Is he doing it on purpose? Curry, something's wrong with you. Sorry. It's because your serves are good, Teacher. Her serves are very tricky. Your apprentice is really... good at watching people play. You're so happy to play with Ming! Nice! Let's rest. He always wins with me and loses with you. Something's wrong. When you play with Ming, there's more laughter on the court. When you play with me, there's no laughter at all. It's so hot. It's not tiring when the guy and and girl are matched. I'm so tired. You went hard today, huh? It was ok. It's stunning, I've never seen you get up at 6 before. Bro... I had this idea. -Erlang is already 4 years old. -Yeah. -He's all grown up now and needs a buddy. -Yeah. So I've always wanted to raise another shiba. -I see. -A little brother to keep him company. I could ask Ming... if she'd be down to go adopt one with me. We can raise it in our sharehouse. Have things moved this fast already? -This way, Erlang can... -Have a friend. -Yeah, he'll be happier. -True. When we can't spend time with him, he can have another friend. -Great idea. If I present the idea like this, she should agree, right? I think it's a great idea. That's the way to girls' hearts. -You can get the girl. -Ok. -You guys have to help me. -No problem. -Good luck. -Ok. This is too fast. -This maneuver is... -Not so good, right? Insane. -Is this... -What kind of trick is this? This is suicide! He's slitting his own throat! Absolute suicide. What the hell? You two aren't even friends yet! Why would she raise a dog with you? She was so reluctant even for squash. You think she'd get a dog with you? What is Curry thinking? Naive! Boys who are in love become naive! He's really simple-minded. -Curry is very simple. -Really simple. Calling for his bro's help. And Hao... in order to keep his and Carmon's relationship... -Smooth sailing. -Free of obstacles. He's eagerly trying to help Curry and Ming get together. I think he's a little panicked already. He'll even support this kind of outrageous plan to help him. Hao, you're an investor, what are you doing? If you're broadcasted like this, will any customers trust you? What are you doing? You have problems with your judgment, brother. You can't start babbling nonsense for the sake of love. Don't be like this, Hao. This will be worse for Curry in the long run. You should just go after Carmon. Don't meddle in their squash court. The way he's trying to meddle is a little awkward. Yes, it's too blunt. Telling her to teach him to hold the racket, it comes across a bit too urgent. Now Hao is the shit-stirrer. Curry might think it's a lot of fun to gossip with Hao. With what Hao said to him, can he be unhappy? I think he enjoys analyzing it with Hao more than the actual pursuit. Pursuing her only causes him pain. Running, playing squash, keeping a lively atmosphere. He can't actually be enjoying that. But he's so happy when he analyzes it with Hao. -I think so too. -Right? They're like sisters. They're more like girlfriends. We were delighted to see that Tianqi... -Has grown. -Matured. Tianqi has matured, but Nana is still unhappy. She said she wanted him to grow. Now that he's found work and ignores her, she's sad again. It's a contradiction. Snubbing his "mom." What she expected to see at home was Tianqi pouting there again. Wanting her to hug and coddle him. "Wahh, I worked so hard today." What I think happened was: I don't think there would be a guy who... when his girlfriend says she's unhappy, doesn't even look up from his laptop. -She didn't say she was unhappy. -Yeah. She said her teacher yelled at her. But saying that is a way of saying she's unhappy. How am I supposed to guess that? Think about it. Tianqi gets yelled at all day long, so he doesn't even think it's a big deal. You have a guy's sense. So when Nana comes back and says she was scolded, he doesn't bat an eye. Maybe he doesn't think it's a big deal for her. But once he glances at her expression, he should know she's unhappy. No, men need to be told everything clearly. As soon as you walk in, you have to say, "I'm sad"? -Yes. -"You have to comfort me," like that? Yes, exactly. Have you noticed that guys can... -For example, if I say-- -"What's up?" "I'm in a bad mood." That's how guys talk. -Yeah. -"I'm so mad! Today I...." Like that. He wouldn't be like this. "The teacher yelled at me today." And then start waiting. -What's she waiting for? -No one's going to comfort her. -"You go on working." -"I'll leave first." "You go on working." But you two are dating. You have to be more attentive. But I will say... Tianqi