hi and welcome to code break my name is Hadi and across zoom Facebook live and YouTube live we have tens of thousands of people joining us so yeah they were hoping to build the world's largest live interactive classroom with so many students at home my team at code.org invites families everywhere to join us for a weekly dose of inspiration community in computer science I'm here with my daughter and sidekick Sophia she's a budding computer scientist and I'd like to introduce our first special guests the amazing actress and activist Yara Shahidi yeah hi how are you and we're you calling us from I'm good I'm calling from LA where I am with my family quarantined and how are you spending this time with everything closed I mean it's been a mixture of keeping busy while learning and then lots of family activities one of my brothers made a podcast in his free time so it's really just been trying to stay creative and you've been in school that school just finished for you yes the other day literally mmm 24 hours ago very proud my last papers and when you're you you're sitting in Harvard where you're even yeah I'm a sophomore so I'm now a rising junior awesome in Yara's do many thoughts you want to share with students who like you have been studying at home and are probably struggling with staying motivated in law school no I know I know and understand because not only am i doing it both of my brothers who are in middle and high school have been distance learning I know it can be difficult I think the way that I've done it is I've tried to create my own goals for myself because it's sometimes hard to stay motivated with their goals so whether that I mean something super simple I am a secretly a grandmother so whether that's knowing that I get to crochet when I finish an assignment or get to go learn a new skill then that's usually what inspires me to get through whatever I need to finish it well I'd like to introduce another special guest fuzzy Kawasaki fuzzy how are you hi I'm doing great how are you I'm great at fuzzy is the inventor of Google Spreadsheets and where are you calling us from I'm calling from beautiful New Jersey overlooking New York and probably the question everybody wants to know what kind of name is fuzzy what kind of name is fuzzy it's a very it's a very popular Persian name no it's a nickname my soccer coach decided to call me fuzzy and it's stuck and how will you serve me well because everyone who meets me thinks oh what a what a funny name and it's a good conversation starter all right well we're gonna start today's I guess conversation with the computer joke of the day and so he has I've got a little sound machine that uses because we have so we're kind of low production here idea you wanted to tell fuzzy and you are on your joke of the day okay what did computers do just before going to bed what did they do spreadsheets Duke just for fuzzy thank you now let's meet our live audience we're gonna switch to gallery view so we can see the names put on the faces of all the students are joining us on camera can everybody wave and say hello everybody I'd like to also have us say hello to the rest of our audience we can't see the majority of our audience but I'm gonna screen share as they were joining this we give them a chance to put where they're from on a map so here's our map oh wow Yara and fuzzy I don't know if you expected to have people from all over the world but time zones very far away from here yes great look that everyone's tuning in yeah a lot of you yeah it see there's people as early as 6 a.m. 7 a.m. 1 a.m. really from all time zones for joining in that for this live classroom which has really just been an incredible thing to see happen during this pandemic so also just you know these students are they range from age 66 260 from all grades there are also different levels of experience some beginners some intermediate some advanced if you're advanced please be patient with us we're gonna start with the easy stuff and if you're a beginner please stick with us through the whole classroom even if it goes too fast for you hopefully you'll soak something out also if you have questions during the show for either of our special guests or for me you can visit code.org slash questions to submit your questions today we have three parts in our episode we're gonna talk about variables today and we're gonna learn about variables first in an unplugged way then about using variables in games and lastly about using variables and apps valuables are one of the most important things in computer science but before we move on to today's lesson we want to welcome some students to demo their creations to our special guests last week's challenge was to make your own flow chart or to modify the apps we made for you the magic 8-ball app for the DECA stroller app and each week when you share your creations we'll invite you to show them the best ones on next week's episode so Yara and fuzzy you ready to meet our two students from last week I'm so ready alright so doc who's from India submitted a dice roller project this week doc we're gonna unmute you can you tell us more about yes are you there yeah we're from India hello hi their way from India India let me screen share your app and then you can tell us more about it it's a very nice hat by the way it's actually no there are two variables first one is first variable the first variable we put a straightforward equivalent to random integer second one there if there is variable which we put equivalent to random number which which it picks from 1 to 10 as as we click dark then there is number come whether it comes 1 then there is equal to 1 6 then it comes to then earlier we press alia then it comes 5 so this number 6 is more than 5 result Dutchman's so it's like check not only we made a dice rolling after you guys created this from scratch again