[Script Info] Title: [Events] Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I've always felt a strong\Nconnection between sewing\Nthread and writing thread.\N(charcoal scraping)\N(sewing machine)\NI grew up doing hand work,\Nneedle work, sewing, knitting,\Nembroidery, all those textile\Narts. The process is satisfying,\Nbut cloth metaphors are beautiful.\NEvery cloth is made of threads,\Nwhatever their weave. Each one\Nis visible, and the whole cloth\Nneeds each one. It's a social\Nmetaphor to me. It's beautiful.\NMy first graduate school piece:\Na gray suit covered in toothpicks,\Nthe cloth skin like a hide,\Na porcupine. (music)\N(whispering) Find the linear\Nbroken below a human.\NFor me, the thread, written line,\Nand drawn line are about making.\N(whispering) The line that makes\Nsomething relates to how we make\Nthings with language. (whispering)\NCertainty. I work with words\Nas materials, like others.\N"Lineament" is from a Wallace\NStevens poem. The page becomes\Nthree-dimensional. Each line\Nis lifted like a thread, run\Nthrough hands, creating a ball,\Nthe page's body. I see the tie\Nof thread as line and writing.\NYeah. Now go that way. Right.\N(crinkling plastic) I'll set up\Nthe pipes, then we'll bring\Nthe fabric over. For me,\Ninstallation is working in\Nrelation to a place. You're\Nanimating the space. You don't\Nknow what it will do to you,\Nor you to it. (laughs) You try\Nto be blank, pay attention,\Nwhat comes up, what you feel.\NYour skin is a smart organ,\Na membrane. You walk through\Nany threshold and smell, feel\Ntemperature and light, all\Ninfluences. (birds chirping)\NThis building had people working\Nhere. It's in a company town,\Nforgotten. It went out of\Nbusiness three months ago.\N(whispering) I didn't visit it\Nin operation, as a textile\Nfactory, now silenced. The\Nhollowness, emptiness, was\Npalpable. I'm all thumbs today.\N(indistinct) Grab this string?\NI wanted one room for the writer,\None for the reader. They're\Nghost-like silk organza, side\Nby side, identical, foot\Nsquare, suspended. (clanging)\NYeah. Hey Emmitt, carry this\Nover with the other pipes?\NHe can do it. Don't worry.\NThere you go. Each room has\Na foot table, a spinning\Nprojector. (clanging) With\NAnne's work. She's not a\Ntraditional artist, painting\Nor sculpture. People have to\Nreach, break expectations.\NIt says there's more here\Nthan we saw. Someone else\Nsees that. Emmitt, help pull\Nthe projector. Okay? This is\Nthe video going backwards.\NPencils eating the line.\N(whooshing) Making work is\Nallowing things already there,\Nbut not visible, to become\Nvisible, experience-able.\N(whooshing) (crickets) (bells)\N(whispering) (birds) This\NJeffersonian building is an\Nemblem of American ideals.\N(women speaking code) I wanted\Nto engage it. How do we deal\Nwith our history's stains?\NOur social history, slavery,\Nis the largest. A democratic\Ncountry founded on slavery,\Nhow to talk about that?\NAbstractly, perhaps. Chromed\Nfusca powder sifted down,\Ncatching on plaster dots,\Nspelling braille, edited from\NResnikoff's poems. Each room\Nhad Lincoln's address, a healing\None, in phonetic alphabet.\N(Women whispering code)\N(birds) (door opening/closing)\NCome on, Timmy. Let's go.\N(leash clanking) I live in Ohio,\Nmoved back after teaching\Nseven years in Santa Barbara.\NI want to be near family.\NThis is where I grew up.\N(geese) Comfort to come home.\NMy parents helped a lot. Mom\Nwould fly out for projects,\NDad helped. Now they provide\Nbackup, allowing my travel.\NIt would be harder without it.\NHelp change the film? You can't\Nbe a mom with a kindergartner\Nwithout help. Emmitt, see your\Npicture? (clicking) My work\Ngives voice, but not my voice.\NMine is here and here. How do\NI make where song and words\Nexit the body become my eye?\NI made pinhole cameras, put one\Nin my mouth, unblock it, expose\Nthe film. (footsteps) You're not\Nsupposed to have your mouth open.\N(laughs) It's vulnerable, relaxed,\Nopen. (laughs) Sorry. Ready?\NUm-hm. Um. Interesting to\Nregister stillness, face to\Nface, soul to soul, revealing\Nsomething not surface stuff.\NMouth and eye are the same.\NThe image is like the pupil.\N(bell) (barking) Good. Invert\Nsenses. These slippages make\Nus see differently. (motor)\NLooks like fire off your hand.\NWow. Magic. Flat water with\Nsoap, of human hair's thickness.\NThings that thin reflect light\Ndepending on thickness. I\Nwondered if Ann could use it.\NWhich is the problem. Martin\Nsaid, "I'm doing this," showed\Nit. I don't know how or when,\Nbut it's related to everything\NI've done. The cloth's fluidity,\Nhands through its membrane.\NI love the bubble, breath made\Nvisible. Beautiful. I know\Nmaking work, I can't see it,\Nthen there's a moment I can,\Nthink it's beautiful. It bites,\Nyou try to see it. (laughs)\NOf course it's different.\N(music)