WEBVTT 00:00:00.577 --> 00:00:02.074 Joe Kowan: I have stage fright. 00:00:02.074 --> 00:00:03.567 I've always had stage fright, 00:00:03.567 --> 00:00:05.395 and not just a little bit, 00:00:05.395 --> 00:00:07.186 it's a big bit. 00:00:07.186 --> 00:00:09.979 And it didn't even matter until I was 27. 00:00:09.979 --> 00:00:12.537 That's when I started writing songs, and even then 00:00:12.537 --> 00:00:14.339 I only played them for myself. 00:00:14.339 --> 00:00:18.084 Just knowing my roommates were in the same house made me uncomfortable. NOTE Paragraph 00:00:18.084 --> 00:00:20.891 But after a couple of years, just writing songs wasn't enough. 00:00:20.891 --> 00:00:23.910 I had all these stories and ideas, and I wanted to share them with people, 00:00:23.910 --> 00:00:27.216 but physiologically, I couldn't do it. 00:00:27.216 --> 00:00:30.142 I had this irrational fear. 00:00:30.142 --> 00:00:32.301 But the more I wrote, and the more I practiced, 00:00:32.301 --> 00:00:33.491 the more I wanted to perform. NOTE Paragraph 00:00:33.491 --> 00:00:35.548 So on the week of my 30th birthday, 00:00:35.548 --> 00:00:38.501 I decided I was going to go to this local open mic, 00:00:38.501 --> 00:00:40.216 and put this fear behind me. 00:00:40.216 --> 00:00:43.073 Well, when I got there, it was packed. 00:00:43.073 --> 00:00:45.047 There were like 20 people there. 00:00:45.047 --> 00:00:46.930 (Laughter) 00:00:46.930 --> 00:00:49.537 And they all looked angry. 00:00:49.537 --> 00:00:53.138 But I took a deep breath, and I signed up to play, 00:00:53.138 --> 00:00:54.630 and I felt pretty good. NOTE Paragraph 00:00:54.630 --> 00:00:57.691 Pretty good, until about 10 minutes before my turn, 00:00:57.691 --> 00:01:03.155 when my whole body rebelled, and this wave of anxiety just washed over me. 00:01:03.155 --> 00:01:06.710 Now, when you experience fear, your sympathetic nervous system kicks in. 00:01:06.710 --> 00:01:09.553 So you have a rush of adrenaline, your heart rate increases, 00:01:09.553 --> 00:01:11.006 your breathing gets faster. 00:01:11.006 --> 00:01:17.178 Next your non-essential systems start to shut down, like digestion. (Laughter) 00:01:17.178 --> 00:01:20.542 So your mouth gets dry, and blood is routed away from your extremities, 00:01:20.542 --> 00:01:23.142 so your fingers don't work anymore. 00:01:23.142 --> 00:01:26.274 Your pupils dilate, your muscles contract, your Spidey sense tingles, 00:01:26.274 --> 00:01:31.448 basically your whole body is trigger-happy. (Laughter) 00:01:31.448 --> 00:01:36.231 That condition is not conducive to performing folk music. 00:01:36.231 --> 00:01:37.800 (Laughter) 00:01:37.800 --> 00:01:40.432 I mean, your nervous system is an idiot. 00:01:40.432 --> 00:01:44.242 Really? Two hundred thousand years of human evolution, and it still can't tell the difference 00:01:44.242 --> 00:01:46.614 between a saber tooth tiger and 20 folksingers 00:01:46.614 --> 00:01:48.685 on a Tuesday night open mic? 00:01:48.685 --> 00:01:50.116 (Laughter) 00:01:50.116 --> 00:01:54.173 I have never been more terrified -- until now. 00:01:54.173 --> 00:02:00.004 (Laughter and cheers) NOTE Paragraph 00:02:03.248 --> 00:02:05.757 So then it was my turn, 00:02:05.757 --> 00:02:08.843 and somehow, I get myself onto the stage, I start my song, 00:02:08.843 --> 00:02:11.480 I open my mouth to sing the first line, 00:02:11.480 --> 00:02:13.443 and this completely horrible vibrato -- 00:02:13.443 --> 00:02:15.930 you know, when your voice wavers -- comes streaming out. 00:02:15.930 --> 00:02:18.543 And this is not the good kind of vibrato, like an opera singer has, 00:02:18.543 --> 00:02:21.237 this is my whole body just convulsing with fear. 00:02:21.237 --> 00:02:22.888 I mean, it's a nightmare. 00:02:22.888 --> 00:02:25.356 I'm embarrassed, the audience is clearly uncomfortable, 00:02:25.356 --> 00:02:27.709 they're focused on my discomfort. 00:02:27.709 --> 00:02:31.484 It was so bad. 00:02:31.484 --> 00:02:35.421 But that was my first real experience as a solo singer-songwriter. NOTE Paragraph 00:02:35.421 --> 00:02:38.436 And something good did happen -- I had the tiniest little glimpse 00:02:38.436 --> 00:02:40.919 of that audience connection that I was hoping for. 00:02:40.919 --> 00:02:44.927 And I wanted more. But I knew I had to get past this nervousness. NOTE Paragraph 00:02:44.927 --> 00:02:48.097 That night I promised myself: I would go back every week 00:02:48.097 --> 00:02:50.032 until I wasn't nervous anymore. 00:02:50.032 --> 00:02:52.915 And I did. I went back every single week, 00:02:52.915 --> 00:02:56.730 and sure enough, week after week, 00:02:56.730 --> 00:03:00.900 it didn't get any better. The same thing happened every week. (Laughter) 00:03:00.900 --> 00:03:02.848 I couldn't shake it. NOTE Paragraph 00:03:02.848 --> 00:03:04.521 And that's when I had an epiphany. 00:03:04.521 --> 00:03:10.532 And I remember it really well, because I don't have a lot of epiphanies. (Laughter) 00:03:10.532 --> 00:03:14.161 All I had to do was write a song that exploits my nervousness. 00:03:14.161 --> 00:03:16.283 That only seems authentic when I have stage fright, 00:03:16.283 --> 00:03:17.571 and the more nervous I was, 00:03:17.571 --> 00:03:20.160 the better the song would be. Easy. 00:03:20.160 --> 00:03:24.989 So I started writing a song about having stage fright. 00:03:24.989 --> 00:03:27.050 First, fessing up to the problem, 00:03:27.050 --> 00:03:28.878 the physical manifestations, how I would feel, 00:03:28.878 --> 00:03:30.307 how the listener might feel. 00:03:30.307 --> 00:03:32.915 And then accounting for things like my shaky voice, 00:03:32.915 --> 00:03:35.847 and I knew I would be singing about a half-octave higher than normal, 00:03:35.847 --> 00:03:37.961 because I was nervous. 00:03:37.961 --> 00:03:41.033 By having a song that explained what was happening to me, 00:03:41.033 --> 00:03:42.520 while it was happening, 00:03:42.520 --> 00:03:44.383 that gave the audience permission to think about it. 00:03:44.383 --> 00:03:47.144 They didn't have to feel bad for me because I was nervous, 00:03:47.144 --> 00:03:48.862 they could experience that with me, 00:03:48.862 --> 00:03:54.111 and we were all one big happy, nervous, uncomfortable family. (Laughter) NOTE Paragraph 00:03:54.111 --> 00:03:58.920 By thinking about my audience, by embracing and exploiting my problem, 00:03:58.920 --> 00:04:01.855 I was able to take something that was blocking my progress, 00:04:01.855 --> 00:04:05.792 and turn it into something that was essential for my success. 00:04:05.792 --> 00:04:08.812 And having the stage fright song let me get past that biggest issue 00:04:08.812 --> 00:04:10.630 right in the beginning of a performance. 