0:00:00.080,0:00:04.600 Of all of the controversial topics I've covered,[br]nothing has drawn the ire of the internet 0:00:04.600,0:00:07.250 as much as questioning the ethics of horseback riding. 0:00:07.250,0:00:10.534 In the years since my first video on this[br]topic, I've realized a few things. 0:00:10.534,0:00:11.034 One: 0:00:11.034,0:00:11.534 horse 0:00:11.534,0:00:12.100 people 0:00:12.100,0:00:12.600 are 0:00:12.600,0:00:13.960 passionate. 0:00:13.960,0:00:16.785 And two: there’s a lot I failed to address. 0:00:16.785,0:00:20.439 In fact, I've been rethinking my approach[br]to this debate entirely. 0:00:20.439,0:00:22.330 So, is horse riding cruel? 0:00:22.330,0:00:23.349 It is vegan? 0:00:23.349,0:00:26.156 And is there any ethical way to ride a horse? 0:00:26.156,0:00:27.161 (cracks neck) 0:00:28.534,0:00:29.734 Let's do this 0:00:36.000,0:00:39.710 Hi, it's Emily from BiteSizeVegan.org, where[br]you can find all the sources for this video, 0:00:39.710,0:00:42.309 and my entire Horse Riding Ethics series. 0:00:42.309,0:00:47.071 Before we discuss whether horse riding is[br]cruel, I want you to think about another question entirely: 0:00:47.071,0:00:49.239 Are horses meant to be ridden? 0:00:49.239,0:00:53.500 You see, the question of whether horse riding[br]is cruel tends to result in heated debate 0:00:53.500,0:00:58.109 over which methods or schools of riding are[br]best, with riders insisting that horse riding 0:00:58.109,0:01:00.760 is not harmful if done "correctly." 0:01:00.760,0:01:05.470 Any physical or emotional harm caused by riding[br]horses is due to inexperienced riders, poor 0:01:05.470,0:01:08.270 use of equipment, or any other number of factors. 0:01:08.270,0:01:15.030 But all of this debate over how to ride horses[br]"properly" presupposes that there is an acceptable 0:01:15.030,0:01:18.920 way to use another being for our own purposes. 0:01:18.920,0:01:24.509 Even the very question of whether horse riding[br]is cruel risks implying that the only problem 0:01:24.509,0:01:27.259 with riding horses is whether they suffer. 0:01:27.259,0:01:31.700 The foundational ethical issue with horseback[br]riding isn't whether it hurts horses 0:01:31.700,0:01:35.350 —it's the presumption that they are ours to use in the first place. 0:01:35.350,0:01:38.020 That horses are meant to be ridden. 0:01:38.020,0:01:41.700 We'll explore this further throughout this[br]video, but I wanted to plant this seed before 0:01:41.700,0:01:46.030 we get too lost in the weeds—and before[br]the vast majority of YouTube viewers leave 0:01:46.030,0:01:47.500 the video entirely. 0:01:47.500,0:01:49.301 (And they're gone...) 0:01:49.301,0:01:53.981 Let's start by addressing head-on four common[br]arguments in defense of riding horses. 0:01:53.981,0:01:58.320 The most basic argument in the defence of riding horses is that [br]horses need exercise. 0:01:58.320,0:02:03.079 This also comes with the most basic refutation:[br]so do dogs, cats, and human children—yet 0:02:03.079,0:02:06.601 we've somehow found a way to provide such[br]necessary physical activity 0:02:06.601,0:02:09.629 without mounting any of them. 0:02:09.629,0:02:12.750 Yes, horses—like all animals—need exercise. 0:02:12.750,0:02:18.629 And if riding them is the only way they are[br]allowed to receive that exercise, then yes—it's 0:02:18.629,0:02:23.910 more beneficial than being stuck in a stall[br]24/7 But the choice of being ridden or receiving 0:02:23.910,0:02:27.310 no exercise at all is a human-created false dichotomy. 0:02:27.310,0:02:31.337 The reason horses even need humans to provide them with exercise 0:02:31.337,0:02:34.940 is that we have confined them in the first place. 0:02:34.940,0:02:39.340 A second argument is that riding provides[br]horses with an enriched environment and stimulation. 0:02:39.340,0:02:45.390 As with exercise, these are valid needs of[br]any living being—and fully achievable without 0:02:45.390,0:02:47.319 being mounted by a human. 0:02:47.319,0:02:53.500 Again, if horses weren’t deprived of enrichment[br]and stimulation by humans in the first place, 0:02:53.500,0:02:57.349 they wouldn’t need to be given enrichment[br]and stimulation by humans. 