0:00:00.257,0:00:04.160 [Upbeat music.] 0:00:04.160,0:00:05.037 In our series, 0:00:05.037,0:00:05.919 "A More Perfect Union," 0:00:05.919,0:00:07.806 we aim to show that[br]what unites us as Americans 0:00:07.806,0:00:10.218 is far greater[br]than what divides us. 0:00:10.218,0:00:13.965 In the small surf town[br]of Seal Beach, in southern California, 0:00:13.965,0:00:16.706 donuts are suddenly[br]selling fast. 0:00:16.706,0:00:18.865 That's because customers[br]of this 'mom and pop' shop 0:00:18.865,0:00:21.245 made it their mission[br]to help the owners 0:00:21.245,0:00:23.485 in their time of need. 0:00:23.485,0:00:27.226 John Blackstone[br]went to Donut City early one morning, 0:00:27.226,0:00:29.826 to see how people[br]are coming from all over, 0:00:29.826,0:00:31.655 to 'pay it forward.' 0:00:31.655,0:00:33.805 [John Blackstone][br]Seven days a week, 0:00:33.805,0:00:36.777 John Chan arrives,[br]a little after 4 in the morning, 0:00:36.777,0:00:39.816 to open his donut shop[br]in Seal Beach, California. 0:00:39.816,0:00:42.245 - Morning.[br]- Two dozen. 0:00:42.245,0:00:44.775 [Blackstone] The first customers[br]arrive by 4:30 a. m. 0:00:44.775,0:00:46.755 These days,[br]you have to get there early, 0:00:46.755,0:00:50.362 because the donuts[br]are likely to be sold out, before dawn. 0:00:50.362,0:00:52.669 [Woman] I'm getting[br]five dozen donuts. 0:00:52.669,0:00:54.045 [Blackstone] Five dozen donuts?! 0:00:54.045,0:00:55.276 Five dozen, yeah. 0:00:55.276,0:00:58.147 I'm going to take care of the staff,[br]today, at my kid's elementary school. 0:00:58.147,0:01:01.036 [Blackstone] Since 1990,[br]John Chan has been behind the counter 0:01:01.036,0:01:03.172 with his wife, Stella, by his side. 0:01:03.172,0:01:05.316 - How is she doing?[br]- She's okay. 0:01:05.316,0:01:06.236 - Ahh. 0:01:06.236,0:01:08.176 [Blackstone] John's wife[br]of more than thirty years 0:01:08.176,0:01:10.736 is now recovering[br]from a brain aneurysm. 0:01:10.736,0:01:12.818 Her sister stepped in[br]to help out, 0:01:12.818,0:01:15.267 but customers[br]immediately missed Stella. 0:01:15.267,0:01:17.566 [Man] She is smiling,[br]and full of life. 0:01:17.566,0:01:19.837 Always in a great mood. 0:01:19.837,0:01:22.467 Just says: "Hi! How are you? [br]Good morning!" 0:01:22.467,0:01:25.660 [Blackstone] Because of their affection[br]for the man who makes the confections, 0:01:25.660,0:01:27.906 the community wanted to help. 0:01:27.906,0:01:31.526 As word spread about Stella,[br]people said: 0:01:31.526,0:01:34.467 "Oh, well give you some money.[br]We'll open a Go Fund Me page. 0:01:34.467,0:01:35.469 We'll give you some money." 0:01:35.469,0:01:37.716 [John Chan] Oh. No, you don't. 0:01:37.716,0:01:42.016 I can make it good enough,[br]by myself. 0:01:42.016,0:01:43.829 [Blackstone] You didn't want people[br]to just give you money? 0:01:43.829,0:01:45.097 [John Chan] No, no, no. 0:01:45.097,0:01:47.176 I'm not used -- [br][Laughs] 0:01:47.176,0:01:49.787 [Man] We wanted to offer[br]John some money, 0:01:49.787,0:01:52.496 but he's a proud man,[br]and didn't want to take it. 0:01:52.496,0:01:53.638 So, I said, 0:01:53.638,0:01:56.126 "Let's just come here,[br]buy his inventory out, every morning, 0:01:56.126,0:01:59.017 early, so he can get home[br]and be with his wife 0:01:59.017,0:02:01.377 and help mend her,[br]back to full health." 0:02:01.377,0:02:04.787 [Blackstone] One person shared[br]Chan's story, on social media, 0:02:04.787,0:02:06.995 suggesting the community [br]could help out, 0:02:06.995,0:02:10.411 and bring donuts to work, [br]church, school... 0:02:10.411,0:02:12.725 because as soon as the[br]donuts are sold out, 0:02:12.725,0:02:14.245 John could leave, 0:02:14.245,0:02:16.426 and spend more time with his wife. 0:02:16.426,0:02:19.986 Suddenly, donuts were selling[br]by the dozens, and dozens. 0:02:19.986,0:02:21.376 [Man] Hi, I'd like to get a dozen donuts? 0:02:21.376,0:02:22.556 [Woman] Can I have two dozen? 