00:04:10.630 --> 00:04:12.174 And then I could move on, and play the rest of my songs 00:04:12.174 --> 00:04:15.428 with just a little bit more ease. 00:04:15.428 --> 00:04:21.704 And eventually, over time, I didn't have to play the stage fright song at all. 00:04:21.704 --> 00:04:27.424 Except for when I was really nervous, like now. (Laughter) NOTE Paragraph 00:04:28.945 --> 00:04:31.670 Would it be okay if I played the stage fright song for you? 00:04:31.670 --> 00:04:36.662 (Applause) NOTE Paragraph 00:04:40.753 --> 00:04:43.715 Can I have a sip of water? 00:04:43.715 --> 00:04:47.666 (Music) 00:04:48.143 --> 00:04:50.520 Thank you. NOTE Paragraph 00:04:55.442 --> 00:04:58.363 ♫ I'm not joking, you know, ♫ 00:04:58.363 --> 00:05:03.991 ♫ this stage fright is real. ♫ 00:05:03.991 --> 00:05:07.202 ♫ And if I'm up here trembling and singing, ♫ 00:05:07.202 --> 00:05:11.548 ♫ well, you'll know how I feel. ♫ 00:05:11.548 --> 00:05:15.468 ♫ And the mistake I'd be making, ♫ 00:05:15.468 --> 00:05:19.396 ♫ the tremolo caused by my whole body shaking. ♫ 00:05:19.396 --> 00:05:22.863 ♫ As you sit there feeling embarrassed for me, ♫ 00:05:22.863 --> 00:05:25.909 ♫ well, you don't have to be. ♫ 00:05:25.909 --> 00:05:28.424 ♫ Well, maybe just a little bit. ♫ 00:05:28.424 --> 00:05:29.825 (Laughter) 00:05:29.825 --> 00:05:37.704 ♫ And maybe I'll try to imagine you all without clothes. ♫ 00:05:37.704 --> 00:05:45.577 ♫ But singing in front of all naked strangers scares me more than anyone knows. ♫ 00:05:45.577 --> 00:05:49.530 ♫ Not to discuss this at length, ♫ 00:05:49.530 --> 00:05:54.775 ♫ but my body image was never my strength. ♫ 00:05:54.775 --> 00:05:58.313 ♫ So frankly, I wish that you all would get dressed, ♫ 00:05:58.313 --> 00:06:03.203 ♫ I mean, you're not even really naked. ♫ 00:06:03.203 --> 00:06:06.546 ♫ And I'm the one with the problem. ♫ 00:06:06.546 --> 00:06:13.814 ♫ And you tell me, don't worry so much, you'll be great. ♫ 00:06:13.814 --> 00:06:16.618 ♫ But I'm the one living with me ♫ 00:06:16.618 --> 00:06:18.936 ♫ and I know how I get. ♫ 00:06:18.936 --> 00:06:23.080 ♫ Your advice is gentle but late. ♫ 00:06:23.080 --> 00:06:26.529 ♫ If not just a bit patronizing. ♫ 00:06:26.529 --> 00:06:31.361 ♫ And that sarcastic tone doesn't help me when I sing. ♫ 00:06:31.361 --> 00:06:35.249 ♫ But we shouldn't talk about these things right now, ♫ 00:06:35.249 --> 00:06:42.136 ♫ really, I'm up on stage, and you're in the crowd. Hi. ♫ 00:06:42.136 --> 00:06:51.359 ♫ And I'm not making fun of a nurtured, rational fear, ♫ 00:06:51.359 --> 00:06:54.275 ♫ and if I wasn't ready to face this, ♫ 00:06:54.275 --> 00:06:58.807 ♫ I sure as hell wouldn't be here. ♫ 00:06:58.807 --> 00:07:03.945 ♫ But if I belt one note out clearly, ♫ 00:07:03.945 --> 00:07:08.231 ♫ you'll know I'm recovering slowly but surely. ♫ 00:07:08.231 --> 00:07:12.194 ♫ And maybe next week, I'll set my guitar ringin' ♫ 00:07:12.194 --> 00:07:16.548 ♫ my voice clear as water, and everyone singin'. ♫ 00:07:16.548 --> 00:07:20.315 ♫ But probably I'll just get up and start groovin', ♫ 00:07:20.315 --> 00:07:23.722 ♫ my vocal cords movin', ♫ 00:07:23.722 --> 00:07:32.085 ♫ at speeds slightly faster than sound. ♫ 00:07:36.024 --> 00:07:41.827 (Applause)