click then action alia and shows who wins aliens then click again click again click ducks again here earlier and result here you go duck she wins again there are two numbers equal they are two numbers equal then mesh right then the ties I got it and it's all your data disturb my sister all right very cool the second app we have is from Abigail unfortunately Abigail's audio isn't working so she can't speak with us Abigail's from Vermont and she took our magic 8-ball app which was a very very simple app and made something much more complicated she made six different or seven different six different games only one Yara or fuzzy are there any of these you want to try Yara go ahead I play tic-tac-toe excellent I'm not not that Jerry tic-tac-toe is the one she hasn't finished yet okay it's the only one I tried before it doesn't work yes you are the truth or dare yes okay let's try two three all right Yara do you want on truth or dare I'll do a truth all right let's go Sofia you want to click I'm nervous oh gosh it happens okay just because you're alive of 10,000 people you have a question from Yara so there's another one of these apps is the cursor maze check this out Sofia has wanted to play this all morning so this is a cursor maze app where you need to control the mouse to get from the start to finish without touching any of the blocks so she has to move the mouse very carefully and it gets harder than easy yeah and it's really simple after this I don't know this is one out of six apps and then you have to click next level right this is fenomena Thank You Abigail for sharing that app Thank You Abigail yeah thank you you want to play an applause sound for both Abigail I'm - for their apps yes sorry you were on mute alright so for today our word of the day is variable a variable is a way to store hold information that can change you may be familiar with variables from math class like in that class when you say X equals 5 X is a variable and it holds the number value 5 but variables and programming are different in two key ways first of all and programming and computer science valuables can change so X can start like a 5 but then it can become a 6 or a 7 or an 8 it doesn't stay the same the second thing is valuables and computer science can change can hold many different types of values they can be numbers they can have words or even more complicated information now why would we use a variable anytime a computer program wants to keep track of anything because it's the variables basically act like its memory like to remember the score and a theme or to remember the names of the players or anytime you type something in an app the app remembers it in America now we're going to see variables in action with health Yara so we're gonna switch to gallery view to see all the students on the screen and I want every student on the screen including fuzzy and Yara to all the variables your basic variable and each variable has a name so yeah we can see your names on the screen so Yara what's your name it's Yara Yara so that's the name of your variable so each file gets assigned a value so I'd like you each to pick a number between 1 and 10 and to hold up your number up on the screen so we can see all the numbers assigned to all the different variables alright so Yara what number are you ships storing seven you're seven so you could say that Yara equals seven so now Jana I'm gonna ask you to change your value and so when I do you can like shimmy your hands when you get a new okay everybody else keep your numbers up and I want to make a number that combines the numbers in the variables Owen and Evelyn so we're gonna highlight Owen that's Owen Owen what number are you showing that's a two and then Evelyn and Evelyn I think is showing a three so y'all I want to say Yara equals Owen plus Evelyn oh so you're already a five you changed from a seven to five so when we say yarn ankles Owen Plus Evelyn you set one variable to the value of two other variables now Owen and Evelyn can you both change your numbers pick a number between one and five a different number all right and Yara can you reevaluate the are equal Owen Plus Evelyn all right so you see now Owen is a four and Evelyn is a 2 so Y became a six now I want to ask Evelyn your number changed did your name change no no and that's that's right because with variables the value of a variable can keep changing a computer program can change it all the time then the variables stays the same all right you can put your hands down we're gonna do something totally different now we're going to be variables in a different way what we're going to do is show how variables health computer programs remember and to do this we're going to have yara act like a computer program for ordering a food basket okay yara since you're an actress you're gonna act like a computer who can't remember anything without saving information and we want a great role yet mm-hm we we wanted to act like you have no memory without the help of your variables and all the students you see on screen are gonna be your variables they can save information for you is that sound okay that sounds great right did you remember anything I just said no actually you need to remember what I said but once you're running the computer program you should forget it all great got it Sofia here is gonna order a fruit basket from Yara and Yara each time Sofia asks for new fruit to add to the basket I want you to ask one of the student variables on screen to save that piece of information by writing it down so you can say for example Naomi please save an apple and Naomi will write it down and while you're doing this Fuzzy's you're going to be a counter variable I want you to start with the number zero and then each time Sophia asks for a new fruit add one to your number so you'll show how much fruit Sophie has asked for