1 00:00:00,835 --> 00:00:03,877 I consider it my life's mission 2 00:00:03,877 --> 00:00:08,150 to convey the urgency of climate change through my work. 3 00:00:08,150 --> 00:00:11,726 I've traveled north to the Arctic to the capture the unfolding story 4 00:00:11,726 --> 00:00:13,281 of polar melt, 5 00:00:13,281 --> 00:00:17,740 and south to the equator to document the subsequent rising seas. 6 00:00:17,740 --> 00:00:21,455 Most recently, I visited the icy coast of Greenland 7 00:00:21,455 --> 00:00:24,404 and the low-lying islands of the Maldives, 8 00:00:24,404 --> 00:00:29,582 connecting two seemingly disparate but equally endangered 9 00:00:29,582 --> 00:00:31,672 parts of our planet. 10 00:00:31,672 --> 00:00:34,342 My drawings explore moments 11 00:00:34,342 --> 00:00:34,592 of transition, turbulence, 12 00:00:37,337 --> 00:00:40,309 and tranquility in the landscape, 13 00:00:40,309 --> 00:00:43,815 allowing viewers to emotionally connect 14 00:00:43,815 --> 00:00:47,368 with a place you might never have the chance to visit. 15 00:00:47,368 --> 00:00:49,388 I choose to convey the beauty 16 00:00:49,388 --> 00:00:52,105 as opposed to the devastation. 17 00:00:52,105 --> 00:00:55,217 If you can experience 18 00:00:55,217 --> 00:00:56,888 the sublimity of these landscapes, 19 00:00:56,888 --> 00:01:01,625 perhaps you'll be inspired to protect and preserve them. 20 00:01:01,625 --> 00:01:05,015 Behavioral psychology tells us that we take action 21 00:01:05,015 --> 00:01:09,497 and make decisions based on our emotions above all else, 22 00:01:09,497 --> 00:01:12,957 and studies have shown that art impacts our emotions 23 00:01:12,957 --> 00:01:17,368 more effectively than a scary news report. 24 00:01:17,368 --> 00:01:23,638 Experts predict ice-free Arctic summers as early as 2020, 25 00:01:28,510 --> 00:01:29,114 and sea levels are likely to rise between two and 10 feet 26 00:01:29,300 --> 00:01:30,507 by century's end. 27 00:01:30,507 --> 00:01:34,710 I have dedicated my career to illuminating these projections 28 00:01:34,710 --> 00:01:37,311 with an accessible medium, 29 00:01:37,311 --> 00:01:42,907 one that moves us in a way that statistics may not. 30 00:01:42,907 --> 00:01:45,531 My process begins with traveling to the places 31 00:01:45,531 --> 00:01:47,853 at the forefront of climate change. 32 00:01:47,853 --> 00:01:50,569 On site, I take thousands of photographs, 33 00:01:50,569 --> 00:01:54,958 and back in the studio, I work from both my memory of the experience 34 00:01:54,958 --> 00:01:58,650 and the photographs to create very large-scale compositions, 35 00:01:58,650 --> 00:02:01,412 sometimes over 10 feet wide. 36 00:02:01,412 --> 00:02:04,245 I draw with soft pastel, which is dry, 37 00:02:04,245 --> 00:02:06,520 like charcoal, but colors. 38 00:02:06,520 --> 00:02:10,235 I consider my work drawings, but others call them painting. 39 00:02:10,235 --> 00:02:14,461 I cringe, though, when I'm referred to as a "finger painter." 40 00:02:14,461 --> 00:02:15,901 (Laughter) 41 00:02:15,901 --> 00:02:20,220 But I don't use any tools and I have always used my fingers and palms 42 00:02:20,220 --> 00:02:23,656 to manipulate the pigment on the paper. 43 00:02:23,656 --> 00:02:28,208 Drawing is a form of meditation for me. 44 00:02:28,208 --> 00:02:30,437 It quiets my mind. 45 00:02:30,437 --> 00:02:33,734 I don't perceive what I'm drawing as ice or water. 46 00:02:33,734 --> 00:02:40,352 Instead, the image is stripped down to its most basic form of color and shape. 47 00:02:40,352 --> 00:02:45,483 Once the piece is complete, I can finally experience the composition as a whole 48 00:02:45,483 --> 00:02:48,246 as an iceberg floating through glassy water, 49 00:02:48,246 --> 00:02:52,472 or a wave cresting with foam. 50 00:02:52,472 --> 00:02:54,586 On average, a piece this size 51 00:02:54,586 --> 00:02:57,976 takes me about, as you can see, 10 seconds. 52 00:02:57,976 --> 00:03:01,969 (Laughter) (Applause) 53 00:03:03,757 --> 00:03:07,983 Really more like 200 hours, 250 hours for something that size. 54 00:03:07,983 --> 00:03:10,793 But I've been drawing ever since I could hold a crayon, really. 55 00:03:10,793 --> 00:03:14,322 My mom was an artist, and growing up, we always had art supplies 56 00:03:14,322 --> 00:03:15,507 all over the house. 57 00:03:15,507 --> 00:03:18,757 My mother's love of photography propelled her to the most 58 00:03:18,757 --> 00:03:21,405 remote regions of the Earth, 59 00:03:21,405 --> 00:03:25,259 and my family and I were fortunate enough to join and support her 60 00:03:25,259 --> 00:03:27,047 on these adventures. 