[71] Season 2 - Episode 38 (FINAL) Much later [RAMIZ] "Despite everything When everything is over ... ... Ezel will win love, justice I've thought he'd find his place. " "But happy endings are for stories." "If it's the story I'm telling it's already over. " "Nothing happened after that." Fener (lighthouse) is closed. No visit. - I did not come to visit the site. -So why did you come? - I came here to visit my father. What is your name? I'm Can. Can Ucar. Today -Look here Do do do Good observation I'm doing The baby looks like you. No sense of humour! I think he doesn't know the language you speak. It's s still not finished? What kind of a break. You lost a bet with me. Sure, I shouldn't have played cards with Ramiz Dayi's daughter. we've only played an easy card game -What are you doing mad husband? -I saving you from external influences. - It's not this kind of break. It's only rest break. - Now, see how you'll relax. .. this morning a well-known man named Ezel is taken into custody following a knife attack ALİ! - Bayraktar and businessman Kenan... -ALİ! catched tightly... ...and taken to the police. The victim's identity is being kept confidential by police. Police haven't made a statement yet and many questions remain open. Cengiz! What! -Dad? -Yes? Are you getting better? -What do you say, am I wrong? No. But.. you know, yesterday you are a kind of... Look, if I am getting better or not. What? Okay then, pull over slowly. Pull over. Good job! Dad, if you are better, can we take mom? So she can see how I am driving. Your mom... Your mom said " go your home" -With you? -with me. Dad, are you making it up? -We'll see. Dad! Now you are coming here ... then I'll drive, okay? -We'll transfer this guy up here to there till morning. Hüseyin, there's also match today, bro. How can we catch the match? That's right bro. What do you think the score will be? .Stop Let me! I go you, bro! -Ali abe - I'm here. Eyşan.. He killed Eyşan! When my mom is coming? Are we waiting here? Actually, will we make little change in plans? I say, the three us go somewhere Like holiday? -Yes right. How about it? - Great! I'm gonna prepare my bag! I know that you made up already. You will get back together, right? "My dad is a little different nowadays but he will get well soon... Then you are love him again"I told my mom She told me that "nothing is impossible in love... ...if you love someone, you never forget him... ...this is called Love... ..even you die, you'll not forget your love. " Can? We've didn't make up with your mother and we will never make up. -But.. -Your mother will be together with Ezel from now on. She's gone away. Never come back! Do you hear me? She's not coming back! No, she wouldn't do this! My mom didn't go away! Leave me! I will find my mom, open the door! It will be just the two of us from now on, Can. Your mom don't want us, she choose him. I told you "no"", open! Okay. I'm sorry. Sorry Can, stop. Liar! You tricked me! Open the door! I'm going to my mom! okay. Dad is here Can. It's over. Sh.... It's over. Okay. Is that way, we went to Ezel's home? Did they arrange this from the beginning? To get rid of me? Yes sonny.. They planned to get rid of us. What have I done to them? No, you haven't done anything. Why has she gone away? Because.. ...your mom loves him. Not you, not me.. She loves Ezel. Will I never see my mother again? No,sonny. We will never see your mother. Dad, why did this happen? Mom's never leave their children. She did, sonny. One day, everybody leaves someone else, believe me. Are you going to leave me? -What? What did you say? I can't leave you, I will never go away. At all costs, to the bitter end. Okay? Did you hear me? I promise, I will never leave you, Can. I will never leave you. Never. That's enough Meliha,you are tired. Sit here. Here it is Mümtaz. Ayyy.... Maybe I'll cook some dessert. Can likes it. - There is no need. I bought it on my way home. He used to like it, but now I don't know.- What happened to them? I'm expecting them. Are you nuts? What are we doing here? Why are we here? Can, bro, Can. My son is here. What he is doing to my son? There is police at home. Okay, wait. I can do it. You! Can! Can! Can! Come on, Ömer! Don't go inside! Can! -We have to go, Ömer. - Look here! We have to go, bro, they'll come soon. Bro... Look... ..the rest of the woman I love. Eyşan.. I shouldn't have left. I shouldn't have gone anywhere. I was here Bro.. Meliha. We're will wait some more, Mumtaz -Cengiz Atay - Mr. Atay, sorry for disturbing... ... I'm the police officer Sedat Karaman. -What's up? -We have bad news for you. - What happened? - Your ex-wife, sir... -Eyşan? - Yes sir, I'm afraid she was attacked by