{BOOG SPEAKING NONSENSE IN BACK OF VAN} {SINGING} If you go out of the woods, today There's going to be some chips {LAUGHING} Yeah, and the giraffes taste almost exactly like the elephants, and that's messed up. Hey, Gordy! Uh-oh! Back up quick, before she sees me! {BOOG YELLS, GROANS} You are in big trouble, mister. {GASPS} You know what sugar does to you, Boog. Straight to bed, now! I am so sorry. It's my fault it won't happen again. -{BOOG GROANS} -What if he had hurt someone? Gordy, please, we're talking about Boog, here. What are you looking at? I told you not to wait up. -{TIRED GROWL} -GORDY: Put it all away. BETH: No, no, no, It's not like that. I mean, it's not my fault. I tried to teach him the bass-- {BOOG SPEAKING NONSENSE} I took him fishing, but he didn't want to get wet. -{BOOG GROWLS} -{DOOR SLAMS} -Gordy, please. -{BOOG GROWLING} Boog is sorry. {CRYING} -Beth, you're not his mother. -I'm not mothering him. {TAPPING ON GLASS} Excuse me. Go to bed, Boog!