WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:21.465 36C3 preroll music 00:00:21.465 --> 00:00:24.660 Herald: Our next speaker is Chris Adams, and we were talking about reducing carbon 00:00:24.660 --> 00:00:28.854 in the digital realm. How to understand the environmental impact of the digital 00:00:28.854 --> 00:00:33.844 products you built and take measurable steps to green your stack. Floor is yours. 00:00:33.844 --> 00:00:41.490 Chris Adams: Cool! applause Hello everyone. First of all, can you folks hear 00:00:41.490 --> 00:00:46.378 me in the back? Yeah. If you can just raise your hands. Excellent, cooI! All 00:00:46.378 --> 00:00:51.140 right. Hello everyone. My name is Chris Adams. As you can see, Mr. Credit, Chris 00:00:51.140 --> 00:00:55.470 Adams on pretty much every online ralley. Please don't try to follow this link 00:00:55.470 --> 00:00:58.667 because it's not actually gonna go anywhere yet, but it will be up at the end 00:00:58.667 --> 00:01:03.410 of this talk. I'm just going to introduce myself. If you don't already know me, my 00:01:03.410 --> 00:01:07.830 name is Chris Adams. I have a background working in environmental kind of wacky 00:01:07.830 --> 00:01:12.920 startups from Loco2, which was all about trying to make trains easier to book than 00:01:12.920 --> 00:01:16.738 planes. A.M.E.E, which was all about putting kind of carbon calculation as an 00:01:16.738 --> 00:01:20.210 API, so you could work out the carbon footprint of anything. And now I spend a 00:01:20.210 --> 00:01:23.970 bunch of my time working with the Green Web Foundation, where our mission is to 00:01:23.970 --> 00:01:28.110 basically make the web green. And I also help organize an online community called 00:01:28.110 --> 00:01:33.300 ClimateAction.tech, which as you can see is for folk like yourselves who want to 00:01:33.300 --> 00:01:39.870 work out how to do something about climate in their day job and what they do. I've 00:01:39.870 --> 00:01:45.580 got about 45 minutes with you and this is a kind of rough outline for the day. I'm 00:01:45.580 --> 00:01:49.890 gonna briefly give you a kind of primer on how you measure carbon and why you might 00:01:49.890 --> 00:01:55.030 measure that. I'll share with you a mental model which I found useful for helping 00:01:55.030 --> 00:02:00.000 think about what steps I can actually take as professional working in this field; and 00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:04.380 then I'll give you some pointers of where to go next. If you feel compelled to do 00:02:04.380 --> 00:02:09.250 something about, well, what is essentially an existential challenge and the biggest 00:02:09.250 --> 00:02:15.500 challenge we are already facing. So first of all, measuring carbon! So, can you just 00:02:15.500 --> 00:02:20.800 show you... raise your hands if you've seen this before? Yes. The water cycle. So 00:02:20.800 --> 00:02:24.640 you get the idea that we've got like a water, kind of, evaporates, goes along 00:02:24.640 --> 00:02:29.690 into the sky, then comes down and rains. And then... generally it's best if it 00:02:29.690 --> 00:02:33.850 doesn't go in one place because that's that's a good thing. But generally we have 00:02:33.850 --> 00:02:40.400 like cycles in nature and one of them we have is for water and we also have 00:02:40.400 --> 00:02:43.451 cycles elsewhere. And that's kind of why I want to share with you here, because there 00:02:43.451 --> 00:02:47.930 are also cycles around carbon. So what you're seeing here is actually some freeze 00:02:47.930 --> 00:02:54.200 frames of a really, really cool but somewhat confusing video. And as I was 00:02:54.200 --> 00:02:58.930 saying, kind of carbon works on a kind of slower timescale that might have here. So, 00:02:58.930 --> 00:03:01.960 this is an... this is basically a diagram of all the carbon in the world with some 00:03:01.960 --> 00:03:06.760 idea of proportions. All right? So, the green stuff up here, this is us like we're 00:03:06.760 --> 00:03:11.760 made of carbon. It turns out. So a tree. Trees are made of carbon. And when living 00:03:11.760 --> 00:03:14.480 things die and decompose, some of the carbon ends in the atmosphere as we 00:03:14.480 --> 00:03:19.810 decompose. The purple stuff here - this is like the ocean. Fish are made of carbon, 00:03:19.810 --> 00:03:23.610 too. And so are plants and everything like that. And when they die, they sink down, 00:03:23.610 --> 00:03:28.100 which is why you've got this massive chunky like stock of carbon down here. 00:03:28.100 --> 00:03:32.070 Eventually, some of that might become sediment, then form rock, then end up in 00:03:32.070 --> 00:03:36.090 this kind of black stuff around here, which we kind of consider that the earth's 00:03:36.090 --> 00:03:39.740 crust. So then at the top, we've got carbon in the atmosphere. So you really 00:03:39.740 --> 00:03:43.420 can't see it very well. But there is carbon up here. This is kind of 00:03:43.420 --> 00:03:47.090 atmospheric carbon, really. And there is like if you watch this video that I've 00:03:47.090 --> 00:03:52.319 linked to, you can see all moving around as a cycle. But this is kind of wealth 00:03:52.319 --> 00:03:59.850 carbon, really. So now in about 1850, we started using a lot more energy. And 00:03:59.850 --> 00:04:03.730 to meet that demand of all this energy, we started burning fossil fuels in earnest as 00:04:03.730 --> 00:04:07.530 well as burning wood for fuel. And you can see the fossil fuels here as kind of stuff 00:04:07.530 --> 00:04:12.930 that's kind of come out of here and is now represented here. And we've also taken 00:04:12.930 --> 00:04:18.470 some carbon in the earth and burn some of that, and like... What is it? Where does 00:04:18.470 --> 00:04:23.000 this all go? There's a clue in these arrows on the screen. Right? Now if we 00:04:23.000 --> 00:04:27.280 fast forward to 2017, it looks a bit more like this. You've seen like there's less 00:04:27.280 --> 00:04:30.970 of this red stuff down here because it's got into here and because it's circulated 00:04:30.970 --> 00:04:38.230 all the way around. We've ended up with carbon in other parts of Earth. And, in 00:04:38.230 --> 00:04:41.909 particular, you'll see that we have fewer red dots down here, but we've got a lot 00:04:41.909 --> 00:04:46.840 more around here, which is going to pushed some of the carbon higher up here. So this 00:04:46.840 --> 00:04:50.560 is kind of... if there's one thing I want you to kind of really take away is that 00:04:50.560 --> 00:04:55.050 when we talk about climate, it's really about carbon. And we need as an industry 00:04:55.050 --> 00:04:59.130 to be able to get good at understanding how to reduce carbon more than anything 00:04:59.130 --> 00:05:03.680 else. If we're going to be thinking about climate. Now, I'll try and break this down 00:05:03.680 --> 00:05:08.259 to a kind of simple way, which I found really, really useful for this. There's a 00:05:08.259 --> 00:05:13.860 lady on Twitter. Her name is Professor Julia Kay Steinberger. She's awesome. She 00:05:13.860 --> 00:05:16.699 has this really nice way. She recently shared this thread on Twitter where she 00:05:16.699 --> 00:05:22.060 basically explained how she explains kind of climate change to her children who are 4 00:05:22.060 --> 00:05:26.259 and 7 years old. And she basically did it this way. She got like a globe, wrapped it 00:05:26.259 --> 00:05:30.960 in some plastic and then said, well, this is basically what happens. You understand 00:05:30.960 --> 00:05:34.090 the idea of being wrapped up in things getting warm and things getting too warm. 00:05:34.090 --> 00:05:37.831 That's it. And like, that turned out to be a really effective way for her to do it. 00:05:37.831 --> 00:05:42.979 And it turned out if kids can get this stuff, then I think we can. And I think 00:05:42.979 --> 00:05:46.830 it's really, really useful for us to kind of be aware that carbon is actually a thing 00:05:46.830 --> 00:05:52.189 that we do need to be able to count, and track and account for in our jobs. So 00:05:52.189 --> 00:05:55.729 we've spoken about this on a planetary scale, which isn't all that actionable. 00:05:55.729 --> 00:06:00.120 But if we were to kind of bring this down to organizational scale, where the most of 00:06:00.120 --> 00:06:05.520 us might kind of work and more specific, it might be easier for us to act upon. It 00:06:05.520 --> 00:06:09.370 might look a little bit like this. There are established ways to measure carbon 00:06:09.370 --> 00:06:13.629 within an organization you work in and in the same way that accountants might talk 00:06:13.629 --> 00:06:17.659 about legal ownership of a company. There are guidelines for talking about who has 00:06:17.659 --> 00:06:21.800 responsibility for emissions when you're reporting and deciding who should be 00:06:21.800 --> 00:06:26.180 changed, who should be making reductions. And I'm sure in this diagram here to 00:06:26.180 --> 00:06:30.249 actually take some very, very dull, dry material into something that we can relate 00:06:30.249 --> 00:06:34.979 to, which is hot beverages and coffee. And, generally, you can think of it like 00:06:34.979 --> 00:06:40.199 this: if either these three kind of scopes, there's this idea of scope 1 00:06:40.199 --> 00:06:45.249 emissions, which is basically if I burn fossil fuels to heat up a, say, container 00:06:45.249 --> 00:06:49.850 so I can have coffee, then that's the emissions from me burning less fossil 00:06:49.850 --> 00:06:55.339 fuels myself and my scope 1 emissions. Scope 2 might be me using a kettle. So if 00:06:55.339 --> 00:06:59.300 someone is a burning coal to generate electricity for me to kind of boil the 00:06:59.300 --> 00:07:04.460 kettle, then that's my scope 2. Now scope 3 might be me walking to a store or into a 00:07:04.460 --> 00:07:09.120 coffee shop and all the emissions and all of that supply chain - that's my scope 3. 00:07:09.120 --> 00:07:13.509 So there's this idea of kind of like dependency chain of carbon, which... 00:07:13.509 --> 00:07:16.210 because I'm speaking to a bunch of people who have some understanding where 00:07:16.210 --> 00:07:20.210 technology I think you should be, kind of, you should be ready to be comfortable with 00:07:20.210 --> 00:07:24.840 the concept of dependency chains and things like that. And to make this a bit 00:07:24.840 --> 00:07:30.619 more concrete, I refer to, say, a good example. So Stripe... Has anyone heard of 00:07:30.619 --> 00:07:35.619 Stripe here? Okay, a few of you. Okay. So, basically, payments company. All right? 