0:02:57.349,0:03:01.550 Now, I know I've been a bit flippant in my[br]responses to the first two arguments, but 0:03:01.550,0:03:05.500 I'm going to take some time on the final two[br]because they speak to profoundly important 0:03:05.500,0:03:09.530 dynamics in how we conceptualize our relationships with horses. 0:03:09.530,0:03:14.459 The assertion that horses enjoy being ridden[br]comes in many forms, but almost always starts 0:03:14.459,0:03:19.940 with "but my horse loves..." and insert: being[br]ridden, going to shows, wearing a bridle, 0:03:19.940,0:03:22.500 having a bit, running the barrels, and what have you. 0:03:22.500,0:03:26.080 Horse riding advocates describe how excited[br]their horses are when they see it's time to 0:03:26.080,0:03:31.159 go for a ride, listing behavioral signs of[br]enjoyment versus those indicating distress. 0:03:31.159,0:03:34.530 Rather than debate the meaning of equine body[br]language, let's assume—for a moment—that 0:03:34.530,0:03:37.269 a horse does show excitement about being ridden. 0:03:37.269,0:03:42.730 This excitement has to be viewed within the[br]context of the limitations we've placed upon the horse 0:03:42.730,0:03:44.770 What else do they have to look forward to? 0:03:44.770,0:03:49.550 When your options are staying in a stall or[br]getting to go outside—albeit while being 0:03:49.550,0:03:51.980 ridden—which would you choose? 0:03:51.980,0:03:56.997 Adapting to the limits of confinement is a[br]survival mechanism in all animals—humans included 0:03:56.997,0:04:01.739 Think of how imprisoned people find ingenious[br]ways to fulfill the need for social and communal 0:04:01.739,0:04:04.629 interaction, intellectual stimulation, and physical activity. 0:04:04.629,0:04:09.099 They may very well come to enjoy any time[br]they have outside their cell and excitedly 0:04:09.099,0:04:14.079 anticipate things that, to non-imprisoned people, seem trivial [br]or even unappealing. 0:04:14.079,0:04:18.470 But within the limited framework of confinement,[br]they adapt to stay sane. 0:04:18.470,0:04:23.090 This re-frames the issue entirely to the ethics[br]of domestication itself—something explored 0:04:23.090,0:04:27.280 by former horse trainer, trader, and rider[br]Ren Hurst in my interview with her: 0:04:27.280,0:04:32.570 Most people have no idea that the animals[br]they are spending time with are in an absolute 0:04:32.570,0:04:37.756 state of learned helplessness, of conditioning,[br]that doesn’t even allow you to experience their true nature. 0:04:37.756,0:04:43.250 What you are experiencing is like this empty shell version...[br]of the animal in front of you 0:04:43.250,0:04:48.800 Even if we could accurately determine consent [br]from other species, true consent cannot be 0:04:48.800,0:04:52.720 freely given under unequal [br]power dynamics and constraints. 0:04:52.720,0:04:57.430 This leads us to what I think may be the most[br]painful defense for riders to confront: 0:04:57.430,0:05:01.840 the love they feel for their horses, and the deep[br]emotional bond formed through riding. 0:05:01.840,0:05:06.030 To those of you who ride horses: [br]I do believe that you love them. 0:05:06.030,0:05:10.270 I do believe that you feel a deep emotional[br]connection to them. 0:05:10.270,0:05:17.229 And I believe that the depth of that love[br]is precisely what makes it so profoundly painful 0:05:17.229,0:05:20.419 to question the true nature of your relationship with them. 0:05:20.419,0:05:24.790 I also understand the resistance to having[br]that bond questioned by me—someone with 0:05:24.790,0:05:26.540 no background in horse riding. 0:05:26.540,0:05:28.620 So, I’ll again defer to Ren Hurst, 0:05:28.620,0:05:33.900 You have to almost experience a truly free horse…[br]otherwise, your perception of what 0:05:33.900,0:05:37.520 horses are and how they behave is really skewed. 0:05:37.520,0:05:42.199 This is a being you have placed in your control[br]and in your care, and then you call that “love.” 0:05:42.199,0:05:47.880 I mean, there’s nothing “loving” about[br]using someone for your own personal benefit. 0:05:47.880,0:05:52.400 That’s not a loving relationship, and it’s[br]not an equal relationship. 0:05:52.400,0:05:58.275 Riding horses involves using non-human animals[br]for entertainment, emotional fulfillment—even love. 0:05:58.275,0:06:03.190 But using someone for love is still using someone. 