was in the middle of typing. After he listened to what Nana said, it took him a while before he... So I think he didn't even hear her. He was still thinking about his own stuff. I don't think Tianqi has even noticed that Nana is angry. Do you guys have any male friends who are incapable of sensing a girl's delicate little mood swings? Yesterday I saw a TikTok with a piece of trivia. It said that 90% of men don't know why their girlfriends are angry. Just talk about your own experience, I don't care about the TikTok. Don't quote others! You're changing the subject! I feel like you guys have probably experienced something like this. He doesn't get it. He doesn't understand why you would lose your temper over such a small thing. For example, if a girl makes a point to look at a store she likes, she wants him to ask, "What are you looking at? I'll buy it for you." But she won't say it. She'll only tell you with her expression. And the guy is confused. That seems similar to what just happened. Yes, exactly. He doesn't know what you're thinking. -I just want to ask you three. -Go ahead. Have you ever neglected to notice that a girl was angry, and then she told you she was angry? She would never say she was angry. Teacher Chen? I also swiped on a video on my phone the other day... We've all started to use TikTok, have we? But I think it's true, it's really hard to notice a girl's mood swings. I think the problem is, if you're just starting to pursue this girl, you really care about her. You should be able to notice things like this right away. But I feel like that sometimes, guys just aren't thinking about love. Boys and girls think differently. Girls think, if I have you then I can conquer the world. But the boys' perspective is, I want to conquer the world first so I can protect you. But after watching that section, I feel the same way as Nana. I don't know what's gotten into this guy. He's working hard for your sake! A good girlfriend should understand him. Yeah! I got yelled at by my teacher, and when I get home, I still have to try to understand you?? Why?? You're saying boys should only expend this much effort? How hard is it? If Nana continues to be like this, Tianqi will feel frustrated. I'm working so hard, why don't you support me? A lot of breakups happen like this. It's scary for men to have a career. Careers are the enemy of love. Why did you want him to get a job? Wasn't it nice when he kept you company? Men should just stay at home. Yeah. I'm so angry right now but I can't win against those three. I don't know what to say. The three of them talk too much. Help me! It's not that we're all trying to argue against you. Your main opponent is Ziqi. Let me watch another segment. I'm sure I can find something. It's because I used to be like Nana, I never directly said what I felt. I'm scared to be associated with you. Go on. Say it to the three of us. Her thinking is different from other girls. If you keep just hinting at all these things, -Let's sit over there too. -All you're doing is dropping hints. It's dangerous over there. If all you can do is drop hints at him, it will be tiring for him in the long run. Why can't you just say "I'm upset, can you comfort me?" It's because of pride. Your pride keeps you from saying it. You think, "If you only do it because I tell you, what's the point?" But it's not like that. Sometimes guys just want you to say what you need. When he doesn't know what you need from him, how can he provide it? He'll just be confused. But I have a question. Before, when Tianqi wasn't working, whenever he saw Nana, the hearts in his eyes were exploding. So why are they like this now? Is he too unfeeling? He's not unfeeling, it has nothing to do with that. Before, his head was 100% full of Nana. If so much as one hair on her head moved, he would notice it. But now his attention has something else to focus on. -That was a good point. -I can be associated with you again. I think they're both being dumb right now. They don't have communication skills or the willingness to communicate. Or the experience. Her silence keeps them from communicating. If either of them said another sentence, the whole thing would be over. Neither is in the wrong, they're just both being stupid. Maybe Tianqi will go find her later. Let's see. If he does, our commentary was a waste of time. -You're getting your clothes too? -Hello! Hello. -It suddenly started to rain. -Yeah. It thundered out of nowhere. Do you have enough space in the hamper for your clothes? Yeah. You're wearing glasses! Because I was in a rush. I