[music] Hey everyone! So about more than a month ago, I asked on Instagram to ask me questions for a Q&A video, and I'm finally doing it! Sorry it's taken so long. I thought it was about time to do another one of these, because the last one I did was when I had something like 250,000 less subscribers than I do now, which is nuts! I can't even comprehend how many people that is, it- it blows my mind, But, hi! Thanks for being here, thanks for subscribing, and lets get into a Q&A session! "What is your favourite thrift store in Sydney?" Villawood Anglicare I'm gonna regret saying this to so many people, because you're all gonna steal all my stuff now, but, it's the greatest op shop. It's like a sorting warehouse, and all of the clothes are put into giant bins, and you basically go dumpster diving into those bins. It's like all the men's, women's and children's clothes are all thrown in together, and then you buy by the kilo, so everything is 8 dollars a kilo. It's an amazing place, but also quite far out, it's hard to get to, so, when I'm able to go that's my favourite place in the world to visit. "If you were a vegetable which one would you like to be?" I'd be a sweet potato. Kinda matches my hair colour, yeah, and I love sweet potato, which means I would eat myself... [silence] I also got a lot of questions about dogs, because on my Instagram I have made it well known that I am obsessed with dogs at the moment, I'm so sad that I don't actually own a dog, and my life goal is to own two dogs. I'll answer a couple of these "What's your favourite breed of dog?" My favourite breed, aesthetically, is Dachshunds - Sausage dogs - Dachshunds? Dachshunds? Dachshunds. Not sure how to pronounce that. They're so cute, they have such silly little legs But I personally wouldn't get one because I don't think their personalities are particularly what would suit me. If I were to choose a breed of dog to own for myself it would be a mutt, a rescue mutt, Labrador-ish size, A mix of Labrador and Golden Retriever and Terrier would be awesome. Yeah. "What sort of music do you enjoy?" Well, if you have watched the videos on my channel, you will know I really like chiptunes, and glitch-hop The genres of music that I generally listen to are glitch-hop, alternative rock, indie music, electronic dance music, modern swing, Australian hip-hop, Basically anything that you can dance to, anything that's upbeat and positive, I really like. Yeah!! "Do you think it's cool to have an accent?" I don't have an accent. You have an accent. It's all relative. I don't have a particularly strong Australian accent, so oftentimes, um, people in Australia will actually ask me where I'm from, 'cause they think I have an accent. They often think I'm from England or America? [pause] um... My voice does not sound like that either. Yup, that's what I have to say about that. Yup! "Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?" Crunchy, always, who are those psychopaths that like smooth peanut butter? "Who is your favorite Power Puff Girl?" Definitely Blossom, I even have a Blossom handbag, and it's the most amazing thing that I own. Actually, I say that about half of the clothes that i own. But it's one of the amazing things that I own. "What's a weird food combo that you enjoy? Mine is banana, cheese, and eggs on toast." That's disgusting! [laugh] But so's mine, my weird food combo that I really like is vinegar on chips, not like hot chips, like, crisps, chips, like the... Like salt and vinegar chips. With more vinegar on top. I really like vinegar, basically vinegar on anything. I like vinegar on dried noodles as well, especially when it makes it go all soggy. Pretty disgusting. "I love you!? Does that count as a question?! Gahhhhh!!!??" No. Not a question. "What is your favourite lollies?" Anything that's extremely sour. Just, I love sour things so much! "Would you rather have cereal dust permanently stuck under your nails, or nails permanently stuck in your cereal?" I guess I would just not eat cereal. 'Cause I don't want cereal dust stuck under my nails, gross. I would just have to forego cereal, which would be really sad because I love cereal, but if there's always gonna be nails in my cereal, that's a definite choking hazard, so... Yeah. Nails in my cereal, and then not eat cereal. If I'm allowed to do that. "Why do you dye your hair in orange?" [pause] Because I've always wanted to be a natural redhead. [gasp] Oh my gosh and the other day, I was waiting for a tram, and it was a really hot day, it was really sunny, and I didn't have any sunscreen on, and this redheaded guy holding a bottle of sunscreen came up to me and was like, "Yeah, you and me, we're both redheads, we need to look after each other, have some sunscreen." He totally mistook me for a natural redhead and I was like, "Thaaaaanks." And, um, hoped he wouldn't notice my- my roots, that aren't red. But I was so excited in being mistaken for a natural redhead. Anyway, why does anyone do anything? That's a weird question. Next! Ooh! Here's a question I get asked