00:07:35.619 --> 00:07:39.169 Now they are actually pretty good about sharing information about what they do and 00:07:39.169 --> 00:07:44.870 what their emissions are. And you can see this here. They've basically got... in 00:07:44.870 --> 00:07:48.839 2017, they started making noises about becoming carbon neutral and they started 00:07:48.839 --> 00:07:52.969 reporting information in these kind of scopes here. And you'll see this phrase - 00:07:52.969 --> 00:07:57.789 TCO2E, but basically just think of that as carbon dioxide, the stuff that's warming 00:07:57.789 --> 00:08:01.279 up the world because there's different gases, but they all have more or less the 00:08:01.279 --> 00:08:06.509 same effect. So in many cases, people will use the term CO2E2 to describe all of 00:08:06.509 --> 00:08:11.939 these kind of basket of gases. All right? But you see here that from a scope 1 00:08:11.939 --> 00:08:15.849 emissions are quite small because they're usually just heating a building. Scope 2 00:08:15.849 --> 00:08:21.110 is a little bit higher, because they pay to, say, keep a building running. And then 00:08:21.110 --> 00:08:25.010 you'll see down here that there's massive scope 3, because they tend to pay for a 00:08:25.010 --> 00:08:28.740 lift infrastructure and have a lot of people flying around as if they're prevent 00:08:28.740 --> 00:08:34.229 a lists??? and so on. All right? Let's look at some other other examples. Amazon! 00:08:34.229 --> 00:08:38.479 So Amazon repeat started reporting on CO2 emissions for the first time this year. 00:08:38.479 --> 00:08:43.240 And long story short, their carbon footprint is about the same as the country 00:08:43.240 --> 00:08:49.029 of Finland. Right. Which is kind of large. And as you can see, because obviously they 00:08:49.029 --> 00:08:53.529 run lots of services, which is why you got 4,5 million tonnes of CO2. They also have 00:08:53.529 --> 00:08:57.480 a lot of warehouses and things like that, and have a lot of kind of cars or vehicles 00:08:57.480 --> 00:09:01.460 that are getting things around. But because they actually have a large supply 00:09:01.460 --> 00:09:05.670 chain themselves, they have a massive honking great scope set of scope 3 00:09:05.670 --> 00:09:10.760 emissions. So let's look at another company, right. Google. So Google is a 00:09:10.760 --> 00:09:14.570 Google has a surprisingly low emissions considering scale, about the same as the 00:09:14.570 --> 00:09:19.230 African country of Liberia. All right? Now, there's something interesting here. 00:09:19.230 --> 00:09:25.180 Google have reported their emissions with scope 1, 2 that you can see here. And 3, 00:09:25.180 --> 00:09:30.070 but they have this interesting thing here, where this is the energy they're using. 00:09:30.070 --> 00:09:34.020 But this is the energy they say that they're using because they are purchasing 00:09:34.020 --> 00:09:38.360 what are basically renewable energy credits, which is one way of using green 00:09:38.360 --> 00:09:42.920 energy. If you do not have access to green energy in certain parts of the grid and 00:09:42.920 --> 00:09:47.520 Google are pretty good in this field, but it's worth bearing that in mind. Google 00:09:47.520 --> 00:09:51.260 are transparent about this stuff, where at Amazon, you don't see these numbers. So 00:09:51.260 --> 00:09:55.380 this number could be somewhat higher for we know. All right. So this gives you an 00:09:55.380 --> 00:09:58.400 idea of what some of these numbers might look like. And then let's look at another 00:09:58.400 --> 00:10:04.880 company, which is also, well I assume you might have heard of. Is this works? Yes. I 00:10:04.880 --> 00:10:09.790 go to Apple. Yeah. So Apple has... these are their emissions with just their 00:10:09.790 --> 00:10:14.200 facilities. So just their data centers and just, say, the offices that they have. 00:10:14.200 --> 00:10:18.280 Right. So this is quite low, by comparison. Right. So this is carbon 00:10:18.280 --> 00:10:22.750 emissions of maybe Gambia - another small African country. All right. And 00:10:22.750 --> 00:10:25.560 you'll see once again, by sourcing renewable energy, they've had a kind of 00:10:25.560 --> 00:10:29.670 quite big reduction in the emissions that they otherwise wouldn't had. But you'll 00:10:29.670 --> 00:10:33.670 also see that in scope 3, because there's lots of flying and because there's lots of 00:10:33.670 --> 00:10:38.000 commuting, they have a lovely new office miles away from anywhere. So you have to 00:10:38.000 --> 00:10:41.360 drive to get there, you know, it's like, I don't know, 40 percent of the emissions 00:10:41.360 --> 00:10:46.680 were just their facilities. We have to drive there and back. All right. But if 00:10:46.680 --> 00:10:49.551 you look at the emissions from Apple as all the products that people buy, you'll 00:10:49.551 --> 00:10:53.530 see that the emissions are somewhat larger, about the same size as Mongolia, 00:10:53.530 --> 00:10:57.740 which is kind of large. And you will also see that there is a large... this is a 00:10:57.740 --> 00:11:01.050 breakdown from Apples annual report, and they basically... they're pretty 00:11:01.050 --> 00:11:04.430 transparent about this stuff and they're good on this. And they say this is where 00:11:04.430 --> 00:11:08.900 the emissions come from. And you can see all the way around here, this is the 00:11:08.900 --> 00:11:13.760 manufacturing. The machines they have. And then if we zoom in to like this bit over 00:11:13.760 --> 00:11:19.200 here. Right. You'll see that there's a little bit of information there. There's 00:11:19.200 --> 00:11:23.360 like, obviously use phase. But the main car, the main impact from what they do is 00:11:23.360 --> 00:11:29.660 actually making the electronics. So this is kind of how we tend to think about a 00:11:29.660 --> 00:11:34.030 carbon and how one might report on carbon and make it and make decisions 00:11:34.030 --> 00:11:37.030 to reduce carbon. All right. Now, I'm going to share with you a mental model, 00:11:37.030 --> 00:11:43.810 which I found helpful in this field. I call it Platform, Packets and Process. And 00:11:43.810 --> 00:11:47.730 it's generally aimed taking something which is quite abstract to this scope 1, 2 00:11:47.730 --> 00:11:51.710 and 3 thing, to something that you might act upon inside the teams that you work 00:11:51.710 --> 00:11:56.820 in. And it kind of maps to the kind of groups that you might be working in if 00:11:56.820 --> 00:12:00.450 you're, say, a frontend developer or a backend developer, or a designer, or 00:12:00.450 --> 00:12:04.501 product manager. So it kind of tries to map to that. And as you can see, platform 00:12:04.501 --> 00:12:07.890 might be infrastructure you run; Packets is infrastructure other folk run, like the 00:12:07.890 --> 00:12:11.610 rest of the Internet; and Process would be decisions that are made inside your 00:12:11.610 --> 00:12:16.330 organization that cause that to be emissions. So if you highlight a large 00:12:16.330 --> 00:12:19.730 company and you have a massive, say, corporate campus which is miles away from 00:12:19.730 --> 00:12:22.910 everyone else has to drive to. Then there's gonna be a load of emissions from 00:12:22.910 --> 00:12:27.960 that decision that you actually make. So let's run through this. On the scope 1, 2, 00:12:27.960 --> 00:12:31.870 3 thing I shared with you, this is a kind of how it maps. And this might look like 00:12:31.870 --> 00:12:35.650 some of the things, some activities you might have been involved in that will 00:12:35.650 --> 00:12:40.150 create emissions. So, generally, on the platform side, if you're running 00:12:40.150 --> 00:12:44.150 infrastructure yourself, there'll be scope 2; if it's scope 3 you'll see here and, 00:12:44.150 --> 00:12:50.800 well, I'll go into the other ones in more detail later. All right. So this is the 00:12:50.800 --> 00:12:54.560 model that I'm sharing with you today. All right. So let's have a look at Platform: 00:12:54.560 --> 00:12:57.700 infrastructure that you run. There are kind of three levels, which I'm going to 00:12:57.700 --> 00:13:02.460 share with you today, which might be of use to you. All right. There are so 00:13:02.460 --> 00:13:06.800 basically Provisioning, Provider and I'm a bit worried about showing this last one 00:13:06.800 --> 00:13:10.030 because it's kind of new: the other programing languages. And that's partly 00:13:10.030 --> 00:13:14.480 based on some stuff from yesterday. But also, I'm a bit worried about kind of 00:13:14.480 --> 00:13:19.410 inciting the pitchfolks when I share this. But we'll see where we go with this. So 00:13:19.410 --> 00:13:22.280 Provisioning is one level you might actually have if you build digital 00:13:22.280 --> 00:13:28.890 products and you run servers. All right. So this chart you see here is a chart from 00:13:28.890 --> 00:13:33.870 the CEO Power of Wireless Cloud Report. This basically shows how Australia uses 00:13:33.870 --> 00:13:38.880 the Internet and it gives you an idea that, well, we don't use the Internet in a 00:13:38.880 --> 00:13:44.090 uniform fashion all the time, because basically if you think about us being set 00:13:44.090 --> 00:13:49.900 at midnight as we tend to fall asleep, we tend to use Internet less. All right. And 00:13:49.900 --> 00:13:52.590 then as we wake up, we might say kind of have coffee or something like that, then 00:13:52.590 --> 00:13:57.200 as more of us come to work, we start using it more. And then later on we work during 00:13:57.200 --> 00:14:00.950 the day, then we'll go home. But you will start watching Netflix and things. And 00:14:00.950 --> 00:14:03.810 then once again, we fall asleep and then we get to there. So there is a kind of 00:14:03.810 --> 00:14:07.490 pattern. And if you have any analytics on how your own tools are using your ad 00:14:07.490 --> 00:14:12.660 services are used, you'll see these kind of waves and patterns in how it works. And 00:14:12.660 --> 00:14:16.560 this is worth bearing in mind, because traditionally when we've had to provision 00:14:16.560 --> 00:14:22.250 services to support something like a Web site or a video streaming service, the way 00:14:22.250 --> 00:14:27.500 that we used to do it was basically buy a big server that can handle the peak usage. 