This presentation is delivered by the Stanford Center for Professional
Welcome back.
What I want to do today is
continue a discussion of principal components analysis, or PCA.
In particular, there's
one more application that I didn't get to in the last lecture on
[inaudible] indexing,
LSI. Then I want to spend just a little time talking about
how to implement PCA,
especially for very large problems. In particular, I'll spend just a little bit of time talking
about singular value decomposition,
or the SVD implementation
of principal component
analysis. So the
second half of today's lecture, I want to talk about the different algorithm called
independent component analysis,
which is, in some ways, related to PCA, but in many other ways, it
also manages to accomplish
very different things than PCA.
So with this lecture, this will actually wrap up our discussion on
unsupervised learning. The next lecture, we'll start to talk about
reinforcement learning algorithms.
Just to
recap where we were with PCA, principal
component analysis,
I said that
in PCA, we imagine that we have some very high dimensional data
that perhaps
lies approximately on some low dimensional subspace. So if you had the data set like
you might find that
that's the first principal component of the data,
and that's the second
component of this 2-D data.
summarize the algorithm, we have three steps. The first step of PCA
was to
normalize the data to zero mean and
[inaudible]. So
tracked out the means of
your training examples. So it now has zero means, and then normalize each of your features so
that the variance of each feature is now one.
The next step was [inaudible]
computical variance matrix of your zero mean data. So
you compute it as follows.
The sum of all the products,
and then you find the
top K eigen vectors of
last time we saw the applications of this. For example,
one of the applications was to eigen faces where
each of your training examples, XI, is an image.
if you have
100 by 100 images, if your pictures of faces are
100 pixels by 100 pixels,
then each of your training examples, XI,
will be a 10,000 dimensional vector,
corresponding to the
10,000 grayscale intensity pixel values. There are 10,000 pixel values in
each of your 100 by 100 images.
So the eigen faces application was where
the training example comprised
pictures of faces of people.
Then we ran PCA,
and then
to measure the distance between say
a face here
and a face there, we would project both
of the face images onto the subspace and then
the distance along the subspace. So in eigen faces, you use something
like 50 principle components.
the difficulty of working with problems like these is that
in step two of the algorithm,
we construct the covariance matrix sigma.
The covariance matrix now becomes
a 10,000 by 10,000 dimensional matrix, which is huge. That has
100 million
entries, which is huge.
So let's apply PCA to
very, very high dimensional data, used as a point of reducing the
dimension. But
step two of this algorithm had this step where you were constructing [inaudible]. So
this extremely large matrix, which you can't do.
Come back to this in a second. It turns out one of
the other
frequently-used applications of
is actually to text data.
So here's what I
mean. Remember our vectorial representation of emails?
So this is way back
when we were talking about supervised learning algorithms for a
stand classification. You remember I said that
given a piece of email or given a piece of text document, you
can represent it using a very high-dimensional vector
by taking
- writing down a list of all the words in your dictionary. Somewhere you had the word
learn, somewhere you have the word
and so on.
Depending on whether each word appears or does not appear in your text document, you put either
a one or a zero
there. This is a representation we use on an electrode five or electrode six
for representing text documents for
when we're building
[inaudible] based classifiers for
[inaudible]. So it turns
out one of the common applications of
PCA is actually this text data representations as well.
When you apply PCA
to this sort of data,
the resulting
algorithm, it often just goes by a different name, just latent semantic indexing.
For the sake of completeness, I should say that
in LSI, you usually skip the preprocessing step.
For various reasons, in LSI, you usually don't normalize the mean of the data to
and you usually don't normalize the variance of the features to one.
These are relatively minor
differences, it turns out, so it does something very
similar to PCA.
Normalizing the variance to one
for text data would actually be a bad idea because all the words are -
because that
would have the affect of
dramatically scaling up the
weight of rarely occurring words. So for example, the word aardvark hardly ever
appears in any document.
So to normalize the variance
of the second feature to one, you end up -
you're scaling up the weight of the word aardvark
dramatically. I don't understand why [inaudible].
So let's
see. [Inaudible] the language,
something that we want to do quite often is, give it two documents,
XI and XJ, to measure how similar they are.
So for example,
I may give you a document and ask
you to find me more documents like this one. We're reading some
article about some user event of today
and want to find out what other news articles there are. So I give you a document and
ask you to look at all the other documents you have
in this large set of documents and find the documents similar to
this is typical text application, so
to measure the similarity
between two documents in XI and XJ, [inaudible]
each of these documents is represented
as one of these highdimensional vectors.
One common way to do this is to view each of your documents
as some sort of very high-dimensional vector.
