1 00:00:00,822 --> 00:00:04,062 We live in a time of fear, 2 00:00:04,062 --> 00:00:07,440 and our response to fear can either be to contract 3 00:00:07,440 --> 00:00:09,847 and attempt to guard ourselves 4 00:00:09,847 --> 00:00:13,382 or to extend ourselves, hold on to each other, 5 00:00:13,382 --> 00:00:16,433 and face our fears together. 6 00:00:16,433 --> 00:00:18,675 What is your instinct? 7 00:00:18,675 --> 00:00:22,443 What do you see more of in the world? 8 00:00:22,443 --> 00:00:24,327 The problem with the first approach 9 00:00:24,327 --> 00:00:26,218 is that in our mounting isolation, 10 00:00:26,218 --> 00:00:29,480 we divide ourselves from others. 11 00:00:29,480 --> 00:00:31,892 Our sense of isolation grows, 12 00:00:31,892 --> 00:00:34,651 because our imagination goes into overdrive 13 00:00:34,651 --> 00:00:37,672 about the people and the spaces that we no longer engage with. 14 00:00:37,672 --> 00:00:42,749 Our sense of otherness grows, and we lose empathy. 15 00:00:42,749 --> 00:00:45,627 Today I'm going to tell you about a group of people 16 00:00:45,627 --> 00:00:47,427 that took the global challenge of terrorism 17 00:00:47,427 --> 00:00:51,639 and began creating spaces where strangers connect in solidarity. 18 00:00:53,228 --> 00:00:58,110 My own obsession with what I see as irrational divisions began as a child. 19 00:00:58,110 --> 00:01:02,271 As a fourth-generation Kenyan Muslim of Indian origin, 20 00:01:02,271 --> 00:01:05,440 it bothered me that in four generations, there wasn't a single marriage 21 00:01:05,440 --> 00:01:09,000 in my family outside of my small religious community. 22 00:01:09,000 --> 00:01:11,614 And I wondered what that was about. 23 00:01:11,614 --> 00:01:13,651 Was it fear? 24 00:01:13,651 --> 00:01:15,582 Was it racism? 25 00:01:15,582 --> 00:01:19,012 Was it cultural preservation? 26 00:01:19,012 --> 00:01:21,978 Did it have something to do with colonialism? 27 00:01:21,978 --> 00:01:25,723 Certainly, we didn't share a lot of the same public spaces with others. 28 00:01:25,723 --> 00:01:32,503 These divisions bothered me deeply, and they drove my career choices. 29 00:01:32,503 --> 00:01:37,226 When I was 20, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed. 30 00:01:38,744 --> 00:01:41,410 A year later, I was on my way to the Middle East 31 00:01:41,410 --> 00:01:43,617 to study conflict resolution. 32 00:01:44,141 --> 00:01:46,382 And then from that point on, it wasn't very hard for me 33 00:01:46,382 --> 00:01:48,969 to find insecure environments to work in, 34 00:01:48,969 --> 00:01:50,798 because the world was quickly shifting 35 00:01:50,798 --> 00:01:54,173 in what we now know as the time of terrorism. 36 00:01:54,173 --> 00:01:57,346 I was in Washington, DC when 9/11 happened, 37 00:01:57,346 --> 00:02:00,927 and then I moved back home to Kenya to work with refugees, 38 00:02:00,927 --> 00:02:03,253 and then later worked in Pakistan 39 00:02:03,253 --> 00:02:05,929 and in Afghanistan. 40 00:02:05,929 --> 00:02:09,087 In all of these places, what I noticed 41 00:02:09,087 --> 00:02:11,577 was how important physical spaces are 42 00:02:11,577 --> 00:02:14,027 to making us feel safe, 43 00:02:14,027 --> 00:02:15,318 and well, 44 00:02:15,318 --> 00:02:17,819 and like we belong. 45 00:02:17,819 --> 00:02:22,434 In 2013, I came back home to Nairobi from Afghanistan. 46 00:02:22,434 --> 00:02:26,137 Al Shabaab operatives had besieged Westgate shopping center, 47 00:02:26,137 --> 00:02:31,353 killing 67 people in a day of utter horror. 48 00:02:31,353 --> 00:02:34,043 Soon after that, 49 00:02:34,043 --> 00:02:36,696 I could see how Nairobi was beginning to change, 50 00:02:36,696 --> 00:02:41,660 and it was beginning to feel more like the fear and terror-weary 51 00:02:41,660 --> 00:02:45,554 and war-torn cities that I had worked in. 52 00:02:45,554 --> 00:02:49,203 And Nairobi continues to grow in fear-driven ways. 53 00:02:49,203 --> 00:02:52,015 We see more walls, more barriers, 54 00:02:52,015 --> 00:02:54,299 more security. 