00:14:27.500 --> 00:14:32.570 And we just accept that. Because Provisioning is quite a difficult kind of, 00:14:32.570 --> 00:14:37.000 because it's a pain to do. We just leave this big box idling most of the time in 00:14:37.000 --> 00:14:42.340 the hope that we could actually hit the surfing at the peak, right. Now the 00:14:42.340 --> 00:14:46.590 downside of that is that, well, if we can make this conceptual leap that the cloud 00:14:46.590 --> 00:14:50.780 computing is someone else's computer, then it shouldn't be that much of a leap again, 00:14:50.780 --> 00:14:54.930 to realize that computers run electricity and we generally burn fossil fuels right 00:14:54.930 --> 00:15:00.000 now to generate electricity. So in the example we had before, when we had this 00:15:00.000 --> 00:15:03.740 big box that wasn't being used, we would basically be burning money to pay for 00:15:03.740 --> 00:15:07.670 capacity, we didn't have. But we're also burning fossil fuels and causing emissions 00:15:07.670 --> 00:15:13.070 one way. Now we've got better kind of running infrastructure. All right. So 00:15:13.070 --> 00:15:15.840 we've had this kind of trend over the last, say, 10 to 15 years to abstract 00:15:15.840 --> 00:15:19.930 machines away to make them easier to manage. So this might be VMs or 00:15:19.930 --> 00:15:25.560 containers, or dinos, or unicorns, or whatever you might prefer to use. But in 00:15:25.560 --> 00:15:29.010 general, the pattern is make something more abstract and then make it easier to 00:15:29.010 --> 00:15:34.630 spin it up and down in response to demand. All right. This is better because we now 00:15:34.630 --> 00:15:38.930 have something looks a bit like this. So we are not... we're wasting less well, 00:15:38.930 --> 00:15:42.870 we're burning less money, but we're still burning money. And as a result, we're 00:15:42.870 --> 00:15:47.570 still burning fossil fuels. Now, there's some new changes in the last few years, 00:15:47.570 --> 00:15:51.680 which are relatively recent, and we're seeing kind of changes in how we work now, 00:15:51.680 --> 00:15:55.529 which look a lot, look and sound is sometimes referred to as like service lists 00:15:55.529 --> 00:16:01.220 or functions as a service if you work on the backend with the servers, right. Now 00:16:01.220 --> 00:16:05.210 here, this is interesting, because we're rewarded for efficient use of computers, 00:16:05.210 --> 00:16:09.690 because we basically pay on a per request basis. So if someone tries to load a page, 00:16:09.690 --> 00:16:13.120 we pay for specifically that request. And then when we're not using it, 00:16:13.120 --> 00:16:18.740 theoretically we're paying for nothing and theoretically things can spin right down. 00:16:18.740 --> 00:16:24.450 So there's a much clearer mapping between the usage and what you would pay for here. 00:16:24.450 --> 00:16:30.730 Now, there is a trade off here that is the number of providers that if you want to 00:16:30.730 --> 00:16:34.570 use tools like this and have this much tighter mapping is that we end up with a 00:16:34.570 --> 00:16:39.120 small number of people who do provide this. So if you were to go to, if you want 00:16:39.120 --> 00:16:42.130 to move to something like this, you generally end up using something like 00:16:42.130 --> 00:16:48.140 either Microsoft Stacks or Google or AWS. And this kind of presents us with a kind 00:16:48.140 --> 00:16:54.810 of awkward problem right now. If we care about climate and we care about like 00:16:54.810 --> 00:16:59.590 basically being able to solve problems, as say professionals, we have to choose two 00:16:59.590 --> 00:17:04.150 of these three things. So we kind of care about the fossil fuel thing because we're 00:17:04.150 --> 00:17:08.530 in a climate crisis officially now. All right. Also since I think December, when 00:17:08.530 --> 00:17:13.870 the EU parlament declared this. If you've used to running any kind of online 00:17:13.870 --> 00:17:17.720 service, you'll be aware that in many cases there is a kind of shift to 00:17:17.720 --> 00:17:20.960 basically use a hosted thing, because it turns out that running infrastructure is 00:17:20.960 --> 00:17:25.760 extremely complicated. And in many cases, if you can buy versus build, then you'll 00:17:25.760 --> 00:17:30.030 often save yourself a lot of hassle. And the final one thing is, well, avoiding 00:17:30.030 --> 00:17:33.350 oligopolies is quite a good thing, and because diverse ecosystems are healthy 00:17:33.350 --> 00:17:37.760 ecosystems and we kind of don't really have so many options right now; if you do 00:17:37.760 --> 00:17:42.240 care about this, it does feel a little bit like this. And as we saw from just 00:17:42.240 --> 00:17:47.770 yesterday, if you are at this stage, you saw Gillian Oliver talking about this and 00:17:47.770 --> 00:17:52.660 how much infrastructure you had to run themselves, in many cases because we 00:17:52.660 --> 00:17:55.800 didn't win it with this consolidation, where if you want to use one service, you 00:17:55.800 --> 00:18:00.960 have to buy into all these other things associated with that company. All right. 00:18:00.960 --> 00:18:04.920 So that's one of the trade off you might have to think about when it comes to, say, 00:18:04.920 --> 00:18:09.350 Platform and Provisioning. Provider is also another decision that might affect 00:18:09.350 --> 00:18:14.650 it. Now, I didn't mention in the beginning of this talk that you can basically reduce 00:18:14.650 --> 00:18:20.001 emissions from what you do. If you say a cloud provide like AWS just by running it 00:18:20.001 --> 00:18:25.640 in a different region. So you can see this map here. This is by this person who is 00:18:25.640 --> 00:18:29.820 best paid by Amazon to build kind of sketch naughty things. And this is a list 00:18:29.820 --> 00:18:32.600 of all the data centers and you'll see the ones with the green leaves, which are 00:18:32.600 --> 00:18:38.450 marked as kind of sustainable regions. And you see on the right hand side on the east 00:18:38.450 --> 00:18:41.410 coast of America, which is around North Virginia, which has traditionally been 00:18:41.410 --> 00:18:46.420 coal country - you don't have much in the green regions there, but on the left hand 00:18:46.420 --> 00:18:50.180 side, where you see a lot of kind of leaves. And that's because on the west 00:18:50.180 --> 00:18:55.940 coast of America, there's a lot more hydro and things like that. So, you know, 00:18:55.940 --> 00:19:00.470 with kind of a lower CO2 for each kind of unit of computer that you're paying for. 00:19:00.470 --> 00:19:05.200 So, yes, you can reduce emissions just by switching from one region to another 00:19:05.200 --> 00:19:10.270 region. And this is because, basically, to expand that point I shared with you 00:19:10.270 --> 00:19:16.160 before, where you are in the world... like the place will affect the carbon intensity 00:19:16.160 --> 00:19:20.260 of the emissions that come from running infrastructure anywhere. So let's have a 00:19:20.260 --> 00:19:24.600 look at Europe. Right. So France kind of green full of nukes, right. So that's good 00:19:24.600 --> 00:19:29.731 for some people, maybe less so in Germany. Right. Germany, which is up here, this is 00:19:29.731 --> 00:19:34.720 the land of solar and coal. Right. So we're not all that green. England is 00:19:34.720 --> 00:19:38.270 actually got lit up quite a bit better than it was before. But up here, you can 00:19:38.270 --> 00:19:43.380 see Poland: aww, not so good. Poland is really, really into coal. And as you can 00:19:43.380 --> 00:19:46.760 see up here in the Nordic states where there's loads and loads of mountains and 00:19:46.760 --> 00:19:50.880 wind and water, that things are really, really green. And this gives you an idea 00:19:50.880 --> 00:19:54.170 that you can kind of see where the emission, the likely emissions might be 00:19:54.170 --> 00:19:57.650 depending on where you're on the world and that you might make decisions based on 00:19:57.650 --> 00:20:01.000 this. But to have to kind of compare against this is gonna be quite complicated 00:20:01.000 --> 00:20:06.290 process. So one thing that we do. All right. The Green Web Foundation, which is 00:20:06.290 --> 00:20:09.930 where I currently work, is we build like a directory to make it easier for you to 00:20:09.930 --> 00:20:14.910 make that, to do the right thing. And we present this information as an API and as 00:20:14.910 --> 00:20:18.200 data sets for you to kind of build into your own tool in which I'll expand a 00:20:18.200 --> 00:20:20.940 little bit later. But one of the key things is that your provider will actually 00:20:20.940 --> 00:20:26.109 have an impact on who you... basically, where something is will have an impact on 00:20:26.109 --> 00:20:32.160 emissions from here. There is also... At this point here I wanna segue a bit into kind of 00:20:32.160 --> 00:20:37.560 energy markets, because when you start working with computers and if you have to, 00:20:37.560 --> 00:20:41.760 if you're responsible for any service, the more you think about cloud or how to work 00:20:41.760 --> 00:20:46.910 with cloud, the more you realize how many parallels there are to energy markets. 00:20:46.910 --> 00:20:52.954 Now energy markets are really interesting in lots of strange ways, right. So in 00:20:52.954 --> 00:20:56.890 Europe, but actually in lots of places around the world, you can have cases where 00:20:56.890 --> 00:21:02.276 the cost of electricity is actually negative rather than positive. So like on 00:21:02.276 --> 00:21:06.580 a day where there's which is really, really sunny or really, really windy, it's 00:21:06.580 --> 00:21:12.340 actually cheaper for the grid to basically pay people to basically take energy off 00:21:12.340 --> 00:21:17.980 the grid to keep it stable than it is to say power down a nuclear power station 00:21:17.980 --> 00:21:21.869 or power down some kind of large coal fired power station. And then under 00:21:21.869 --> 00:21:25.470 assault, you end up with these scenarios where you have a negative and you have 00:21:25.470 --> 00:21:29.550 negative cost. And one of the reasons here is to basically get people to kind of take 00:21:29.550 --> 00:21:34.130 this demand and put it to use in other places. And I'm sharing this with you 00:21:34.130 --> 00:21:38.430 because it's the kind of the idea like shifting load might be might be something 00:21:38.430 --> 00:21:43.809 you're aware of as developers or trying to kind of delay jobs, for example. But you 00:21:43.809 --> 00:21:48.360 see this manifesting now in how we use energy, but basically things like with 00:21:48.360 --> 00:21:53.761 IV's and things. So this is an example: Bulb energy in the UK. They will 00:21:53.761 --> 00:21:57.910 basically... if you have a car, they, basically have time rest now, where 00:21:57.910 --> 00:22:02.710 depending on the time of day or if you're prepared to kind of provide, be a little 00:22:02.710 --> 00:22:06.820 bit less strict about when you need something running, then you'll get a 00:22:06.820 --> 00:22:12.870 cheaper electricity. And why am I sharing this with you? Because I think you start 00:22:12.870 --> 00:22:21.400 to see things like this in the realm of like computing now. So this is a paper 00:22:21.400 --> 00:22:26.780 that was shared this year, the ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S), basic conference 00:22:26.780 --> 00:22:31.910 in Lapperate, which I've misspelt. Sorry, Finnish people. And the general idea is 00:22:31.910 --> 00:22:37.440 that these people started building Kubernetes Scheduler to basically run a docker container, 00:22:37.440 --> 00:22:43.330 run machines, run workloads where energy was cheap and green by basically 00:22:43.330 --> 00:22:51.300 tracking where it was sunny really. And they were able to do this on where they 00:22:51.300 --> 00:22:55.200 end up working with Microsoft to do this, because Microsoft is one large company 00:22:55.200 --> 00:22:58.940 that has a number of data centers all around the world. But it kind of sucks 00:22:58.940 --> 00:23:02.770 that there's only one company that you can actually get this stuff from, or if you 00:23:02.770 --> 00:23:05.630 wanted to do something kind of cool with, say, a more 00:23:05.630 --> 00:23:10.150 decentralized use of the web that... you have to kind of go through one large 00:23:10.150 --> 00:23:15.740 company. And if we were to look at say, well, maybe a more kind of open, green and 00:23:15.740 --> 00:23:19.160 decentralized web or Internet might look like there is actually some lessons we 00:23:19.160 --> 00:23:24.213 could learn from the energy sector over the last, say, 10 to 20 years. So Germany, 00:23:24.213 --> 00:23:28.220 one thing that we saw was the Energie- wende over the last 15 years. And the 00:23:28.220 --> 00:23:33.170 result of that was that we had like cheap green distributed energy. So that we, 00:23:33.170 --> 00:23:38.502 Germany is interesting in the sense that it has quite a heterogeneous grid. So 00:23:38.502 --> 00:23:44.740 there's lots and lots of smaller providers of energy rather than just a handful of 00:23:44.740 --> 00:23:49.890 huge providers. And there's lots of reasons why having a diverse ecosystem is 00:23:49.890 --> 00:23:53.590 helpful in this, right. And I kind of wonder like this is one I share with you 00:23:53.590 --> 00:23:57.391 as an idea. What if we'd something like a digitalwende? Right. What if we could 00:23:57.391 --> 00:24:00.880 do something like this to, kind of, abstract computing away to the point that 00:24:00.880 --> 00:24:04.060 you can run these in the same way? There are companies that are now doing stuff 00:24:04.060 --> 00:24:07.790 like this right now. And there's one company called Helios Exchange that does 00:24:07.790 --> 00:24:11.580 exactly this. But the paper I showed you before, shows you this stuff around there. 