usually wear contacts. -I just showered. -Oh, I see. I think you look good with glasses. Really? [panelist] Now this is caring about each other. -Watch and learn. -She noticed his glasses. -Are you good? -It's ok. Ok. Wear this, it's raining. Thank you. Have you heard of "frozen oranges"? -No. -Never mind then. -What? -I'll invite you to eat next time. I went to play squash today, it was fun. -I heard from Ming. -Yeah, we went with Curry. It was fun. Ming has been speaking highly of you. -Has she? -She said you're really impressive. I was pretty surprised that she played so well. Ming... I think she's amazing. She's pretty and has a nice figure, and she knows how to dress, and she even studies finance. -Seems like you guys match well. -Not at all! Today I was trying to play matchmaker with Curry and Ming. But I think if you two get along well, you and Ming can spend more time together. No, no. Curry really likes her. So I just wanted to help them spend more time together. I was trying to get Ming to teach him, hand in hand. Next time we can go. Or we can do something you'd like to do. How about it? Ok. But I don't know what I want to do. That's okay, it depends on your hobbies. Or... We can both brainstorm, ok? -Ok. -Ok? -Good morning. -Morning. [panelist] They match. He does look good with glasses. You seem a little different today. I took your suggestion. So I'm wearing my glasses. What time do you leave today? In a bit. Thank you! Rest a bit first. Your hair is also different today. -What? -Isn't it? Yeah, I styled it a bit this morning. They're back. Did they go running again? -Hey. -Hello! You went running again? -Yeah. -Wow, you two. Very healthy. -You're wearing glasses today! -Are those-- Are those glasses new? They're not new, but um...yes. -Nice! -You look good. It suits you. -Can I try them on? -No. I have a new stylist. -Who? -Not telling. Mysterious. Not telling you. There are so many secrets in this house. If you're not serious, you can't get anything out of people. All right. Mysterious. Then I'll also tell Ming a secret. How about I take you to a secret place? You're being weird again. It's a very secret place. So secret that you haven't seen it before. -How do you know? -You definitely haven't. -I've seen a lot. -It's a big event. -Ok. -An occasion. After you go, you'll definitely feel... really happy. It'll loosen you up. That sounds pretty good. Just say if you'll go. I need to know where first. It's better to keep it a secret. I won't lie to you. -It's an interesting place. -Is there a dress code? Do you have to wear anything weird? You have to wear something cute. It should be cute, but also sexy. Sexy, but also elegant. Elegant, but also smart. Smart, but also youthful. [panelist] His biggest problem is he thinks he's funny. You're saying she should just wear five different outfits. -Layered on top of each other. -You're full of it. Look, now you have a stylist too. Your stylist is him. His stylist's only advice for him is to wear glasses. Your stylist is versatile. My stylist is spot on. He seems totally different from how he was when I first met him. -Happy, right? -Yeah. -Happier and happier. -So cheerful. [panelist] Unrequited love. Come with us, Hao. Since he said it would be so fun. We have plans already. You can change them. It's more fun to go together. I'm afraid Curry is tricking me. Our plans are fixed. Let's give Hao and Carmon some privacy. Carmon's thinking, "Please leave." -I'm not! -I'm kidding. Bye. Here's a spacious room for you guys. -Bye-bye. -Bye-bye. Erlang, let's go! When did we make plans? Didn't I say last night that I didn't want to crash their date? Let them have some alone time. You scared me, I thought I had amnesia. But in seriousness, I do want to hang out with you. Um... my friend opened a cake-making workshop. If you're interested, we can... go bake a cake. Let me see. But I've never done that. I haven't either. It's just for fun. Just for fun and to learn. If you're free, we can go together. Is that ok? Ok. -Shouldn't you leave for work soon? -I'll go now. Ok. I'm going back up to rest. -Today, you-- -Here. I'll put this back. You... look nice today. -Let's go. -Let's go. We're here. Looks like a place where you'd go party with friends. It's not. -Wow, lots of awards. -Yes. Come on. I see another shiba inu inside! Is it a dog gathering? -No. Please, go ahead. -Ok. I wonder if my friend is here. -Hello! -Hello! Long time no see! -Long time no see. -It's been years. This is the kennel owner, Jieyao. -He's a good friend. -Call me Jieyao. -Is that a shiba inu? -Yes, we