I've been packing are you ready yeah all right Sophia go I like apple please stam yo can you remember an apple it's the same I was going to write this down next I like an orange Seth can you do me a favor and remember orange and write it down Seth I want a pear a new shot can you please remember pear for me can I have a grape please Naomi can you remember grapefruit for me please I'd like a Kiwi - all right Serena will you write down QE for me and lastly I would like a banana okay Amir can you remember banana for me please all right before we make this fruit basket how much is this fruit order going to cost let's say it's $2 per piece of fruit how much should Sophia pay let's do a poll from our audience all the folks on zoom' were not on camera you can look at fuzzy the counter and we are going to ask how much does Sophia's fruit basket cost is it $12 or is it two dollars per fruit or is it two times fuzzy or is it all of the above all of the above God said don't tell us the answers people are actually filling out the poll but all right almost half the students have already voted fuzzy sort of gave away possibly gave away the answer might not be right we'll see all right let's share the poll results of what students guessed all right before it was almost a dead heat but we have now 70% of you guessed all of the above and that's correct so the food basket is gonna cost $12 because it's $2 per fruits and Fuzzy's been the food counter counting how many think Sophia's ordered now Yara dear remember Sophia's fruit order I don't I'm not sure anybody remembers it but since you're a computer program you don't need to have your own memory your variables save that for you so if you'd like you can now ask your variables to show their information up on the screen so you can see it yes please well my variables share what we've stored so can all the variables hold up your pieces of paper so Yara can see see an apple pear grapefruit keep holding it up so y'all can you now from what you see make the fruit basket that that's Sophia ordered thrust yes I see an apple a pear a grapefruit okay so I have some fruit with me I have my apple have my kiwi I'm going to draw a pear I have my grapefruit and I'm gonna do a nice round pear for everybody artist so yo can you now hand the bowl of fruit to Sophia together we want to test out a really new zoom feature called zoom fruit delivery gladly Sophia thank you everybody for the variables for the healthy determined helping our food delivery program remember her fruit order so to recap first we use variables to store numbers and we showed how the values changed and next we use variables to store text so the computer er could remember how to prepare a food order that we're gonna explore more about it valuable soon but first let's learn a little bit more about God so Yara you're our third special guest to play our lightning round game we're gonna put 60 seconds on the clock and Sophia's going to keep score actually on an app she Scott is gonna keep score and and your goal is to get through as many questions as possible and beat our current score of nine nine questions which were answered by Sal Khan so you want to make the comments but also make it fast I've got it all right Sophia go umm country you have all you want to visit but haven't Greece advocated what did you want to be when you grew up a historian favorite drink um my go-to black tea my side ask something you can't ever eat no matter how many people love it sardines the last person you hug know living with you not living with me oh my goodness my friend Jacqueline 30 seconds your favorite smell um I love just any kitchen smell I love this smell of the kitchen being used because it means that we're about to eat what were your hobbies when you were a kid I loved everything from exploring and I was in karate and I would rock climb what was her score seven so that was variable so close thank you so much and we're gonna play a little applause sound all right so I have a few more questions for both fuzzy and yah for each of you how did you become a standout in your field and especially in a field for both of you that has a lack of diversity and representation you want me to go well yeah go ahead fuzzy so I don't think it was intentional when I I've always thought that diversity was very important and I'd like to I tried to work in companies that were very diverse I find that having working on products that are user facing it's really important to build stuff that a lot of people can use so I try to surround myself with a lot of diverse people and that would be able to build things that you know have have different viewpoints one of the things that I remember for example with sheets is having someone on the team that was basically hearing-impaired originally impaired helped us empathize more and build products that met the needs of visually impaired more so diversity was really important for us there and how Hollywood doesn't have nearly as much diversity as a lot of people who wish it did yeah um well I'm grateful because I got into this because I love to read I'm sorry till I actually didn't watch much television until I was 13 we'd watch an hour on Saturdays mouths about it so it's fun for me to be a television actor who didn't watch TV but it was because I love telling stories and so a lot of what I do is when I'd get a script or have to go audition it was really about what story are we telling and I think similarly to fuzzy I found places in which diversity was really valued so whether that be on blackish or even now I'm grown ish it was something where I didn't even have to be a conversation because everyone knew how important it was not only for a great work environment but just for a great final product - and we've had the best time and now we are in the role of making television and that has been so much fun