0:02:22.556,0:02:23.912 [Man] Give me four dozen? 0:02:23.912,0:02:26.322 [Woman] I am from Minnesota,[br]and I heard about this -- 0:02:26.322,0:02:28.487 this is awesome! 0:02:28.487,0:02:30.696 [Blackstone] You heard about this[br]from your daughter? 0:02:30.696,0:02:33.896 [Man] My daughter, and her husband[br]are stationed in Hawaii. 0:02:33.896,0:02:35.335 Uh, they are military. 0:02:35.335,0:02:37.616 And, she got hold of us, and said 0:02:37.616,0:02:39.911 we needed to come down,[br]and support this family. 0:02:39.911,0:02:41.445 [John Chan] Very busy. 0:02:41.445,0:02:44.045 But, I don't mind.[br]I like it. 0:02:44.045,0:02:47.026 [Blackstone] John and Stella[br]are refugees from Cambodia. 0:02:47.026,0:02:49.827 They became part of[br]the fabric of this community, 0:02:49.827,0:02:53.716 selling donuts to generation[br]after generation. 0:02:53.716,0:02:56.625 [Tim Wrigley] Yeah, they are[br]national treasures, here, at Seal Beach. 0:02:56.625,0:02:58.545 They have twenty-eight years,[br]right here. 0:02:58.545,0:02:59.916 Yeah, they're great people. 0:02:59.916,0:03:02.326 [Blackstone] And that is why,[br]morning after morning, 0:03:02.326,0:03:06.046 as the sun comes up,[br]the donuts are disappearing. 0:03:06.046,0:03:07.366 - Thank you.[br]- Have a good day. 0:03:07.366,0:03:09.986 [John Chan] I just want to say[br]thank you very much, 0:03:09.986,0:03:15.427 for neighbors coming here,[br]they make me happy, so much. 0:03:15.427,0:03:17.267 [Blackstone] By 6:45 a. m., 0:03:17.267,0:03:19.465 just two hours after Chan opened, 0:03:19.465,0:03:22.926 nearly everything is gone,[br]but the donut holes. 0:03:22.926,0:03:25.125 [Woman] I ordered the whole pan[br]of the donut holes. 0:03:25.125,0:03:26.175 [Blackstone] The whole pan? 0:03:26.175,0:03:27.375 [Woman] The whole pan. Yeah. 0:03:27.375,0:03:28.826 [Blackstone] Is there anything[br]left, for you to order? 0:03:28.826,0:03:30.296 [2nd woman] I ordered [br]a second pan. 0:03:30.296,0:03:31.794 There were two pans. [br]We took them all. 0:03:31.794,0:03:33.946 [Blackstone] In this little shop[br]by the sea, 0:03:33.946,0:03:36.278 the only thing sweeter[br]than the donuts 0:03:36.278,0:03:38.096 is the outpouring of affection 0:03:38.096,0:03:40.057 for the man behind the counter. 0:03:40.057,0:03:42.425 [Man] John, I just wanted to say[br]thank you, for everything. 0:03:42.425,0:03:43.516 [John Chan] Thank you. 0:03:43.516,0:03:44.706 [Blackstone] For "CBS This Morning," 0:03:44.706,0:03:45.496 John Blackstone, 0:03:45.496,0:03:47.657 Seal Beach, California. 0:03:47.657,0:03:49.237 [Gayle King] We needed that. 0:03:49.237,0:03:51.419 We needed a reminder[br]that there is humanity 0:03:51.419,0:03:54.455 in this country, and that[br]people really want to do good, 0:03:54.455,0:03:56.055 and do well, and help others. 0:03:56.055,0:03:59.556 Kindness never, ever[br]goes out of style. 0:03:59.556,0:04:02.067 Not for nothin', but you could[br]tell, those donuts looked good. 0:04:02.067,0:04:03.671 [Laughter] 0:04:03.671,0:04:05.407 The glazed sugar. [br]In the cabinet. I want those. 0:04:05.407,0:04:07.686 [Woman] He does a good job.[br]And, seeing refugees 0:04:07.686,0:04:09.446 as national treasures, 0:04:09.446,0:04:11.497 and someone [br]who does not want a handout. 0:04:11.497,0:04:12.928 He didn't want money. 0:04:12.928,0:04:15.255 He wanted his product[br]to sell for itself. 0:04:15.255,0:04:17.085 And the community helped. 0:04:17.085,0:04:19.738 [Woman] I'm biased,[br]but I am a fan of refugees. 0:04:19.738,0:04:22.208 This one checks all the boxes.[br]Right? 0:04:22.208,0:04:25.279 You've got great food,[br]great hearts in the community, 0:04:25.279,0:04:28.466 and people coming in from[br]thousands of miles away. 0:04:28.466,0:04:29.566 [Gayle King] Anybody with a heart 0:04:29.566,0:04:30.535 should be biased, 0:04:30.535,0:04:32.411 when you look at [br]a story like that. 0:04:32.411,0:04:33.516 Thank you, John Blackstone. 0:04:33.516,0:04:36.165 [All] Yeah, thank you.