55 00:02:54,299 --> 00:02:56,081 And like other parts of the world, 56 00:02:56,081 --> 00:03:00,536 we are experiencing an erosion of human connection. 57 00:03:00,536 --> 00:03:03,337 Divisions along religious lines are deepening, 58 00:03:03,337 --> 00:03:08,730 and we're doubting more and more how much we have in common. 59 00:03:08,730 --> 00:03:11,255 We are at a pivotal time when we need to restore 60 00:03:11,255 --> 00:03:14,026 our confidence in humanity 61 00:03:14,026 --> 00:03:17,957 and stand boldly and visibly together. 62 00:03:17,957 --> 00:03:21,267 So in 2014, I brought together a group of people in Nairobi 63 00:03:21,267 --> 00:03:22,972 to figure out what to do: 64 00:03:22,972 --> 00:03:28,430 public intellectuals, diplomats, artists, development workers. 65 00:03:28,430 --> 00:03:33,251 And the group articulated our challenge as threefold: 66 00:03:33,251 --> 00:03:37,196 one, to reclaim the city from the narrative of terrorism 67 00:03:37,196 --> 00:03:40,277 and back into the hands of the people that lived there; 68 00:03:40,277 --> 00:03:44,553 two, introduce a language beyond race, tribe, or religion 69 00:03:47,977 --> 00:03:48,227 that would help us transcend our differences; 70 00:03:48,602 --> 00:03:52,372 and three, provide a gesture that would help restore empathy 71 00:03:52,372 --> 00:03:56,495 and conversation and trust. 72 00:03:56,495 --> 00:03:59,749 One of the people in this group was an artist and architect, 73 00:03:59,749 --> 00:04:02,402 Yazmany Arboleda. 74 00:04:02,402 --> 00:04:05,217 He and I have collaborated in other parts of the world 75 00:04:05,217 --> 00:04:07,076 over many years. 76 00:04:07,076 --> 00:04:08,689 He has a history 77 00:04:08,689 --> 00:04:10,684 of disrupting urban environments 78 00:04:10,684 --> 00:04:14,478 and making strangers connect in incredible, beautiful 79 00:04:14,478 --> 00:04:17,149 and spectacular ways. 80 00:04:17,149 --> 00:04:18,773 He had an idea. 81 00:04:18,773 --> 00:04:22,082 The idea was to unite people of different faiths 82 00:04:22,082 --> 00:04:25,290 by getting them to paint each other's houses of worship, 83 00:04:25,290 --> 00:04:28,836 mosques, temples, synagogues, churches, 84 00:04:28,836 --> 00:04:30,987 paint them yellow 85 00:04:30,987 --> 00:04:33,613 in the name of love. 86 00:04:33,613 --> 00:04:39,382 By focusing on icons of faith, we would get people to reexamine 87 00:04:39,382 --> 00:04:41,841 the true essence of their faith, 88 00:04:41,841 --> 00:04:46,705 the common belief that we share in kindness, generosity and friendship. 89 00:04:46,705 --> 00:04:50,108 By creating pathways between houses of worship 90 00:04:50,108 --> 00:04:51,780 within one neighborhood, 91 00:04:51,780 --> 00:04:53,664 we would create islands of stability 92 00:04:53,664 --> 00:04:55,037 and networks of people 93 00:04:55,037 --> 00:04:58,326 that could withstand threats. 94 00:04:58,326 --> 00:05:02,661 And neighbors, by picking up a paintbrush with other neighbors, 95 00:05:02,661 --> 00:05:04,947 would engage not just with their heads 96 00:05:04,947 --> 00:05:08,661 but with their hands and with their hearts. 97 00:05:08,661 --> 00:05:11,698 And the painted buildings would become sculptures in the landscape 98 00:05:11,698 --> 00:05:14,362 that speak of people from very different backgrounds 99 00:05:14,362 --> 00:05:17,214 that stand together. 100 00:05:17,214 --> 00:05:20,713 We called the project Color in Faith. 101 00:05:20,713 --> 00:05:24,805 We loved the idea, and we immediately began approaching houses of worship: 102 00:05:24,805 --> 00:05:27,342 churches, temples, mosques, synagogues. 103 00:05:27,342 --> 00:05:30,187 Door to door, we went to more than 60 rabbis, 104 00:05:30,187 --> 00:05:33,288 imams, pastors and priests. 105 00:05:33,288 --> 00:05:34,772 As you can imagine, 106 00:05:34,772 --> 00:05:36,495 bringing these communities together 107 00:05:36,495 --> 00:05:39,845 when prejudices are reinforced by a global pandemic of fear 108 00:05:39,845 --> 00:05:41,245 is not easy. 109 00:05:41,245 --> 00:05:43,601 It was complicated. 110 00:05:43,601 --> 00:05:46,393 We were confronted with the hierarchy of decisionmaking 111 00:05:46,393 --> 00:05:48,693 within religious establishments. 