because we get to bring to life stories that I'm just discovering or learning about and we're constantly meeting new people who have incredible things to share and why do you think it's important to increase representation of women or people of color and fields such as technology it's always been really important to me I had the privilege of going to an all-girls school and I remember what that did for me because I at no point did I process like oh the sciences weren't meant for me or stem wasn't meant for me because I was surrounded by people who proved that it was but I think just to Fuzzy's point we need diverse teams of people in order to make products that reflect what our world looks like and I think so much so many people have so much to contribute that it's important that we decrease the barriers that just stop people from being able to contribute study computer science while you're at Harvard or high school either does it's so funny that you say that I'm about to sign up for a class for my summer class I haven't decided yet I have friends so a lot of my actual all my girlfriends I think I've taken a computer science class and I'm beyond I'm the odd person out right now so I'm taking more suggestions I'm speaking of diversity by the way one thing that's unique is all of us right here Sophia myself fuzzy and Y are all for Iranian Americans the way nice t-shirt huh D yeah I'm wearing an image t-shirt because fuzzy and I are also immigrants as well Oh Thank You Evelyn for showing a heart so yeah we have some questions from our student panelists as well one of our producers at Kyra is going to introduce these students hi ara so we have two questions one friend a ha who has a question about girls and achievements and they hum going to onion you what suggestions do you have for girls to stay confident in whatever field they choose and to become leaders in their community yeah hi I know that's a wonderful question I think what I've always relied on is I always say my support network and so for me that's my family I come from a really cool matriarchy of women but that's also my chosen family my friends my professors and teachers and the reason I say that is that there's so much happening in the world that often times you can run into barriers that try and convince you that this is an ear space but that's why I rely on the people around me not only for that confidence boost but to constantly get better at whatever I'm trying to achieve but I think having those people around me have helped me through every step of the way and to always be open to learning thank you so much and we also have our last question from Amir so Amir I'm going to unmute you he had a question about achievement yeah what drives you to achieve your goals and motivates you to never give up that's a great question Amir and I've been thinking about that a lot especially now that we're all at home and life looks very different right now but I think what's been important for my entire family are finding ways to continue to be of service to my many communities not only the communities that my family are part of being black in Iranian but just the many communities that I think support us and so sometimes that small like on blackish being able to tell really great stories that hopefully spread a point of view and sometimes that's trying to figure out how I can use an opportunity to give back and how I can support other people but that's always helped motivate me because otherwise if you're not doing if you're just doing it for yourself sometimes it's hard to find the motivation but when you do for the betterment of so many people around you then I think that's what convinces me to get up when I'm not trying to accomplish something to go to go do it thank you you're on thanks Amir yeah thank you thank you so much and Yara thank you for joining us today to share your story we're all a part of Yara soon so can we switch to gallery view for the audience so all of our students can wave goodbye to Yara and so if you can you play an applause thank you thank you my first computer science class thank you so much thank you alright fuzzy let's chat a little bit more though bye bye Yara so fuzzy we're gonna chat a little bit more about your background and your work at Google with Google Spreadsheets while fuzzy and I chats if you have questions don't forget to send them in at code.org slash questions you have about two minutes if you want to submit a question so fuzzy how old were you when you began learning how to code and how did you get into it what's your story about how you got into this I don't even remember how old I was because I was a as you can tell I'm I'm not a young young young one like you all so back then I was actually history major in college and when I graduated I didn't I was having a hard time finding a job so I ended up selling life insurance for a while then real estate that my wife said wouldn't it be great if we open up a Subway sandwich shop and worked all day and all night together and I said sure we tried that for a while it wasn't only it wasn't until my 30s when I actually started really coding I had a job in the banking industry and was coding there and teaching myself most of the coding and that's when I came up with the idea of taking sell spreadsheets and converting him into Web Apps and the idea with the help of a lot of amazing people we sold that product to Google and it became Google sheets so it wasn't like I wasn't coding as a young kid like everyone here that's really kind of what most people envision that people start companies and sell them you know our whiz kids who learn when they're like really young and then sell their startup when they're like right out of school or something but you'd between being an insurance salesperson and real estate sales persons the sandwich sales person make great