someone today. God! Is she alive? Tell me she is alive! Please say! - Her condition is bad. But she is alive, right? -Yes, she is in hospital now. Before doctors are going into surgery, they asked me to call you. - Why? - Because she keeps saying your name in her sleep. I'm coming! You go, bro - I can't go without you. Ömer.. Ömer, what is that? Didn't they say that she died? Is she alive? If they've done emergency action.. Ali! When Eyşan was on the way out, she was lying down. Where is Eyşan? Eyşan Tezcan I'm her husband. I mean ex-husband. -Where is she now? -İnside, herre wear these galoshes Put this bonnet on your head. Come please. Why have you been... Who did? Have you rounded him up? - That's why we are here. - I know him. He threatened me, too. What do you mean? He was arrested by colleagues. But, when they took him to the police station he was abducted by someone. What! Where is he now? Is it serious? Why aren't you taking her to be operated? She has a bleeding. We tried, but we can only make compresses. We can't operate in this situation. - Why? - Because she may die during the operation. Her spleen and kidney are in pieces. She keeps loosing blood Her consciousness is changing When she woke up she said your name. She wants you near. I'm here. Eyşan.. Say my dear. Talk. Murderer! Just give us a one minute. My wife is dying. Give us one minute! Can.. Can is well... I'll take very good care of him. I will never leave him. Gun! Gun! Can bro, do something to find him, let your guys know I've just called them. You'll do me a favor. No! I can't wait here. You'll do me a favor. No! I can't wait here. Shoot, hit, smash! Do whatever you can. Catch Cengiz, bro! But, do not kill him, don't do it! Cengiz's death will be by my hand. You see? I see but why would Cengiz come here? - To finish what he started I'll be a good father... ...and set a good example. Also I'll give up gambling. I know a place, I'd have taken you away I look after Can there... ...very well. Do.. It will not harm Can. Promise. How?.. How? How can I did this? How! I love you.. I love you, but how can I do this to you? How could I have killed you? My god! What have I done? What have I done? Eysan! Eysan! Eysan! Eysan! Eysan! . . Eysan! Eysan! You are alive? Alive! Eysan! Eysan! -Don't go! I won't go anywhere! Don't leave me... . Eysan? Eysan? Ömer. I'm here! - I'm dying. No! No! Doctor! I wont't be dying. I want to live with you. Won't die! Won't. . Doctor! Eysan? Eysan? Doctor... Get out! Go! Lock the door! You! Come here! Do something, quickly! Do something quickly! There is nothing to do! I'll just donate blood. Do something, hurry up! If we operate, she might die! Then there is nothing to do. If she dies, you'll be dead, doctor! If you want to live, save her! Hurry up! What are you doing? Do something. He is in her room! Kill him, do something! We turn around, sir. We reported it, and we are waiting for news from our superiors! I'm Cengiz Atay! You have to do whatever I say. He is in my wife's room. - Sir, we know how to do our own business Okay then, leave here! But please understand me! -Leave here. Who the hell are you to give orders ? I'm in trouble, and only you can help me. Busted! The answer to your question! Busted operation room. - Shoot Ezel! - -Are you an idiot? Yes sir. Now I'm... Yes. Okay, Sir! I see... But, this is very risky. The woman inside is your wife Yes, with her killer. He is mad. Do it! He'll shot her! Do something Ali! Do it! Hurry up! Lie down, lie, lie. Come to me ! Fuck it! Come on guys, scaredy cats! Come on! My god! I haven't talked to you for 14 years. I didn't want anything from you. I didn't believe you. I was angry with you... Because you couldn't hear me, didn't approach me. Didn't punish them.. Everyday I pray you abuse to Eysan... ...and kill her.. So, you will get her life? Kill me! But let live her please! Please! God, I pray to you, please save us! Please hear me! Please hear us at this time! Sir, Busted! Now you can do your bust. What you say mean? Your wife is struggling with death. I can't collect evidence, then you can go and busted operation. No, I'll take him my own way. Now you go and call my superior! I can't risk their lives. Hello! Now I 'll tell you a place. You'll take my son. Let's go. Is she alive? She is in surgery and her condition is poor. But a man that is inside, can't get in touch with. Stop! Don't shoot! - He left from the back entrance. We are okay. - Where did he run? There is a service lift in the back. He ran there. How is Eyşan? Did she wake up? - No - Don't know where Ezell is going to run? - Mr. Cengiz. We are prisoners of our hands. Because we know better than you do. How to track people