WEBVTT 00:00:00.340 --> 00:00:05.460 Dear Momma. I’m trying to remember you. 00:00:05.460 --> 00:00:12.150 You come to me in parts. Never the whole of you at once. Just parts. 00:00:12.150 --> 00:00:18.960 Like your eyes. I remember your eyes. Those impossibly big, round, sad eyes. 00:00:18.960 --> 00:00:27.029 The first thing I ever was those eyes. I opened mine for the first time and met yours. I could 00:00:27.029 --> 00:00:33.070 see myself reflected back in those eyes. I could see my own eyes, and my face, brand 00:00:33.070 --> 00:00:34.570 new and so small. 00:00:34.570 --> 00:00:40.790 And I could see them. I could see them coming. 00:00:40.790 --> 00:00:42.410 They came and they took me away. 00:00:42.410 --> 00:00:45.489 And that’s when I started forgetting you. 00:00:45.489 --> 00:00:59.120 Momma, I remember your tongue. As big as my head, that tongue. So rough but so gentle. 00:00:59.120 --> 00:01:04.540 I was born slick and wet and you cleaned me with that tongue. Or at least you started 00:01:04.540 --> 00:01:10.500 to. That tongue was the first thing I felt. And it felt like love. 00:01:10.500 --> 00:01:17.939 And then I felt them. I felt their hands grab me. Rough but not gentle. No love in those 00:01:17.939 --> 00:01:20.369 hands. 00:01:20.369 --> 00:01:27.130 I remember your smell, Momma. Warm and earthy. My first breath was of you. 00:01:27.130 --> 00:01:35.060 But there were other smells. Filth and fear. And them. I could smell them. Their scent 00:01:35.060 --> 00:01:38.939 overpowered yours. They took you from me in more ways than one. 00:01:38.939 --> 00:01:45.299 The sound, Momma. I remember the sound of you breathing. That was the first thing I 00:01:45.299 --> 00:01:51.369 heard, that breathing. Deep and steady. Measured but labored. 00:01:51.369 --> 00:01:58.430 It seemed such a task, breathing. A low, rasping hum, in and out. The whole of you expanding 00:01:58.430 --> 00:02:04.420 out and collapsing again. I could listen to you forever. 00:02:04.420 --> 00:02:11.560 But then there was yelling. So loud, that yelling. It hurt to hear it, Momma. 00:02:11.560 --> 00:02:16.760 And then they were there. The Takers. They’d come for me with their loud yelling and their 00:02:16.760 --> 00:02:20.599 strong smells and their rough but not gentle hands. 00:02:20.599 --> 00:02:24.520 They came and they took me, Momma and I started to lose you. 00:02:24.520 --> 00:02:31.849 And now I don’t know where I am. It’s small and dark and I can’t move. There’s 00:02:31.849 --> 00:02:37.530 something around my neck and it hurts. I can hear others around me. They’re hurting too. 00:02:37.530 --> 00:02:42.319 We’re all hurting. The Takers come sometimes with their rough 00:02:42.319 --> 00:02:48.080 not gentle hands and their yelling so loud it hurts to hear. And they take again. They 00:02:48.080 --> 00:02:52.180 take some of us away. I don’t know where they go. 00:02:52.180 --> 00:02:58.200 I’m trying hard not to forget you, Momma. Please know I’m trying. 00:02:58.200 --> 00:02:58.200 --- 00:02:58.200 --> 00:03:08.440 My dear child. I’ve lost you. They came and they took you. It’s happened again and 00:03:08.440 --> 00:03:10.340 I can’t stop it. 00:03:10.340 --> 00:03:15.690 I carried you inside me, just like your brothers and sisters before you. I could protect you 00:03:15.690 --> 00:03:19.129 then. I wanted to keep you there forever. 00:03:19.129 --> 00:03:26.080 But then you came. You came and you were beautiful and you were mine. So small and brand new. 00:03:26.080 --> 00:03:28.510 So fragile. 