[Script Info] Title: [Events] Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text Dialogue: 0,0:36:09.39,0:36:20.35,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,\NAdalet is in Istanbul visiting someone in prison.\NPrison Guard: The prisoner is refusing this meeting. He says not to come again.\NMan: Adalet Soyuzlu? Yes! This is your second visit this month.\NAdalet: Merhaba Director .\NDirector: Merhaba. In spite of you knowing he won't meet you.... Why do you still come here?\NAdalet: To make sure he's still in prison. Every time there's a disaster around me I suspect him.\NDirector: As it is no one has come to see him except you the last few years.\NAdalet: Good. Knowing even that helps me. Good day.\NDirector: Good day.\NTelephone:\NAdalet: Yes?\NNecla: Where are you Adalet Hanim? Mr Tahseen is really worried about you. And I called you several times.\NAdalet: I went to Istanbul to get Tahseen Bey's medicine immediately. I'll be back in half an hour.\NNecla: OK.\NAdalet: You've made an appointment for Tahseen Bey with the doctor, haven't you? He needs a complete check up.\NNecla: Yes, he's free.\NAdalet: OK. I'll be there soon.\NBack at the ranch:\NMebrihan: I heard the fire didn't just start at Alemdaroglu ranch. You burnt bridges with Bulent as well.\NSuhan: I don't want to talk about this either.\NMebrihan: In fact I don't want to be related to Kordulag ever, but you know I like you Suhan. When I saw the state Bulent was in yesterday I was very cross with you. Bulent was hurt and he needs some attention and sympathy from you - at least as much as the person inside. I'm sure of that.\NSuhan: Good bye Mebrihan Hanim.\NHospital:\NTahseen: Damn this.\NAdalet: OK, it's over. Stop complaining. \NTahseen: OK.\NDoctor: Last one.\NTahseen: OK. There's nothing wrong with me. I'm fine.\NAdalet: Let's carry out a breathing test as well.\NTahseen: Adalet, I came here because you asked me to. Don't make me angry.\NAdalet: Tahseen.\NTahseen: OK. My God, don't belittle me. Don't make those people happy.\NAdalet: OK. You know better.\NDoctor: Thank God all the results are good. I also wanted to examine you.\NTahseen: Good. We know I didn't die. Let's go. Thanks.\NDoctor: Thank God it's over Tahseen Bey.\NTahseen: Thanks. Salim, when will we hear my grandchild's heart beat? Let me know as well.\NDoctor: Cahide hasn't come to see me yet.\NTahseen: Why?