1 00:00:04,139 --> 00:00:07,039 Emotion is a very strong feeling. 2 00:00:08,374 --> 00:00:13,720 And many people do not know how to handle their feelings, their emotions. 3 00:00:13,841 --> 00:00:17,226 They suffer so much they attempt to commit suicide. 4 00:00:17,576 --> 00:00:22,526 Because they believe that to die is the only way to end the suffering. 5 00:00:25,177 --> 00:00:28,994 So, a meditator is someone who knows 6 00:00:29,427 --> 00:00:33,744 how to handle his or her feelings and emotions. 7 00:00:35,628 --> 00:00:42,680 When the energy of the emotion emerges, 8 00:00:44,862 --> 00:00:48,464 they know right away what to do in order to take care. 9 00:00:48,945 --> 00:00:51,282 They don't have to fight the emotion or the feeling. 10 00:00:51,949 --> 00:00:55,132 They just invite the energy of mindfulness 11 00:00:55,257 --> 00:00:58,665 in order to come and take care of the feelings. 12 00:00:59,265 --> 00:01:07,484 Because they know mindfulness is the Buddha, in the form of energy. 13 00:01:07,993 --> 00:01:11,028 Mindfulness carries concentration and insight, 14 00:01:11,673 --> 00:01:21,621 having the power to relieve, to comfort, to understand, to liberate. 15 00:01:23,038 --> 00:01:26,161 The Buddha is within every cell. 16 00:01:26,521 --> 00:01:32,456 And that is why when the energy of suffering arises, 17 00:01:33,224 --> 00:01:36,256 we should know how to invite 18 00:01:36,593 --> 00:01:39,191 the energy of the Buddha to come and take care. 19 00:01:39,449 --> 00:01:43,264 Breathing in, I know the feeling of despair is in me. 20 00:01:43,899 --> 00:01:47,575 Breathing out, I know this is only one feeling. 21 00:01:47,788 --> 00:01:51,209 And I'm much more than one feeling. 22 00:01:51,697 --> 00:01:53,073 It's very important. 23 00:01:53,489 --> 00:01:58,994 And every feeling is born, stays for some time, and will go away. 24 00:01:59,389 --> 00:02:02,946 Why do I have to die because of one feeling? 25 00:02:05,861 --> 00:02:09,278 Each one has to succeed in this practice. 26 00:02:10,928 --> 00:02:12,480 It's very important. 27 00:02:12,839 --> 00:02:16,820 We have to survive our emotions, our feelings. 28 00:02:17,071 --> 00:02:18,979 We have to go through the storm. 29 00:02:19,370 --> 00:02:22,392 You should be equipped with the practice. 30 00:02:23,226 --> 00:02:27,844 You should master the art of mindful breathing, mindful sitting, mindful walking, 31 00:02:28,313 --> 00:02:32,629 so that we can encounter our strong emotions with ease. 32 00:02:33,782 --> 00:02:34,833 We don't fight, 33 00:02:35,151 --> 00:02:42,279 we are capable of embracing, recognizing, and smiling to them. 34 00:02:42,617 --> 00:02:44,012 This is possible. 35 00:02:44,283 --> 00:02:47,698 Many generations of practitioners have been able to do so. 36 00:02:48,085 --> 00:02:51,045 We should be able to do so ourselves. 37 00:02:51,631 --> 00:02:58,453 Whether in the sitting position, or a walking position, or a lying position, 38 00:02:58,934 --> 00:03:02,316 We should be able to handle our emotions. 39 00:03:04,099 --> 00:03:11,568 We cultivate our capacity of mindful breathing, mindful smiling, and mindful embracing 40 00:03:11,938 --> 00:03:14,345 our emotions and our feelings. 41 00:03:14,587 --> 00:03:18,251 If you succeed, then you can help many people, 42 00:03:18,469 --> 00:03:21,061 especially the young people. 43 00:03:21,380 --> 00:03:24,285 Too many young people kill themselves 44 00:03:24,591 --> 00:03:29,204 because they don't know how to handle their emotions. 45 00:03:30,506 --> 00:03:37,356 The rate of suicide of young people in our time is very high. 46 00:03:37,690 --> 00:03:42,410 And you should be able to help them. 47 00:03:42,950 --> 00:03:48,689 They are around you, all the time, tempted to kill themselves. 48 00:03:48,995 --> 00:03:53,791 Every time, they feel that they cannot handle their emotions. 