fleeing. Commissioner, I'm so sorry, but If you wanted to escape eternity ... ... You could find the piece of music in the dark. Make sure. Luckily they don't escape their troubles. Eysan woke up. - Of course, to finish the job. - We have to ... What are you going to do for work? A tip for our eternity to determine Can you tell me? I will do it better. Step to step places go. It is home, work, not a friend or something. Wait a minute. There's a need to keep the places. But the place catch by the real thing. Where are we? At Omer Ucar's house An old friend. We used to drink together. A long time ago we used to spend summer there Go nowhere with you. You' are tired, bearing the weight. Let's go there. You went to the house.... Remember! Locations in former .... You'll thank me. I am thankful that the assassin has been killed I was like this, but the police ... I saw it on TV either. Are you ok? - Didn't you know that the police is outside? - Everywhere. I came coming from behind. - Bade, I'm an idi... I didn't. - Nonsense, of course you didn't. Didn't do it! Eysan, how is she, well? Alive What am I supposed to do? - Is there'something like a basement here? Am I hiding there? Are you hiding? Am I staying with a true friend? Tell me. Another thing that you saw Something bigger Which one? Mumtaz? Omer, my son.... . . . . . . Yes, Dad, the police . .Omer.... . . . . . . . . . - I...I'm just murmuring.... - Come on. Come on, Toyla. Mother, give me a clean shirt. - Carry age child. - Sit down Oh, my son. Two had a bite. - Dad Police! - You watched eat! Dad's here Here is a clean shirt The police can't leave me my pet for a while. I'll come to you in a while. We are looking forward to it, son. If the extended plate you wouldn't throw away, Mom? I put the card I'm going to throw everything gone. Horse. Father says to me. Check necessarily. Come on, son. Wait longer. As it always ends, and the happy days Would our father remember this? Are you always so unhappy? Do you want your father to be remembered that way? Mom is with me. I beat my father. - Good for you, son. Get Halal Omar. - Mother? Get Halal, my mother. What about me if everything they get halal. All get halal. - Come on, now. - Go ahead. [EZEL] "Now I'm coming, Genghiz." You wait for me. Every time you play this game. [CENGZ] "It's a very tough fight. I noticed that my brother." [EZEL] "I lost, I lost." "I forgot." "How to begin those fights in ..." [CENGiZ] "... it's the necessary end." Dad Where are we going? Whereever we are going, Cengo, we are going together You called me Cengo [EZEL] When there is jealousy in the beginning... Compassion, Sickness, .. our quick friendship ... finally ends there. Or hit him right now. Cenghiz, my mother is going to kill me Will your mother see? Your mother is blind. Or give it right now. Straight, right You can't. Turn around. - Well, summer. Pride as you wrote. - Had. Is clough money together? - Yes. Accept Quiet Look at that, father. I'm even better than Omar. Well done, son Cengo, come on let's see I was going to go back to Germany this month. - Well, I thought... - What? I'm going to take mother with me. The changes will affect what happens to you. What do you think? - Grandma is here. Are you going to look at that as a man. What are you going to wear? It's going to have when it comes to A'll take you home? - A house? - A real home. There will be two rooms. Are you there? - I'm in! - Lion Boy. - Come on then. We don't want to miss the plane. - I'll take the bags. Ugh mother, it's okay. He believed it? Get out of the gameboy, get out. What does Azley think without thinking? Oh, my son he's wearing, but that monstrous labyrinth. What will the orphan of mother and father look like? Mother, what can we do? Who's going to take care of the kids there? Look now how I am going to beat him. It's yours. I'm not playing much now. Seriously? Will you give it to me? Why man? Dude, you got pride. Come to us tonight. My mother will make fritters. Excuse me, ... Can I use the phone for two seconds? There's an emergency. My battery ran out. of course. Thank you He didn't order me Lentils red pepper soup ... ... And pistachio. - What address' should I take that to, man. - Brother Ali's bill. - What son, who hes-- Are we going to finish my brother? - How about the faggot? - We forgot something, brother Ali. Cengiz. We forgot Cengiz's state. - Eysan stabbed him. Esyan - We understand man. Dad likes that. Oh yes, man. Eysan He has a son with him. No place to go. They'll talk, let's go, nobody. [ALI] forgot Cengiz. - [EZEL] he has power ...he has money ... But the inside is on fire. Homeless people. Fear. Our new Genghiz. Enough to remember How do we do