61 00:03:27,047 --> 00:03:30,019 We rode camels in northern Africa 62 00:03:30,019 --> 00:03:33,990 and mushing on dog sleds near the North Pole. 63 00:03:33,990 --> 00:03:38,139 In August of 2012, I led my first expedition, 64 00:03:38,139 --> 00:03:43,317 taking a group of artists and scholars up the northwest coast of Greenland. 65 00:03:43,317 --> 00:03:47,358 My mother was originally supposed to lead this trip. 66 00:03:47,358 --> 00:03:49,982 She and I were in the early stages of planning, 67 00:03:49,982 --> 00:03:52,280 as we had intended to go together, 68 00:03:52,280 --> 00:03:56,042 when she fell victim to a brain tumor. 69 00:03:56,042 --> 00:03:59,943 The cancer quickly took over her body and mind, 70 00:03:59,943 --> 00:04:02,799 and she passed away six months later. 71 00:04:02,799 --> 00:04:07,745 During the months of her illness, though, her dedication to the expedition 72 00:04:07,745 --> 00:04:12,668 never wavered, and I made a promise to carry out her final journey. 73 00:04:13,550 --> 00:04:16,383 My mother's passion for the Arctic 74 00:04:16,383 --> 00:04:19,819 echoed through my experience in Greenland, 75 00:04:19,819 --> 00:04:22,768 and I felt the power 76 00:04:22,768 --> 00:04:26,205 and the fragility of the landscape. 77 00:04:26,205 --> 00:04:29,572 The sheer size of the icebergs 78 00:04:29,572 --> 00:04:31,359 is humbling. 79 00:04:31,359 --> 00:04:37,164 The ice fields are alive with movement and sound in a way that I never expected. 80 00:04:37,164 --> 00:04:39,556 I expanded the scale of my compositions 81 00:04:39,556 --> 00:04:42,970 to give you that same sense of awe 82 00:04:42,970 --> 00:04:45,268 that I experienced. 83 00:04:45,268 --> 00:04:48,867 Yet, while the grandeur of the ice is evident, 84 00:04:48,867 --> 00:04:51,329 so too is its vulnerability. 85 00:04:51,329 --> 00:04:54,185 From our boat, I could see the ice 86 00:04:54,185 --> 00:04:57,830 sweating under the unseasonably warm sun. 87 00:04:57,830 --> 00:05:02,567 We had a chance to visit many of the Inuit communities in Greenland 88 00:05:02,567 --> 00:05:05,330 that now face huge challenges. 89 00:05:05,330 --> 00:05:08,721 The locals spoke to me of vast areas of sea ice 90 00:05:08,721 --> 00:05:11,577 that are no longer freezing over as they once did, 91 00:05:11,577 --> 00:05:14,409 and without ice, their hunting and harvesting grounds 92 00:05:14,409 --> 00:05:16,476 are severely diminished, 93 00:05:16,476 --> 00:05:20,446 threatening their way of life and survival. 94 00:05:20,446 --> 00:05:24,742 The melting glaciers in Greenland are one of the largest contributing factors 95 00:05:24,742 --> 00:05:26,902 to rising sea levels, 96 00:05:26,902 --> 00:05:33,125 which have already begun to drown some of our world's lowest lying islands. 97 00:05:33,125 --> 00:05:37,327 One year after my trip to Greenland, I visited the Maldives, 98 00:05:37,327 --> 00:05:40,880 the lowest and flattest country in the entire world. 99 00:05:40,880 --> 00:05:45,269 While I was there, I collected images and inspiration 100 00:05:45,269 --> 00:05:47,289 for a new body of work: 101 00:05:47,289 --> 00:05:51,113 drawings of waves lapping on the coast of a nation 102 00:05:51,113 --> 00:05:53,783 that could be entirely underwater within this century. 103 00:05:53,783 --> 00:06:01,214 Devastating events happen every day 104 00:06:01,214 --> 00:06:05,115 on scales both global and personal. 105 00:06:05,115 --> 00:06:08,063 When I was in Greenland, I scattered my mother's ashes 106 00:06:08,063 --> 00:06:10,966 amidst the melting ice. 107 00:06:10,966 --> 00:06:15,796 Now she remains a part of the landscape she loved so much, 108 00:06:15,796 --> 00:06:21,183 even as it too passes and takes on new form. 109 00:06:21,183 --> 00:06:27,220 Among the many gifts my mother gave me was the ability to focus on the positive 110 00:06:27,220 --> 00:06:29,171 rather than the negative. 111 00:06:29,171 --> 00:06:36,044 My drawings celebrate the beauty of what we all stand to lose. 112 00:06:36,044 --> 00:06:41,663 I hope they conserve as records of sublime landscapes in flux, 113 00:06:41,663 --> 00:06:46,446 documenting the transition and inspiring our global community 114 00:06:46,446 --> 00:06:49,325 to take action for the future. 115 00:06:49,325 --> 00:06:50,974 Thank you. 116 00:06:50,974 --> 00:06:56,059 (Applause)