00:24:11.580 --> 00:24:16.740 So this may provide a way away from having to rely on just basically an oligopoly and 00:24:16.740 --> 00:24:21.520 concentrating more power. If we were to kind of be prepared to think a bit more 00:24:21.520 --> 00:24:27.749 about how we run computing around. So final thing is, as this possible way of 00:24:27.749 --> 00:24:31.940 sharing was programing language. So where appropriate, you can have an impact here 00:24:31.940 --> 00:24:37.080 as well, because different languages have different goals and that can result in 00:24:37.080 --> 00:24:41.820 reducing emissions from just much more efficient use of resources. So this is 00:24:41.820 --> 00:24:46.440 Hannes Mehnert yesterday. He was presenting some work he's been doing on 00:24:46.440 --> 00:24:50.880 MirageOS unikernels. All right. And whether you probably can't see it. He was 00:24:50.880 --> 00:24:54.490 basically making the point that this is how he used running this stuff before. 00:24:54.490 --> 00:24:59.890 When he switched to using unikernels, he saw memory usage and CPU dropped massively 00:24:59.890 --> 00:25:05.130 by just having a kind of better use of the existing resources. So this was like a 25 00:25:05.130 --> 00:25:11.919 fold decrease in compute use and a 10 times decrease in like RAM usage. And you 00:25:11.919 --> 00:25:16.750 see the same things with other computing, other languages. And the nice thing is 00:25:16.750 --> 00:25:20.780 this is recorded now so you can see it too tomorrow. All right. But there's also 00:25:20.780 --> 00:25:26.345 papers that talk all about this stuff. So depending on what your goals might be, 00:25:26.345 --> 00:25:30.960 there may be certain languages which are really better kind of optimized for the 00:25:30.960 --> 00:25:34.929 task that you might actually have. Now, does this mean that I'm saying that we 00:25:34.929 --> 00:25:39.343 should all go out and code everything in Ocaml, C and Rust? No, that's a really, 00:25:39.343 --> 00:25:44.640 really... we choose languages for a wide range of reasons from ecosystem to hiring, 00:25:44.640 --> 00:25:49.370 to like developer happiness. And when you look at a project or a product level, 00:25:49.370 --> 00:25:52.940 you'll see that these kind of micro optimizations, more than fun, might not be 00:25:52.940 --> 00:25:57.102 the most effective way to achieve some emissions reductions. But it's still out 00:25:57.102 --> 00:26:00.760 there and it's worth being aware of. And also, it's worth thinking about if you are 00:26:00.760 --> 00:26:05.870 able to kind of think about the entire stack of tools you might be using, then 00:26:05.870 --> 00:26:10.530 you're kind of doing something like this in many cases. If you say use like Redis 00:26:10.530 --> 00:26:16.292 or nginx or something to serve things. So that's the idea for, like, platform. Now 00:26:16.292 --> 00:26:19.520 let's talk about packets. So this is... I've spoken of infrastructure you control, 00:26:19.520 --> 00:26:24.450 this is infrastructure you do not control. All right? Now, you cannot really control 00:26:24.450 --> 00:26:27.130 the other parts of the Internet, and that's generally considered a good thing. 00:26:27.130 --> 00:26:31.731 But what you can do is control how much data you send over the wire instead, allright. 00:26:31.731 --> 00:26:37.700 And if we were to kind of look at, say, the amount of energy we sent over the 00:26:37.700 --> 00:26:41.850 wire and we figured out that both sending data uses infrastructure, it uses energy, 00:26:41.850 --> 00:26:46.059 which uses fossil fuels. Then we've got some bad news, like we've seen pages 00:26:46.059 --> 00:26:50.580 growing in size to the point that in average they... I think the mean web page 00:26:50.580 --> 00:26:55.407 size is now larger than the original download of Doom. All right. But we're 00:26:55.407 --> 00:26:59.520 also seeing it, because we have mobile phones, so we use this more. All right. 00:26:59.520 --> 00:27:02.970 And then because cellular network tend to use more energy to shift the same amount 00:27:02.970 --> 00:27:08.460 of data as, say, wired or Wi-Fi networks, we have a loss here. So from a kind 00:27:08.460 --> 00:27:13.059 of energy and climate point of view, this is like the worst scenario we can imagine 00:27:13.059 --> 00:27:18.270 right now. Thankfully, there are this, if we think about Web page budgets as 00:27:18.270 --> 00:27:22.290 basically carbon budgets, we realize we have lots of tools that we can repurpose 00:27:22.290 --> 00:27:26.820 for carbon reductions. So one example is Google's Lighthouse. It basically runs 00:27:26.820 --> 00:27:31.418 checks against your page, then it grades you on how well your page is optimized. So 00:27:31.418 --> 00:27:34.600 what we've been doing at the Green Web Foundation is taken Lighthouse, we 00:27:34.600 --> 00:27:39.370 forked it and we made Greenhouse. Which was basically the same idea, but it kind 00:27:39.370 --> 00:27:44.285 of looks at how many resources you run and then says, well, yeah, climate emergency 00:27:44.285 --> 00:27:48.432 folks, maybe you don't want to get all your stuff from fossil fuels. And there's 00:27:48.432 --> 00:27:51.424 some other things far worse than we can make it, kind of, work out the carbon 00:27:51.424 --> 00:27:56.290 footprint from this, because these numbers exist, but that's further down the line. 00:27:56.290 --> 00:28:00.192 But you can also see that I'm referring to the ethical web principles here. If you 00:28:00.192 --> 00:28:05.340 care about this as a professional, this is something that the creators of the web are 00:28:05.340 --> 00:28:08.669 now saying and giving you license to be doing. If you do say, look, I don't want 00:28:08.669 --> 00:28:11.776 to do this, there is a moral argument for doing this. And if I want to build the 00:28:11.776 --> 00:28:17.608 web, as Tim intended, then you can refer back to these ethical principles now for 00:28:17.608 --> 00:28:22.240 this. But I will need to share with you that that doesn't mean that we should just 00:28:22.240 --> 00:28:26.100 like reader optimize every single web page and they'll be fine. Right. It's worth 00:28:26.100 --> 00:28:30.620 getting a sense of perspective around this. All right. Video like, video just 00:28:30.620 --> 00:28:34.510 dwarfed web traffic. When we think about designs, we might make like to give you 00:28:34.510 --> 00:28:39.799 some context. This chart is just showing you an idea of where like usage of 00:28:39.799 --> 00:28:45.320 like data flows. Right. Now, 60 percent of this basically is just telling us that all 00:28:45.320 --> 00:28:50.494 the video used and streamed is about 300 kind of megatons of CO2. And that was what 00:28:50.494 --> 00:28:54.191 it was in 2018, which is roughly the carbon footprint of Spain. All right. So 00:28:54.191 --> 00:28:57.590 all the video = Spain, that's kind of numbers and numbers you might want to look 00:28:57.590 --> 00:29:01.720 at. Now, video on demand like, say, Netflix and stuff - just like the country 00:29:01.720 --> 00:29:06.596 of Chile. Porn - that's like Austria. All right. So these are some kind of like 00:29:06.596 --> 00:29:12.610 reference points is for you to kind of refer to now. All right. And I speak about 00:29:12.610 --> 00:29:16.450 that process now. And like, this is why it's worth thinking about some other thing. 00:29:16.450 --> 00:29:19.830 This is why I also care about kind of making the web green, because I think it's going to 00:29:19.830 --> 00:29:23.250 be easier to make the entire Internet green than it is to stop people watching 00:29:23.250 --> 00:29:28.971 porn, basically, which is a statement, I suppose. So I spoke a bit about the 00:29:28.971 --> 00:29:34.820 process and how there are other things you can do outside of computers. All right. So 00:29:34.820 --> 00:29:38.257 they are obvious. There's two ways I'm going to show this. So there's kind of 00:29:38.257 --> 00:29:41.330 inward looking at process, like the greening of how we build digital products. 00:29:41.330 --> 00:29:44.210 Right. This isn't visible to the end users, but it's still a useful thing to 00:29:44.210 --> 00:29:50.821 do. Now, an example of this is the company called WHOLEGRAINDigital. I really admire 00:29:50.821 --> 00:29:54.650 that. They're really really cool company doing some good stuff on the web and they 00:29:54.650 --> 00:29:58.140 are one of the original kind of WordPress agencies and they basically say, yes, we 00:29:58.140 --> 00:30:01.250 do everything with WordPress and green energy and they started working at their 00:30:01.250 --> 00:30:08.049 own missions and blogging about this. And what they said was that they know, that 00:30:08.049 --> 00:30:11.340 they looked at these figures and they switched to running on green infra because 00:30:11.340 --> 00:30:13.600 that was the kind of right thing for them to do. But when I started doing that, they 00:30:13.600 --> 00:30:17.442 started looking at where else are their emissions and what they do. And they 00:30:17.442 --> 00:30:20.281 basically looked at and some realized that, oh, wow, a large part of their 00:30:20.281 --> 00:30:23.420 emissions just comes from travel. And you guys, you can see office and home energy. 