00:03:28.510 --> 00:03:33.409 I cleaned you up for your new world. I tried to keep you close and quiet. But they knew 00:03:33.409 --> 00:03:37.140 you’d come. They always know. 00:03:37.140 --> 00:03:41.170 I wanted to hide you back inside me and keep you safe always, but they came, my child, 00:03:41.170 --> 00:03:45.180 the Takers came for you. They always come. 00:03:45.180 --> 00:03:50.680 My body’s so tired, my child. I couldn’t fight them away. I tried the first time. And 00:03:50.680 --> 00:03:54.739 the next. And the next. And the next. And the next. And on and on and on. And now, my 00:03:54.739 --> 00:03:56.830 child, I have nothing left. 00:03:56.830 --> 00:04:04.959 I’m empty again. And I’ve lost you. Again. And soon they’ll try to fill me back up. 00:04:04.959 --> 00:04:07.819 But I’m so very tired. 00:04:07.819 --> 00:04:14.430 I cried for you, my child. I yelled your name for days. Did you hear me? I wanted you to 00:04:14.430 --> 00:04:19.790 know I was here. I wanted you to find me. But now I have no voice left. And you’re 00:04:19.790 --> 00:04:21.220 not here. 00:04:21.220 --> 00:04:26.430 You must be hungry, my child. I have milk for you but they take it. Every day they take 00:04:26.430 --> 00:04:26.830 it. 00:04:26.830 --> 00:04:35.040 It hurts so bad. The cold, hard suction. I’m swollen and aching. And I’m empty. 00:04:35.040 --> 00:04:37.870 What will I feed you when you come back? 00:04:37.870 --> 00:04:41.169 I have nothing left to give, my child. I’m so sorry. 00:04:41.169 --> 00:04:49.440 They’ve taken everything. My children, my milk, my fight, my life. The darkness is coming, 00:04:49.440 --> 00:04:56.050 my child. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Please know I tried. 00:04:56.050 --> 00:04:57.720 --- 00:04:57.720 --> 00:05:03.710 Momma I’m tired. They’re coming again. They’re coming and this time it’s for 00:05:03.710 --> 00:05:05.400 me. 00:05:05.400 --> 00:05:11.419 I see them, Momma, with their small cold eyes. They’re coming. 00:05:11.419 --> 00:05:16.620 They take me again with their rough not gentle hands. And I think of your warm tongue. 00:05:16.620 --> 00:05:24.430 I’m upside down, Momma. We all are. I smell blood and fear. Something’s wrong. 00:05:24.430 --> 00:05:30.169 I’m moving, Momma. There are Takers all around us. And the noise. It’s so loud. 00:05:30.169 --> 00:05:32.820 I can’t even hear my own scream. 00:05:32.820 --> 00:05:36.940 Can you hear me? They’re coming for me, Momma. 00:05:36.940 --> 00:05:42.419 The Taker has something shiny. And there’s blood. So much blood. I’m getting closer. 00:05:42.419 --> 00:05:49.090 And I can see myself, Momma, in the shine. My own face, still so small and brand new. 00:05:49.090 --> 00:05:54.060 And I think of your impossibly big, sad eyes, the first thing I ever saw. 00:05:54.060 --> 00:06:00.889 And then, Momma, and then…darkness. 00:06:00.889 --> 00:06:00.889 --- 00:06:00.889 --> 00:06:06.949 This is the story of a dairy cow and her baby sent to the veal industry. This is where your 00:06:06.949 --> 00:06:13.690 milk comes from. This is not an isolated incident. For more information, please see the videos 00:06:13.690 --> 00:06:18.810 linked here as well as in the video description below. You can find all the resources on the 00:06:18.810 --> 00:06:23.949 blog post for this video, which is linked below in the description as well. Please like 00:06:23.949 --> 00:06:29.069 and share this video to help give a voice to the mothers and children of the dairy industry 00:06:29.069 --> 00:06:34.360 and subscribe for more vegan content every Monday, Wednesday and some Fridays. To support 00:06:34.360 --> 00:06:39.190 messages like this please see the support links in the video description below, or click 00:06:39.190 --> 00:06:45.110 the text here or the link in the sidebar. Now go live vegans, ditch the dairy, and I’ll 00:06:45.110 --> 00:06:45.800 see you soon. 00:06:45.800 --> 00:06:46.000 Subtitles by the Amara.org community