49 00:03:54,102 --> 00:03:57,213 So every moment that is given to us to live, 50 00:03:58,559 --> 00:04:02,110 we can use it in order to practice 51 00:04:04,089 --> 00:04:07,010 cultivating the energy of mindfulness, 52 00:04:07,278 --> 00:04:09,929 the capacity of being in the here and the now, 53 00:04:10,116 --> 00:04:13,868 the capacity of recognizing, embracing, and smiling 54 00:04:14,373 --> 00:04:16,280 to whatever happens to us. 55 00:04:16,949 --> 00:04:19,832 And within a sangha, it's very easy, 56 00:04:20,035 --> 00:04:23,069 because everyone is supporting you to do so. 57 00:04:23,653 --> 00:04:28,116 Allow the sangha to embrace your despair. 58 00:04:38,298 --> 00:04:40,785 [Bell] 59 00:05:03,153 --> 00:05:05,805 You have pain in your heart. 60 00:05:06,005 --> 00:05:08,790 You have suffering and ill-being in your heart. 61 00:05:09,078 --> 00:05:13,124 You come and sit close to the Buddha. 62 00:05:13,326 --> 00:05:16,440 And after some time sitting with the Buddha in silence, 63 00:05:18,092 --> 00:05:21,076 you may say, "Dear Buddha, I suffer." 64 00:05:23,576 --> 00:05:25,427 That's what you should say. 65 00:05:25,662 --> 00:05:30,160 You should tell him, "Dear Buddha, I suffer." 66 00:05:32,611 --> 00:05:35,280 Because the Buddha may not be another person, 67 00:05:35,790 --> 00:05:38,345 not having anything to do with you. 68 00:05:38,606 --> 00:05:41,047 The Buddha may be just in yourself. 69 00:05:41,357 --> 00:05:44,180 And talking to the Buddha is very important. 70 00:05:44,798 --> 00:05:48,358 Every one of us has the Buddha within. 71 00:05:49,831 --> 00:05:55,598 And the Buddha, I can locate him, he is in every cell of your body. 72 00:05:56,398 --> 00:05:58,267 "Dear Buddha, I suffer." 73 00:05:58,535 --> 00:06:01,221 And if you are attentive, you'll hear him say, 74 00:06:02,232 --> 00:06:08,017 "I know, show me your suffering, so that I can see and embrace it." 75 00:06:08,487 --> 00:06:11,883 And you show him your suffering, your despair, your anguish. 76 00:06:12,217 --> 00:06:14,736 And he will embrace. 77 00:06:15,770 --> 00:06:19,353 You don't rely on you alone to embrace your suffering. 78 00:06:19,538 --> 00:06:22,120 You rely on the Buddha to embrace. 79 00:06:22,343 --> 00:06:25,538 And the Buddha is there in every member of your Sangha. 80 00:06:26,839 --> 00:06:29,738 You have to behave like that with your Sangha. 81 00:06:30,024 --> 00:06:31,542 "Dear Sangha, I suffer." 82 00:06:31,742 --> 00:06:34,539 You should be able to communicate like that. 83 00:06:34,738 --> 00:06:39,858 And your Sangha will say with the same amount of compassion, 84 00:06:40,707 --> 00:06:43,341 "Dear brother, dear sister, show us your pain. 85 00:06:46,695 --> 00:06:48,975 "Allow us to embrace your pain." 86 00:06:49,424 --> 00:06:52,810 This is very comforting, very healing 87 00:06:54,026 --> 00:06:55,798 when you have the Buddha to rely on, 88 00:06:56,096 --> 00:06:58,242 when you have the Sangha to rely on. 89 00:06:58,691 --> 00:07:03,362 Because they are Gems, they are Jewels, the Three Jewels. 90 00:07:15,948 --> 00:07:17,612 And with the practice, you'll realize that 91 00:07:17,864 --> 00:07:22,042 you are much stronger than you have thought. 92 00:07:25,370 --> 00:07:28,485 When you observe a tree, standing in the storm, 93 00:07:28,742 --> 00:07:32,252 or when you focus your attention on the top of the tree, 94 00:07:32,534 --> 00:07:36,150 you have the feeling that the tree is going to be blown away. 95 00:07:36,445 --> 00:07:44,651 The wind makes little branches and leaves swing back and forth like that, with violence. 96 00:07:45,336 --> 00:07:51,852 And you are afraid that the three will be broken, blown away. 97 00:07:52,223 --> 00:07:55,736 But if you direct your attention to the trunk of the tree, 98 00:07:55,938 --> 00:07:59,053 and if you are aware that the tree is deeply-rooted in the soil, 99 00:07:59,491 --> 00:08:01,271 you'll have another feeling. 100 00:08:02,487 --> 00:08:04,804 You know that the tree is going to stand. 