only have shibas here. -So cute! -This is actually Erlang's mother's home. I just saw a tiny one. Come, cutie. -Isn't it small? -So small! I'm susceptible to marketing. Then I'll have my staff bring some puppies for you to meet, okay? -Sure. -Okay, thank you! -Wait a moment. -Let's sit down. Let's sit. Baby! Come sit with me. He's so well-behaved. This baby is so cute. So tiny. [panelist] So cute. I've always wanted a shiba. Is it your first time seeing so many puppies? I've seen a lot, but it's my first time seeing so many sesame shibas. -So cute! -They're sesame? Yes. Can I pet them? Of course! You can pet whichever you want. Sorry, baby. I'm going to pet an even smaller one. You can play over there for a bit. He doesn't want to go. Go play! [panelist] So cute. The white one is so lively. Let me hold you, ok? So cute. -You guys take your time. -Great. Look! He's like a little polar bear. [panelist] His paws! So cute! -Look! -I like this sesame one. Don't fight! Behave. Don't you think it'd be cool to have a white one? A white one? They're all cool. I think sesame ones are also cool. [panelist] Who asked you? Geez. But look at how he looks at you. What's he thinking? Look at him. He looks a little too comfortable. My heart is melting. My little white dog. So cute. Let's take him home. Actually... white shiba inus aren't considered pure shiba inus. -Why? -Shibas are originally hunting dogs... Red, black, and sesame shibas can blend into the woods. The white ones are less recognized as shibas. What does that have to do with me liking this little puppy? Because I'm more of a veteran when it comes to shibas... You really care about blood purity? Yeah. That's why I wouldn't choose a white shiba inu. You're being so ridiculous. Veteran? What veteran? What are you doing, man? Don't you just want to raise a dog with her? Dude! Wake up! Then I get why you like those kinds. I think when it comes to dogs, it’s just a matter of personal taste. You just have to fall in love with them. It was love at first sight for this one. [panelist] He's so cute. He's like a little fox. I also fell in love at first sight with this one. How's it going? Any... -We're conflicted. -Conflicted? No, I think he's already decided he likes that one. -The red one? -But I like this one. I just had an idea. We happen to have a guest who had a dog. After adopting him, he found out he was allergic and couldn't keep him. Would you have any thoughts about adopting a 1-year-old sesame shiba? -Ask him. -Would you be ok with that? -I can. -You can? If so, we can have the dog meet your dog. See if they get along. -Sure. -Then I'll leave you to it. Ok. -So good. -He likes you! Stay still. Good boy. -He's so well-behaved. -Yeah. Not afraid of strangers. -We can give him a name. -Sure, let's think. What name? Actually, I've already thought of a good name. Because... we're witnessing its adoption together. Erlang is named Erlang. And your cat is named... -Ermao. -They both have "Er" in their names. [T/N: "Er" means two.] Since it's a sesame shiba... We can name it Erdou. [T/N: Two beans] Erdou... "Er" is the family name. Erdou. It feels a little too casual. I think it's good. It feels like you're trying to corner me into something. No, no. I think it's good. I have a suggestion. Aren't we taking it home? We can get everyone else's thoughts. -Sure. -Ok? -Let everyone chime in. -We'll name you together. I stand by my opinion. I think it's just okay... but not amazing. Stay still. -Let me hold him. -Don't bark. -Isn't he a good boy? -A very good boy. -So good. -Yeah. So soft. Erlang. Isn't your little brother good? Actually, there's another reason I wanted to come here today. Erlang is four years old now. He's going to be middle-aged soon. I've always wanted to give him a little brother to keep him company. So I've always wanted another shiba inu. -And you seem to really like dogs. -Yes, I do. So I was thinking... If you want to, we can raise one together in the house. Of course, when you're busy with work and don't have time to take care of it, I'll spend more time with them. Wait. Hang on. Liu Keli. What do you mean, raise a dog together? Are you... using a dog to pursue me? No, no. I just saw that you really liked Erlang. I thought you might be too busy to raise one yourself. You just seemed like you wanted a dog. But we really can't adopt a dog together. Think about it. Two people adopting a dog together... only a married couple would do that. Because dogs can live more than ten years. You're making the commitment to take care of it for over ten years. No, I