WEBVTT 00:00:02.620 --> 00:00:06.270 In previous tutorials, you've differentiated from first 00:00:06.270 --> 00:00:12.736 principles functions such as c, x, 2x, x to the power n, 00:00:12.736 --> 00:00:19.604 where n is any power, sine x, cosine x, e to the power x 00:00:19.604 --> 00:00:22.446 and log to the base e of x. 00:00:23.720 --> 00:00:28.016 Now what we're going to do in this tutorial is to construct 00:00:28.016 --> 00:00:31.238 a table of these standard derivatives, and when we've done 00:00:31.238 --> 00:00:34.460 that, we'll look at some variations of those standard 00:00:34.460 --> 00:00:36.966 derivatives and add those to our table. 00:00:38.770 --> 00:00:42.190 So let's start with a function. 00:00:43.650 --> 00:00:44.730 f of x. 00:00:46.240 --> 00:00:47.650 And add derivative. 00:00:49.800 --> 00:00:55.962 Which may be referred to as, df by dx or f dashed of x. 00:01:01.570 --> 00:01:07.352 So let's start with c, well c is a constant. It's a straight line 00:01:07.352 --> 00:01:11.069 and it's horizontal. So I gradient function is 0. 00:01:12.980 --> 00:01:16.956 x, the derivative of x is 1. 00:01:18.710 --> 00:01:21.838 2x, the derivative is 2. 00:01:23.460 --> 00:01:25.588 If we have x to the power n. 00:01:26.740 --> 00:01:32.928 Then the derivative is n times x to the power of n - 1, 00:01:32.928 --> 00:01:35.580 where n is a real number. 00:01:38.860 --> 00:01:43.276 sine x, the derivative is cos x. 00:01:45.370 --> 00:01:50.760 cos x, the derivative is -sine x. 00:01:52.830 --> 00:01:57.854 e to the power x, that's the one that stays the same, e to the power x. 00:01:58.830 --> 00:02:01.846 And log to the base e of x. 00:02:02.560 --> 00:02:05.908 Where the derivative is 1 over x. 00:02:08.300 --> 00:02:13.833 Let's look now at a variation of some of these, we'll come 00:02:13.833 --> 00:02:16.606 back to the table in just a minute. 00:02:18.850 --> 00:02:25.345 OK, what if we have f of x equals, instead of just sine x, 00:02:25.345 --> 00:02:27.772 we have 2 sine x. 00:02:28.980 --> 00:02:32.130 Well, this is just the same as 00:02:32.130 --> 00:02:35.085 taking sine x and taking two of them. 00:02:35.085 --> 00:02:39.340 So when we find the derivative, we actually find the 00:02:39.340 --> 00:02:43.058 derivative of sine x and take two of those. 00:02:43.310 --> 00:02:46.757 Well, the derivative of sine x is cos x. 00:02:47.600 --> 00:02:51.450 So the derivative of 2 sine x is 2 cos x. 00:02:52.920 --> 00:03:02.812 Similarly, if we take f of x is -5 sine x, then our derivative 00:03:02.812 --> 00:03:07.645 f dashed of x is -5 cos x. 00:03:08.910 --> 00:03:10.758 And this in fact is the case for 00:03:10.758 --> 00:03:15.520 any constant multiplied by the function. 00:03:16.355 --> 00:03:21.340 So if we have f of x equals C times sine x. 00:03:22.350 --> 00:03:28.266 Then f dashed of x is going to be C times cos x. 00:03:29.470 --> 00:03:36.628 And this is called the constant multiplier rule. 00:03:40.560 --> 00:03:41.888 So if we have... 00:03:43.470 --> 00:03:46.386 C times our function of x. 00:03:46.940 --> 00:03:50.900 And we want to differentiate it. So we want to find the 00:03:50.900 --> 00:03:52.550 derivative with respect to x. 00:03:53.800 --> 00:04:00.058 It's actually just C times the derivative df by dx or 00:04:00.058 --> 00:04:04.895 C times our f dashed of x. 00:04:07.590 --> 00:04:10.893 Now let's prove this from first principles. 00:04:10.893 --> 00:04:15.166 If we take our function of x to be g of x and 00:04:15.166 --> 00:04:18.584 it's equal to some constant times f of x. 00:04:19.860 --> 00:04:22.603 Now, our definition of our derivative 00:04:22.603 --> 00:04:32.464 is g dashed x equals the limit as delta x approaches 0 of 00:04:32.464 --> 00:04:42.642 g of x plus delta x, minus g of x, all divided by delta x. 00:04:42.930 --> 00:04:46.989 Which equals, again our limit as delta x approaches 0. 00:04:47.580 --> 00:04:55.461 And in this case our g of x plus delta x is C of f of x plus delta x. 00:04:55.461 --> 00:04:58.522 So we substitute that in. 00:04:59.540 --> 00:05:05.385 Minus our g of x which is C f of x. 00:05:05.385 --> 00:05:08.594 All divided by delta x. 00:05:09.180 --> 00:05:13.922 And here I'm going to take the C outside the bracket so we 00:05:13.922 --> 00:05:17.759 have the limit as delta x approaches zero of 00:05:17.759 --> 00:05:24.350 C and then our function of x plus delta x takeaway our function of x... 00:05:25.380 --> 00:05:27.578 divided by delta x. 00:05:27.960 --> 00:05:31.949 And because our constant is nothing whatsoever to do with 00:05:31.949 --> 00:05:36.862 our limit is delta x approaches zero we can actually take the 00:05:36.862 --> 00:05:43.024 constant outside of the limiting sign, so the limit delta x approaches 0 00:05:43.024 --> 00:05:49.070 and we have f of x plus delta x, minus our function of x... 00:05:49.070 --> 00:05:51.997 divided by delta x. 00:05:52.620 --> 00:05:58.740 So this is C and this... is our derivative 00:05:58.740 --> 00:06:02.933 so it's actually our f dashed of x. 00:06:03.280 --> 00:06:06.714 So our g dashed of x, our derivative, 00:06:07.440 --> 00:06:12.249 is equal to C times our f dashed of x. 00:06:17.200 --> 00:06:21.031 Now let's have a look at what we're going to do when 00:06:21.031 --> 00:06:24.562 we have two functions that are added together. 00:06:24.562 --> 00:06:28.416 So let's say we have f of x, plus, g of x. 00:06:28.780 --> 00:06:32.303 And we want to differentiate them with respect to x. 00:06:33.050 --> 00:06:39.225 So we want the derivative of that function with respect to x. 00:06:39.830 --> 00:06:44.120 Well, quite simply, what we do is we differentiate each part 00:06:44.120 --> 00:06:46.762 separately and add them together. 00:06:46.762 --> 00:06:54.993 So that's the same as df dx plus dg dx. 00:06:56.580 --> 00:07:02.169 Similarly, what happens if we want two functions that are 00:07:02.169 --> 00:07:06.330 subtracted and we want to differentiate those? 00:07:06.330 --> 00:07:13.477 Well, again, the derivative of those functions subtracted... 00:07:14.980 --> 00:07:16.940 It's very straightforward. 00:07:17.050 --> 00:07:19.632 Because what we've got here. 00:07:20.260 --> 00:07:23.320 Is just the same as we've got here. But with this second 00:07:23.320 --> 00:07:25.860 function multiplied by minus one. 00:07:25.860 --> 00:07:28.395 And there we are using the 00:07:28.395 --> 00:07:32.651 constant multiplier rule. So this is just the same as the 00:07:32.651 --> 00:07:39.940 derivative of d of x of f of x plus 00:07:39.940 --> 00:07:50.086 minus one times the derivative of g of x. 00:07:53.260 --> 00:07:58.344 So that's our df dx plus 00:07:58.344 --> 00:08:03.271 our minus one times our derivative there which is 00:08:03.271 --> 00:08:08.345 plus minus one times dg dx. 00:08:09.750 --> 00:08:17.976 Which is just the same as df dx minus dg dx. 00:08:20.150 --> 00:08:22.196 Let's just return to our table. 00:08:23.870 --> 00:08:25.370 And we can write those in. 00:08:28.070 --> 00:08:34.812 So we have our constant multiplier rule: c times our function of x, 00:08:34.812 --> 00:08:38.848 is c times df dx. 00:08:40.840 --> 00:08:44.874 And if we have f of x plus g of x. 00:08:45.920 --> 00:08:52.008 Our derivative is df dx plus dg dx. 00:08:53.500 --> 00:08:57.856 And if they're subtracted f of x minus g of x. 00:08:58.470 --> 00:09:04.166 Then the derivative is df dx minus dg dx. 00:09:06.020 --> 00:09:08.205 Now let's have a look at an example. 00:09:10.540 --> 00:09:15.132 2 x cubed minus 6 cos x 00:09:15.132 --> 00:09:20.955 And we want to find the derivative with respect to x. 00:09:22.830 --> 00:09:27.139 And that equals the derivative of 00:09:27.139 --> 00:09:31.954 2 x cubed with respect to x, minus 00:09:31.954 --> 00:09:39.436 the derivative of 6 cos x with respect to x. 00:09:40.530 --> 00:09:42.908 Now what we have here is the 2, which is, 00:09:42.908 --> 00:09:47.794 we can use the constant multiplier rule. So that we've got actually: 00:09:47.794 --> 00:09:55.650 Twice the derivative of x cubed with respect to x, minus, 00:09:55.650 --> 00:09:58.820 and again here using the constant multiplier rule, we can 00:09:58.820 --> 00:10:00.344 take the six outside. 00:10:01.050 --> 00:10:07.747 So it's six times the derivative of cos x with respect to x. 00:10:09.720 --> 00:10:13.145 So we have twice, now the derivative of x cubed 00:10:13.145 --> 00:10:14.893 with respect to x, 00:10:14.893 --> 00:10:22.215 is 3 x squared minus, 6 times 00:10:22.215 --> 00:10:27.823 the derivative of cos x, which is minus sine x. 00:10:29.870 --> 00:10:36.066 So we have two threes, 6 x squared, minus times minus is 00:10:36.066 --> 00:10:40.506 positive times 6 sine x. 00:10:45.830 --> 00:10:48.606 Let's look now at extending the table further. 00:10:50.430 --> 00:10:55.940 So let's start with our function f of x again. 00:10:56.970 --> 00:10:58.397 And our derivative. 00:11:02.060 --> 00:11:06.392 df dx or f dash of x. 00:11:11.250 --> 00:11:17.576 And this time let's look at sine of mx where m is 00:11:17.576 --> 00:11:19.400 any constant number 00:11:19.400 --> 00:11:21.900 and the cos of mx. 00:11:23.640 --> 00:11:27.852 Then we'll have a look at e to the power of mx. 00:11:29.600 --> 00:11:33.704 And then log to the base e of mx. 00:11:38.370 --> 00:11:44.985 Let's look then at y equals sine mx. Now here we're going to do a 00:11:44.985 --> 00:11:49.125 substitution and instead of mx, we're going to write 00:11:49.125 --> 00:11:51.422 u is equal to mx. 00:11:52.520 --> 00:11:55.922 So therefore our y is equal to sine u. 00:11:57.640 --> 00:12:02.684 And we're going to differentiate u with respect to x. 00:12:02.684 --> 00:12:05.345 So du by dx is equal to m. 00:12:06.440 --> 00:12:09.740 And then we're going to differentiate y with respect to 00:12:09.740 --> 00:12:12.960 u. So dy by du equals 00:12:12.960 --> 00:12:17.095 the derivative of sine u, which is cos u. 00:12:18.460 --> 00:12:23.941 Now dy by dx, and you'll learn this in the future, 00:12:23.941 --> 00:12:27.023 dy by dx is equal to 00:12:27.023 --> 00:12:33.781 equal to dy by du multiplied by du by dx. 00:12:34.780 --> 00:12:38.290 Now this is called differentiating a function of a function 00:12:38.290 --> 00:12:43.979 or differentiating using the chain rule, and it's the subject of another tutorial. 