(alarm) (heartbeat) (thud) ♪ music ♪ (swoosh) How's it going guys? Welcome to another Let's Play in Minecraft We have just Crash-landed on a new planet As you can see behind me there's some crazyness going on! Where in the world are we? Why does it look so different? Everything looks so much bushier There's stuff in the water. Huh! For crying out loud what's going on? Well, we had to escape Earth, Minecraft Earth, because it was being destroyed, I don't know by what, but it looked crazy Haha, so me along with a few other, uh, you know, survivors, I guess, decided to take the escape pods, I'm escape pod #42, and go and try and relocate, and find a new home As you can see here my ship is not working I try and power it on and nothing happens, probably because, you know, it's halfway destroyed Um, but yeah, this planet looks doable I could definitely see this being my home Looks cozy enough, pretty beautiful actually Much better than our previous planet (laugh) Um, so yeah, and there's even stuff in the water We've got a lot of stuff we can explore like, like strawberries, and haha, and blueberries okay, lets break the forth wall for a moment How's it going guys? Welcome to Moded Minecraft part 1 Today, you know, aside from my little story I'm normal me, not an astronaught or anything like that, uh, I just, I figured it was about time we go ahead and start playing some good old fashioned moded Minecraft This is a modpack that I haven't developed It's not something that is available though It's something that I modified, how about that? It is, the backbone of it is Life in the Woods Renaissance Edition with a few mods like Tinker's Construct and Industrial Craft and Build Craft installed Now I'm going to be installing a few things along the way, but this is my fir… Ooo butterfly (laugh) Uh, this is my first modpack series really like, going into detail, so I didn't want to go too crazy And I love this modpack, and I figured it would be great provided we could, you know, add in a few cool mods So that's what I've done Now we should have a survival kit on us lets, uh, make sure. Survival kit, yes. I'm assuming this is the survival kit for #42 'cause it was in my spacepod I would have recorded, uh, you know as I crashed, 'cause you guys saw me crash it landing in, like from space. That hurt a lot, but luckily my protection armor, protective armor, man, I'm, I'm sick by the way, so if you can't tell, ah yeah, just pardon that, haha. It's making me a little crazy Um, but yeah, my protective gear here saved my life really, but I found this kit here in the spaceship, and uh, yes. I'm hoping that it will do us some good. Now let's see what we've got in here. I'm getting a little hungry Hopefully, yes, we've got some bread, and we've got some other stuff, um, which appears to be useful. Apple saplings which I'm hoping, ring some bells to some of you who have watched my modded Lets Plays in the past Alright, let's, let's get everything here We've even got the Tinker's Construct book which I'm going to leave in there for now 'cause I don't need it just quite yet You know, let's even through some stuff in there like… Can I open that with a short cut? I cannot Throw that in there as well and let's go ahead and place these apple trees because I think, the way they sound, you know, I can probably get, you know, a haha good amount of food from them, I'm hoping anyway So let's just do that, and we'll cut them down And, uh, I'm going to save one, just in case Let's through that bad boy in there and come on Bonewheel don't waste Oh, wow, okay Yeah, look at that. There's an apple If I hit it, I get the apple. I want this feature in Vanilla Minecraft. Let's pause for a second. want this tree, or this, this this thing, this feature in Vanilla Minecraft Look at, it's so good. Apples (laugh) I love getting apples from trees, it's just, it's so fun, and it, it's easy to eat, and I love it. We've got some berries too, and I love that. Let's go ahead and get these while we're here. Uh, we've got a lot to do There are a lot of things we could do in this Letsplay, but i've really got to establish a home for myself because, you know, this is a new planet. I don't know what kind of creatures are out there, especially in the waters, and we're right beside a waterway For all I know, the Lochness Monster's in there Um, yeah, those are just squids There are like crazy cool things though, like, let's jump in the water, uh, see if we can see any No, I'm not seeing any on first glance, but there's actually fish that swim around It's really cool. I love this modpack, love it to death, and there's coral too, which is awesome. So a lot of cool stuff And it actually handles really well on my computer too, so, haha, that's a first for a modpack. Alright, so now that we've gotten our hunger established, let's go ahead and come over here, chop this tree down, hopefully get some saplings from it. That would suck if we didn't. Uh, but I don't know how far we're gonna get today because there's a lot of stuff I'm going to have to research I, I'm a noob when it comes to mods So hopefully you mod experts there in the comments can let me know, you know, what I should do. I'm going to put a list for all the mods that I'm using down below So give me some ideas, man haha I do want to get into Tinker's Construct pretty soon though. Oh, we've got chisel as well and carpenter's blocks which is pretty awesome, if I do say so myself Is it getting dark? No, but our day's halfway over We probably ought to get, you know, something like a resting, uh, place, like a bed, haha I don't know what bed options there are Luckily we've got, uh, not enough items here or whatever it's called Let' see if there's anything other than the standard bed. Sleeping bags? No, there's no sleeping bags. That would be cool though. A bed, same old crafting recipe. Is there an easy why, like, to make wool, or is that not a thing? Uh, cattails That, is not gonna help (laugh) But still we've got that, which is cool More and more trees and apples Haha, I'm going to get the basic tools going guys, and, uh, try and get like myself situated here, and take a little breather as I said, I am sick, uh, but I'm very happy to be doing this Ooo more saplings, and I guess I'll just see you guys once I'm a little more prepared But stay tuned, make sure to leave a thumbs up, hopefully you enjoyed the, uh, the intro there, and comment below, like I said, what you want me to do, um, like first, because there's tons of stuff I could do But I'm going to go ahead and get myself situated here… Another butterfly I love it And, uh, I'll see you guys in just a moment (swoosh) Alright, so just checking in. I'm in the middle of mining here, and we've gotten a little bit of iron. I just wanted to show like, a little bit more of the mod side of this stuff This is essentially just cobblestone, it's biome specific. It's from the Underground Biomes Constructs mod, I guess Really cool feature because I love the fact that it's all going to be different depending on the mod, or the, er, biome we're in. It's just going to be really really heavy on the exploration, and I just I wanted to show you guys, because I think that should hopefully reel a few of you in Uh, but I'm down here in this cave essentially or ravine, I guess would be more like it Just tryin' to get a little bit of resources I think we've gotten essentially all that we really need for now So I'm going to come over here, we're going to make a, well, I hope we're going to be able to make a furnace out of this stuff We can! See look, it's just like simple, uh cobblestone, which is nice We're going to do that. I don't really think I'm going to need any of that, uh, for food I think we'll just betta cook up this iron and get rid of these stone tools, 'cause these are just terrible But I think we're go ahead and look into Tinker's Construct a little bit I know that there's a standard set of stuff to do. Like, we need, uh, certain things like patterns But I think we're gonna need… Let's see, how do you do this? We're going to need these, first of all Four blank patterns, I know that Uh, we're gonna need, what does this do? I'm pretty sure that's something, okay A stencil table, ooo, okay Thank you librarian in the sky (laugh) And then we're gonna need, I'm pretty sure if we come over here and chop down this big old tree… wait, is there any apples?