sandwiches to make great sandwiches yeah it's pretty amazing that Google Spreadsheets was basically an acquisition by Google of a company made by a sandwich style sandwich shop owner and by the way if you think about it there's a connection between spreadsheets and our earlier activity when we were all in a grid the students were in a grid each one of us was a variable just like a spreadsheet stores a value in each of the cells in its grid and each cell in a spreadsheet has a name like a 1 or B 1 or C 2 just like a variable and in fact I often tell people if you've ever written a command in a spreadsheet using a formula like saying this cell is going to be the sum of this and that you've written one line of code and that's how you can start learning computer programming so now we're gonna go into the second sentence of today's class which is learning about how to use variables and games and so fuzzy Sophie and I are gonna use we're basically gonna use ku dog to modify a game using validus and I'm gonna change the screen share to just show code or game screen just one second all right can you see my screen yes I can it's wonderful thank you so for those of you who are not familiar we're in co.org sprite lab on the left-hand side is where the code will be running where we make our game on the right hand side is the code for this game and there's all these little commands and here in these different drawers that we can look at now this code is already been written and I'm not going to run through how it works what it does is it creates a bunch of these little players called sprites on the screen so it's got this little alien who's a good guy and then these purple aliens are bad guys in these coins and when you run up the Run button all these things float around and you can use the cursor keys to move the good alien that we control you can also use the cursor keys on a keyboard the arrow keys move the good the good little alien but what we wanted to do is when they're good little alien catches a coin we want to count the score so Sophia you're gonna do that using valuables and so we're up here and it says when a coin has been gotten by the good alien so what is the first thing we want to do so if you go into the sprites menu and the first thing you want to do is remove the point so bring out the remove block and then take out or change that to the coin actually no don't change that because that's gonna remove all the coins take that out take out this little block and go into the sprite menu and choose this sprite because if each removed the coins but all of them would go but you want to trim this just this right and now when you do this that's right that you get will disappear but what we also want to do is increase the score and at the start of the game we created a valuable score we set the score 2-0 so now what I want you do is to go into the variables section and set the score see it's a set score to personally not set score to change score change and then clear that I and change it to score and so we're gonna change the score by one you want to change it by one or by two let's leave it by one now that's good to stuck me when I was the counter exactly that's just like here now so if you hit the Run button as you're going around you can control the little you couldn't roll this little thing and it's catching these little coins and the coins are disappearing but we're not seeing the score so what we need to do is we actually need to display the score on screen so so if they go into this area of text the section that says text and bring out the print button and in there you want to type score but we want to combine the score the word score with the value in score so go into texting and bring out this join block and dropped it in there and inside the print instead of a little score block yeah and then join the the word score with the quotes around in the Kulin and then in the variables bring out the value score so now it's going to tell the story which time we get one of these things so now if we hit run I'm gonna play this this time I can run around and catch the coins and see I got a score of one no score to the score of three and so on now I want to use a different battle it looks fuzzy fuzzy you can also count these as well what I want to do next is actually make it so that our player gets smaller and smaller and the points get smaller and a harder to catch as we go along so what we need to do is go back to the start of the game and create a new variable we're going to create a new variable for the size of these so go into variables and say set I to and click on the eye and say rename this variable so we're going to change that to size the bargaining is going to be size all right and we're gonna set size can you drag out the number zero and set the size to 50 all right so this is gonna be the counter for what our size should start to ask but what we want to do is now every time you capture a coin you want to change this change all the sprites to that size so now go into actions actions and see where it says set size 250 bring that out and so when a coin is caught change this coin size but instead of choosing 50 you pull out that 50 and then go into very ease and pull out the size value now size is going to keep this size at 50 so before we do that we actually want to reduce the size as well so go into variables again and save huge change I by and assuming keep changing I change the size so we want to make this eyes smaller it started out as 50 if we reduce it how much do we want to change it by how about by negative negative 10 so it'll start us 50 then become 40 then 30 and so now we want to do this not just for the points let's make everything smaller so click this block and hit command C to copy it and the command V to paste it and I'll put that in there so not only the coins change