00:12:44.490 --> 00:12:47.669 So we're not going to go through the details of that now. 00:12:47.669 --> 00:12:51.974 What I want you to do is just use it as a formula. 00:12:53.980 --> 00:12:57.887 Let's now substitute then dy by du is equal to 00:12:57.887 --> 00:13:04.346 cos u multiplied by du by dx, which equals m. 00:13:05.440 --> 00:13:09.354 Now we usually write the constant first, so 00:13:09.354 --> 00:13:12.480 it'll be m times the cos of u. 00:13:13.180 --> 00:13:19.640 But we introduced the u and we want actually dy in terms of dx 00:13:19.640 --> 00:13:24.278 in terms of x, dy by dx. So what we need to do is to 00:13:24.278 --> 00:13:29.334 substitute back and instead of writing u we want to write mx. 00:13:29.334 --> 00:13:37.260 So we have as dy by dx equals m times the cos of mx. 00:13:38.450 --> 00:13:42.300 So in effect, what's happened when we found the derivative is 00:13:42.300 --> 00:13:43.970 we've multiplied by m. 00:13:44.980 --> 00:13:47.510 So let's go back and put that in our table. 00:13:48.590 --> 00:13:54.629 The derivative of sine mx is m cos mx. 00:13:55.250 --> 00:14:00.239 And in a similar way, the derivative of cos mx will be 00:14:00.239 --> 00:14:06.865 minus m sine mx again, just like multiplying by the m. 00:14:08.290 --> 00:14:12.020 Let's look now at e to the power of mx. 00:14:17.770 --> 00:14:21.917 So our y equals x to the power of mx. 00:14:21.917 --> 00:14:26.310 Again, we're going to do a substitution 00:14:26.310 --> 00:14:29.460 and let u equal mx. 00:14:31.130 --> 00:14:34.518 So that our y is equal to e to the power u. 00:14:36.060 --> 00:14:40.322 Again, we're going to differentiate u with respect to x. 00:14:40.322 --> 00:14:46.194 I'm gonna get m and will differentiate y with respect to u. 00:14:47.160 --> 00:14:48.490 And we get e to the u. 00:14:50.370 --> 00:15:00.125 Our dy by dx is equal to dy by du multiplied by du by dx. 00:15:01.370 --> 00:15:06.735 And if we substitute in, dy by du is e to the u. 00:15:06.735 --> 00:15:08.590 du by dx is m. 00:15:09.320 --> 00:15:12.608 Again, let's write our constant terms first, so 00:15:12.608 --> 00:15:17.129 we get m e to the power u. Now we need to 00:15:17.129 --> 00:15:24.214 substitute back for our u so we get m e to the power of mx. 00:15:24.570 --> 00:15:30.810 So again, our derivative we've ended up multiplying by m. 00:15:32.030 --> 00:15:33.724 Let's put that back in our table. 00:15:36.320 --> 00:15:40.730 So e to the power of mx. The derivative is 00:15:40.730 --> 00:15:43.376 m e to the power of mx. 00:15:45.240 --> 00:15:49.376 Let's look now at log to the base e of mx. 00:15:53.770 --> 00:15:58.533 So y equals log to the base e of mx. 00:15:58.533 --> 00:16:04.338 Same process again. Let's let u equal mx. 00:16:05.310 --> 00:16:09.710 So our y equals log to the base e of u. 00:16:11.280 --> 00:16:15.410 Our du by dx equals m. 00:16:16.920 --> 00:16:24.653 dy by du, the differential of log to the base e of u is 1 over u. 00:16:26.540 --> 00:16:30.876 So our dy by dx equals 00:16:30.876 --> 00:16:36.010 dy by du multiplied by du by dx. 00:16:37.350 --> 00:16:43.759 Our dy by du is 1 over u. Our du by dx is m. 00:16:45.760 --> 00:16:52.871 So we have m divided by u, which is mx and very 00:16:52.871 --> 00:16:57.858 conveniently here, our m's cancel out 00:16:57.858 --> 00:17:06.808 and we end up with 1 over x. So dy by dx is equal to 1 over x. 00:17:07.720 --> 00:17:09.722 So let's put that now in our 00:17:09.722 --> 00:17:15.735 table. So log to the base E of MX is our function, so our 00:17:15.735 --> 00:17:20.610 derivative is one over X and of course this is only the case 00:17:20.610 --> 00:17:24.735 where M is greater than zero. Since we can't take the 00:17:24.735 --> 00:17:26.610 logarithm of a negative number. 00:17:28.200 --> 00:17:31.440 Let's just go back to the calculation that we've just 00:17:31.440 --> 00:17:35.004 done, because there is another way that we could have looked 00:17:35.004 --> 00:17:39.540 at. Differentiating Y equals log to the base E of MX and that was 00:17:39.540 --> 00:17:41.484 by using the laws of logarithms. 00:17:42.180 --> 00:17:47.028 What we could have done was said that Y equals log to 00:17:47.028 --> 00:17:52.280 the base E of M plus log to the base E of X. 00:17:53.430 --> 00:17:55.370 And then differentiated them. 00:17:56.410 --> 00:18:03.626 So I DY by DX is equal to what log to the base E of M. 00:18:04.290 --> 00:18:09.846 Is just a constant. So when we differentiate that we get 0 00:18:09.846 --> 00:18:14.400 plus. Log to the base E of X where we know the derivative 00:18:14.400 --> 00:18:15.580 is one over X. 00:18:16.810 --> 00:18:22.165 So we end up with just the same as before divided by DX is equal 00:18:22.165 --> 00:18:23.593 to one over X. 00:18:27.770 --> 00:18:32.438 Not one final one to have a look at is log to 00:18:32.438 --> 00:18:35.161 the base E of AX plus B. 00:18:37.290 --> 00:18:39.558 So let's just have a look at that one. 00:18:48.930 --> 00:18:52.269 So Y equals log to the base. 00:18:52.950 --> 00:18:55.536 A of a X plus B. 00:18:57.440 --> 00:19:00.261 Again, we're going to use the substitution. 00:19:00.261 --> 00:19:02.679 You equals a X plus B. 00:19:04.120 --> 00:19:06.937 So why? Why is it cool to log to 00:19:06.937 --> 00:19:09.310 the base E? Of you. 00:19:12.280 --> 00:19:16.272 We differentiate you with respect to X. Do 00:19:16.272 --> 00:19:18.767 you buy DX equals a? 00:19:20.430 --> 00:19:24.800 At the Y fi do you equals one over you? 00:19:26.490 --> 00:19:33.310 Again, I DYIDX is equal to DY by du multiplied 00:19:33.310 --> 00:19:36.720 by to you by DMX. 00:19:38.070 --> 00:19:40.630 The Wi-Fi do you is one over you. 00:19:42.250 --> 00:19:46.669 Multiplied by do you buy DX, which is a? 00:19:48.030 --> 00:19:55.386 So we have a divided by IU, which is a X plus 00:19:55.386 --> 00:19:55.999 B. 00:19:57.670 --> 00:19:59.760 So do why by DX. 00:20:00.180 --> 00:20:03.789 Sequel to a divided by a X plus B. 00:20:04.810 --> 00:20:07.434 So finally, let's add that to our table. 00:20:10.030 --> 00:20:16.232 The derivative of locked the base E of X Plus B is a divided 00:20:16.232 --> 00:20:18.004 by 8X Plus B.