00:30:23.420 --> 00:30:28.996 And of the travel, around 94 percent of their emissions came from commuting. So 00:30:28.996 --> 00:30:32.327 this is why I'm saying that it's more than just playing around with computers and 00:30:32.327 --> 00:30:37.577 optimizing stuff. All right. So this was kind of useful and this kind of inspired 00:30:37.577 --> 00:30:43.380 some of the work agreement foundation for us to start sharing this. And what we've 00:30:43.380 --> 00:30:49.309 been doing recently is basically take this model and build some, like I guess in VCC, 00:30:49.309 --> 00:30:53.370 which is I'm afraid is minimum viable carbon calculator, not the post-growth, 00:30:53.370 --> 00:30:59.410 other kind of acronym there. And we basically built like a simple spreadsheet 00:30:59.410 --> 00:31:03.260 that is very, very fast to fill out. So we picked two people to kind of get an idea 00:31:03.260 --> 00:31:08.100 of, okay. These are the things I'm paying to run. This is the like if I build a web 00:31:08.100 --> 00:31:11.710 project, this is how much data I'm shifting over time. And then because it 00:31:11.710 --> 00:31:16.900 turns out that it uses energy to keep people warm and dry inside buildings and 00:31:16.900 --> 00:31:21.110 people tend to use energy commuting. Then we tracked it, we tracked that as well. 00:31:21.110 --> 00:31:25.700 And we do this to give people some figures and get some idea of where they might want 00:31:25.700 --> 00:31:30.580 to act upon this, because the current ways that you report on, say, emissions or 00:31:30.580 --> 00:31:34.160 think about this is like an annual report every year. That's a really, really slow 00:31:34.160 --> 00:31:39.321 debugging cycle. That means we have like eight or nine kind of hits of the F5 key 00:31:39.321 --> 00:31:44.010 before, like it's a climate apocalypse. That feels like we should all do a little 00:31:44.010 --> 00:31:47.800 better than that. But this is entirely open, you can link to the template 00:31:47.800 --> 00:31:51.820 yourself. And we've we learnt some interesting things and we did this. We 00:31:51.820 --> 00:31:55.790 realized that when we were working on this because the team were pretty good on 00:31:55.790 --> 00:32:00.490 commuting the let them cycle to work. They were emissions are quite low there. But we 00:32:00.490 --> 00:32:05.230 also realized that there was actually an argument for changing how we design, say, 00:32:05.230 --> 00:32:09.370 a Web site. We found that one chunky background video, you know, those things 00:32:09.370 --> 00:32:13.490 that we all hate. Right. That had the same carbon footprint as basically the entire 00:32:13.490 --> 00:32:17.540 team commuting for the entire project. All right. So it's quite easy to make an 00:32:17.540 --> 00:32:23.429 argument to get rid of that and it kind of meaningful, measurable reduction there. So 00:32:23.429 --> 00:32:27.720 these are some of the stuff that we do now in this. The other thing is an outward 00:32:27.720 --> 00:32:32.640 process. So these might be decisions you make that affect the kind of emissions 00:32:32.640 --> 00:32:37.160 through use or for your end users. And these are gonna be much more visible to 00:32:37.160 --> 00:32:42.169 end users. The example I like to refer to, because I'm a fan of the company. is 00:32:42.169 --> 00:32:46.169 Fairphone. You folks have heard a Fairphone here, right? Yeah. Like they're 00:32:46.169 --> 00:32:49.340 basically the canonical Fairtrade smart smartphone, really. All right. That's the 00:32:49.340 --> 00:32:51.960 best way to describe them. And they also... there's lots of good things about 00:32:51.960 --> 00:32:55.590 what they do, but they also share lots of information about their own carbon 00:32:55.590 --> 00:32:59.429 emissions and what steps they're trying to take to reduce them in a relatively honest 00:32:59.429 --> 00:33:02.960 way, which is also really good. And because they publish it, we can read it. 00:33:02.960 --> 00:33:07.640 Now, we've seen trends in electronics over the last, say, five or six years where we 00:33:07.640 --> 00:33:12.299 had modular things and we saw a few failed attempts at having modular smartphones. 00:33:12.299 --> 00:33:16.240 We've been a shift towards like systems on a chip and stuff like that. So if you are 00:33:16.240 --> 00:33:19.910 going to do that, that means in some way that having a modular design is a 00:33:19.910 --> 00:33:25.059 challenge. But it means that if most of the energy or impact on building 00:33:25.059 --> 00:33:29.740 electronics is coming from basically turning sand into a chip with lots, lots 00:33:29.740 --> 00:33:33.820 of energy then we'll need to think about where we might have a way to decouple this 00:33:33.820 --> 00:33:39.190 from the rest of it. All right. To make us the electronics we do have last longer. 00:33:39.190 --> 00:33:44.740 All right. And this is what I found in there, over LCA life CO2-analysis report, 00:33:44.740 --> 00:33:48.730 where they look at the emissions over the entire process. They... basically the 00:33:48.730 --> 00:33:53.480 first thing is their actual use is pretty small for this. But what you can see here 00:33:53.480 --> 00:34:00.320 - the emissions were from the production. And the thing they decide to do was make 00:34:00.320 --> 00:34:06.570 the phone as easy as possible to repair for end users or replace parts of it. To 00:34:06.570 --> 00:34:09.639 make it go from, say, a 5-years project product to a sort... from a 3-years 00:34:09.639 --> 00:34:13.419 product to a 5-years product. And this had the impact of reducing the emissions by a 00:34:13.419 --> 00:34:18.260 measurable figure. And it's a pattern that we might follow ourselves. All right. Now, 00:34:18.260 --> 00:34:21.190 actually. Fairphone and it make a real feature of this now, they've talked about 00:34:21.190 --> 00:34:27.000 this to their, kind of, audience. So they basically say if you can just say upgrade 00:34:27.000 --> 00:34:30.560 just the camera rather than the rest of the phone, that is still kind of working, 00:34:30.560 --> 00:34:33.700 then you can reduce the carbon footprint over the lifetime by these kind of 00:34:33.700 --> 00:34:38.340 figures. And I think this is actually worth sharing because it hints that there 00:34:38.340 --> 00:34:41.580 are options for us to actually be doing something until we can run everything on 00:34:41.580 --> 00:34:46.609 green power, which would affect these numbers. And I think I've shared with you 00:34:46.609 --> 00:34:51.550 like a mental model and see how it can be activated. I've spoken with you about kind 00:34:51.550 --> 00:34:55.639 of carbon. Now I'm just gonna give you some steps of where to go next. So, okay. 00:34:55.639 --> 00:35:01.590 It's 2020. Right. And I kind of feel this feels like this table stakes. And I'm 00:35:01.590 --> 00:35:04.930 really glad that at least one person is taking photos of this. I'd really like it, 00:35:04.930 --> 00:35:09.170 if more of you to take some photos of this and share with your peers, because I think 00:35:09.170 --> 00:35:12.820 the single most effective thing we can use in community is stuff like this. All 00:35:12.820 --> 00:35:15.450 right. We would expect we need to kind of make this just... we need to change the 00:35:15.450 --> 00:35:18.560 static about how we build things. So in the same way that we would expect a 00:35:18.560 --> 00:35:22.420 builder to know about asbestos and we expect automotive engineers to know about 00:35:22.420 --> 00:35:26.060 lead poisoning in particulars. I think as professionals we need to know about the 00:35:26.060 --> 00:35:29.650 impact of carbon and what we do and that we don't need it to build digital 00:35:29.650 --> 00:35:32.990 services. And I think if we can build electric cars in the automotive center, 00:35:32.990 --> 00:35:36.210 then we can build green stacks in technology. And I think we need this to 00:35:36.210 --> 00:35:39.869 become the norm. So this is what I need. I need your help me to share this with your 00:35:39.869 --> 00:35:43.420 boss, with your coworker. Set something like this. We've had people talk about 00:35:43.420 --> 00:35:47.630 just how bad the situation is. And like this is really like one of the minimum 00:35:47.630 --> 00:35:52.950 things we can do. Which doesn't actually have a massive cost for us, as you do. So 00:35:52.950 --> 00:35:56.960 if we do, we need something like a cloud moonshot to get off fossil fuels. And this 00:35:56.960 --> 00:36:01.960 is one thing I really would ask you to really consider. So asking for this is a 00:36:01.960 --> 00:36:06.770 bit easier if you have friends. So I'm in a group called ClimateAction.tech, where 00:36:06.770 --> 00:36:10.609 it's basically just a slack group with a few other things that we now run from 00:36:10.609 --> 00:36:14.180 here, on meet ups. And the idea is that we do this to kind of share what the 00:36:14.180 --> 00:36:18.051 strategies are to actually kind of push for this kind of stuff, because not 00:36:18.051 --> 00:36:22.000 everyone can join Extinction Rebellion. And I'm not sure that everyone should join 00:36:22.000 --> 00:36:27.660 Extinction Rebellion. They used that we have different aspects of ourselves that 00:36:27.660 --> 00:36:33.280 we bring in our work compared to where else we might work. Now if you are 00:36:33.280 --> 00:36:37.950 interested in acting upon any of this. I work at Agreement Foundation and we 00:36:37.950 --> 00:36:41.160 provide, we have like an open source platform where you can check your stack 00:36:41.160 --> 00:36:46.721 and then the tools you have to do this. And if you are interested about any of 00:36:46.721 --> 00:36:50.780 this stuff, we are trying to find a way to make it easier or to make some of this 00:36:50.780 --> 00:36:54.340 much more transparent, because I shared with you before about how large companies 00:36:54.340 --> 00:36:58.730 can basically fudge some of the numbers to make them look greener than they otherwise 00:36:58.730 --> 00:37:03.740 might be. So tomorrow we're running a kind of on lecture room M2. We're running 00:37:03.740 --> 00:37:06.170 something like a workshop to figure out what some of this might look like in the 00:37:06.170 --> 00:37:11.660 same way that we set up robots.txt. So carbon.txt a way to verify this. There's a 00:37:11.660 --> 00:37:15.250 Web site that that's been hastily put together to give you some idea for this. 00:37:15.250 --> 00:37:19.390 And finally, I'm just gonna wrap up now. Thank you for letting me talk to you about 00:37:19.390 --> 00:37:23.590 this stuff here. If you're interested in getting in touch and talk to me, please do 00:37:23.590 --> 00:37:29.010 the Green Web Foundation. I'm Mr. Chris Adams on Twitter and GitHub. We're asked 00:37:29.010 --> 00:37:32.960 to do some training around this because we realize that although most of us do care, 00:37:32.960 --> 00:37:38.600 we don't have much ways to act upon this kind of stuff. Then finally, if you find 00:37:38.600 --> 00:37:41.980 this interesting, there's a newsletter which I've started with a friend of mine, 00:37:41.980 --> 00:37:45.369 Martin, where we're basically sharing what we learn as we go through it, which bits 00:37:45.369 --> 00:37:51.820 are hard, which bits aren't so hard. And yeah. Thank you everyone! 