think... I think I could help you if you wanted to raise one, but... I really admire you, Ming. No one would agree to raise a dog with him. Let's first applaud Ming. You're great. Amazing, amazing. Even... All right, all right. Too much. Ming's refusal was even better than I thought it would be. I thought she would flatly refuse him in one sentence. But she expressed a good reason. And she didn't let a single move of his slip by. She covered all her bases. even about picking a name. What she said before, that she felt like he was trying to corner her into something-- -When they were thinking of names. -That was amazing. I really admire Ming. Producers, please share her WeChat info with me. Feels like we could be business partners. She's so great. I thought you were going to try to raise a dog with her. -She's so smooth. -Yes. There's nothing to criticize about the way she speaks. My impression of her is even better than that of Hao. I think she's more authentic. More real. In the process, Yang Li has discovered one of Curry's issues. Yeah. He thinks he's funny and always tries to slip in punchlines. One or two is fine, but continuously... it's very tiresome. And he's always deliberately dropping things while he talks to try to make it seem like he's very knowledgeable, but none of it is useful knowledge. -The most excessive was-- -The color issue. -She just likes the white one! -Yeah. -He just has to say that the red and black- -Are better hunting dogs. Your dog isn't going hunting anyway! Can that woman possibly date him? No one can date him! "I'm a shiba inu veteran." Other people have strengths in sports. His is in picking a shiba inu. -Understanding them. -He understands shibas. He said the white ones aren't "qualified" shiba inns. That made my head explode. I think Curry is really... He really has some issues with communication. Even if he wanted to say something about the white shiba, it didn't have to be so awkward. -Yeah. -He could have dropped it. -He just wouldn't. -Yeah. And even though he saw how much Ming liked it, he still... Because of him, the girl's face went from this to very unhappy. And she started to fight back. "Are you trying to corner me?" "Why does the name have to have 'two'?" I think he made her so angry by the end. And every time she cheered up a little bit, he rained on her. He used his useless trivia and lack of humor to extinguish it. Useless trivia! He just wants to vaguely tell you that he knows more than you. Black shibas, sesame shibas, red shibas, white shibas... The white one is so pretty. Curry, you're a communication genius. [T/N: pun on the word for "shiba"] There's no need to communicate like that, ok? That's not the right way to talk to someone. Curry, if you're watching, here is a heartfelt suggestion. Next time, why not try... not saying anything? You might suddenly find that you'll become much more popular. How great. Ok, let's talk about... Hao. Hao seems to have suddenly gotten close with Carmon. Have you given a girl your jacket? No. So when Teacher Chen dates, the girl has to make noodles, but he doesn't have to give her his jacket?! Well, you see, the three of us are from colder regions. We can't offer up our own clothing. We'd freeze. -It hasn't happened to me either. -It hasn't? But do girls actually want that? -I've always wanted that to happen to me. -You do? Really. I want to experience it too. You want to? Only Teacher Chen can help you with that. No need. Do you want a sweater instead? -Or this one. -I can't take this off. No! You're just copying Hao. It defeats the point. At least for Hao's relationships with Carmon and Ming, he's been very straightforward. Ming even called him out. She said, we should all go to the secret place. He said he already had plans and gave Carmon a look. Yeah. He has clearly expressed that he's only interested in her. -I think Carmon needs someone like Hao. -Someone assertive. Their interactions are very sweet. Let's see if they'll progress rapidly. I like this one. This line is nice. It's cool. -That's good. -Cool. Nice! You've made a lot of progress. Nice, nice. This one... Are you all busy? Hello! What are you doing? -We're... -They're helping me. Working. You've been so diligent lately. Tianqi has been making progress. -Seems like everyone is studying now. -Aren't you too? I'm done. Do you have a play? We just have to rehearse scenes for our exam. Is Curry back? Ming. Look. Aren't these sneakers great? Right? Awesome. I can just slip them off. [panelist] What is this guy saying? I feel like she's already starting to refuse to