a lot. "If you're Australian, then why don't you use the metric system when you sew?" So, I have four reasons for this. One, is that by using inches you're working with smaller numbers, which is just easier to work with, easier to do maths with in your head and stuff. Two is that I learned to sew by using inches, because I watched a lot of American YouTube tutorials, and read a lot of American sewing blogs, and I also learned to sew using vintage patterns, which also used inches. Three, vintage patterns, they also use inches, so if you're using them, it's just easier if your brain's already working in inches. And four is that most of my audience come from America, so using inches is just kind of easier for the majority of my audience. Sorry if you do use the metric system, but there's plenty of calculators that you can use to convert one to the other, online. And any maths that I do, with dividing or multiplying things, you can use either centimeters or inches, it doesn't matter. "Do you know anyone that calls sandals 'double pluggers'?" [laughing] No? What? Who calls sandals double pluggers? Is that like an Australian thing? "Would you rather always have to say what's on your mind, or never speak again?" The first one. I pretty much do anyway, so I don't think it would change things too much for me. I would definitely seem a lot more rude, but, I generally, I don't think mean things about people, generally? And I would absolutely hate not being able to speak again, so, the first one. If worse came to worse, I'd always just lock myself in my apartment and make YouTube videos, and edit out the things that I said that were horrible. It's better than never having to speak again, I guess. "If you were to become an animal, a) based on your personality, and b) at will, which animals would they be and why? Talk about the ways in which your answers differ slash are similar and why." Is this like an essay question? That was worded in a very, very formal way. If I was to become an animal, I'd become a cat. Cats have it pretty easy, they just get to lay around, sleep, and eat, lay around in the sun. They're also pretty good at surviving, they're pretty flexible, they can jump high, they can jump on things... Yeah, I'd be a cat. "What did the man say when you entered the ham contest, he said, 'You can't enter, you won last time.'" [silence] That's not a question. "Do you think Hermione should have married Harry or Ron?" Ron! What the heck!? How is this even a question? How could Hermione have married Harry? Sorry, no. No, no, no. "If you could have one Adventure Time character come to life, who would it be?" Obviously Princess Bubblegum. We'd be best friends. We'd do all the science together. Plus she's got the most awesome fashion sense. "Read something in Hungarian slash say something if you already speak it." This person knows that I'm half Hungarian, and I think they're also Hungarian as well. Hello! Uh, say something in Hungarian. *Hol a sapka?* *Hol a kalapja?* Yeah, that's basically all I know how to say in Hungarian, and I'm sure that I pronounced those atrociously, as well, feel free to correct me, anyone who's Hungarian. "What is your favorite lipstick?" [silence] This is Aria by Stila Cosmetics. "Can you wink? You said you have been practicing." Check this out. [silence] I can also do this now, I've been practicing this, too. Wait, wait. [silence] That was something I couldn't do before either. Very exciting, learning to do things with my body. And face. "Favourite song?" Right now, it's Santigold's "Can't Get Enough of Myself." Go look it up, right now. Highly recommend it. "Also, how many pets have you had in your life?" I've had... eight. Three cats, one dog, two hermit crabs, and two fish. A lot of people want to know about my relationship! I do have a boyfriend, and he's camera shy, and I don't know if he'll ever be on my YouTube channel. Sorry. If it was up to me, he would be, tomorrow. But, it's not up to me, he doesn't really wanna be... I've been working on it though, he's... sometimes he's been like, "Yeah, maybe sometime in the future." So, [clicks] Maybe you'll see him one day. You can see a couple of photos of him on my Instagram account though, if you're just dying with curiosity to find out who he is, though. "Moose or meese?" Uhhhhhhhh..... Moose? I have a couple questions about ethical clothing, so, "Tips on how to source your clothing ethically?" and "Favourite brands?" I've actually written a couple of resources about this, which I'll link in the description box below, which you can find on my blog. I have both a letter that I responded to about ethical clothing, and also, an ethical clothing directory. So you guys should go check them out. "Would you rather be a piece of corn for one day of the year, so that you would live like a corn and and you could get digested but not die, or be invisible for one day of the year, but you have to be completely naked to be completely invisible, because only your body becomes invisible?" Obviously the invisible one. I don't care