00:37:51.820 --> 00:38:01.890 applause 00:38:01.890 --> 00:38:08.380 Herald: Thank you very much. We do have plenty of time for Q&A. Nonetheless, I 00:38:08.380 --> 00:38:13.930 would like the Q&A to be of high quality. So when you ask a question, it should be a 00:38:13.930 --> 00:38:19.060 question. Thanking the speaker is lovely and nice, but don't waste our collective 00:38:19.060 --> 00:38:24.180 bandwidth on that and do that afterwards on your own. And I don't really care what 00:38:24.180 --> 00:38:27.730 your name is or what your affiliation is. Just ask a question, and make it short and 00:38:27.730 --> 00:38:30.340 so on. And the first two questions go to the Internet. 00:38:30.340 --> 00:38:35.840 Signal Angel: You've mentioned the preview for other workshop, a carbon.txt just now. 00:38:35.840 --> 00:38:40.599 Can you already share some strategies how, for example, the Green Web Foundation and 00:38:40.599 --> 00:38:46.110 other sites directories can protect themselves against being abused by 00:38:46.110 --> 00:38:47.870 companies, for example, through greenwashing. 00:38:47.870 --> 00:38:55.460 Chris: So I think... you just need to read some reports about this kind of stuff. And 00:38:55.460 --> 00:38:58.610 get familiar with this. Now, I really apologize - a large bunch of this was 00:38:58.610 --> 00:39:02.329 incredibly dry. There was lots and lots of dry material around this to, actually, 00:39:02.329 --> 00:39:06.700 figure this stuff out. I think it's mainly a case of working out what numbers you... 00:39:06.700 --> 00:39:10.250 what questions you might actually have to ask. And I can share a link specifically 00:39:10.250 --> 00:39:14.350 for the questions that you need to ask. But generally, I think the four things I 00:39:14.350 --> 00:39:19.810 would look for: if the organization hasn't made a public statement about when they're 00:39:19.810 --> 00:39:24.099 going to hit zero emissions; if they're not sharing their progress on an annual 00:39:24.099 --> 00:39:31.760 basis; if they're not sharing how much of their business they get from basically the 00:39:31.760 --> 00:39:36.150 from fossil fuels right now; then how much of their business is still involved in 00:39:36.150 --> 00:39:40.100 extracting fossil fuels from the ground. I think these are the key things and if 00:39:40.100 --> 00:39:42.650 they're not using this kind of scoped emissions process, which is a clear thing 00:39:42.650 --> 00:39:47.780 of finding numbers, those are the biggest ones. There is a page on that I've got 00:39:47.780 --> 00:39:52.310 which lists these questions to ask and I'll share link to everyone since I get on 00:39:52.310 --> 00:39:58.590 the webs to link to this. Signal Angel: And the second question from 00:39:58.590 --> 00:40:03.980 IRC: The numbers that you've mentioned that the companies themselves publish. Can 00:40:03.980 --> 00:40:08.240 you verify them? And if yes, how? Chris: So the thing that you can... Oh, 00:40:08.240 --> 00:40:09.980 that's the thing is - independent verification is the thing you need to ask 00:40:09.980 --> 00:40:12.560 for, it's the final one. So I have just finally seen where the voice is coming 00:40:12.560 --> 00:40:17.340 from. It's like the voice of God speaking. The independent verification is very 00:40:17.340 --> 00:40:24.070 important. All the examples I pointed to, had independent verification, usually from 00:40:24.070 --> 00:40:29.020 a set of companies that do auditing of this kind of stuff. Now there is again, 00:40:29.020 --> 00:40:32.150 there's a firewall of tedium around this stuff, like that thing where I showed you 00:40:32.150 --> 00:40:36.780 with a Google with Google's numbers being high and low. This is because you need to 00:40:36.780 --> 00:40:39.510 kind of go into the minutiae of understanding market based reporting, 00:40:39.510 --> 00:40:42.339 because location based reporting and there's reporting around this stuff, 00:40:42.339 --> 00:40:46.270 there's like lots of academic literature, but there's just not very accessible to 00:40:46.270 --> 00:40:51.650 lots of people right now. They need to be more of us who do do this stuff. This is 00:40:51.650 --> 00:40:54.940 partly one of the reasons we want to have something like carbon.txt was to basically 00:40:54.940 --> 00:40:58.960 give people a chance to see this, but also linked to the specific documentation 00:40:58.960 --> 00:41:03.960 they're referring to. So you can ask. Okay. So it's nice you've done this. But 00:41:03.960 --> 00:41:05.890 whereas this was a third party verification of this or why is the same 00:41:05.890 --> 00:41:10.860 guy called Trevor being basically audited all of these companies and like literally 00:41:10.860 --> 00:41:14.930 it's the same dude who's reported Amazon's and Apple's. And I'm not sure about 00:41:14.930 --> 00:41:19.109 Google. Right. But Trevor is probably a good guy. But the fact that there is only 00:41:19.109 --> 00:41:23.580 one person doing this is kind of... come on, we know that there are things that 00:41:23.580 --> 00:41:28.610 you probably don't want to do in this field. Also in Europe, at least, if you 00:41:28.610 --> 00:41:32.330 want to sell renewable energy, you do need to register this with the government 00:41:32.330 --> 00:41:37.001 registry. And there is something in there... I didn't really talk about this 00:41:37.001 --> 00:41:41.430 in the session. The aim is talk about more in carbon.txt, how to find this and how to 00:41:41.430 --> 00:41:45.820 look this up. Basically, everything we know about SSL and DNS, you can apply that 00:41:45.820 --> 00:41:50.300 to solve this kind of problem without needing a freaking block chain. All right. 00:41:50.300 --> 00:41:53.110 And you can actually find something useful here, right? Like this data is out there. 00:41:53.110 --> 00:41:56.470 It's just the we need to better know the right questions to ask and make sure that, 00:41:56.470 --> 00:41:59.770 well, we are running stuff on a green stack rather than a brown stack. 00:41:59.770 --> 00:42:04.090 Herald: Ok. Microphone number 6, state your question. 00:42:04.090 --> 00:42:08.440 Mic6: Hello and thanks. Very good. Thanks for your great talk. 00:42:08.440 --> 00:42:10.830 Herald: I've said something about thanking the speaker before. 00:42:10.830 --> 00:42:15.349 Mic6: I know. That's why I said it. I understand you could try to convince 00:42:15.349 --> 00:42:20.060 people to reduce their carbon emissions. Now the managers I have been working under 00:42:20.060 --> 00:42:25.710 are generally good in reducing cost. Do you think it would help to translate 00:42:25.710 --> 00:42:31.790 carbon emissions into cost and have this problem solved by the invisible hand? 00:42:31.790 --> 00:42:36.849 Chris: So this is actually the approach that Amazon use. And for some of the 00:42:36.849 --> 00:42:40.840 spreadsheets I've showed you before where we do not have numbers forecast for 00:42:40.840 --> 00:42:45.430 emission, for reported emissions, the best thing you can go on is going to be sector 00:42:45.430 --> 00:42:51.231 level averages for the carbon intensity of spending a 1000 pounds or 1000 euros in a 00:42:51.231 --> 00:42:56.100 particular area. So you might look at it like that. I kind of feel that there are 00:42:56.100 --> 00:43:02.420 certain people who really respond to this kind of like cost base messaging. But I 00:43:02.420 --> 00:43:05.900 think it's more attractive for us to kind of change the aesthetic around what we do 00:43:05.900 --> 00:43:10.400 so rather than us continually striving. I mean, if we had the narrative for people 00:43:10.400 --> 00:43:14.330 for our generation was to basically save the planet, that feels a much more 00:43:14.330 --> 00:43:19.210 attractive thing than using cost. But I do... I'm aware that if you are in an 00:43:19.210 --> 00:43:24.760 organization where the primary driver is cost, then you need to be able to use that 00:43:24.760 --> 00:43:28.300 language. And that's why we've been speaking about some of that. But there are 00:43:28.300 --> 00:43:33.650 lots and lots... there's actually stuff in this field to show this. There are 00:43:33.650 --> 00:43:38.240 organizations that will basically help you quantify the risks from doing nothing 00:43:38.240 --> 00:43:42.500 versus the cost of action. Because in many cases, when we talk about this, we think 00:43:42.500 --> 00:43:47.470 that we often use... you hear the phrase: "Well, what's it going to cost to shift to 00:43:47.470 --> 00:43:52.240 kind of green energy?", for example. But it's like - what we pretend is there is no 00:43:52.240 --> 00:43:56.780 cost to inaction, when it really, really is. And we've seen just the five years 00:43:56.780 --> 00:44:01.160 massive, massive changes in the destruction of companies and industries 00:44:01.160 --> 00:44:07.340 and, well, hundreds and hundreds of lives as well. So I think that you can use costs 00:44:07.340 --> 00:44:11.660 for this, but I think it's a bit reductive to only use costs. 00:44:11.660 --> 00:44:20.290 Herald: Shall be microphone number 2. Mic2: You in your research, did you 00:44:20.290 --> 00:44:25.910 encounter a tradeoff between privacy and security and carbon neutrality? And if 00:44:25.910 --> 00:44:30.740 yes, in which cases? Chris: Yes. In fact, I used to work at a 00:44:30.740 --> 00:44:35.810 company, Amy. One of the key ideas behind the company was that if you can understand 00:44:35.810 --> 00:44:39.270 the company's CO2 emissions, you can understand the supply chain. And if you 00:44:39.270 --> 00:44:43.480 understand the supply chain, then in some ways you can use it as a kind of cost to 00:44:43.480 --> 00:44:47.390 kind of beaten organization to reduce their prices, because you can see that 00:44:47.390 --> 00:44:50.920 they're much more wasteful compared to other ones. But at the same time, this 00:44:50.920 --> 00:44:55.550 is... so that works at an organizational level. There's also a personal aspect to 00:44:55.550 --> 00:45:01.170 this. And I think that this is a field that in many cases is focusing on 00:45:01.170 --> 00:45:06.690 individual action and kind of shaming people has been proven not to be very, 00:45:06.690 --> 00:45:09.440 very effective. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do anything, that there 00:45:09.440 --> 00:45:13.930 isn't a cause for individual action, because I think that provides the cover 00:45:13.930 --> 00:45:17.450 for politicians to make the decisions which will result in kind of real 00:45:17.450 --> 00:45:22.090 meaningful changes. So there is a tradeoff, because in order for you to 00:45:22.090 --> 00:45:25.790 understand emissions, because basically emissions are essentially a proxy for 00:45:25.790 --> 00:45:30.950 activity and you will usually see this and there are plenty of stories around this 00:45:30.950 --> 00:45:35.349 and hopefully there might even be a topic about this specific subject on Republica, 00:45:35.349 --> 00:45:40.070 in May. Because, yeah, there is lots of interesting literature around this 00:45:40.070 --> 00:45:44.690 tradeoff that we do actually have to make. Herald: Microphone number 1. 