Let's have some fun with the alphabet and sing it in a brand-new way! Instead of going from A to Z, let's go from Z to A! Z! Y! Z, Y, X! Y, X, W! V! U! V, U, T! T, S, R, Q, P! O! N! M, L, K! After K comes letter J! I, H, G! F, E, D! Then C, then B, then A! Sing the Backwards Alphabet Song with me! I think you've all learned how. Let's start with Z and end with A. All together now! Sing with me! OK! Z! Y! Z, Y, X! Y, X, W! V! U! V, U, T! T, S, R, Q, P! O! N! M, L, K! After K comes letter J! I, H, G! F, E, D! Then C, then B, then A! Hooray! Sing the Backwards Alphabet Song with me! I think you've all learned how. Let's start with Z and end with A. All together now! Sing the Backwards Alphabet Song with me! I think you've all learned how. Let's start with Z and end with A. All together now! Let's put it all together... Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T. S, R, Q, then P, O, N. M, L, K, J, I, H, G. Then comes F, then E, then D! Three more to go! Then C, then B, then A! Sing the Backwards Alphabet Song with me! I think we've all learned how. Let's start with Z and end with A. All together now! Hooray!