So these
are vectors in the very highdimensional space where
the dimension of the vector is equal to
the number of words in your dictionary.
So maybe each of these documents lives in some
50,000-dimension space, if you have 50,000 words in your
dictionary. So one nature of the similarity between these two documents that's
often used is
what's the angle
between these two
In particular,
if the angle between these two vectors is small, then
the two documents, we'll consider them to be similar. If the angle between
these two vectors is large, then we consider the documents to be dissimilar.
more formally, one commonly used heuristic, the national language of processing,
is to say that the similarity between the two documents is a co-sine of the angle theta between them.
For similar
values, anyway, the co-sine
is a decreasing function of theta.
So the
smaller the angle between them, the larger the similarity.
The co-sine
between two vectors is, of course, just [inaudible]
by - okay?
That's just the linear algebra or the standard
geometry definition of the co-sine between two vectors. Here's the
intuition behind what LSI is doing. The hope, as usual, is
that there
may be some interesting axis of variations in the data,
and there maybe some other axis that
are just
noise. So by projecting all of your data on lower-dimensional subspace, the hope is that by
running PCA on your text data this way, you can remove some of the noise in the data and
get better measures of the similarity between pairs of
documents. Let's just delve a little deeper into those examples to convey more intuition about what LSI
is doing.
look further in the definition of the co-sine similarity measure. So
the numerator
the similarity between the two documents was this inner product,
which is therefore sum over K,
this inner product would be equal to zero if
the two documents have no words in common. So
this is really - sum over K -
indicator of
documents, I and
both contain the word, K, because
I guess XIK indicates whether document I contains the word
K, and XJK
indicates whether document J contains the word, K.
So the product would be one only
if the word K
appears in both documents.
Therefore, the similarity between these two documents would be
zero if the two documents have no words in common.
For example,
suppose your document,
XI, has the word study and the word
has the word learn.
Then these two documents may be considered
entirely dissimilar.
[Inaudible] effective study strategies. Sometimes you read a
news article about that. So you ask, what other documents are similar to this? If
there are a bunch of other documents about good methods to
learn, than there are words in common. So similarity [inaudible] is zero.
So here's
a cartoon
of what we hope
[inaudible] PCA will do,
which is
suppose that on the horizontal axis, I plot
the word
learn, and on the vertical access, I plot the word study.
So the values take on either the value of zero or one. So if a document
contains the words learn but not study, then
it'll plot that document there. If
a document contains neither the word study nor learn, then it'll plot that
at zero, zero.
So here's a cartoon behind what PCA
is doing, which is
we identify lower dimensional subspace. That would be sum - eigen
vector, we get out of PCAs.
Now, supposed we have a document about learning. We have a document about studying.
The document about learning
points to the right. Document about studying points
up. So the inner product, or the co-sine angle between these two documents would be
- excuse
me. The inner product between
these two documents will be zero.
So these two
documents are entirely unrelated,
which is not what we want.
Documents about study, documents about learning, they are related. But
we take these two documents, and we project them
onto this subspace.
Then these two documents now become much
closer together,
and the algorithm will recognize that
when you say the inner product between these two documents,
you actually end up with a positive number. So
LSI enables
our algorithm to recognize that these two documents have some positive similarity
between them.
So that's just intuition
about what
PCA may be doing to text data.
The same thing goes to other examples and the words study and learn. So you have
- you find a document about
politicians and a document with the names of prominent
That will also bring the documents closer together,
or just any related topics, they end up
points closer together and just lower dimensional space.
Question about this? Interviewee: [Inaudible].
Which ones?
This one? No, the line. Oh, this one. Oh,
Thank you.
let's talk about how to actually implement this now.
Okay. How many of you know what
an SVD or single value decomposition is? Wow,
that's a lot of you. That's a
lot more than I thought.
Curious. Did you guys learn it as under grads or as graduate students?
right. Let
me talk about it anyway. I
wasn't expecting so many of you to know what SVD is, but I want to get this
on tape, just so everyone else can learn
about this, too.
So I'll say a little bit about how to implement
PCA. The problem I
was eluding to just now was that
when you have these very high-dimensional vectors, than sigma is a large matrix. In particular, for
text example,
if the vectors XI are 50,000 dimensional,
the covariance matrix will be 50,000 dimensional by 50,000
dimensional, which is much too big to represent explicitly.
I guess many
of you already know this, but I'll just say it anyway. It
turns out there's another way to implement PCA, which is
A is any N by N matrix,
than one of the most remarkable results of linear algebra
is that the matrix, A,
can be decomposed into
a singular value
decomposition. What that means is that the matrix, A, which
N by N,
can always be decomposed into a product of
three matrixes. U is N by N,
D is a square matrix, which is N by N, and V is
also N by N.
going to be diagonal.