112 00:05:48,693 --> 00:05:51,330 For example, with Catholic churches, we were told that the archbishop 113 00:05:51,330 --> 00:05:54,643 would have to make the decision. 114 00:05:54,643 --> 00:05:56,680 And so we wrote a letter to the archbishop. 115 00:05:56,680 --> 00:05:59,087 We wrote a letter to the Vatican. 116 00:05:59,087 --> 00:06:00,944 We're still waiting to hear back. 117 00:06:02,404 --> 00:06:04,893 And with other houses of worship, 118 00:06:04,893 --> 00:06:07,799 we were told that the patrons, the people that pay for the building 119 00:06:07,799 --> 00:06:10,036 and the construction and the painting of the buildings 120 00:06:10,036 --> 00:06:13,111 would have to make a decision. 121 00:06:13,111 --> 00:06:16,333 And then we came head-to-head with the long legacy of missionary 122 00:06:16,333 --> 00:06:20,614 and donor dependence that so impedes unconditional civic action, 123 00:06:20,614 --> 00:06:22,603 and we learned this the hard way. 124 00:06:22,603 --> 00:06:24,172 There was one community 125 00:06:24,172 --> 00:06:27,625 that in our repeated conversations would keep asking us 126 00:06:27,625 --> 00:06:29,970 to appreciate them. 127 00:06:29,970 --> 00:06:32,980 And so we would keep going back 128 00:06:32,980 --> 00:06:34,818 and telling them that we appreciate them, 129 00:06:34,818 --> 00:06:35,941 and of course, 130 00:06:35,941 --> 00:06:41,296 if we didn't appreciate them, we wouldn't be here. 131 00:06:41,296 --> 00:06:43,912 And then we learned painfully late in the game 132 00:06:43,912 --> 00:06:49,010 that the word appreciation is code for getting paid to participate. 133 00:06:49,010 --> 00:06:52,524 And so we challenged them, 134 00:06:52,524 --> 00:06:54,810 and we asked the question, 135 00:06:54,810 --> 00:06:56,971 "So what will it cost? 136 00:06:56,971 --> 00:06:59,908 How much could we pay you? 137 00:06:59,908 --> 00:07:04,082 And if we pay for your faith, is it really faith?" 138 00:07:04,082 --> 00:07:06,775 We started the project asking the question, 139 00:07:06,775 --> 00:07:08,958 "Where does your faith live?" 140 00:07:08,958 --> 00:07:10,986 And here we found ourselves asking the question, 141 00:07:10,986 --> 00:07:14,312 "How much does your faith cost?" 142 00:07:14,312 --> 00:07:18,944 But the most difficult issue was the perceived risk of standing apart. 143 00:07:18,944 --> 00:07:22,730 We had one synagogue that flat-out refused to participate 144 00:07:22,730 --> 00:07:24,986 because it feared drawing attention to itself 145 00:07:24,986 --> 00:07:27,192 and becoming a target. 146 00:07:27,192 --> 00:07:31,608 Similarly, we had a mosque that also feared becoming a target. 147 00:07:31,608 --> 00:07:34,630 And these fears are justified. 148 00:07:34,630 --> 00:07:42,041 And yet, there were 25 houses of worship that pledged to participate. 149 00:07:42,041 --> 00:07:45,925 (Applause) 150 00:07:47,029 --> 00:07:51,598 These bold leaders took the gesture and reinforced it with their own meaning. 151 00:07:51,598 --> 00:07:54,826 For some, it was to tell the world that they're not terrorists. 152 00:07:54,826 --> 00:07:59,879 For others it was to welcome people through their doors to ask questions. 153 00:07:59,879 --> 00:08:01,645 And for some, it was to bridge the gap 154 00:08:01,645 --> 00:08:03,899 between the older and the younger generation, 155 00:08:03,899 --> 00:08:08,521 which by the way is something that many faiths are grappling with right now. 156 00:08:08,521 --> 00:08:12,347 And for some it was simply to build neighborhood solidarity 157 00:08:12,347 --> 00:08:16,007 in advance of feared election violence. 158 00:08:16,007 --> 00:08:17,937 When asked why yellow, 159 00:08:17,937 --> 00:08:19,822 one imam beautifully said, 160 00:08:19,822 --> 00:08:22,325 "Yellow is the color of the sun. 161 00:08:22,325 --> 00:08:25,223 The sun shines on us all equally. 162 00:08:25,223 --> 00:08:27,608 It does not discriminate." 163 00:08:27,608 --> 00:08:30,130 He and others spread the word through their congregations 164 00:08:30,130 --> 00:08:32,075 and over the radio. 