0:06:03.190,0:06:06.850 Now that we've touched on some of the principal[br]defenses for riding horses, let's explore 0:06:06.850,0:06:08.930 the main arguments against horse riding. 0:06:08.930,0:06:13.660 I'll be honest: the most common arguments[br]against horseback riding—which I myself 0:06:13.660,0:06:18.479 focused upon in my original video and article[br]on this topic—all center upon the physical 0:06:18.479,0:06:20.720 harm riding inflicts upon horses. 0:06:20.720,0:06:24.210 Yes, it's important to address the physical[br]consequences horses endure. 0:06:24.210,0:06:29.710 But focusing exclusively on their physical[br]suffering as the reason to stop riding horses 0:06:29.710,0:06:32.880 misses the greater ethical issues entirely. 0:06:32.880,0:06:37.460 Instead of questioning our use of horses in[br]the first place, we end up nitpicking the 0:06:37.460,0:06:42.720 appropriate terms of their exploitation: arguing[br]about the best and worst methods of riding, 0:06:42.720,0:06:44.980 the proper and improper use of equipment, et cetera. 0:06:44.980,0:06:51.500 It is the very same trap of all animal welfarism,[br]like humane, free-range, and cage-free labels. 0:06:51.500,0:06:57.000 Our right to use these beings is seen as a[br]foregone conclusion—the only thing we question 0:06:57.000,0:07:00.370 is the "acceptable" ways in which we can use them. 0:07:00.370,0:07:04.889 With that caveat stated, let's look at the[br]physical impact of horseback riding on horses 0:07:04.889,0:07:07.740 before further exploring the vegan animal rights perspective. 0:07:07.740,0:07:11.800 The short answer is yes, horse riding does hurt horses. 0:07:11.800,0:07:16.930 Now, The exact nature and degree of the harm,[br]the precise causality, and proposed methods 0:07:16.930,0:07:21.132 by which such harm may be mitigated is a [br]long-standing contentious debate 0:07:21.132,0:07:23.370 that shows no signs of resolution. 0:07:23.370,0:07:27.720 A major problem with the scientific and medical[br]literature is that it is conducted through 0:07:27.720,0:07:32.980 the lens of minimizing the harm of horse use[br]in order to prolong that use. 0:07:32.980,0:07:37.400 It is also framed within the unquestioned[br]constraints we've placed upon horses. 0:07:37.400,0:07:41.610 Before we get into more detail, I want to[br]again urge you to take a step back and think 0:07:41.610,0:07:47.699 about another question entirely: if so much[br]has to be done "correctly" to minimize the 0:07:47.699,0:07:53.900 harm of riding horses, and no one can actually[br]agree on what that "correct" formula is, and 0:07:53.900,0:07:57.885 riding horses is entirely [br]unnecessary in the first place— 0:07:57.885,0:08:03.301 why are we still so insistent[br]on doing this to them? 0:08:03.301,0:08:06.930 For the horse racing industry, the answer is clear: money. 0:08:06.930,0:08:10.224 But for the individual rider—for the horse lover— 0:08:10.224,0:08:14.009 stop to question why you feel you need to ride. 0:08:14.009,0:08:18.910 The majority of blog posts and informal articles[br]I came across discussing whether riding hurts 0:08:18.910,0:08:21.349 horses were written by riders. 0:08:21.349,0:08:27.215 People who obviously have concern that their actions [br]are adversely impacting the beings they love. 0:08:27.381,0:08:34.080 Yet those posts went on to catalog—sometimes[br]in extensive detail—how, exactly, to make 0:08:34.080,0:08:38.160 the riding experience as enjoyable as possible for your horse. 0:08:38.160,0:08:41.330 How to minimize injury and distress. 0:08:41.330,0:08:46.320 Some echo the journey of Ren Hurst, progressively[br]using less and less horse tack and adopting 0:08:46.320,0:08:53.149 more gentle methods, all in an effort to find[br]a justifiable way to still use horses. 0:08:53.149,0:08:56.990 So, let's follow this path and start with[br]the harm of horse tack. 0:08:56.990,0:09:02.810 If you’re not familiar, horse tack refers to the equipment and [br]accessories used on domesticated horses. 0:09:02.810,0:09:05.700 This includes things like saddles, bits, bridles, and whips. 