Zeros are on the off-diagonals,
and the values sigma I are called the singular values of
the matrix A.
Almost all of you said you learned this as a graduate student, rather than as an under grad, so
it turns out that
when you take a class in undergraduate linear algebra, usually you learn a bunch of
decomposition. So you usually learn about the QLD composition, maybe
the LU factorization of the matrixes.
Most under grad courses don't get to talk about singular value
decompositions, but at
least in - almost
everything I
do in machine learning,
you actually find that you end up using SVDs much more than any of the
you learned in typical under grad linear algebra class.
So personally, I [inaudible] an SVD dozens of times in the last
year, but LU and QRD compositions,
I think I used the QRD composition once and an
LU decomposition in the last year. So let's see. I'll
more about this. So I'm going to draw the picture, I guess.
For example,
if A is an N by N matrix,
it can be decomposed into another matrix, U, which is also N by N. It's the same
size, D, which is
N by
N. Another square matrix, V transpose, which is also
N by
N. Furthermore, in a singular value decomposition, the
columns of the matrix, U, will be the eigen
of A transpose, and the
columns of V will be the eigen vectors
of A
transpose A.
To compute it, you just use the SVD commands
Octave. Today, say the art in numerical linear algebra is that
SVD, singular value decompositions, and matrixes can be computed
extremely [inaudible]. We've
used a
package like Matlab or Octave
to compute, say, the eigen vectors of a matrix.
So if SVD
routines are even more numerically stable than eigen vector routines for finding eigen vector in the
matrix. So you can
use a routine like this, and similar to the way they use
a square root command without thinking about
how it's computed. You can compute the square
root of something and just not worry about it. You know the computer will give you the right
answer. For most reasonably-sized matrixes, even up to thousands by thousands
matrixes, the SVD routine, I think of it as a square root function. If
you call it, it'll give you back the right answer. You don't have to worry
too much about
it. If you have extremely large matrixes, like a million by a million matrixes, I
might start to worry a bit, but a few thousand by a few
thousand matrixes, this is
implemented very well today.
What's the complexity of SVD? That's a good question. I actually don't know. I want to guess it's roughly on the
order of N-cubed.
I'm not sure. [Inaudible]
algorithms, so I think - I don't know what's
known about the conversion
these algorithms. The example I drew out was for a facts matrix, and a matrix is
In the same way, you can also
call SVD on the tall matrix, so it's taller than it's wide.
It would decompose it into - okay? A
product of three matrixes like
The nice thing about this is that
we can use it to compute
eigen vectors and PCA very efficiently.
In particular, a
covariance matrix sigma was
this. It was the sum of all the products,
so if you go back and recall the definition of the
design matrix -
I think I described this in
lecture two when
we derived the close form solution to these squares [inaudible] these squares. The
design matrix was this matrix where I took my
and stacked them in
They call this the design matrix [inaudible]. So if
you construct the design matrix, then
the covariance matrix sigma
can be written just X transposing.
That's X transposed, and [inaudible].
I hope you see why the X transpose X gives you
the sum of products of
vectors. If you aren't seeing this right now, just go home and convince yourself
[inaudible] if it's
To get the top K eigen vectors of
you would take sigma
and decompose it
the -
excuse me.
You would take the matrix X, and you would compute as SVD. So you get USV transpose.
Then the top three
of U
are the top K eigen
X transpose
which is therefore, the top K eigen vectors of your
covariance matrix
sigma. So
in our examples, the
design matrix may be, say R. If you have
50,000 words in your dictionary, than the
design matrix would be
RM by 50,000.
[Inaudible] say 100 by 50,000, if you have 100 examples.
So X would be
quite tractable to represent and compute the
SVD, whereas the matrix sigma would be much harder to represent. This is
50,000 by 50,000.
So this gives you an efficient way to implement
The reason I want to talk about this is
in previous years, I didn't talk [inaudible].
The class projects, I found a number of students trying to implement SVD on huge
problems and [inaudible],
so this is
a much better to implement PCA
if you have extremely high dimensional data. If you have
low dimensional data, if
you have 50 or 100 dimensional data, then
computing sigma's no problem. You can
do it the old way, but otherwise, use the SVD to implement this.
Questions about this?
The last thing I want to say is that in practice, when you want to implement this, I want to say a note
of caution.
It turns out that
for many applications of - let's see.
When you apply SVD to these wide - yeah.
Just a quick question. Are
the top K columns of U or V because X transposed X is V transpose, right? Let's see. Oh,
I think you're
right. I
think you're right.
see. Is it top K columns of U or top K of V?