that? Yes, Genghiz Atay. I don't know the information. It's forbidden, but you do. So I knew Koray. Sebnem is not annoying. Or is it sad? That's Koray. How many, where? Marroco Superb. Oh, of course. Kisses. The flight is in an hour - There are two tickets for that person. The other one is for.. - Can. Look, I forgot Sebo. Ezel... What is it? Are you still trying to catch up? I'm not running Cengiz. I'm chasing you. Fine, fine. We'll meet in front of the police station very soon. No, don't move. I'm going to get you from the airport. Where are you? - Where are you? - I am almost catching up with you, Gengiz. Did you think you would be able to escape me? He? Cengo? Where are you going to go? Mr. Kenan's house in Morocco? Wherever you go in the world, I'll find you Cengiz. Can'o Corporal who'll take his hand. I'm fine with you. I beat you. I killed Eysan. I killed her! To beat you! I beat you now! Genghis refute another person stores. Everybody loved Eysan, she chose me. You're defeated - Because you're Cengo. - Closure immemorial. They'll get you. You can even choose me. No one chose you Cengiz. Nobody wanted to be with you. Do you know why? - Because you're Cengo. - God gives blessings, Omar! - God gives blessings! - Where did you start from Cengo? Wait, coming... I'm going to go get Can. So you want to get the money. You get the power. You want what you want You're still family jeans at ka't', unwanted, that abandoned child. No! Have I said friend assignment Do you believe me? Genghiz, Oh, no one means ... ... He said you are bitter. But you know that. Her whole life your wife was waiting for another man. Now your son is waiting for another father. No! What's left from our uncle? Sebnem... - One thing I couldn't say no. - Course, then. I never see you. Tevfik. Tefo would be so happy to see the person you are. Seriously? Ezel Go! Go! Travel! Get out of my head! Go! You all leave! Out! Go! Not you, Can, darling. Not you. Go to sleep, sleep. Cengiz. Thank you, he owns it. I prepared something for you. It's too late to eat, huh? - Sister, Fenay-m Asli. - Oh my God, I don't know. I swear to God you don't know. I'm really sorry. I... included in the turn. Has... - Hand it to the older sister of the doctor. - Be good for it. I wish my grandmother wasn't dead either. They live in France ... if you had come a week earlier.... What a good man is used to living without food. Fie, bear What a man World of mortals. Omer. Look at this, What's sold in the drawer. - Heavy that Cengiz man. - Tried son. The 150-year-old Woman. ... an old desk Quiet! It's uncle Mumtaz's letters If all of them, huh? Frozen and ... My parents freeze Istanbul branch It happened five years They are addressed to my grandmother "How does Riza Cengo ask." 'Cengiz Sr. has sent an hour. ' Now command I say, but here's Rize. You give him." This time. EDI is three years old. Mr. Buradalarm. Here. Costs are high I got credit for a house There will be room. And get from their homes without me. Without me They get. Brother Ali. Will I throw Ethyler? this is number ten Oh, there's a lot of work for Cengo here. I will insert it next to my father's - Stop - What? Did you think about what you are going to tell your father? my fucking man. Here's Dad Home. I'll am wounded. What am I going to say? We haven't seen each other for ten years. They are ox or not They probably think the lost Cengo Cenk! Come on, ladies, Look, we're going to be late. Let's see if Cenk Bey... Omer, ba.. Let's go! Do you know me? Fuck off! Don't you recognize me? Rize Atay, right? You've been living here for 5 years Yes. Is there a problem? Do you have a taxable saving plan. It accrues interest. It's a huge success It is no longer necessary to resettle the debt. -Let me be - Cenghiz! - Genghiz! Where is the room, my father? Where's my room? Where is my room? Uh? Did Cenk get it? Eftih's father bought. Ftih bought. Where is the room, huh? I mean Cenk, is that what he took. Is he smarter than me? Uh? Is he more docile? Is he better than me? [CENGHIZ] alright! Let go! - Mato. I'll kill them. - Are you crazy! He also stole my gun. Did you start from me? Go to the man permit! Before I kill that boy Stop it! We Varize be! You brought man us here. You're losing Genghis us. I mean... - Do you have for them too? - On your side. Your friend. How do you use that you or us. - Whose side are you really on? - I am on the car's side. I'm on my own side. I can't do well. I can't. No way! I'm not good enough He's going to be your friend. Not so good. You will have a child. Not soo good. What would I do, I like that too. If you don't like someone like me. Genghiz here is the black sheep But you'll see. One day I will own my own house