0:09:05.700,0:09:09.880 It's worth noting that most horse tack is[br]made from the skin of other non-human animals, 0:09:09.880,0:09:11.690 further compounding the exploitation. 0:09:11.690,0:09:14.680 I cover the leather industry in depth in another video. 0:09:14.680,0:09:19.170 In addition to general wear and chafing, saddles[br]run the risk of causing vascular occlusion—meaning 0:09:19.170,0:09:23.730 the restriction of blood flow—which can,[br]if prolonged, lead to "necrosis of the under-lying 0:09:23.730,0:09:26.899 tissues" —meaning the horse's skin and muscles die. 0:09:26.899,0:09:31.140 Riding bareback (without a saddle) isn't the[br]answer, as it may actually increase the risk 0:09:31.140,0:09:35.330 of injury by putting more concentrated pressure[br]on a horse's back than with a saddle. 0:09:35.330,0:09:40.670 So, To avoid severe consequences such as necrosis,[br]much industry and scientific research goes 0:09:40.670,0:09:44.970 into designing and educating riders about[br]"proper" saddle fit and use. 0:09:44.970,0:09:49.330 The option of just not riding horses at all[br]never even enters the discussion. 0:09:49.330,0:09:51.730 Because we just have to get up on them. 0:09:52.693,0:09:55.850 I have a video covering bits,[br]so I’ll keep this brief. 0:09:55.850,0:10:00.100 Bits cause pain and damage to a horse’s[br]complex cranial nerves as well as their teeth, 0:10:00.100,0:10:01.100 tongue, and palate. 0:10:01.100,0:10:04.970 Facial nerves are very close to the skin and[br]thus extremely sensitive. 0:10:04.970,0:10:10.410 Bits provide a perfect example of the incremental[br]negotiation of acceptable exploitation that 0:10:10.410,0:10:14.420 occurs when viewing a horses' pain as the only problem. 0:10:14.420,0:10:19.060 Rather than question the domination and control[br]of another being, more and more riders adopt 0:10:19.060,0:10:21.040 and advocate for bitless bridles. 0:10:21.040,0:10:26.100 Then, when research hints that perhaps even[br]bitless bridles cause pain, there's another 0:10:26.100,0:10:29.940 school or device or approach ready to take its place. 0:10:29.940,0:10:33.935 Riding advocates emphasize that whips and[br]crops should not be used as punishment 0:10:33.935,0:10:35.160 —only as encouragement. 0:10:35.160,0:10:39.660 As with all horse tack, there is unending[br]debate over their "proper" use, with much 0:10:39.660,0:10:43.589 focus given to the potential physical and[br]emotional harm of misuse. 0:10:43.589,0:10:50.589 Let's pause for a moment to consider that[br]we're now debating the proper way to whip 0:10:50.589,0:10:52.581 a being we love. 0:10:55.871,0:10:56.947 Let's proceed. 0:10:57.020,0:11:01.399 The most widespread controversy about whips[br]is their use in the horse racing industry, 0:11:01.399,0:11:03.329 which I've covered in a dedicated video and article. 0:11:03.329,0:11:07.790 While the way whips are used within horse[br]racing differs from how they're used in non-competitive 0:11:07.790,0:11:12.480 riding, recent research into horse pain perception[br]from whips is applicable to the larger issues 0:11:12.480,0:11:13.580 we've been exploring. 0:11:13.580,0:11:17.720 There's a long-standing misconception that[br]horses have "thicker skin" than humans, and 0:11:17.720,0:11:19.300 thus, whips don't hurt them. 0:11:19.300,0:11:23.370 Not that we should need this to know better,[br]but research has found that this is not the case, 0:11:23.370,0:11:28.410 with a 2020 study finding "no significant[br]difference between humans and horses in either 0:11:28.410,0:11:33.040 the concentration of nerve endings in the[br]outer pain-detecting layer of skin or in the 0:11:33.040,0:11:37.940 thickness of this layer...although horse skin[br]is thicker overall than human skin, the part 0:11:37.940,0:11:43.300 of the skin that is thicker does not insulate[br]them from pain...humans and horses have the 0:11:43.300,0:11:47.800 equivalent basic anatomic structures to detect pain in the skin." 0:11:47.800,0:11:52.899 Six years before this study, one of the authors,[br]Paul McGreevy decided to whip himself while 0:11:52.899,0:11:56.880 taking thermographic imaging, saying: "My[br]view is that – because there is no evidence 0:11:56.880,0:12:01.790 to the contrary – we must assume that, just[br]as I felt pain and distress from the impact 0:12:01.790,0:12:06.339 of the padded whip, similar whipping in a[br]horse would also cause pain and distress." 