101 00:08:06,637 --> 00:08:08,955 Each of us is like a tree. 102 00:08:09,571 --> 00:08:14,921 If we stay on the level of our brain, or our heart, 103 00:08:15,889 --> 00:08:20,609 we may feel that we are vulnerable, breakable at any moment, 104 00:08:20,862 --> 00:08:24,073 especially when the strong emotion has come up like that. 105 00:08:24,843 --> 00:08:27,024 We feel that we cannot handle. 106 00:08:28,072 --> 00:08:30,641 But the Buddha advised us in this critical moment, 107 00:08:31,014 --> 00:08:36,027 don't stay on that level of your tree. 108 00:08:36,333 --> 00:08:38,375 Go down to the trunk. 109 00:08:39,076 --> 00:08:48,428 And the trunk is here, somehow a little bit lower than the navel. 110 00:08:49,178 --> 00:08:52,129 The Chinese call it Dan Tien. 111 00:08:53,647 --> 00:08:55,764 Focus your attention on this spot, 112 00:08:55,980 --> 00:08:58,213 and begin to breath in and out, 113 00:08:58,441 --> 00:09:01,582 and invest 100% of your attention 114 00:09:02,171 --> 00:09:09,143 on the rise and fall of your abdomen. 115 00:09:10,627 --> 00:09:13,067 Sit in a stable position, 116 00:09:13,340 --> 00:09:18,267 because the stability of the body helps with the stability of the mind. 117 00:09:19,218 --> 00:09:20,734 Don't stay here, go down. 118 00:09:21,090 --> 00:09:24,036 Enjoy breathing in and out, with the awareness, 119 00:09:24,430 --> 00:09:30,420 "This is only a storm, among many other storms, that can go through my life. 120 00:09:31,021 --> 00:09:34,722 "I have survived other storms, this time, also, I can survive. 121 00:09:35,022 --> 00:09:39,839 "A storm that is something that comes, stays for some time, and will have to go. 122 00:09:40,191 --> 00:09:42,844 "Why do I have to die because of that?" 123 00:09:43,911 --> 00:09:49,699 It may be helpful if you write down these words in a small sheet of paper, 124 00:09:50,055 --> 00:09:53,063 and slide it into your wallet. 125 00:09:53,466 --> 00:09:58,431 And when the storm comes, just take it out, and breathe, and read. 126 00:09:58,920 --> 00:10:00,648 And you'll know what to do. 127 00:10:00,883 --> 00:10:03,665 That is a bell of mindfulness. 128 00:10:05,568 --> 00:10:07,550 You can hear the voice of the Buddha, 129 00:10:07,892 --> 00:10:09,701 you can hear the voice of your teacher, 130 00:10:10,009 --> 00:10:12,101 just by reading this small piece of paper. 131 00:10:12,341 --> 00:10:13,852 And you know how to sit down, 132 00:10:14,108 --> 00:10:20,968 smile to your pain, your sorrow, your fear, your despair, your strong emotions. 133 00:10:21,278 --> 00:10:26,170 And after having succeeded going through the difficult moment, 134 00:10:26,333 --> 00:10:28,153 you have confidence, (smiling, fist pumps) 135 00:10:28,233 --> 00:10:30,155 you have confidence in the Dharma. 136 00:10:30,937 --> 00:10:32,693 And you are no longer afraid. 137 00:10:32,890 --> 00:10:37,223 Next time when it comes, you'll know what to do, 138 00:10:37,638 --> 00:10:40,222 how to do, and what not to do. (smiling) 139 00:10:42,704 --> 00:10:47,688 And then you are in the position of helping the young people 140 00:10:47,847 --> 00:10:49,345 because they don't know yet, 141 00:10:49,561 --> 00:10:54,990 they don't know how to handle their pain, and their emotion yet. 142 00:10:57,907 --> 00:11:01,558 My recommendation is that we shouldn't wait 143 00:11:01,836 --> 00:11:04,876 until the strong emotion come in order to begin the practice. 144 00:11:05,146 --> 00:11:08,195 Because naturally, we will forget the practice. 145 00:11:08,736 --> 00:11:13,562 We have to practice right now when the storm is not yet there. 146 00:11:14,729 --> 00:11:16,929 And if we make it into a habit, 147 00:11:17,161 --> 00:11:21,078 practicing something like three weeks, and continue. 148 00:11:21,296 --> 00:11:28,131 And then when the emotions come, you suddenly remember to practice. 149 00:11:29,137 --> 00:11:36,766 (It) should be made into a tradition, a good habit.