sides make the good little alien change size and then click that whole block again and hit command C and command V the dark side purple aliens right now try they're doing again yeah you're doing great oh my God look how tiny you got you're getting a score it's super hard to see you anger is not as good as me it's so these aliens are now size 10 so it's hard to see them all right that was super fun so I'm gonna stop this for a second mount like all things you make on code over one thing we can do is we made this little game and we can share it out and if you want you can actually I'm gonna make this a little bit bigger you can actually scan what we this QR code using your phones and the app that Sophia made would then show up you just tap the little thing that shows up on your screen and that after we just made this on your phone to play it so if you don't play it right now but instead of doing that right now we're gonna send this app to you an email later so you can actually improve on it more in fact one of the things we wanted to do is figure out what happens when the good alien runs into the bad purple aliens that's something you can do now before we go into the next part of our episode actually want to take a pause and do our trivia questions so it's trivia attack yourself so fuzzy we want you to read the trivia question for today's audience and everybody of the frosted zum caulk and answers make sure to read the question and all the answers and should I answer it like last time what was the first computer that had real-world practical use was it the ENIAC the Turing machine the baggage the Babbage calculator or a human who did the job of a computer let's see who's the who's ahead looks like I'm watching the results come in not everybody else can see them but we have about half of our audience is already voted I don't know I don't know what the image of you voted and this is a pretty tight one this is tight I don't know this is tricky so almost everybody has voted so can we share the results of people's polls Wow everyone thinks that more most people think it was a human so I'll say straight up the Turing machine isn't actually a physical machine it's a conceptual abstraction and the Babbage calculator was really also theoretical calculator Charles Babbage came up with the idea of a computer but neither of those are actually sort of real-world practical uses I'm going to give you the answer be a screen share so just one second I'm going to share my screen the ania computer built in 1945 80 some 80 years ago it was 800 square 1,800 square feet of office space it took and it weighed 32 tons this was the first modern anumana the first computer with practical use and used vacuum tubes instead of transistors and electricity's and today's phones like Sofia's phone right here have a tiny chip the size of a fingernail that's literally a million times more powerful than this first computer however this wasn't the first computer that had real-world practical uses the first computer as early as 1613 a computer was somebody who did shooting work like math work like math calculations and throughout the 1800s and even the 1900s entire teams of computers often women would work on hard problems because we didn't have the machines yet to do this work and in fact here's pictures of some of the women who helped get the man on the moon it helps America's space program these young women were called computers that was literally their job and if you've seen the movie hidden figures at showcases a woman named Katherine Goble who's one of these women these women basically did the work of now today's modern day computers and I think that's interesting because in today's world technology is constantly improving in a way that changes jobs and human jobs are being replaced by machines and the computer itself used to be a human job long before we have what we what we now think of as computers so we're now going to move to the next segment in our episode which is using variables and apps and we're gonna say goodbye to Sofia I see that and we're gonna welcome my second sidekick and my son Darius hi all right Darius ideas so what we're gonna do is we're gonna make an app that helps us invent a story it's gonna be a tell me a story that is really nervous a little bit a little bit nervous it's always a little bit nervous to have a big audience and it's especially nervous when you're coding in front of the big audience coding by yourself is a lot easier because you can make mistakes and then you can fix your mistakes making a mistake in front of thousands of people is definitely different so we're gonna share screens here we're now in co.org app lab and what you see here on the left is the app we're gonna create on the right is the code and we've started some of this for you I'm gonna walk you through this we're in design mode you can see this app has a bunch of text inputs where you can enter a name an adjective a noun and a verb and when you click this button it's not doesn't do anything yet because we haven't written the code for it but we would like it to do is to store all this information just like yara asked the valuables to remember the names of fruits we want the this app to remember this information and then to switch to screen two and to fill in those different words to finish this sentence to make a story so this here is going to be the name and this year is going to be an adjective and this year it's going to be a noun and so on so let's go to code mode and write the code of what happens when you click this button let's remember the information here using variables fuzzy will you be able to help us doing this absolutely alright so darius what i want you to do is if you look here there's an on event block is what happens when the story button gets clicked and what we want to do is get the text from these