Yeah, I think you're right. Is that right? Something
bothers me about that, but I think you're right.
[Inaudible], so then X transpose X should be VDD. X
is UDV, so X transpose X would be - [Inaudible].
If anyone thinks about this and
has another opinion, let me know, but I think you're
right. I'll make sure I get the details and let you
Everyone's still looking at that.
Tom, can you figure out
the right answer and let me know? That sounds right. Okay. Cool. Okay.
So just
one last note, a note of caution. It turns out that
in this example, I was implementing SVD
with a wide matrix. So the matrix X was N by N.
It turns out when you
find the SVD decomposition of this,
it turns out that -
let's see. Yeah, I think you're definitely
right. So it turns out that we find the SVD
of this, the right-most portion of this block of this matrix would be all
Also, when you compute the
matrix, D, a large part of this matrix would be zeros.
You have the matrix D
transpose. So depending on what convention you use,
for example, I think Matlab actually uses a convention of just
cutting off the zero elements.
So the Matlab uses the convention
of chopping off the right-most half of the U matrix and chopping off the bottom
portion of the D matrix. I'm not sure
if this even depends on the version of Matlab,
but when you call SVD on Matlab or some other numerical algebra packages,
there's slightly different conventions of how to define your SVD when
the matrix is wider than it is tall.
So just watch out for this and make sure you map
whatever convention
your numerical algebra library uses
to the original computations.
It turns out if
you turn Matlab [inaudible]
or you're writing C code. There are many scientific libraries that can
compute SVDs for you, but they're just slightly different in
conventions for the dimensions of these matrixes. So just make sure you figure this out for the
package that you use.
Finally, I just want to
take the unsupervised learning algorithms we talked about and just put a little bit
of broader context.
This is partly in response to the questions I've gotten from students in
office hours and elsewhere
about when to use each of these
algorithms. So
I'm going to draw a two by two matrix. This is a little cartoon that
I find useful.
One of the algorithms we talked about earlier, right
before this, was
factor analysis, which was - it
was - I hope you remember that picture I drew where I would have a bunch of point Z on the
Then I had these ellipses that I drew. I hope you
remember that
picture. This was a factor analysis model
which models
the density effects [inaudible], right?
It was also a PCA, just now.
So the
difference between factor analysis and PCA, the
way I think about it, is that factor analysis
is a density estimation algorithm.
It tries to model the density of the training example's X.
Whereas PCA
is not a probabilistic
algorithm. In particular,
it does not endow your training examples of any probabilistic
distributions and directly goes to find the subspace.
So in terms of when to use factor analysis and when to use PCA,
if your goal is to reduce the dimension of the data,
if your goal is to find the subspace that the data lies on,
then PCA
tries to find the subspace. I think I would
tend to use PCA.
Factor analysis, it sort of assumes the data lies on a subspace.
Let me write a subspace here.
So both of these algorithms sort of assume the data maybe lies close
or on some low dimensional subspace,
but fundamentally, factor analysis, I think of it as a density estimation algorithm.
So that has some very high dimensional distribution. I
want to model P of X, then
the factor analysis is the algorithm I'm more inclined
to use. So
even though you could in theory,
I would tend to avoid trying to use factor analysis to
identify a subspace the
set lies on. So [inaudible], if you want to do
anomaly detection, if you want to model P of X
so that if you have a very low probability of N, you can factor an anomaly,
then I would tend to use factor analysis to do that density estimation. So factor
analysis and PCA are both algorithms that assume that your data lies in the subspace.
The other cause of algorithms we talked about was
algorithms that assumes the data
lies in
clumps or that the
has a few coherence to groups. So let me just fill in the rest of this picture.
So if you think your data lies
in clumps or lies in groups, and if it goes [inaudible]
density estimation, then I would
tend to use a mixture of [inaudible]
algorithm. But again, you don't necessarily want to endow your data of any probably
semantics, so if you just want to find the clumps of the groups, then I'd be inclined
to use a [inaudible] algorithm. So
haven't seen anyone else draw this picture before, but I tend to organize these things
this way in my brain.
Hopefully this helps guide
when you might use each of these algorithms as well, depending
on whether you believe the data might lie in the subspace or whether it might bind in
clumps or groups.
All right.
That wraps up the discussion on
PCA. What I want to do next is talk about
independent component analysis, or ICA. Yeah. Interviewee: I have
question about the upper right [inaudible]. So once you have all of the eigen vectors,
[inaudible] how similar is feature I to
feature J. You pick some eigen vector, and you take some dot products between the
feature I and
feature J and the eigen vector. But
there's a lot of eigen vectors to choose from. Instructor
(Andrew Ng):Right. So Justin's question was
having found my eigen vectors, how do I choose what eigen vector to use to
measure distance. I'm
going to
this up.
So the
answer is really
- in this cartoon, I would avoid thinking about
eigen vectors one other time.
A better way to view this cartoon is that this is actually -
if I decide to choose 100 eigen vectors, this is really 100 D
I'm not actually projecting my data onto one eigen vector.
This arrow, this cartoon, this denotes the 100-dimensional
subspace [inaudible] by all my eigen vectors.
So what I actually do is project my data onto
the span, the linear span of eigen vectors. Then I
measure distance or take
inner products of the distance between
the projections of the two points of the eigen vectors. Okay.
So let's talk about ICA,
independent component analysis.
So whereas PCA
was an algorithm for finding
what I call the main axis of variations of data,
in ICA, we're going to try find the independent of components of variations in the
So switch it to the laptop there, please.
We'll just
take a second to motivate that. I'm
going to do so by
- although if you put on the - okay. This is
actually a slide that I showed in
lecture one of the cocktail party problem.
Suppose you have two speakers at a cocktail party,
and you have two microphones in the
room, overlapping
sets of two conversations.
Then can you separate out the two original speaker sources?
So I actually played this audio as well in the very first lecture, which is
suppose microphone one records this.
So the question is, these are really two speakers,
speaking independently of each other. So each speaker is outputting
a series of sound signals as independent of the other conversation
going on in the room.
this being an supervised learning problem, the question is, can we take these two microphone
recordings and feed it to
an algorithm to find the independent components in
data? This is the output
when we do so.
[Recording] This is the other one. [Recording]
Just for fun. [Inaudible]. These are audio clips I got
from [inaudible]. Just for fun, let me play the other ones as well. This
is overlapping microphone one. [Recording]
Here's microphone two. [Recording]
So given this as input, here's output one.
It's not perfect, but it's largely cleaned up the music.
Here's number two. [Recording] Okay. Switch back to
[inaudible], please.
what I want to do now is describe an algorithm that does that.
I actually jump into the algorithm, I want to say two minutes
CDF, so cumulative distribution functions. I know most
of you know what these are, but I'm
just going to remind you of what they are.
Let's say you have a one-D random variable S. So suppose you have
a random variable, S,
and suppose it has a property density function [inaudible].
the CDF
is defined as a function, or rather as F,
which is the probability that the random variable,
S, is less than the value
given by that lower-case
For example,
if this is your [inaudible] density,
than the density of the [inaudible] usually
to note it lower-case phi. That's roughly a bell-shaped density. Then
the CDF or the Gaussian
will look something like this.
There'll be a capital function
pi. So if I pick a value
S like that, then the
height of this -
this is [inaudible] probability that
my Gaussian random variable is less than
that value there. In other words,
the height of the function at that point is
than the area of the Gaussian density,
up to the point S.
As you
move further and further to the right, this function will approach one, as
you integrate more and more of this area of the Gaussian. So another way to write
S is the integral, the minus infinity
to S of
the density, DT.
So something that'll come later is
suppose I have a random variable, S, and I want to model the distribution of the random
variable, S.
So one thing I could do is I can specify
what I think the density
Or I can specify
what the
is. These are related by this equation. F is the integral of P of S. You
can also
recover the density
by taking the CDF and taking the derivative. So F prime, take the derivative
of the CDF,
you get back the
density. So this has come up
in the middle of when I derive ICA, which is that
there'll be a step where they need to assume a distribution for random variable, S.
I can either specify the density for S directly, or I can specify the CDF. I
choose to specify the
It has to be some function increasing from zero to one.
So you can
choose any function that looks like that, and in particular,
pulling functions out of a hat that look like that. You can, for instance, choose a
sigmoid function of
CDF. That would be one way of specifying the distribution of the densities for the random variable S. So
will come up later.
Just [inaudible], just raise your hand if that is familiar to you, if you've seen
that before. Great. So
start to derive our RCA, or our independent component analysis
Let's assume that the
data comes from
N original
So let's say there are N speakers in a cocktail party.
So the original sources, I'm
going to write as a vector, S
as in RN.
So just to be concrete about what I mean about that, I'm going to use
SIJ to denote the signal
from speaker
at time
I. Here's what I mean.
So what is sound? When you hear sound waves, sound is created
by a pattern
of expansions and compressions in air. So the way you're hearing my voice is
mouth is causing certain
changes in the air pressure, and then your ear is hearing my voice as
detecting those changes in air
pressure. So what a microphone records, what my mouth is generating, is
a pattern.
I'm going to draw a cartoon,
I guess.
Changes in
air pressure. So
this is what sound is. You look at a microphone recording, you see these roughly periodic
signals that comprise of
changes in air pressure over time as the air pressure goes
above and below some baseline air pressure.
So this
is what the speech signal looks like, say.
So this is speaker one.
Then what I'm saying is that
- this is some time, T.
What I'm saying is that the value of that point,
I'm going to denote as S, super
script T, sub script one.
speaker two, it's
outputting some sound wave. Speaker voice
will play that. It'll actually sound like
a single tone, I guess.
So in the same way, at the same time, T,
the value of the air
pressure generated by speaker two, I'll denote as
So we observe
XI equals A times SI, where
these XIs
are vectors in RN.
So I'm going to assume
that I have N microphones,
each of my microphones records some linear combination
of what the speakers are saying. So each microphone records some overlapping
combination of what the speakers are saying.
example, XIJ, which is - this
is what microphone J records at time, I. So
by definition of
the matrix multiplication, this is sum
Oh, excuse me.
Okay? So what my J - sorry.
So what my J microphone is recording is
some linear combination of
all of the speakers. So
at time I, what microphone J is recording is some linear combination of
what all the speakers are saying at time I.
So K here
indexes over the N speakers.
So our goal
is to find the matrix, W, equals A inverse, and
just defining W that way.
we can recover the original sources
as a linear combination of
microphone recordings, XI.
Just as a point of notation,
I'm going to write the matrix W this way. I'm going to use
lower case W subscript one, subscript two and so on to denote the roles
of this matrix, W.
So let's look at why IC is possible. Given these overlapping voices,
let's think briefly why it might be possible
to recover the original sources.
So for the next example, I want
to say
- let's say that each of my speakers
outputs - this will sound like white noise. Can I switch
the laptop display,
please? For this example, let's say that
each of my speakers outputs uniform white noise. So
if that's the case, these are my axis, S1 and S2.
This is what my two speakers would be uttering.
The parts of what they're
uttering will look like a line in a square box if the two speakers are independently
uniform minus one random variables.
So this is part of
S1 and S2, my original sources.
This would be a typical sample of what my microphones record. Here, at
the axis, are X1 and X2.
So these are images I got from [inaudible] on
Given a picture like this, you can sort of look at this box, and you can sort of tell what the axis of
are. You can figure out
what linear transformation would transform the parallelogram back
to a box.
So it turns out there are some inherent ambiguities in ICA.
I'll just say what they are.
One is that
you can't recover the original indexing of the sources. In particular,
I generated the data for speaker one and speaker two,
you can run ICA, and then you may end up with the order of the speakers
reversed. What that corresponds to is if you take this
picture and you flip this picture along a 45-degree
axis. You take a 45-degree axis and reflect this picture across the 45-degree axis, you'll still
get a box. So
there's no way for the algorithms to tell which was speaker No. 1 and
was speaker No. 2. The numbering or the ordering of the speakers is
ambiguous. The other source of ambiguity, and these are the only ambiguities
in this example,
is the sign of the sources. So
given my speakers' recordings,
you can't tell whether you got a positive SI or whether you got
back a negative SI.
In this picture, what that corresponds to
is if you take this picture, and you reflect it along the vertical axis, if
you reflect it along the horizontal axis,
you still get a box.
You still get back [inaudible] speakers.
it turns out that in this example,
you can't guarantee that you've recovered positive SI rather
than negative SI.
So it turns out that these are the only
two ambiguities in this example. What is the permutation of the speakers, and the
other is the sign of the speakers.
Permutation of the speakers, there's not much you can do about that.
It turns out that if you take the audio
and if you flip the sign, and you take negative S, and if you play that through a
microphone it'll sound indistinguishable.
for many of the applications we care about, the sign
as well as the permutation
is ambiguous, but you don't really care
about it. Let's switch back
chalk board, please.
It turns out, and I don't want to spend too much time on this, but I do want to say it briefly.
It turns out the
reason why those are the only
sources of ambiguity - so the ambiguities were the
permutation of the speakers
and the signs.
It turns out that
the reason these were the only ambiguities was because
the SIJs were
non-Gaussian. I don't want to spend too much time on this, but I'll say it briefly.
Suppose my original sources, S1 and S2, were Gaussian.
suppose SI is
Gaussian, would mean zero
and identity covariance.
That just means that each of my speakers outputs a Gaussian random variable. Here's a typical
example of Gaussian
You will recall the contours of a Gaussian distribution with identity covariants
looks like
this, right? The Gaussian is a
spherically symmetric distribution.
So if my speakers were outputting Gaussian random variables, than if
I observe a linear combination of this,
there's actually no way to recover the
original distribution because there's no way for me to tell
if the axis are at this angle or if they're at
that angle and so
on. The Gaussian is a rotationally symmetric
distribution, so I would no be able to recover the orientation in the
of this. So I don't want to prove this too much. I don't want to spend too much time dwelling on this, but it turns
if your source is a Gaussian,
then it's actually impossible to do
ICA. ICA relies critically on your data being non-Gaussian because if the data
were Gaussian, then the rotation of the data would be ambiguous. So
regardless of how much data you have,
even if you had infinitely large amounts of data, you would not be able to recover
the matrix A or W.
Let's go ahead and divide the algorithm.
To do this, I need just one more result, and then the derivation will be
three lines. [Inaudible] many variables as N, which is the joint vector of the sound that all of my
speakers that are emitting at any time.
let's say the density of S is
P subscript S,
capital S.
So my microphone recording records S equals AS,
equals W inverse
S. Equivalently, S equals W sign of X.
So let's think about what is the density of
X. So I have P of S. I know the density of
S, and X is a linear combination of the S's.
So let's figure out what is the density of X.
One thing we could do is
figure out what S is. So this is just -
apply the density of
S to W of S. So let's
see. This is the probability of S, so we just
figure out what S is. S is W times X, so the probability of S is
W times X, so the probability of X must be [inaudible].
So this is wrong.
It turns out you can do this for probably mass functions but not for
continuous density. So in particular,
it's not correct to say that the probability of X is - well, you just figure out what
S is.
Then you say the probability of S is applied to that. This is wrong. You
can't do this with densities.
You can't say the probability of S is that because it's a property density
In particular,
right formula is the
density of S applied to W times X,
times the determinant
of the matrix, W.
Let me just illustrate that with an example.
Let's say
density for S is that. In
this example, S is uniform
over the unit interval.
So the density for S looks like that. It's
just density for the uniform
distribution of zero one.
So let me let X be equal to two times
S. So this means A equals two.
W equals one half. So if
S is a uniform distribution over zero, one,
then X, which is two times that, will be the uniform distribution over the
range from zero to two.
So the density for X will be -
that's one, that's two,
that's one half,
that's one. Okay? Density for X will be indicator
zero [inaudible] for X [inaudible] two
times W, times one half.
does that make
sense? [Inaudible] computer density for X because X is now spread out
across a wider range. The density of X is now smaller,
and therefore, the density of X has this one half
here. Okay? This is an illustration for the case of one-dimensional random variables,
or S
and X of one D. I'm not going to show it, but the generalization of this to vector value random variables is that the
density of X is given by this
times the determinant of the matrix, W. Over here,
I showed the one dimensional [inaudible] generalization.
So we're nearly there. Here's
how I can implement ICA.
So my distribution on
so I'm going to assume that my density on S
is given by this as a product over the
N speakers of the density - the product of speaker
emitting a certain sound. This is a product of densities.
This is a product of distributions because I'm going to assume that the
speakers are having independent conversations. So the SI's independent
for different values of I.
So by the formula we just worked out,
the density for X would be equal to that.
I'll just remind you, W was A
inverse. It was
this matrix
I defined previously
so that SI
equals WI [inaudible]
X. So that's what's in
there. To complete my formulation for this model,
the final thing I need to do is
a density
for what I think each speaker is
saying. I need to assume some density over
the sounds emitted by an individual speaker.
So following the discussion I had right when the [inaudible]
one thing I could do is I could choose
the density for S,
or equivalently, I could choose the CDF, the cumulative distribution
function for
In this case, I'm going to choose
a CDF, probably for historical reasons and probably for
I need to choose the CDF for S, so
what that means is I just need to choose some function that increases from zero to
what. I know I can't choose a Gaussian because we know you can't
do ICA on Gaussian data.
So I need some function increasing from zero to one
that is not the cumulative distribution function for a
Gaussian distribution.
So what other functions do I know that increase from zero to one? I
just choose the
CDF to be
sigmoid function.
This is a
commonly-made choice that
is made for convenience. There is actually no great reason for why you
choose a sigmoid function. It's just a convenient function that we all know
and are familiar with
that happens to increase from zero to one.
When you take the derivative
of the sigmoid, and that will give you back
density. This is just not Gaussian. This is the main virtue of choosing the sigmoid.
there's really no rational for the choice of sigma. Lots of other things will
work fine, too.
It's just a common, reasonable default.
It turns out that
one reason the sigma works well for a lot of data sources is that
if this is the Gaussian.
If you actually take the sigmoid and you take its derivative,
you find that the sigmoid has [inaudible] than the Gaussian. By this I mean
the density of the sigmoid dies down to zero much more slowly than
The magnitudes of the tails dies down as E to the minus S squared.