I will show you all It will have more rooms than any of your houses See how we live now. I can't bring my wife home. And for this worm, I'll get a gun Oh let's leave. Let's not dirty our hands for that son of a bitch No, man. It's my pleasure... Abu, you are standing around Now Azad is here, the police are going to catch us or someone else Well, we are fucked in this job Uncle also loved this guy Oh, what stories to tell a child Are you happy with him? Good. Ali is happy. I don't think I've ever seen him as happy as now Little Tefo, it's thanks to you. Don't forget it. Ezel, I am going to give you something I've had it for a while My father gave it to me before he died - What is it? - Ezel, clean. Let's go. I'll be in the car I know, I know. They haven't found him. Nothing! This guy is like a ghost. How did he escape? Or how do you get this guy? Silence, shut up! This man is a murderous rapist. He slipped between your fingers twice. Such incompetence. What do you think your superiors will have to say? We are making the utmost effort I know. Because I talked to the people upstairs. It looks like you'll be appointed to a distant area. Do you want this? - Answer me, right? - No Good. Do you want to find Ezel? So become the most magnificent police hero If you really want to see me smile... You have to do it. I say come to my house - Where is it? - For me, too - Ezell will also be here soon. - How do you know the future? Because like in the film, like in the novel. That's how the play is supposed to end. Because the bad guys are going to lose consciousness, hide, hurt themselves ... ... finally, they will make a big mistake. That's how it is supposed to be. Because in the ultimate diving justice He thinks he'll find his place. Your chance at life He told me the only place to come to. A very clear engagement. You'll be the man of the day. - There is only one thing - And what would that be? You give me an unquestionable sign ... ... Don't cause any delay in shooting him in the head. Why? Divine lieutenant. Is that why? The man took my life from me. At the end of divine justice. You found the place he hid. Direct me to the address Cengiz ... - We didn't finish our talk yesterday. - Good. - Wasn't it enough? - It wasn't enough. Nations stop the shit kicked out the man! Nobody's fault. - You're the kid I knew the plague to start. - Omer, cut the shit! No one who doesn't care about yours. It's my dad, let me tell you You saw it at first hand. Give me a man! What do you want from me? "That's a friend of an important man" he said. "Some friends glorifiy human beings ... and some pull them down" he said. - Withdraw from the man at that time." Said Alice "Beware of this boy, " he said. This man could cut you back one day very bad burn. Why him? Whenever I see shit. It sticks to him, too. All your other shit. It puts you in the top ten. Be someone else. No, I will fix it. Even if you don't it yourself What are you waiting for the man here for? - What if I have received money. Don't do it! Don't do! . Sit down! Sit down! Father. You were about to shoot your father. You were about to get your partner in trouble. Brother Ali. Abducting, Deforcing. How many years are we punished in prison? At least five.Of course if he recognizes us. What are you doing? Ce ee! Brother Ali. What about murder? -Lifelong. -Brother Ali... You are a pain in the ass Cengiz. We will serve a life sentence because of you. Don't do it, Cengiz! Tell them not to do! Why didn't you call? -Because... -Why? Why father? Why didn't you come and take me? I waited every day for you to come and take me. They were saying "Orphan" to me at school. I said "You will see my father with car in front of the school." .. Is it right to leave a little child? Is he just a stuff? Don't do.We were going to call. We have always missed. We have always felt his absence. -His mother became miserable. She was crying everyday. -But then.. -What? Ha? What happened then? She was pregnant. It was like the child we left came back. We had money. Our son was born. Our suffering ended. Would you have taken me back if he hadn't been born? Why did you go back? Ha? Why did you go back home? Ha? Because it was easy. Because he didn't want to return to that shack. Because he moved up the social ladder. That son belonged to an earlier life, but now you have the new one, don't you? You supposed that if you leave the old one nobody understands. Nobody understands that you were living in a suburb. . Shit! Say the truth.You were ashamed, aren't you?You were ashamed of yourself not Cengiz. . -Father? -Yes, yes, yes. Yes.Say to them not to shoot.I apologize.Yes! Sounds of crying Father... Father. -Father. -Cengiz... ...you