00:45:44.690 --> 00:45:51.430 Mic1: Hi. Can you make an educated guess on how much emissions could be spared if 00:45:51.430 --> 00:45:57.010 like the big providers would follow your advice? 00:45:57.010 --> 00:46:02.860 Chris: So I guess it's tied to the, you know... I've showed you the numbers of 00:46:02.860 --> 00:46:06.840 Google like that different kind of charts. Right. You could make the list, kind of 00:46:06.840 --> 00:46:13.130 like coyork??... just cheat argument. You say, well, maybe all of it. Right. But I 00:46:13.130 --> 00:46:16.910 don't think that's really accurate. Generally, if we are looking at just the 00:46:16.910 --> 00:46:20.220 CO2 emissions from just like running the Internet, right. I reckon you could 00:46:20.220 --> 00:46:30.920 probably wipe out two thirds to 80 percent of it, what actually depends on where you 00:46:30.920 --> 00:46:34.760 might be looking at this, actually. So more than half comfortably. All right. 00:46:34.760 --> 00:46:42.480 Because if you look at, say, data centers, the main driver there, the main source of 00:46:42.480 --> 00:46:46.000 emissions is from them being on 24/7, continually use like three quarters of the 00:46:46.000 --> 00:46:50.119 emissions, assuming that data centers are full of servers which are used for three 00:46:50.119 --> 00:46:54.950 to five years, which is common. I'm not sure this is the case. Please talk to me 00:46:54.950 --> 00:46:57.110 if that's not the case, because I hear rumors that that might not be the case at 00:46:57.110 --> 00:47:01.100 large companies, but no one will write this down. So until you know that I can't 00:47:01.100 --> 00:47:04.890 give you a really educated, a really kind of better guess than that, but it'll be 00:47:04.890 --> 00:47:08.980 lovely to find out if that data exists and there are lot of hackers who might get to 00:47:08.980 --> 00:47:12.980 know about this kind of stuff. Herald: Microphone number 4. 00:47:12.980 --> 00:47:16.620 Mic4: When you talk about moving computation around the globe, basically 00:47:16.620 --> 00:47:20.150 cause to the weather. I wonder if there isn't a lot of overhead associated with 00:47:20.150 --> 00:47:23.390 that, like additional communication. Maybe if you know, you're far away from a 00:47:23.390 --> 00:47:26.380 database, you need rooting hops or whatsoever. Do you know anything about 00:47:26.380 --> 00:47:29.200 that? Chris: Yes, I spoke to the guy to Alan 00:47:29.200 --> 00:47:34.510 James, who was actually working on that. And I said, hey - what you said, I said, 00:47:34.510 --> 00:47:38.859 yeah, we take that into account because we can work out the emissions from moving a 00:47:38.859 --> 00:47:43.980 container of this size to over there. And in many cases, we might move to the state 00:47:43.980 --> 00:47:48.410 that we watch you when a query there as well. So his approach was to basically 00:47:48.410 --> 00:47:53.020 apply various kinds of metadata tags to the kind of jobs you might want to run to 00:47:53.020 --> 00:47:57.690 provide this kind of flexibility. And this is not new idea like a Mastodon ... is a 00:47:57.690 --> 00:48:00.250 kind of data science company that started doing something like this 10 years ago. 00:48:00.250 --> 00:48:06.020 They're kind of the ... Green Cloud people doing this kind of stuff. And even 00:48:06.020 --> 00:48:09.250 before then, there's this phrase called "chasing the moon". Where was this idea that 00:48:09.250 --> 00:48:13.790 you can do this if you run stuff on the dark side of Earth, which sounds super 00:48:13.790 --> 00:48:18.990 metal. Right. There is... this is not a new concept, really, but it is cool. 00:48:18.990 --> 00:48:26.270 Herald: Microphone number five, please. Mic5: Hi. Do you see any chance of getting 00:48:26.270 --> 00:48:29.619 governmental support with this, for example, like with tax cuts for electronic 00:48:29.619 --> 00:48:32.540 cars? I mean, maybe it would be possible in here, too. 00:48:32.540 --> 00:48:37.500 Chris: Yes. I was actually at the EU Commission Green Public Procurement 00:48:37.500 --> 00:48:41.810 workshops. They've been doing for the last like few months. And I was... there were a 00:48:41.810 --> 00:48:44.890 tiny number of people from small companies. There were lots of large, large 00:48:44.890 --> 00:48:48.490 companies who were there saying, yes, they think you should do is move to our cloud. 00:48:48.490 --> 00:48:52.930 That's the clear solution to the climate crisis. But they actually, it does look 00:48:52.930 --> 00:48:59.010 like there is guidance and there is going to be support in this field. All right. So 00:48:59.010 --> 00:49:01.880 I do know there's going to be... well, we've already seen this like we've seen 00:49:01.880 --> 00:49:05.780 the European Parliament declare climate emergency saying: we need to halve 00:49:05.780 --> 00:49:13.170 emissions by 2030. That's around 8%, year on year for the next 10 years. Now, most 00:49:13.170 --> 00:49:17.000 of us don't know what that looks like because the last time you saw 8% drop in a 00:49:17.000 --> 00:49:21.130 single year was the collapse of the Soviet Union. Which is partly why I'm kind of 00:49:21.130 --> 00:49:24.900 sharing stuff like this, because I think the idea of having a more managed 00:49:24.900 --> 00:49:31.050 reduction of emissions feels more kind of conducive to I guess a kind of 00:49:31.050 --> 00:49:36.630 continuities of how we live than the collapse of the Soviet Union. So I think 00:49:36.630 --> 00:49:40.410 there is stuff out there. But in many cases, we don't have the knowledge right 00:49:40.410 --> 00:49:44.380 now as people in the sector to know what is effective. And this is something that 00:49:44.380 --> 00:49:49.430 we need to, as professionals, learn, to learn where the levers are if we want to 00:49:49.430 --> 00:49:55.430 consider ourselves as professionals facing the scale of the challenge that is ahead 00:49:55.430 --> 00:49:59.520 of us. Herald: Microphone number two, please. 00:49:59.520 --> 00:50:04.849 Mic2: Hello. So my question is about you talked a lot about how much a carbon 00:50:04.849 --> 00:50:10.410 emission happens because of running a server in the server side. But if the 00:50:10.410 --> 00:50:13.990 traffic goes really, really high in a real larger scale, you might have a lots of 00:50:13.990 --> 00:50:17.460 emission just because of their transmitting the package through the 00:50:17.460 --> 00:50:25.680 datacenter from and ... and backbones plus like there carbon emission from rendering 00:50:25.680 --> 00:50:30.630 the page in the like formZ and everything around that. Is there... I was looking for 00:50:30.630 --> 00:50:34.960 it for a while, but I couldn't find a number like saying okay, one TB of traffic 00:50:34.960 --> 00:50:40.250 in the data center from United States going to cause like this much of carbon. 00:50:40.250 --> 00:50:44.680 Chris: Yeah. Is that your question? What is the carbon footprint of a gigabyte of 00:50:44.680 --> 00:50:46.830 data or something? Mic2: I want to have some numbers saying 00:50:46.830 --> 00:50:51.030 like which one is like translate traffic to a number. 00:50:51.030 --> 00:50:54.040 Chris: Okay. So there are two organizations who are doing some work in 00:50:54.040 --> 00:50:58.940 this field. In fact, there's a whole kind of community around greener web 00:50:58.940 --> 00:51:04.670 performance where they are tracking this kind of stuff now. There's a group called 00:51:04.670 --> 00:51:07.190 the Shift Project, who I've referenced before, who talk about the carbon 00:51:07.190 --> 00:51:10.920 footprint... the video being the carbon footprint of Spain. They've actually got 00:51:10.920 --> 00:51:13.790 some browser extensions which you can install into Firefox. I'll give you 00:51:13.790 --> 00:51:17.530 numbers as you browse to see this. I've also put together just like some 00:51:17.530 --> 00:51:21.520 interactive notebooks, you can get some ballpark figures of this kind of stuff 00:51:21.520 --> 00:51:24.859 yourself. So very quickly, you can decide, well, do I do this or do I do something 00:51:24.859 --> 00:51:29.970 different. So, yes, look at Green Web Foundation, there's a link specifically to 00:51:29.970 --> 00:51:36.300 a notebook with the numbers for this. Herald: Next question goes to the 00:51:36.300 --> 00:51:38.930 Internet. Signal Angel: Hey, IRC states that in 00:51:38.930 --> 00:51:45.079 their experience, Kubernetes has a quite a high CPU idle usage, about 40 percent as 00:51:45.079 --> 00:51:51.250 mentioned. This mechanism that you showed to adapt the server usage to the demand. 00:51:51.250 --> 00:51:55.099 Does this mitigate against this? Chris: I don't really know enough about 00:51:55.099 --> 00:52:01.870 Kubernetes to give a useful opinion on Kubernetes. So my thing was like this is 00:52:01.870 --> 00:52:08.250 an interesting idea because it's treating cloud and compute like a utility. And as a 00:52:08.250 --> 00:52:13.050 result, we see patterns that we've seen that have success in other sectors. But 00:52:13.050 --> 00:52:15.460 that could be applied to us. I don't know beyond that, but I can tell you that 00:52:15.460 --> 00:52:20.310 there's a lot of well, there's basically funding going into this kind of stuff now. 00:52:20.310 --> 00:52:23.940 But I'm sorry, I don't know much more than that. But if you do work with Kubernetes, 00:52:23.940 --> 00:52:27.190 please you talk to me because I would be really nice to have a better answer than I 00:52:27.190 --> 00:52:32.109 don't know in future. Herald: Microphone number three. 00:52:32.109 --> 00:52:37.119 Mic3: How many talks do I have to attend here? So that it will have been worth it 00:52:37.119 --> 00:52:40.760 traveling here from Munich instead of watching this online. 00:52:40.760 --> 00:52:46.630 Chris: So it depends what... Okay. First of all, I think coming to a conference, 00:52:46.630 --> 00:52:51.030 just because there's talks, that's not the reason to come to a conference. You come 00:52:51.030 --> 00:52:54.100 to a conference to have high quality, high context conversations with other people 00:52:54.100 --> 00:52:57.930 and get something useful from that, because like you said, you don't need to 00:52:57.930 --> 00:53:01.040 do that. That said, the idea of like having kind of physical community is 00:53:01.040 --> 00:53:05.579 actually very, very useful. I think that there isn't a number, I can't say like 00:53:05.579 --> 00:53:10.770 seven because that's going to be meaningless. But there is a whole issue 00:53:10.770 --> 00:53:16.440 around basically the carbon footprint of traveling to events and in many cases, so 00:53:16.440 --> 00:53:21.530 for some context: I was organizing a conference in London called Helping 00:53:21.530 --> 00:53:24.590 Organize your Conference called Map Camp, and we were trying to internalize the 00:53:24.590 --> 00:53:29.109 carbon costs of people traveling, and we found that some basically a minority of 00:53:29.109 --> 00:53:33.640 people coming across the Atlantic Ocean wiped out, I think, by half the carbon 00:53:33.640 --> 00:53:38.030 footprint, the kind of carbon budget for a 600 person conference. So there is some 00:53:38.030 --> 00:53:41.780 numbers around that. We've actually hired a group to give to actually publish some 00:53:41.780 --> 00:53:47.300 of this information out there. And there's a couple of widgets to figure this stuff 00:53:47.300 --> 00:53:51.829 out. But if you're here for the talks, that's one thing. But really, you should 00:53:51.829 --> 00:53:56.900 be here to make speak to the other people and get some kind of meaningful connection 00:53:56.900 --> 00:54:01.430 you can have from there. Herald: Microphone number one. 00:54:01.430 --> 00:54:08.890 Mic1: Is this possible to create like an automated way, a platform or service that 00:54:08.890 --> 00:54:14.400 tech companies can connect to and estimate, like have a rough estimate about 00:54:14.400 --> 00:54:19.329 the carbon footprint based on the stack they use, based on the bandwidth, based on 00:54:19.329 --> 00:54:22.740 the, you know, different process information. 00:54:22.740 --> 00:54:28.580 Chris: It depends. This relies on the organization having access to the matrix 00:54:28.580 --> 00:54:33.300 that will go in as an input. So garbage in, garbage out. Right. So the spreadsheet 00:54:33.300 --> 00:54:37.390 I pointed to gives you a very, very low quality version of doing that. There's 00:54:37.390 --> 00:54:42.570 also a tool called AWS Green Cost Explorer. We've basically forked a diverse 00:54:42.570 --> 00:54:47.270 cost. AWS Cost Explorer worked out which ones, which regions are running on fossil 00:54:47.270 --> 00:54:50.380 fuels and then we present that information back to you so you can get some idea for 00:54:50.380 --> 00:54:55.550 this so you can work out these numbers. But I don't see them right now, largely 00:54:55.550 --> 00:55:00.300 because a lot of organizations see this information is commercially sensitive. So 00:55:00.300 --> 00:55:04.140 they don't like to share this. So we have to go on basically kind of some rough 00:55:04.140 --> 00:55:07.580 numbers here. And this is one of the problems that we do have. And that came up 00:55:07.580 --> 00:55:12.000 with the grim public procurement thing was that we don't have the transparency right 00:55:12.000 --> 00:55:17.079 now to make the particular informed decisions about this. But theoretically, 00:55:17.079 --> 00:55:20.700 yes. Herald: Microphone number five. 00:55:20.700 --> 00:55:28.080 Mic5: Hi. I have a question about this double things that you are doing. On one 00:55:28.080 --> 00:55:31.480 side, you have the getting things done like building sustainable infrastructure. 00:55:31.480 --> 00:55:35.900 And in the last days, yesterday, there was a couple of examples of that. And on the 00:55:35.900 --> 00:55:40.280 other side is generate momentum like convincing people to join the movement and 00:55:40.280 --> 00:55:46.099 be more aware of that. So I was wondering, how does, for example, the Green Web 00:55:46.099 --> 00:55:52.501 Foundation apply to that? In the sense then how radical can you be like, can you 00:55:52.501 --> 00:55:59.010 kick out people from your directory because you think they are not doing green 00:55:59.010 --> 00:56:03.369 enough? Or how does this work? Chris: So I should be clear about the 00:56:03.369 --> 00:56:07.400 Green Web Foundation just being a handful of guys. It's not a big thing at all. 00:56:07.400 --> 00:56:12.040 Right. So it's been running for about 10 years. And this is a thing that we have 00:56:12.040 --> 00:56:15.790 been doing for the last six months. I mean, I joined in March and we started 00:56:15.790 --> 00:56:20.310 looking through this and we are basically now, we've been contacting our providers 00:56:20.310 --> 00:56:25.390 and say: look, we need you to provide some more useful and some more rigorous data 00:56:25.390 --> 00:56:31.050 evidence to back up your green claims. For this reason, because you can't... 00:56:31.050 --> 00:56:34.611 basically, it's as the stakes are got higher, it's become more and more 00:56:34.611 --> 00:56:38.160 important to actually do this. And if you're going to base decisions about how 00:56:38.160 --> 00:56:43.270 you kind of choose infrastructure from now on, it makes a lot of sense to do that. So 00:56:43.270 --> 00:56:46.900 we are heading in that direction to say, look, if you can't share this information, 00:56:46.900 --> 00:56:52.750 we're going to stop listing you. But we have given, because we're not so sure 00:56:52.750 --> 00:56:58.650 ourselves in this, we we're giving people a deadline to get this information. So you 00:56:58.650 --> 00:57:02.660 probably see some the stats change over the coming weeks as the way that we do our 00:57:02.660 --> 00:57:07.300 reporting changes. But because we released open data sets around this on a regular 00:57:07.300 --> 00:57:12.760 basis, you can actually see this. Herald: Microphone number two. 00:57:12.760 --> 00:57:18.540 Mic2: Hey, have you heard about the Science Based Targets initiative? And if 00:57:18.540 --> 00:57:20.540 yes, what do you think of them? Chris: So Science Based Targets is 00:57:20.540 --> 00:57:26.000 interesting because they are one of the drivers to basic... So if you're not 00:57:26.000 --> 00:57:30.290 familiar what Science Based Targets are: Science Based Targets are basically a way 00:57:30.290 --> 00:57:34.390 to say, well, if you're an organization and you want to hit net zero, the science 00:57:34.390 --> 00:57:39.329 dictates that you need to take these steps here. I actually think they're better than 00:57:39.329 --> 00:57:42.359 nothing in a lot of cases and I think they're probably one of the more effective 00:57:42.359 --> 00:57:47.230 things to use. And they also insist that you do need to understand emissions in 00:57:47.230 --> 00:57:50.950 your supply chain. So I imagine organizations that sign up to Science 00:57:50.950 --> 00:57:55.020 Based Targets will come on pump against the problems that I've just explained 00:57:55.020 --> 00:58:00.020 about, trying to get numbers from the large companies who tend to be coy about 00:58:00.020 --> 00:58:06.450 sharing this stuff. I think it makes total sense at corporate level. If you're not a 00:58:06.450 --> 00:58:12.359 state body. But I feel that the legally binding targets that are now in place in 00:58:12.359 --> 00:58:16.900 the U.K. and we are likely to see in Europe in the next six months to a year, 00:58:16.900 --> 00:58:21.010 would be greater levers, because they provide a degree of certainty for people 00:58:21.010 --> 00:58:25.560 to then justify decisions. Because it's the law now, rather than being a thing 00:58:25.560 --> 00:58:30.730 that you might get unemployed for. Herald: Question from the Internet. 00:58:30.730 --> 00:58:36.090 Signal Angel: You mentioned that video on the Internet is a large majority of the 00:58:36.090 --> 00:58:41.550 energy usage. Can you say something about how this breaks down to encoding, storage, 00:58:41.550 --> 00:58:46.339 transmission and decoding? Chris: Yes. Those numbers, I understand, 00:58:46.339 --> 00:58:50.750 are all about just the transfer. So I don't think there is much about the 00:58:50.750 --> 00:58:53.290 encoding parts on that. That's just sending. 00:58:53.290 --> 00:58:57.710 Signal Angel: And quick follow up: can you approximately say how much people can save 00:58:57.710 --> 00:59:02.970 by, for example, staying on single definition or SD instead of HD? 00:59:02.970 --> 00:59:08.910 Chris: I... was it four times? I don't know what that the change in resolution 00:59:08.910 --> 00:59:13.910 would be and it's not something I feel comfortable showing numbers on, because I 00:59:13.910 --> 00:59:19.040 basically be making up on the spot. I feel that the solution is telling people to not 00:59:19.040 --> 00:59:24.400 do something like this - I think it's really, really hard ask and seriously, 00:59:24.400 --> 00:59:29.240 speeding? Getting off fossil fuels is a much better way to solve this problem than 00:59:29.240 --> 00:59:33.160 telling people they're not allowed to watch Netflix ever again or only in low 00:59:33.160 --> 00:59:38.369 resolution, for example. Like we like technology because we're like 15000 people 00:59:38.369 --> 00:59:41.630 here because we like technology. Telling everyone you don't get to use technology 00:59:41.630 --> 00:59:46.170 anymore is gonna be much, much harder to sell than just use green power and stop 00:59:46.170 --> 00:59:49.980 running fossil fuels. Herald: Okay. Last question goes to 00:59:49.980 --> 00:59:53.369 microphone number one. Mic1: Hello. I work for a company that... 00:59:53.369 --> 00:59:56.790 Herald: I've said something about affiliations and introductions. Stage your 00:59:56.790 --> 01:00:02.200 question? We're pretty much out of time. Mic1: If a company owns a lot of servers 01:00:02.200 --> 01:00:10.470 and the only solution to reduce the carbon footprint was to switch to green energy, 01:00:10.470 --> 01:00:16.760 this would increase the costs for the energy. And I'm afraid that I don't have 01:00:16.760 --> 01:00:25.560 good arguments to go to ask them to switch to green energy because of the costs. 01:00:25.560 --> 01:00:30.630 Chris: Green energy is cheaper than fossil fuel energy now, like ... so, we've seen 01:00:30.630 --> 01:00:34.400 this massive reduction in costs like a like storage has come down by 85 percent 01:00:34.400 --> 01:00:39.110 in the last say 10 years, we've seen a massive drop in renewables, like this 01:00:39.110 --> 01:00:43.710 argument is kind of being solved at that level there. It's a choice of provider or 01:00:43.710 --> 01:00:47.550 something separate. But I think in many cases it's going to be a case of choosing 01:00:47.550 --> 01:00:51.331 who you want to do that. And if you're trying to make this argument here, you can 01:00:51.331 --> 01:00:55.600 make the argument that generally people tend to want to work in companies that are 01:00:55.600 --> 01:00:59.810 not destroying the planet. And if you want to retain people or attract new people 01:00:59.810 --> 01:01:03.960 saying, hi, we're part of the solution, not the problem is a good way to present 01:01:03.960 --> 01:01:08.180 this. And that's why lots of organizations talk about kind of green credentials 01:01:08.180 --> 01:01:11.900 because it's a recruiting tool in the same way that they talk about open source or 01:01:11.900 --> 01:01:15.160 working from home or anything like that, especially as we get older and have more 01:01:15.160 --> 01:01:20.170 kids and then realize that: wow, they'll be alive when this stuff happens! Okay. 01:01:20.170 --> 01:01:23.230 Herald: Thank you so much. We're out of time. 01:01:23.230 --> 01:01:24.230 applause 01:01:24.230 --> 01:01:25.230 36C3 postroll music 01:01:25.230 --> 01:01:54.000 Subtitles created by c3subtitles.de in the year 2021. Join, and help us!