0:12:06.339,0:12:11.675 While it's validating to now have the scientific[br]verification, I wanted to highlight McGreevy's point: 0:12:11.675,0:12:17.829 Why not assume that other sentient[br]beings feel pain as we do, rather than continue 0:12:17.829,0:12:22.401 to harm them unless we've proven to ourselves that it is harm? 0:12:22.562,0:12:26.339 Now that we've addressed horse tack, what about the act of riding itself? 0:12:26.339,0:12:31.370 When researching the physical harm of riding[br]horses, I found an astounding lack of consensus 0:12:31.370,0:12:36.339 and ongoing controversy regarding horse skeletal[br]maturation and growth plate closure rates, 0:12:36.339,0:12:40.863 diagnosis and treatment of injuries, and the relationship of [br]riding and training practices to injury rates. 0:12:40.863,0:12:45.500 Even a veterinary manual explaining "the most[br]common cause of back soreness in the horse" 0:12:45.500,0:12:50.050 is soft-tissue damage to the muscles and supraspinous[br]ligament in a horse's back, which "are strained 0:12:50.050,0:12:54.649 while the horse is being ridden" is sure to[br]point out that "there is considerable controversy 0:12:54.649,0:12:57.740 over the diagnosis and treatment of back problems in horses." 0:12:57.740,0:13:02.240 It’s acknowledged that "Across all equestrian[br]disciplines, the single largest reason for 0:13:02.240,0:13:08.600 wastage"—also euphemistically referred to[br]as "loss of horses"— "is musculoskeletal injury," 0:13:08.600,0:13:14.177 Yet horse skeletal maturation rates and damage from riding [br]remain particularly contentious. 0:13:14.177,0:13:19.100 Many studies and sources declare horses "skeletally[br]mature" at 2–3 years of age based either 0:13:19.100,0:13:22.880 on the growth plates closing in their legs,[br]or their having reached their full height and weight. 0:13:22.880,0:13:27.030 None of these factors speak to the maturity[br]of their axial skeleton, which includes their 0:13:27.030,0:13:31.750 vertebral column—y'know, the part you sit[br]on—or even parts of the pubis that don't 0:13:31.750,0:13:35.899 fuse until 4.5–5 years of age, long after[br]they're already being ridden. 0:13:35.899,0:13:41.550 I spent days delving into horse skeletal development—I[br]even chased down findings about horse pubic 0:13:41.550,0:13:48.310 epiphyseal fusion not occurring until up to[br]5 years of age that were made in 1897. 0:13:48.310,0:13:53.050 Yet well over 100 years later, we're still[br]asking when horses are skeletally mature and 0:13:53.050,0:13:55.970 basing it off the earliest fusing plates in their limbs. 0:13:55.970,0:13:59.920 I've included more detail on my research process[br]and findings on the article for this video 0:13:59.920,0:14:01.300 if you want to dive deeper. 0:14:01.300,0:14:06.750 But honestly, those hundred or so hours I[br]spent digging only highlighted the utter insanity 0:14:06.750,0:14:13.639 of how much time, energy, and effort we humans[br]put into justifying our use of other animals. 0:14:13.639,0:14:19.279 In the end, the industry, scientific, medical,[br]and even lay-rider literature doesn't really 0:14:19.279,0:14:24.839 refute the harm of riding—it just strives[br]to determine the best way to reduce that harm 0:14:24.839,0:14:27.330 and prolong the use of horses. 0:14:27.330,0:14:31.580 The warring approaches to riding, endless[br]studies on training practices, and progressive 0:14:31.580,0:14:37.370 bargaining of using less and less tack are[br]all manifestations of the same incremental 0:14:37.370,0:14:42.339 negotiation of exploitation we perform with all non-human animals. 0:14:42.339,0:14:46.470 Battery cages are too cruel for layer hens,[br]so we give them slightly larger cages. 0:14:46.470,0:14:47.470 Still problematic? 0:14:47.470,0:14:48.470 How about a crowded shed? 0:14:48.470,0:14:49.470 Still too grim? 0:14:49.470,0:14:50.589 Let's raise backyard chickens. 0:14:50.589,0:14:58.534 We barter and bargain and give ourselves happy-sounding[br]labels, doing anything we can to keep using animals 0:14:58.759,0:15:00.170 —but feel good about it. 0:15:00.170,0:15:04.459 Within the horse world, a poignant example[br]of this mentality is the United States horse 0:15:04.459,0:15:10.160 racing industry patting itself on the back for a 23.5% [br]decrease in fatalities over a 0:15:10.160,0:15:13.769 decade of voluntary data collection by The Jockey Club. 0:15:13.769,0:15:15.430 Now there are going to be fatalities. 0:15:15.430,0:15:20.850 But, as The Jockey Club's senior counsel said,[br]the fact that slightly fewer horses died of 0:15:20.850,0:15:25.660 fatal injuries while racing "indicates that[br]the Thoroughbred industry's commitment to 0:15:25.660,0:15:28.930 equine safety is paying dividends." 0:15:28.930,0:15:34.050 Not only do we fail to question what we're[br]doing to these beings, but we actually congratulate 0:15:34.050,0:15:38.500 ourselves for being the heroes in the disasters of our own creation. 0:15:38.500,0:15:44.860 We swoop in to make their abbreviated lives[br]slightly less miserable—lives that we've 0:15:44.860,0:15:49.680 made abbreviated and miserable in the first place. 0:15:49.680,0:15:54.220 By this point, you can probably guess the[br]answer to whether horse riding is vegan. 0:15:54.220,0:15:58.623 The question "is horse riding vegan" is quite[br]different from the question "is horse riding cruel" 0:15:58.744,0:16:02.630 Veganism and animal rights oppose any [br]exploitation of sentient beings 0:16:02.630,0:16:05.130 It's evident that horses do not need to be ridden. 0:16:05.130,0:16:10.627 When a horse's basic needs are met without[br]being ridden, horseback riding solely benefits the rider 0:16:10.627,0:16:15.480 Whether that benefit is financial gain, entertainment,[br]emotional fulfillment, or even a presumed 0:16:15.480,0:16:18.290 expression of love—it is exploitation. 0:16:18.290,0:16:25.549 There is no way to take advantage of someone's[br]captive dependency without exploiting them. 0:16:25.549,0:16:29.800 Underlying all of the debates over the "proper"[br]way to train and ride horses is not only the 0:16:29.800,0:16:36.240 tacit acknowledgment that some degree of harm[br]is acceptable but also the deeply entrenched 0:16:36.240,0:16:41.959 and unquestioned presumption that horses are ours to use. 0:16:41.959,0:16:47.380 Confronting the exploitation of horse use is—I'm sure—profoundly painful. 0:16:47.380,0:16:52.149 It's likely as traumatic as confronting what[br]we do to animals in the food industry—and 0:16:52.149,0:16:59.589 elicits just as strong defenses and justifications,[br]even from vegans who continue to ride. 0:16:59.589,0:17:05.970 Again, I will encourage those of you who ride[br]horses to ask yourself: why? 0:17:05.970,0:17:09.160 Why do you insist on doing this to them? 0:17:09.160,0:17:15.981 As much as I'm sure you love them, is this[br]how you express love for any other being in your life? 0:17:16.192,0:17:22.209 This isn’t about shame—it’s about learning[br]to love horses truly unconditionally, and 0:17:22.209,0:17:29.396 allowing them to be their full selves outside[br]of the constraints of who we need them to be. 0:17:30.234,0:17:35.712 I'll be honest—revisiting the ethics of[br]horse riding has been an exhausting, challenging, 0:17:35.712,0:17:38.400 and somewhat maddening experience. 0:17:38.400,0:17:42.440 My hope is that this video will reach [br]those of you who are still riding—and 0:17:42.440,0:17:48.195 that you'll find a way to work through your defenses and take an [br]honest look at your relationship with horses. 0:17:48.294,0:17:52.197 I highly recommend watching my interview with[br]Ren Hurst—hearing from someone who has been 0:17:52.197,0:17:55.740 where you are is no doubt more [br]powerful than anything I can say. 0:17:55.740,0:17:57.590 Please share this video with others who ride. 0:17:57.590,0:18:02.283 And, as much as I joked about "passionate feedback," [br]I do want to hear from you in the comments. 0:18:02.427,0:18:04.470 What are your thoughts on the ethics of horse riding? 0:18:04.470,0:18:08.809 To stay in the loop about new Bite Size Vegan[br]content and updates, subscribe to the newsletter 0:18:08.809,0:18:12.040 or follow the Telegram channel for the most[br]reliable notifications. 0:18:12.040,0:18:14.059 Just click Subscribe at BiteSizeVegan.org. 0:18:14.059,0:18:16.179 Now go live vegan, and I'll see you soon.