are just a wastrel. But those who should feel ashamed are them. You are not guilty. Aren't I? Of course, you aren't. How do I know, do you know? How? Because you have friends like us. Look at our situation! Am I the kind of man who does such things? I had never touched a gun in my life. We abducted a man for you. We risked going to jail for you. What? Is that all? Aren't we shooting the bastard? Sound of no. Oh! Sounds of smiling. What? Why are you laughing? Am I a murderer? Have I murdered any man in my life? Forget about that family Cengiz. Your real family stands here. Sound of laughing. Are you really my family man? The finest ever is you are my ... ...abettors now?Ha? Come buddy. Sonny, if you overcome the crisis I wil ask you something? -About the girl? -Yes. I met a girl named Eyşan at the bazaar. Sonny, she is a beautiful woman. -[Cengiz] Ask it.Consult your borther. -[Ali] Why do you not consult me men? [Cengiz]If we want to get her beaten up, we would consult you, brother Ali. . [Ali]We exerted all our strength for you.Is that so now? Ali] Don't laugh man!Don't laugh, I am coming man.If I catch you... [Ali]Say man!Say man, which girl man?Which girl sony, which?Is that? . Is that? That is. today one of us will die, is that right? Either you... ... or I. My uncle taught me one thing at a time. He said: Nephew... ...there is always a third option. All right, did he tell you Habil and Kabil's story? The first murder. -Because of jealousy. -Will we end like them, ha? -Fratricide. -You are not my brother. [CENGİZ] Why?Why? Didn't you say to me at that rock place that "I am your family"? Don't you remember? My real punishment is that Cengiz. I have never forgotten you. I released you whenever I got you because of this. -Which is why I didn't scrag. -Finally you have understood buddy. Finally. Whatever happens we were brothers together.From the first day you assumed me as I belonged to your family. Which is why... ...you will die... ..my brother. [CENGİZ] Where are you?Where are you idiots? What did you do? What? I offered you a third option... ... .....brother. The one who did this to me is my ex-husband... ...Cengiz Atay. He came home and tried to kill me. First he raped me... ...then he came back again. With gloves on his hands... ...He tried to kill me by taking Ezel's knife. The one who did this to me is not Ezel but Cengiz. -Prison! I mentioned to the cops about your tickets as well. They are waiting for you at the airport. It means nobody comes Cengiz. You and me. -They will confine you.You... -I will take Can from here and go. No... -Then I will take Eyşan. -I don't give. I die, don't give. Then we will resume our life where it was. No! No! I am here, no! Now you're gone Cengo. We don't even remember you. You didn't kill Eyşan but Cengiz. After that we don't just live our lives... after that we will live as if you have never been. No. No, no. No,I am here. -I am here.I am... What about me? You have two choices. Prison or death? You choose. No! I said "No", No! No, no. I kill you. I kill you. I swear, I stab that to your throat. -Come. . . Which one Cengiz? Prison or dead? No way man, no way! .... ... .... Ali! Son of a bitch Ali! What happened to your accomplice with me? Do something! Come on.Come. Both of you come. Both of you come. I killed you once. I kill you once more. ... ... the days that you killed are over Cengiz. It is the day that I will kill. Unless you choose the prison option. Don't be scared."Say "I chose." Say "I chose.", I will not touch you. ... Touch if you dare. How will you touch me, ha? The way I touched to Eyşan? . Son of a bitch! . How did you sacrifice her, man! Ha! How did you shoot man! Ha? How did you shoot man! How did you sacrifice her, man! . . . H-Ömer... -Don't come! . . How did you sacrifice her man! . Come here!Not finished yet!Not finished yet, open your eyes! Open your eyes! Open, not finished yet!Open your eyes. Not finished yet! Open your eyes. Ömer! Ömer! Ömer, leave him! Leave, let me finish with him. Leave him Ömer.Eyşan is alive Buddy! Eyşan is alive. But my Tefo died. Leave him, let me finish with him. f you kill him now this is not a punishment, but a reward for him, man! A reward to him, reward! [Ali] Leave him. Leave, let me finished with him.Don't be worrying yourself. Leave, let me make to him worse. Now you... ...go to your Eyşan. Eyşan... . Cengiz]Ezel!Ömer! Help me buddy! It is me man.It is me, Cengiz. I am slipping.I am slipping Ömer. Ömer! It is me man. It is me. Don't leave me.You can't leave me. You don't leave your brother. Ömer! Rescue me. Rescue me, rescue. Rescue me, let's resume on our old days, ha?Ömer? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .