WEBVTT 00:00:26.587 --> 00:00:32.394 Alright, let's play some shitty games. Now, I have three games here based on the Indiana Jones trilogy. 00:00:34.117 --> 00:00:38.377 Trilogy? Oh, shit! There's a fourth movie comin' out! 00:00:38.377 --> 00:00:44.174 Yeah, tomorrow, in fact! For 19 years, we've been calling it the Indiana Jones trilogy. 00:00:44.174 --> 00:00:47.375 But now, it's the last day when we can actually call it that. 00:00:47.375 --> 00:00:51.556 Now, I'm psyched. I mean you can just tell, I'm all ready. So, to celebrate the occasion, 00:00:51.556 --> 00:00:57.061 let's pop this fucker in! Raiders of the Lost Ark on Atari 2600. 00:00:58.107 --> 00:01:02.187 The first thing that happens, you see Indiana Jones descending from some kind of escalator, 00:01:02.187 --> 00:01:06.788 and then, nothing. You try every button, and by every button, I mean one, 00:01:06.788 --> 00:01:11.039 you rock the joystick all around, you flick every possible switch, and nothing happens! 00:01:11.039 --> 00:01:17.102 Is the game broken, or did I already find the Ark, and that's the end of the game? Pretty easy, I must say. 00:01:17.717 --> 00:01:23.845 But guess what, you're supposed to plug the controller into the second port. Now the game begins and you can move Indy. 00:01:23.845 --> 00:01:29.112 Yeah, isn't that weird? But even more fucked up, you need two controllers to play the game. 00:01:29.112 --> 00:01:33.459 Controller 1 selects items with the joystick and drops items with the button. 00:01:33.459 --> 00:01:37.559 Controller 2 moves Indy with the joystick and uses items with the button. 00:01:37.559 --> 00:01:43.400 Once you figure that out, you think you're all set? But no, the confusion has only begun. 00:01:43.400 --> 00:01:46.378 You wander around the marketplace, yeah, that's what it is, 00:01:46.378 --> 00:01:48.684 but you never know that unless you read about it. 00:01:48.684 --> 00:01:52.780 You collect items from baskets. Now, let me show you. This is the gun. 00:01:53.457 --> 00:01:55.755 Makes sense, right, you see the little bullet flyin' out? 00:01:55.755 --> 00:01:57.509 Now, let me show you the whip. 00:01:58.524 --> 00:02:02.552 This is the whip. It's the same as the gun, just a shorter range! 00:02:02.552 --> 00:02:09.175 Why is it just a dot? I know the graphics on the Atari are limited, but don't tell me you can't draw a line! 00:02:09.175 --> 00:02:12.613 So, after leaving this innocent marketplace you end up falling, 00:02:12.613 --> 00:02:15.607 and then there's some tall crazy guy in black chasing you around. 00:02:15.607 --> 00:02:19.939 Who is he? What is he? Is he from the movie? Could it be him? 00:02:19.939 --> 00:02:25.123 I don't know. But you walk all the way to the bottom with this guy pestering you, only to find a dead end. 00:02:25.123 --> 00:02:28.856 So you go all the way back up to the top, which just brings you back to the marketplace. 00:02:28.856 --> 00:02:31.895 There's nowhere left to go but back up where you started. 00:02:31.895 --> 00:02:35.024 But there's snakes on the edge of the screen just waiting for you, 00:02:35.024 --> 00:02:37.646 so it's impossible to go up without getting killed. 00:02:37.646 --> 00:02:41.779 Fucking snakes, I hate 'em! But here's what you can do. Go to the merchant, 00:02:41.779 --> 00:02:45.729 select the bag of gold, and drop it, which exchanges it for the flute. 00:02:45.729 --> 00:02:50.096 When you have the flute selected, it plays a tune which keeps the snakes from killing you. 00:02:50.096 --> 00:02:54.107 That's a lot of faith to put in the gamer for you to know that this is a merchant, 00:02:54.107 --> 00:02:58.009 that's a bag of gold, that's a flute, and you use it to keep snakes away! 00:02:58.009 --> 00:03:01.691 But anyway, you'll find that you can't go anywhere beyond these three screens. 00:03:01.691 --> 00:03:06.412 You'll explore every last corner and exhaust every possibility of where you're supposed to go. 00:03:06.412 --> 00:03:11.876 But guess what, see this thing? That's a grenade. You put the grenade next to the right hand wall, 00:03:11.876 --> 00:03:15.641 you leave the screen, then you come back, and there's a nice big hole in the wall. 00:03:16.210 --> 00:03:22.224 Okay, first of all, you'd have to know how to use the grenade! You can't drop it like we did with the bag of gold. 00:03:22.224 --> 00:03:26.896 You gotta use the right controller, otherwise the bomb just goes away and nothing happens. 00:03:26.896 --> 00:03:32.992 So dropping it isn't the same as activating it. But besides, how would you know to bomb a hole in the wall? 00:03:32.992 --> 00:03:37.718 Even in a Zelda game, there's usually some sort of clue. But here, there's nothing! 00:03:38.380 --> 00:03:42.757 So, you go through the caves, you collect all kinds of weird items, you can't even tell what they are. 00:03:42.757 --> 00:03:46.467 You end up in some sort of trap. You have to whip your way through the walls, 00:03:46.467 --> 00:03:51.657 which is easier said than done, then you come out and then you find that you can't touch the walls in this room. 00:03:51.657 --> 00:03:57.857 If even a single pixel of your body comes in contact with any of these walls, it sends you back in the trap. 00:03:58.211 --> 00:04:04.777 But still, where do you go? You're supposed to touch this one spot on the wall, which leads you to the next room. 00:04:04.777 --> 00:04:08.434 Well, after knowing that you can't touch anything else in the room, 00:04:08.434 --> 00:04:15.705 why the fuck would you even consider trying to go through the wall? Is there ever such a thing as a door? 00:04:15.705 --> 00:04:21.924 Also, in order to access certain parts of the game, it depends on how you move to the next screen. 00:04:21.924 --> 00:04:28.744 Here, we've already seen when you go down like normal, you fall and end up in this weird place they call The Valley of Poison. 00:04:28.744 --> 00:04:35.946 But, if you gently, carefully, just ease your way down, it takes you to a whole different screen. 00:04:35.946 --> 00:04:39.358 Then there's a weird treasure room where you have to keep swapping items, 00:04:39.358 --> 00:04:46.116 you leave the room, you come back into the room, you drop this, pick up that, swap this, exchange that, 'till finally you get all the items you need. 00:04:46.116 --> 00:04:50.797 Of course, each item is just trial and error to figure out what they do, and where in the game you use 'em. 00:04:50.797 --> 00:04:57.429 Like the hourglass or the ankh. You use them to summon a little dot that bounces around, it's supposed to be a grappling hook. 00:04:57.429 --> 00:05:03.292 You hit the right controller button and time it when the dot goes over an island, then you'll appear on that island. 00:05:03.292 --> 00:05:10.466 You'd expect Indiana Jones to use a whip to swing across, but not an hourglass that turns into a grappling hook! 00:05:10.928 --> 00:05:16.078 By this point, I also really have to say using two controllers is a pain in the ass. 00:05:16.078 --> 00:05:19.999 Unless you're Goro. I'd recommend two sets of hands or two players. 00:05:19.999 --> 00:05:25.793 Then you get to this part where you need to stand in a certain place for this map to appear. Oh, like in the movie! 00:05:25.793 --> 00:05:30.108 You need to select the key to enter, you need the clock to tell you when the sun is rising, 00:05:30.108 --> 00:05:36.447 you need the medallion so the sun can shine at the right time and mark the spot on the map where you have to find a shovel to dig for the Ark! 00:05:41.447 --> 00:05:45.054 Wow! How complicated can it be for an Atari game? 00:05:45.054 --> 00:05:48.569 Let alone that this is one of the few Atari games that you can actually beat, 00:05:48.569 --> 00:05:51.295 whereas most of them are just about trying to get a high score. 00:05:51.295 --> 00:05:54.793 And when I say it can be beat, that's hypothetical, because honestly, 00:05:54.793 --> 00:06:00.447 I think it'd be easier to find the real Lost Ark. Just the fact that you have to feel around for secret passageways and stuff, 00:06:00.447 --> 00:06:07.893 it makes you feel like Indiana Jones. Well, they got me there. Next up is Temple of Doom. 00:06:07.893 --> 00:06:12.195 Based off the second movie, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was an arcade game, 00:06:12.195 --> 00:06:17.266 which was ported to many home computers before eventually arriving on the Nintendo Entertainment System. 00:06:17.266 --> 00:06:23.258 There were two versions: an unlicensed black cartridge by Tengen and an official release by Mindscape. 00:06:23.258 --> 00:06:29.580 The cover art is the same, except it's reversed, almost like the one game is a mirror reflection of the other. 00:06:29.580 --> 00:06:35.044 In fact, both versions are the same exact game, so I don't know what's up with that. 00:06:35.813 --> 00:06:41.778 The game begins, Indy walks from one cave to the next and...what's going on here, what the hell? 00:06:41.778 --> 00:06:46.761 Oh no, not this again - Oh, it's Select. It's one of those games, where Select is Start. 00:06:47.161 --> 00:06:52.561 What's up with Indiana Jones? He looks like a park ranger. And he walks like he just dumped ass. 00:06:53.176 --> 00:06:56.428 Alright, so basically, you're just going around rescuing little kids. 00:06:57.151 --> 00:07:00.260 See, there's a little kid, you get the little kid, and then y- oh, you get the sword, 00:07:00.260 --> 00:07:05.709 and - oh my god, another sword, oh, another sword, oh my god, this little cave here is awfully generous. 00:07:06.832 --> 00:07:09.756 All through the game you keep finding swords and guns and stuff, 00:07:09.756 --> 00:07:12.208 but the big question is, what do you do with them? 00:07:12.208 --> 00:07:17.712 The Start button brings up this screen which shows your supply, but how do you select your weapons? 00:07:17.712 --> 00:07:21.458 You try every button and nothing works, so what's the point of this screen? 00:07:22.089 --> 00:07:24.062 Nothing, it's just for shits and giggles. 00:07:24.062 --> 00:07:29.344 Oh well, we're having fun with our whip in the meantime, but then you find that your whip is pretty useless. 00:07:29.344 --> 00:07:36.795 You can use it to swing around and kill small insects, but any of the regular bad guys, it only makes them jitter around and grunt. 00:07:36.795 --> 00:07:38.865 [grunt] 00:07:38.865 --> 00:07:40.071 [AVGN] It should be a dance. 00:07:40.071 --> 00:07:44.200 [imitates grunts] Whip it! [imitates grunts] 00:07:44.200 --> 00:07:48.613 Come on! This is ridiculous! By now you're wondering, "Where the fuck are my weapons?!" 00:07:48.613 --> 00:07:53.400 Well, here's how it works. You hold the Select button while pressing right for the sword, 00:07:53.400 --> 00:07:56.487 left for the gun, up for the bomb, and down for the whip! 00:07:56.487 --> 00:08:02.220 On top of just being awkward, it's impossible when you're in a tight situation and have to switch real fast! 00:08:02.497 --> 00:08:07.407 There's no way to pause the game and then switch weapons, you have to do it during the action! 00:08:07.407 --> 00:08:11.970 If you're on a conveyor belt, there's no way you're gonna mess around, unless you want to fall off and die! 00:08:11.970 --> 00:08:19.079 That's my biggest gripe with this game. I've never heard of such a back-ass dimwitted idiotic lame-brained way to switch weapons, 00:08:19.079 --> 00:08:21.470 but at least you only use one controller. 00:08:23.408 --> 00:08:26.363 There's also a serious problem going on with the jumping. 00:08:26.363 --> 00:08:30.095 Whenever you jump, you gravitate towards the bottom of the screen. 00:08:30.095 --> 00:08:33.006 You're constantly fighting against it with the D-pad. 00:08:33.006 --> 00:08:38.911 At first I didn't understand what was going on, but now I kinda see what they were trying to do. 00:08:38.911 --> 00:08:43.523 The cliffs, the platforms, the conveyor belts, everything's descending as you go down, 00:08:43.523 --> 00:08:47.335 like you're on the side of a mountain, so whenever you jump, naturally, you drop. 00:08:47.335 --> 00:08:52.413 But you're sorta looking at it from a bird's eye perspective. But no, wait. 00:08:52.675 --> 00:09:00.784 Are these doors actually just rectangular holes in the ground? Is Indiana Jones walking or is he crawling? Or...huh. 00:09:14.166 --> 00:09:21.839 I don't know, I don't have a fucking clue, it's like they couldn't decide if they were making a 3D or a 2D platformer, so what you get is like a hybrid! 00:09:22.162 --> 00:09:27.481 Anyway, the big problem is figuring out where you're supposed to go. Some call it a platformer game, 00:09:27.481 --> 00:09:33.509 some call it an adventure game, I classify it as a "where the fuck do I go?" kind of game. Yeah, one of those. 00:09:33.509 --> 00:09:40.088 It's dreadful, all you do is jump around. You go in doors and you jump around some more. You jump around, you jump around. 00:09:40.088 --> 00:09:46.175 The stages don't really progress much. Everything looks the same. It almost seems like I'm doing laps. 00:09:46.175 --> 00:09:50.462 [record needle scratch] But wait! Yeah, how did I get here again? You wanna know why? 00:09:50.462 --> 00:09:54.889 Because the damn stages cycle over and over again! Let me draw it out. 00:09:54.889 --> 00:10:00.128 It's like, OK, here's the stage, you know, all the little cliffs, the doors, the lava pits, all that bullshit. 00:10:00.128 --> 00:10:08.174 Anyway, for example, if you go all the way down here, you don't hit a wall or any kind of boundary, you just come out up here, 00:10:08.174 --> 00:10:13.095 but without any indication that you've done so! What kind of bullshit is that? 00:10:13.095 --> 00:10:18.672 Everything looks the same, anyway, so it only makes an already confusing game even more confusing! 00:10:18.672 --> 00:10:27.203 Who would want to play this? I'd rather drink buffalo shizz! That's a combination of shit and jizz. Yeah, that's foul. I apologize. 00:10:27.203 --> 00:10:33.861 You know, there's a major paradox going on here. If you keep jumping down, you're basically coming out the top again. 00:10:33.861 --> 00:10:37.295 Yeah, you follow? It's kinda like a never-ending staircase. 00:10:37.295 --> 00:10:41.522 Even Einstein would be baffled by how this game breaks the laws of physics. 00:10:41.922 --> 00:10:46.734 Just the fact that this game was made the way it is, it's a shit stain on the fabric of nature. 00:10:47.057 --> 00:10:51.648 Another thing I hate is whenever you get hit, usually by a stupid bat or something, 00:10:51.648 --> 00:10:54.739 you end up going apeshit like Indy's having a seizure or something. 00:10:55.108 --> 00:11:01.482 It stuns you for a few seconds, but if it happens on a conveyor belt, you're fucked! You're going over the edge! 00:11:03.328 --> 00:11:08.668 How did I die? Look at this, I jumped down, I land on the conveyor belt and I'm dead. 00:11:08.668 --> 00:11:13.559 You mean from sticking my toe in the very, very, very edge of this lava pit? 00:11:16.605 --> 00:11:18.421 Fuck! Let's try again. 00:11:19.313 --> 00:11:22.882 Kiss my ass! I hate this game! It's fucking horrible! 00:11:23.446 --> 00:11:28.585 Next up, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. But first, let's get Temple of Doom out of there. 00:11:45.445 --> 00:11:51.702 The Last Crusade is another one of those games where you have to press the Select button to start. Why is that? 00:11:52.348 --> 00:11:54.734 There are some good things to say about this game. 00:11:54.734 --> 00:11:58.483 It makes a legitimate attempt to follow the storyline from the movie, 00:11:58.483 --> 00:12:02.715 and it plays more like a traditional side-scroller. Most of the time, at least. 00:12:02.715 --> 00:12:07.579 There is an overhead stage where you're on the motorcycle, which is cool to have some variety, 00:12:07.579 --> 00:12:12.285 but then there's a puzzle. I don't wanna do a fuckin' puzzle, I'm not even good at these things! 00:12:12.777 --> 00:12:18.106 What's this supposed to be, anyway? I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a giant middle finger saying "Fuck you!" 00:12:19.003 --> 00:12:28.524 The side-scrolling stages are okay, but redundant. You just mash buttons. Sometimes, you get hit, sometimes, they get hit. Pure random. 00:12:28.524 --> 00:12:36.226 The castle stage is a fuckin' maze. Unless you draw a map, you'll never know which direction to go, or where you've already been. 00:12:36.226 --> 00:12:39.085 This game can be annoying, but it is playable. 00:12:39.085 --> 00:12:44.479 I never intended to review it anyway because it's not the same version of Last Crusade that I remember. 00:12:44.479 --> 00:12:51.849 Yes, that's right. Once again, there's two versions. The one we just played was by Taito. The other one's by Ubisoft. 00:12:51.849 --> 00:12:56.320 This time, both of them are licensed, and the cover art is almost identical. 00:12:56.320 --> 00:13:02.091 The differences are very slight. It's almost like playing one of those picture games where you guess what's different. 00:13:02.091 --> 00:13:07.987 So because they look basically the same, you would imagine that they're the same game, just like with Temple of Doom. 00:13:07.987 --> 00:13:15.348 But, no! This time, they're both completely different! Why make two games off the same movie on the same console? 00:13:15.348 --> 00:13:20.115 To make it better, right? Well, let's see how much better it is. 00:13:20.115 --> 00:13:25.300 While the animation is pretty decent on Indy, why is there this choppy outline around his body? 00:13:25.300 --> 00:13:29.823 And where's the color? Everything's in monochrome. It's like something you'd see on Game Boy. 00:13:29.823 --> 00:13:33.821 Indy's in like a sepia tone while the backgrounds range from yellow to green. 00:13:33.821 --> 00:13:39.294 What happened? Even the Game Gear version had more color, and that was a handheld console! 00:13:39.294 --> 00:13:43.844 So, when the game begins you immediately take damage from everything in sight. 00:13:43.844 --> 00:13:48.232 Even when you fall off the rope, some mysterious force hits you on your way down. 00:13:49.801 --> 00:13:54.531 Then you get shot at while you're wondering "Where's my whip? Is this all you can do, is just punch?" 00:13:54.531 --> 00:13:58.043 How am I supposed to fight a guy with a gun with my fists? 00:13:58.043 --> 00:14:05.186 You think you can just take the platform and go over him, but no, you come to a dead end, with a little narrow opening, just to tease you. 00:14:05.186 --> 00:14:11.694 No, you can't crawl. I tried. And you can't jump down, either, so it's all the way back to the guy with the gun. 00:14:11.694 --> 00:14:16.624 You gotta get near him without touching him, and still, it takes quite a few punches to put him down. 00:14:16.624 --> 00:14:21.988 And this is just one guy! There's a million of 'em! Next thing you come to a small body of water. 00:14:21.988 --> 00:14:25.709 You can't touch it or you die. You just keep jumping on the ropes. 00:14:26.201 --> 00:14:29.689 Fuck! Oh my god, get back onto the rope! What the hell do I- 00:14:31.863 --> 00:14:33.737 Awwww, what the fuck? 00:14:34.491 --> 00:14:40.097 How is Indiana Jones such a wimp that he can't set foot in water more shallow than a kiddy pool? 00:14:40.097 --> 00:14:44.444 All the way through the game's without mercy. And it doesn't help to not have a whip. 00:14:44.444 --> 00:14:47.453 And why does there always have to be a fucking time limit? 00:14:51.061 --> 00:14:54.866 Once you get to the first level boss, any sane person would shut the game off. 00:14:54.866 --> 00:14:59.070 Just look, I have to fight a guy with a long range weapon with my bare fists. 00:14:59.070 --> 00:15:06.425 Once you get the pattern down, you're able to step in, take a few jabs, and step back while avoiding the stalactites at the same time. 00:15:06.425 --> 00:15:09.092 And look how much damage it takes when you punch him. 00:15:13.990 --> 00:15:19.863 Is it a fucking joke?! Dumbasses made this game, should've sent it to the Marx Brothers. 00:15:20.602 --> 00:15:23.821 Halfway through the second level you finally get this weird item. 00:15:23.821 --> 00:15:26.941 In the back of your mind you think, "What is that, a whip or something? No." 00:15:26.941 --> 00:15:31.249 By this point, you don't even expect the whip to be in the game. But yeah, this is the whip! 00:15:31.249 --> 00:15:35.810 You just have to select it, that's all. Why would you not want to select the whip? 00:15:36.272 --> 00:15:40.612 So now, you're in complete shock thinking to yourself "Oh, I get it now." 00:15:40.612 --> 00:15:43.460 "Like in the movie. He doesn't get the whip 'till he's on the train." 00:15:43.460 --> 00:15:50.161 [record needle scratch] But whoa, whoa. Let's talk about the story. As the game begins, it just says "Exploring the Caves", that's it. 00:15:50.161 --> 00:15:52.146 It doesn't tell you why you're exploring the caves. 00:15:52.146 --> 00:15:56.968 But before you can complete each level, you need to find certain items. Here, it's a cross. 00:15:56.968 --> 00:16:01.624 So, okay, is this supposed to be the opening scene of the movie, where he's young Boy Scout Indy? 00:16:01.624 --> 00:16:03.771 Then why does he have the jacket and hat? 00:16:04.281 --> 00:16:07.190 In the third level, he's in the catacombs looking for stone tablets, 00:16:07.190 --> 00:16:11.157 and in the fourth level, he's in the castle looking for the pages of his father's diary. 00:16:11.157 --> 00:16:17.629 So the whole game is loosely based around scenes from the movie, but the whole time, it's the same adult Indy. 00:16:17.629 --> 00:16:23.041 So, here's the bottom line: either follow the movie or just give me the goddamn whip! 00:16:23.518 --> 00:16:27.194 This is great, right? You remember when Indy fought an archer on the train? 00:16:31.434 --> 00:16:32.403 Come on! 00:16:33.199 --> 00:16:34.691 You gotta be kidding me. 00:16:35.608 --> 00:16:37.531 Oh man, just die. 00:16:42.724 --> 00:16:44.853 Ugh, god. 00:16:46.160 --> 00:16:48.068 Oh my god. 00:17:00.727 --> 00:17:02.327 The fuck, man? 00:17:33.543 --> 00:17:34.043 [crash] 00:17:34.043 --> 00:17:35.153 Oh, shit! 00:17:35.153 --> 00:17:41.512 You think Indiana Jones would have been a great concept for a side-scroller game, but they just kept fucking it up! 00:17:41.512 --> 00:17:48.316 How'd they do this, it's ass! But here's one which was actually pretty decent, so let's take a quick look. 00:17:48.316 --> 00:17:53.770 Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures is exactly what you'd expect of a movie based game on Super Nintendo. 00:17:53.770 --> 00:17:56.920 You move from left to right and kill a bunch of bad guys with your whip. 00:17:56.920 --> 00:18:01.694 It's more self-explanatory than most of the previous games, which makes it easy to pick up and play. 00:18:02.340 --> 00:18:08.057 And thank god it has a password system with only four characters, making it easy to continue where you left off. 00:18:08.057 --> 00:18:13.694 Best of all, the stages all follow scenes from the movies. That's right, from Raiders to Crusade. 00:18:13.694 --> 00:18:19.907 One thing I find funny is that the final boss of the game is the skeleton, you know, when Donovan drinks the wrong grail. 00:18:19.907 --> 00:18:22.292 Kinda reminds me of a Castlevania game. 00:18:23.505 --> 00:18:28.596 Overall, LucasArts gave the same care and attention to the franchise as they did with their Star Wars trilogy, 00:18:28.596 --> 00:18:34.407 except here, they're all rolled into one game. Same as me, combining three reviews into one. 00:18:34.407 --> 00:18:37.820 But hey, now I'm pushing four, so let's end this thing.