165 00:08:32,075 --> 00:08:35,399 Municipal government officials stepped forward and helped 166 00:08:35,399 --> 00:08:38,674 with permits and with convening civil society organizations. 167 00:08:38,674 --> 00:08:42,323 The paint company donating a thousand liters of yellow paint 168 00:08:42,323 --> 00:08:45,910 mixed especially for us in what they now call "optimistic yellow." 169 00:08:47,164 --> 00:08:50,716 (Applause) 170 00:08:52,278 --> 00:08:56,129 And a poetry collective joined forces with a university and hosted 171 00:08:56,129 --> 00:08:58,163 a series of tweet chats 172 00:08:58,163 --> 00:09:00,642 that challenged the nation on issues of faith, 173 00:09:00,642 --> 00:09:03,258 our faith not just in the context of religion, 174 00:09:03,258 --> 00:09:05,147 but our faith in politicians and tribe and nation, 175 00:09:05,147 --> 00:09:11,562 our faith in the older generation and in the younger generation. 176 00:09:11,562 --> 00:09:15,427 And then Color in Faith was launched at a gallery event 177 00:09:15,427 --> 00:09:18,955 that invited an incredible mix of gallery goers 178 00:09:18,955 --> 00:09:23,625 and religious leaders and artists and businesspeople. 179 00:09:23,625 --> 00:09:26,535 Already, even before picking up a paintbrush, 180 00:09:26,535 --> 00:09:29,905 we had accomplished so much of the conversation and connection 181 00:09:29,905 --> 00:09:33,182 that we had hoped for. 182 00:09:33,182 --> 00:09:37,413 And then we began to paint. 183 00:09:37,413 --> 00:09:40,293 Muslims stood by Christians 184 00:09:40,293 --> 00:09:43,372 and atheists and agnostics and Hindus 185 00:09:43,372 --> 00:09:46,861 and painted a mosque yellow. 186 00:09:50,348 --> 00:09:54,468 And then they all came together again and painted a church yellow, 187 00:09:55,388 --> 00:09:57,450 and then another mosque, 188 00:09:57,450 --> 00:09:59,987 and then another church. 189 00:09:59,987 --> 00:10:03,372 Poets and musicians performed while we painted. 190 00:10:03,372 --> 00:10:05,642 We painted in Nairobi 191 00:10:05,642 --> 00:10:09,023 and then we painted in Mombasa. 192 00:10:09,023 --> 00:10:12,806 The local and international press did features on Color in Faith 193 00:10:12,806 --> 00:10:16,070 in English and French and Swahili 194 00:10:16,070 --> 00:10:18,765 and Spanish and Somali. 195 00:10:18,765 --> 00:10:23,441 CNN highlighted Color in Faith as a way of bringing communities together. 196 00:10:25,738 --> 00:10:28,551 And our social media platforms lit up, 197 00:10:28,551 --> 00:10:31,156 connecting more and more people. 198 00:10:31,156 --> 00:10:35,056 And these neighbors continued to stay in touch. 199 00:10:35,056 --> 00:10:38,660 There are some that are pursuing politics with a platform of peace, 200 00:10:38,660 --> 00:10:41,798 and we have communities as far as Argentina and the US 201 00:10:41,798 --> 00:10:44,105 and as close as Mali and Rwanda 202 00:10:44,105 --> 00:10:46,205 that are asking for our help. 203 00:10:46,205 --> 00:10:48,280 And we would love to help. 204 00:10:48,280 --> 00:10:52,470 It's our dream that this project, this idea, spreads across the world, 205 00:10:52,470 --> 00:10:55,600 with or without our support. 206 00:10:55,600 --> 00:11:01,149 Color in Faith is literally highlighting those who mean well in yellow. 207 00:11:01,149 --> 00:11:04,595 Color in Faith is binding neighborhoods together, 208 00:11:04,595 --> 00:11:06,418 and it's our hope that when threats come knocking, 209 00:11:06,418 --> 00:11:08,719 they will collectively sift fact from rumor 210 00:11:08,719 --> 00:11:10,656 and stand in solidarity. 211 00:11:11,428 --> 00:11:15,228 We've proven that the human family can come together and send a message 212 00:11:15,228 --> 00:11:17,529 far brighter and more powerful 213 00:11:17,529 --> 00:11:21,206 than the voices of those that wish to do us harm. 214 00:11:21,206 --> 00:11:23,312 Though fear is infectious, 215 00:11:23,312 --> 00:11:26,124 we are showing that so is hope. 216 00:11:26,124 --> 00:11:28,983 Thank you. 217 00:11:28,983 --> 00:11:34,887 (Applause)