Don't do! ... Sit down! Sit down! Father. You were about to shoot your father.You were about to make we your partner in your trouble. Brother Ali.Abducting,Deforcing.How manyy years are we punished in prison? At least five.Of course if he recognizes us. What are you doing?Ha? Ce ee! Brother Ali. What about murder? -Lifelong. -Brother Ali... You are a pain in the ass Cengiz.We will serve a life sentence because of you. Don't do.Cengiz! Say to them not to do! Why didn't you call? -Because... -Why? Why father? Why didn't you come and take me? I waited evreyday to come and take me. They were saying "Orphan" to me at school. I said "You will see my father with car in front of the school." ... Is it true that leaving a little child? Is he just a stuff? Don't do.We were going to call. We have always missed.We have always felt the absence of him. -His mother became miserable. She was crying everyday. -But then.. -What? Ha? What happened then? ... She was pregnant. It was like the child we left came back. We had money. Our son was born. Our suffer had finished. Would you have taken me back if he hadn't been born? Why did you go back?Ha?Why did you go back to home?Ha? Because it was easy. Because he didn't want to return that shack. Because he moved up the social ladder. That son belonged to earlier life, but now you have the new one, don't you? You supposed that if you leave the old one nobody understands. Nobody understands that you were living in a suburb. ... Shit! Say the truth.You were ashamed, aren't you?You were ashamed of yourself not Cengiz. ... -Father? -Yes, yes, yes. Yes.Say to them not to shoot.I apologize.Yes! Sounds of crying Father... Father. -Father. -Cengiz... are just a wastrel. But those who should feel ashamed are them. You are not guilty. Aren't I? Of course you aren'tç. How do I know, do you know? How? Becaues you have friends as us. Look at our situation!Am I such kind of a man who does these things? I had never touched a gun in my life.We abduct a man for you. We have taken a risk to go in jail for you. What? Is that all? Aren't we shooting the bastard? Sound of no. Oh! Sounds of smiling. What?Why are you laughing? Am I a murdererer?Have I murdered any man in my life? Forget about that family Cengiz. Your real family stands here. Sound of laughing. Are you really my family man? The finest ever is you are my ... ...abettors now?Ha? Come buddy. Sonny, if you overcome the crisis I wil ask you something? -About the girl? -Yes. I met a girl named Eyşan at bazaar.Sonny, she is beautiful man. -[Cengiz] Ask it.Consult your borther. -[Ali] Why do you not consult me men? [Cengiz]If we want to get her beaten up, we consult you brother Ali. ... [Ali]We exerted all our strength for you.Is that so now? [Ali] Don't laugh man!Don't laugh, I am coming man.If I catch you... [Ali]Say man!Say man, which girl man?Which girl sony, which? ... Is that? That is. today one of us will die, is that right?Either you... ...or I. My uncle taught me one thing at one time. He said:Nephew... ...there is always a third option. All right, did he tell you Habil and Kabil's story? The first murder. -Because of jealousy. -Will we end like them, ha? -Fratricide. -You are not my brother. [CENGİZ] Why?Why? Didn't you say to me at that rock place that "I am your family"? Don't you remember? My real punishment is that Cengiz.I have never forgotten you. I released oıu whenever I got you because of this. -Which is why I didn't scrag. -Finally you have understood buddy. Finally. Whatever happens we were brothers together.From the first day you assumed me as I belonged to your family. Which is why... will die... brother. [CENGİZ] Where are you?Where are you idiots? What did you do? What? I offered you a third option... ... Those who made to me is my ex-husband... ...Cengiz Atay. He came home and tried to kill me. First he raped me... ...then he came back again.With gloves on his hands... ...He tried to kill me by taking Ezel's knife. Those who mede this to me is not Ezel but Cengiz. -Prison! I mentioned to cops about your tickcets as well. They are waiting at the airport for you. It means nobody comes Cengiz.You and me. -They will confine you.You... -I will take Can from here and go. No... -Then I will take Eyşan. -I don't give.I die, don't give. Then we will resume on our life where it was. No!No!I am here,no! Now you're gone Cengo. We don't even remember you. You didn't kill Eyşan but to Cengiz. After that we don't just live our lives... after that we will live as if you have never been. No. No, no. No,I am here. -I am here.I am... What about me? You have two choices. Prison or death? You choose. No! I said "No", No! No, no. I kill you. -I kill you. I swear, I stab that to your throat. -Come. ... ... Which one Cengiz? Prison or dead? No way man, no way! ... ... ... Ali! Son of a bitch Ali! What happened to your accomplice with me? Do something! Come on.Come. Both of you come. Botf of you come. I killed you once. I kill you once more. ... ... the days that you killed are over Cengiz. It is the day that I will kill. Unless you choose the prison option. Don't be scared."Say "I chosed." Say "I chosed.", I will not touch you. ... Touch if you dare. How will you touch me, ha? The way I touched to Eyşan? ... Son of a bitch! ... How did you sacrifice her man!Ha!How did you shoot man!Ha?How did you shoot man! How did you sacrificeher man! ... ... ... ... -Ömer... -Don't come! ... ... How did you sacrifice her man! ... Come here!Not finished yet!Not finished yet, open your eyes! Open your eyes! Open, not finished yet!Open your eyes. Not finished yet!Open your eyes. ... Ömer!Ömer!Ömwer, leave him!Leave, let me finish with him. Leave him Ömer.Eyşan is alive Buddy! Eyşan is alive. But my Tefo died.Leave him, let me finish with him. If you kill him now this is not a punishment but a reward to him man!A reward to him, reward! [Ali] Leave him. Leave, let me finished with him.Don't be worrying yourself. Leave, let me make to him worse. Now you... ...go to your Eyşan. Eyşan... ... [Cengiz]Ezel!Ömer! Help me buddy! It is me man.It is me, Cengiz. I am slipping.I am slipping Ömer. Ömer! It is me man.It is me. Don't leave me.You can't leave me. You don't leave your brother. Ömer! Rescue me. Rescue me, rescue. Rescue me, let's resume on our old days, ha?Ömer?