things i store them in baggies and if you look up top we already have created the values for the main the adjective the mound etc so what i want you to do is to go under the values category of demands and drag out the x equals but instead of x change it to your name and you have a small type of your name and so the value to put a name go into your controls and you want to get the value in the text editor so use the get text block and you want to do get text the main input alright so what that's going to do is store that into that valuable and then what we want to do this is what's happening when the tell me your story button is clicked so what we want to do next is then it's change the screen so go into the blocks here know and and find this set screen button it's near the very bottom right there the set screen and pull that up and now we're going to change screens at screen too and just to remember what screen to is over here you can click to in design mode to change screen to so that's what screen to its and i go back to right now once we change screen to screen - we can set the text so this text isn't the dispersed label up here if you can move your mouse above this these sort of question marks that's where the name output is going to go so go up and find the set text block it's at the top you're doing great date and set the text for name output right now it's gonna fill it up with the word text but we don't want to set the name output to the text we want to use it about and our variables let's see what should we put over there for the variable yeah this text here or the text I would say funny no we want to change it to what we stored in the variable so we're gonna use your name which was the value that we remembered oh I see alright so now let's run this and see how it works it's okay now hit run so now it's gonna say let's come up with a story and so we're gonna enter a name fuzzy pickles random name for us random name oh yeah pick darius darius that wasn't very random now click tell me a story and so you can see it says one fine day darius walk into a blank blank and blank over a blank it was a truly great day so that's our first step of remembering what darius entered but we need to do the rest of it so we're not going to do this all typing in the code right now we've actually written the lines to copy seduce click show text when you click show text you see all this code of JavaScript instead of blocks and if you go to the very bottom you see where it has all these adjectives already made the adjectives and nouns and all these get text blocks can you select all of that and then cut it this looks like really hard it looks like what my code yes paste it there and then go down to the bottom again and then all these set texts put it again so fuzzy yeah this what we're doing right now is no longer like dragging and dropping blocks it's dragging it's literally and how real coders work in new texts but one thing you can notify Z is even though we're we're here you can still drag and drop blocks into here Wow turns out to flex that's kind of neat and then once we're done we can change the back to block mode and everything we copied and pasted is back into blocks and so now and I'm going to close this so you can see it more easily so what we did now is when the story button is clicked we collect just like Yara asked Samuel to remember a banana and so in soda a number of here we're going to change these variables your name is going to remember what's in the main input and a man and what's the name of this spiral each of these virals remembers each of these things here so when we change the screen when we change the screen in each of these labels we can set text and we get the values in the baggages Siderius can you run this and now we're going to try it out so let's now come up with this dinner so why don't you now come up with a name pick a random one like me you wanna do fuzzy okay all right for the adjective fuzzy you want to pick a good adjective give us a fun yeah I'll go with funny like I was putting before funny yeah which rhymes with fuzzy it rhymes with fuzzy and then for the third so for the third for the second adjective well let's do an audience poll so great blanket poll so the entire audience can choose the adjective we use so we can choose funny braid famous or clumsy I kind of bet I know what people are gonna choose yeah we were paying this we were pretty much certain what everybody is gonna think is their favor all right almost all of you have voted all right so can we share the results all right the most popular adjective is clumsy so Darius can you type the clumsy so steamed funny clumsy now bears can you pick another now the grocery store grocery store actually no I don't want to type all right and then fuzzy you want to pick another now yeah how about a puppy happy and then last let's use an audience choose a verb that ends in D so can we put up the audience poll so appeared sneezed jumped or danced and let's let the audience choose what they want all right and can we share the results of the audience votes all right the winning answer is sneezed so Daris can enter sneezed and then tell me a story so one fine day buzz if you want to read it for us sure but I'm gonna get all emotional this is a story my mom used to read to me when I was a baby one fine day Steve walked into a funny arcade and sneezed over a clumsy puppy it was truly a great day I remember it like yesterday when she used to read this to me that's a wonderful story and by the way fuzzy I have inside information that your mom is actually watching this today so Wow so she'll confirm this confirm this so thank you so much fuzzy for helping us with this app and what we're gonna do by the way is you're gonna get an email with this app so you can improve on it yourself so you can make multiple stories there's multiple changes you can make to it so for example you can take out this very last line and replace it with another variable you can make a second story that uses the same inputs and you can let their user to click between the two story you can make a longer story you gonna have this app I'm not gonna use the QR code to share it we'll send it to via email I want to then also get some chance for the audience questions that people submitted for fuzzy so Akira our producer is gonna join up again and then share the questions for fuzzy at this point I am an expert question asker overlayer I'd like to think so fuzzy this one is from Caitlin sea in Wyoming she said what's at max have you had in your career and how did you overcome them what setback that's a great question setbacks I wouldn't say it's setbacks because I always learn from every single experience that I have and it's been literally just you know making sure that I've learned over time that I do much better when I really enjoy what I work on and I've learned that like trying different experiences and if it's not working out going to the next one but using the last one as a learning experience is really important so when I was selling life insurance realizing that I didn't necessarily I wasn't as good at selling but I still expand I learned a lot from it and then I moved on to the next thing so you're always just learning and trying new things and you just can't give up thank you so much buzzy and this next question is for both you Hadi and fuzzy this is from Alice in Zambia she said universities are expensive so how can I learn computer science without a university education so judging by the question I'm assuming she's a bit further along and so if you both could speak to how can she learn the basics and also how can she continue to grow as she reached reaches those more advanced stages how do you want to take this or I can take it I can take it all though Fuzzy's a perfect example of somebody who's had an incredible career creating and creating google spreadsheets and even Google Docs and Google Drive there's being used by over a billion users and he never went to a university to learn computer science he basically taught himself coding and so there's lots and lots of people that teach yourself I also taught myself when I was much younger living in Iran but when I tell myself it wasn't nearly as easy you needed to use books and learning computer programming as part today if you use code org as a beginner you can learn all the stuff that we were showing you you can use code or to basically learn from our lessons that guide you through them and you can also get full computer science university level computer science classes online as well and in fact if you visit code.org we link to some of the best university computer science classes such as cs50 at Harvard which I suspect is their class a Jana she D is going to take when one of either whether junior year senior year starts and it's a year-long computer science class that you could pay tens of thousands of dollars to go to Harvard to take that class or you can take it online besides that there's many other online university classes that you can see links to from the code.org websites and if you sign up on co.org slash break for a mailing list you'll actually will link that in our weekly email after this episode oh wow just to expand on that the best way to learn is to have a project in mind so I love the fact that when you go on code or you're actually building something and learning it's much better than reading a book whenever I've done I've learned I in the past I would get all sorts of books and then I would try to use it to build something exactly and we're so lucky we've had students now have created 80 million projects on code.org in just the last two years so you won't be alone so we're reaching the end of our time whether the fun doesn't stop here we're gonna send you all an email within the next hour with all of our weekly challenges if you're not on our email list go to code org slash break and sign up and for this week's challenges you're first gonna get some practice you're gonna practice variables to make a little bee that goes and fetches honey and for our older students there's some variable puzzles that you can do an app lab and then for this week's challenge you can either modify the alien coin game that Sophia made or if you can add features to a storyteller app that there is made or do both of those and when you finish share with your parents if you have social media you can ask them to share the app on social media with hashtag go break or you can email it to us and that will pick two of the best ones that you submit to highlight them and invite them on our show next week and for parents our activities each week include activities that students can do on a mobile phone if you don't have a computer or even an unplugged activity for students who don't have even a device of any sort so please sign up for our mailing list at code.org slash break and lastly before we say goodbye I want to share next week's special guests which I'm very excited about we have two special guests next week one is Macklemore the famous rapper and the second is Scott Forstall the inventor of iOS and the iPhone so that's going to be a really special episode and not one to miss as we part I want to say goodbye to our special guest fuzzy so can we all switch to gallery view and I'm going to play a quick round of applause for fuzzy since so yeah it's not here for us and all right everybody good bye I by Darius great job thank you and if you enjoyed today's episode please spread the word if each of you invites other pounds we're gonna to gather make this largest interactive classroom thank you all goodbye see you next week and if you're alone take a code break you you you [Music] [Music] [Music]