about being naked, and no one would be able to see me 'cause I'm invisible, so no one would be able to see that I'm naked so obviously the invisibility one, that would be awesome. I don't wanna be a piece of corn. "What is the hardest part about living with a chronic illness?" You guys wanted to get deep, huh? I guess the toughest part is that, it's... it's always there. Like, it affects me every single day. I can't just have a day where I wake up and I'm not sick. And things are always coming up because of it, I actually started trying to film this Q and A about a month ago, um, and then. as I was talking, I actually stopped being able to breathe properly, and ended up at the emergency room. The things I do for you guys! But that ended up being a side-effect of a medication I take to stop me dying from my illness. It's just something I have to deal with, all the time. Um, if you actually wanna know what it's like to live with a chronic illness, this YouTuber Hot Pink Sun makes some really, really awesome videos about disability and chronic illness. And you should go watch them. "If you had to choose a superpower, which would you pick?" The ability to stop time. Definitely. I've thought about this a lot, in the past. "If you could only make one DIY for the rest of your life, what would it be?" Now, I thought this was gonna be a harder question to answer, but [laughs] T-shirts! I really like making t-shirts! At the moment, I've been making a lot of cute crop t-shirts to wear, and putting different prints on them, and doing contrasting ribbing, and... [sigh] That's a tough question though, I'd get really sick of it. But, if I had to, I have to choose one, it'd be t-shirts. "Would you rather be a planet, or the universe itself, controlling everything and everyone?" Oh, man. Well, if I was a planet, I'd just be a hunk of rock, so... I guess the universe? That's a lot of pressure. I get to control everything though. Actually, I like the sound of that! "What part of clothes making do you hate the most?" This used to be cutting out the fabric, until I got myself a rotary cutter. Now cutting out fabric's really easy, so, I actually really like all the parts of clothing making, a lot now. If you hate cutting like I did, don't suffer for four years, like I also did. Get yourself a rotary cutter and a cutting mat, those two things are amazing and will make your life so much easier. "If you had a useless superpower what would it be? For example: the power to fly, but only in enclosed spaces, or the power to sneeze garlic. It must be useless." I don't know, I think that the power to sneeze garlic would be useful in some situations. Like, if you run out of garlic, and, you had a recipe that needed garlic, who else is gonna be able to sneeze garlic? You would save the day! So, in a similar vein, I would have the power to change my lip colour to whatever I wanted it to be. Just using my mind. Not 100 percent useless, but pretty useless as a superpower. I think that fits your criteria. "What's your favourite protein slash protein complex?" Okay, so this will make sense to about 2 percent of the audience, my favorite protein is Leghemoglobin. [ringtone] Stop texting me! Oh, it's Katie. Oh! She wants to hang out tomorrow, okay! Now I'm gonna try and make the non-science-y people in my audience get interested in this. It's my favourite because two totally different species provide both components of the protein, and it only works once both species are together. So it's a protein that carries nitrogen and oxygen around plants, but it only exists when bacteria which are living in the plant's roots in a symbiosis, are in the plant and the plant produces the other half, and together, the protein comes together to make a thing that's similar to hemoglobin, which carries oxygen around blood, if you're a human. Which I'm assuming you are. So, the protein can only exist if there's bacteria living in the plant's roots. Also another reason why I love microbiology, because that's so freakin' cool. "Do you have any other talents aside from sewing?" I like to think I'm pretty good at science, I also know how to drum, and I'm pretty good at Scrabble. "Do you believe that there's life on other planets?" Yes, I do, definitely. I don't think that aliens have ever visited Earth, but, I think that there's so many planets in the universe, that there just has to be life, somewhere. "Have you ever seriously injured yourself with a sewing machine?" Yeah, I once, while I was sewing, I got my finger wedged underneath the foot somehow, and drove the- the- s- the needle right through my finger. Okay, not right through, but it, uh, cracked my fingernail, and went into the flash underneath. Pretty horrific. Be careful while sewing, guys, it's actually an extreme sport! Don't know if you knew that about sewing, but it is! Okay, I mean, yeah uh, that's that's all the questions I feel like answering. So, thanks for asking them, thanks for being lovely and supportive human beings, and, I'll see you all for my next video! Bye! [music]