talk to him. Erlang. He wants to come out. Want to come out? -Where did they go this time? -Let's gossip later. Where did you go? -I'm getting deja vu. -Yeah. Remember? -Last time I was upstairs. -I called you down. When Ming first came, Curry brought her in like this too. Come out. Everyone seems to be home. -We're waiting for you. -We're all here, come in! -I'll take him first. -Go on. Come, Erlang! Let's go. Erlang is back! So cute! Why's there another one? A tiny one! He's not coming out, he's shy. He's a bit cautious. -This is Erlang's... -Little brother. -Is it Sanlang? [T/N: Third son] -Sanlang. No... His owner had allergies, so he had to give him up. -So...he's very timid now. -Too scared to come out. He...doesn't feel secure. He hasn't been eating much and has gotten thin. -So cute. -Is it a boy or a girl? -It's a little brother. -A boy. So today you guys... He said he wanted to take me to a nice surprise. Turns out I helped him pick a dog. No, no... Feels like you guys are... a mom and dad adopting a child. No, just a dad. I didn't know you guys would really adopt a dog. -What a nice surprise. -I was also surprised. It's a big surprise. Were you guys thinking about this for a while, or was it a sudden decision to adopt one? My thinking was like this. Ming already has to go to a lot of dinner parties and wine receptions. So if I were to arrange a special dinner for her, or give her a good bottle of wine, it wouldn't be anything unusual for her. Feels like we're seeing something exciting. So I wanted to do something special. I thought about what she likes, and she really likes puppies, right? So I wanted to take her to see Erlang's family. And the kennel owner said that they had a poor puppy who had been abandoned by its owner. So he asked if we could take care of it together. Adopt it together? Together? So you adopted it together? I refused. It's too much responsibility, I can't. She turned it down graciously. Because... it hasn't been long since she moved in. And she feels like raising a dog is like raising a child. It really does take a lot of time. -Of course. -Right. Its name is Erdou. So its nickname is Doudou. -Doudou. -Doudou. So awkward. Wasn't that painful? -He talks so much. -So uncomfortable. This whole raising a dog thing was Curry's idea from start to finish. He doesn't listen to anybody else. He's immersed in his own world. What world is that? It's like he walked out of my comedy skits When I write, I have doubts. Do people like this really exist? -Turns out they do. -They really do. And the explanation Ming gave him is totally different from what he said. Yeah. And he won't leave the topic alone, which is so awkward for her. -She has to deny it again. -Reject him again. She said she refused, and he insists it was just a gracious letdown. He should have come back and just said it was his dog. -Yeah. -Why rehash all of it? -I just don't get it. -Let's ask the writer. How did you write this character? Now I realize how good my skits are. Do you think a character like this, after being rejected in public again, will feel hurt? -No. -Why? -A person like this doesn't get hurt. It's hard to hurt him, because he lives in a world of his own logic. In his understanding of it, she didn't reject him. The rejection was so obvious, but to him, it was just a gracious letdown. What does a gracious letdown mean? "It's not that I don't like you, I just can't be with you." -Hey, didn't you like him before? -Yeah. Women change quickly. I think Yang Li is right. He wasn't hurt at all. I feel like this is like what we saw in the first episode. The same persistence about the dishes. He just lives inside his own world. Will Ming give up on Hao? I don't think so. I think she will. I think Ming really likes Hao. -So she has to try again. -Yeah. Just like how Curry can't give up on Ming. No way. I don't think she'll pursue that... Hao. -I don't think she likes Hao that much. -I agree. -It's just that among the six of them-- -Yes. She's a little interested, so she may as well try. If it doesn't work out, it's no big deal. -She's only somewhat interested. -It's just a little vacation. She went to the Shanghai Share Life retreat. Will Hao and Carmon get together? They probably will. -They're pretty close. -They will. He's already like, "Yes!" -"You look good!" -Her little run away. But this "Yes!" made me feel like Carmon might get hurt again. -Why? -I don't know. Next episode we'll see. We hope everyone keeps enjoying Shanghai Share Life! See you next time! Bye bye. [Translated and timed by jackie] [Reviewed by soph]