So, een van die beste dinge wat jy in die oggend kan doen, is om jou vibrasie te lig. Sommige mense doen dit met 'n skoot espresso en dis OK. Maar kom ons kyk of ons dit op 'n meer energieke manier kan doen, 'n meer natuurlike manier. Neem vol verantwoordelikheid vir jou eie welsyn. Ek Ek kies om my eie vibrasie te lik. I kies om myself geheel en al te aanvaar en lief and I choose to really love and honor myself I choose to raise my vibration I choose to feel really bood I choose to be buzzing with energy Like I just had a quadruple shot of espresso, but not with any of the negative side-effects. I choose to really raise my vibration and I choose to deeply and completely love, honor and accept myself and maybe everybody else too cause that amount of love would really raise my vibration. I'm raising my vibration. I choose to be buzzing with energy. I choose to feel really good I choose to feel so energized Cause I got things to do today And I'm finding the energy to do them I'm finding the energy to do them really well. As effectively and efficiently as possible. I'm getting things done and I choose to feel really good in the process. Clearing whatever might bring me down. Clearing the doubts and fears that slow me down. I release those from my system. I'm finding even more energy. Everything is energy. I am completely made up of energy I'm raising my vibration feeling this energy in every fibre of my being. Knowing that I can do great things4 Givign myself freedom to do great things giving myself the freedom to just feel great completely and I really deserve that. In body mind and spirit Take a deep breath Go get 'em! Thanks.