For the sigmoid, the tails look like E to the minus
S. So the tails die down as E to the minus S, around E
to the minus S squared. It turns out that most distributions of this property
with [inaudible] tails, where the distribution decays to zero relatively slowly
compared to Gaussian will
work fine for your data.
Actually, one other choice you can sometimes us is what's called the Laplacian
distribution, which is
that. This will work fine, too, for many data sources.
Sticking with the sigmoid for now, I'll just
down the algorithm in two steps. So given
my training set, and
as you show, this is an unlabeled training set, I can
write down the log likelihood of my parameters. So that's - assembled my training
examples, log of - times
So that's my log
To learn the parameters, W, of this model, I can use the [inaudible] assent,
which is
just that.
It turns out, if you work through the math,
let's see. If P of S
is equal to the derivative of the
sigmoid, then if you just work through the math to compute the [inaudible] there. You've all
done this a lot of times. I won't bother to show
the details. You find that is equal to this.
Okay? That's just - you can work those out yourself. It's just math to
compute the derivative of this with respect to
W. So to summarize, given the training set,
here's my [inaudible] update rule. So you run the
[inaudible] to learn the parameters W.
After you're
done, you then
output SI equals
WXI, and you've separated your sources
of your
data back out into the original independent sources.
Hopefully up to only a permutation and a plus/minus
sign ambiguity.
Okay? So just switch back to the laptop, please?
So we'll just wrap up with a couple of examples of applications of ICA.
This is
actually a picture of our TA, Katie.
So one of the applications of ICA is
to process
various types of [inaudible] recording data, so [inaudible]. This
is a picture of
a EEG cap, in which there are a number of electrodes
you place
on the - in this case, on Katie's brain, on Katie's scalp.
So where each electrode measures changes in voltage over time
on the scalp.
On the right, it's a typical example of [inaudible] data
where each electrode measures - just changes in voltage over
time. So
the horizontal axis is time, and the vertical axis is voltage. So here's the same thing,
blown up a little bit.
You notice there are artifacts in this
data. Where the circle is, where the data is circled, all
electrodes seem to measure in these very synchronized recordings.
It turns out that we look at [inaudible] data as well as a number of other
types of data, there are
artifacts from heartbeats and from human eye blinks and so on. So the
cartoonist, if you imagine, placing the
electrodes, or
microphones, on my scalp,
then each microphone is recording some overlapping combination of all the
things happening in my brain or in my body.
My brain has a number of different processes going on. My body's [inaudible]
going on, and
each electrode measures a sum
of the different voices in my brain.
That didn't quite come out the way I wanted it to.
So we can just take this data
and run ICA on it and find out one of the independent components, what the
process are going on in my brain. This is an example of running ICA.
So you find that a small number of components, like those shown up there,
they correspond to heartbeat, where the arrows - so those are very periodic
signals. They come on occasionally and correspond to [inaudible] components of
You also find things like an eye blink component, corresponding to a
sigmoid generated when you blink your eyes.
By doing this, you can then subtract out the heartbeat and the eye blink
artifacts from the data, and now
you get much cleaner ICA data - get much cleaner EEG readings. You can
do further scientific studies. So this is a
pretty commonly used preprocessing step
that is a common application of ICA.
[Inaudible] example is
the application, again, from [inaudible]. As
a result of running ICA on natural small image patches. Suppose I take
natural images
and run ICA on the data and ask what are the independent components of data.
It turns out that these are the bases you get. So this is a plot of the
sources you get.
This algorithm is saying that a natural image patch
on the left
is often expressed as a sum, or a linear combination, of
independent sources of
things that make up images.
So this model's natural images is generated by independent objects
that generate different ages in the image.
One of the fascinating things about this is that, similar to neuroscience, this has also been
hypothesized as a method for how the human brain processes image
data. It
turns out, this is similar, in many ways, to computations
happening in early visual processing in the human brain,
in the mammalian
brain. It's just
interesting to see ages are the independent components of images.
Are there quick questions, because I'm running late. Quick questions before I close? Interviewee: [Inaudible] square matrix? Instructor (Andrew
yes. For the algorithms I describe, I assume A is a square matrix.
It turns out if you have more microphones than speakers, you can also apply very
similar algorithms. If
you have fewer microphones than speakers, there's sort of an open research problem. The odds
are that if you have one male and one female speaker, but one microphone, you can
sometimes sort of separate them because one is high, one is low. If you have two
male speakers or two female speakers, then it's beyond the state of the art now to separate them
with one
microphone. It's a great research program. Okay.
Sorry about running late again. Let's close now, and we'll
continue reinforcement learning.