Bhola, is the news good or bad? Ma'am, the news is good as well as bad. Stop talking in riddles. The good news is that Mr. Jaidev is alive. And the bad news is that he is leading a torturous life. The good news is that he is trying to forget you. And the bad news is that he is not being... to forget you despite drinking all day. Perhaps the good news is also that his mind accepts... ...the fact that you are no more. And perhaps the bad news is that his heart is not able... understand his mind. It is so strange. Neither have I ever seen him nor has he. Even then, he loves me so much. He is so bereft that... ...the person he has never seen is not in front of him. What have I done? You haven't done anything, ma'am. It's all my doing. Don't waste any more time. Go to Mr. Jaidev. And clear this misunderstanding he has. Let him also see that his Smruti isn't dead but alive. How do I go, Bhola? The spirit that has held me here will never let me go. I have found a solution to that, ma'am. While returning, I had been to the temple of Lord Shani(Diety). I've brought this mirror from there. It is the said that this is the eye of Lord Shani. Spirits run away from it. Keep this with you. And leave for Mr. Jaidev's city immediately. That spirit will not be able to do you any harm, ma'am. It can't do you any harm. Ma'am, it has gone dark. And it's foggy as well. We'll have trouble seeing the road. Why don't we stay here at the guest house overnight? Mr. Badrinath, I have to reach my destination as soon as possible. Now we'll stop only after we reach our destination. Okay. As you wish. This... What was that noise? Did you hear? - Yes, I heard. Seems like someone's in trouble. And needs help. I'll go check. Mr. Badrinath. Mr. Badrinath. Mr. Badrinath. Mr. Badrinath. Mr. Badrinath. I'll not let the two of you unite. Brother. Brother. You had been drinking all night again? What is wrong with you, brother? What's the matter? Karuna, it's 25th October today. I was supposed to meet her today. I know. But it's been two years to that, brother. It's been two years since Smruti's death. Why are you hell bent on ruining your entire life... ...for the girl you never saw? Forget the past. No, Karuna. Everything is kind of stuck in time. What do you think? Why does God gives us the challenge to live... ...despite taking everything away from us? Why? What has He taken away from you, brother? You have everything. You are Jaidev Verma. You are this country's most talented and famous poet. What more do you want? A reason to be alive. I have everything to breathe. To spend my life. But I have nothing to live my life with. Remember, brother? There was a time when I was dejected and hopeless. What you had said to me? No matter what. There is always some reason somewhere to live life. Because if that isn't the case, then He sends for us. Isn't it? You had explained to me. And now you... Forget it. I will ask the aunt to make fresh breakfast for you. Okay? I don't feel like staying at home today. I want to go out and write. Alone. Some questions. Some answers. I can't fill up the loneliness in my life. But I can at least fill the papers with words. You say You are life. But why can't I find You within me? Why do You set us on journeys which have no destinations? Tell me. What kind of God are you? Since your promises are meaningless. There must be some reason somewhere why You are also powerless. The more I look for You, I can't find You. You don't change this trait of yours. Tell me. Why do you have your way in this fashion? Why do You give us so much pain? You don't let us live in love. And nor do You let us die. You say You are a companion. Then why don't you stand by me. Are you upset or are you unfaithful? You don't listen to me. There must be some reason somewhere why You are also powerless. Oh my God! Listen. Are you okay? Listen. Open your eyes. Listen. Whom have you brought? Who is she? She was lying unconscious at the river bank. Thank God I spotted her. But brother, who is she? Where has she come from? And what is her identity? We can know the answer to all the questions later, Karuna. We need to take care of her first. Aunt, please come. - But... Aunt, take this. - Yes. Take this, dear. Her clothes are wet and dirty, dear. I'll give it to Gaffoor. - Okay. How is she now? There is no improvement. I am applying the sandalwood paste. Okay. Go. Brother, don't you think we should inform the police about her? I mean who is she? Where has she come from? All this... We'll be able to tell anyone only when we know, Karuna. Thank you, aunt. What are we going to tell the officer now? We don't even know who she is. Who happened to her? Where is she from? Karuna, I guess I kind of know her. How? Why? I can't say. But when I went close to her, I felt so. And I hadn't seen even her face till then. But I felt she wasn't a stranger. And I can guarantee that... ...this feeling is not a figment of my imagination. Are... you my husband? What is your name? I don't know. Has anyone tried to attack you? I don't know. Are you trying to escape from someone or were you trying to? I don't know. Is there any danger in your life? Or do you feel threatened by someone? I don't know. I can't recollect anything. I don't remember anything. You must you remember something. Try. Try to recollect, ma'am. Anything. Anything that can help us. The doctor said that she'll be better within 24 hours. And that is what has happened. I saw for myself. She is fine. And she can also travel. Why don't you send her away now? She has lost her memory. That's her problem. And who knows. She might be remembering everything. And she is just putting on an act of losing her memory. Who knows? She might have murdered or looted someone. So she must be pretending to lose her memory... order to evade the police. For once come out of the world of words and face reality. And try to understand, brother. You were lonely. So was I. We started crying together. You were lonely. So was I. We started crying together. Our sorrows were similar. We started healing each other. You make me smile. You make me hum. You are now an inseparable part of me. I am consumed by your thoughts. You are now an inseparable part of me. I am little full. I am a little empty. You are a mess. So I am. You are a little naive. I am a little simple. We are inseparable. There is not enough ground or sky. Every world seems incomplete without you. Now you are the only one who fills every void. You are now an inseparable part of me. You were lonely. So was I. We started crying together. Our sorrows were similar. We started healing each other. I see through your eyes. You are now an inseparable part of me. You turn my nights into day. You are now an inseparable part of me. This song is mine. And so are the lyrics. And who made this tune? Who composed it? Where did you hear this? I don't know. I just started signing this song. If there are no obstacles in the path. I wouldn't want the destination to arrive. I forget her in an instant. The condition being that my feelings don't take over. Who are you? Who the hell are you? How do you know my poems? I too can't understand as to why I can't remember anything. My memories seem to be lost in time. I am no more than a question now. I don't know who I am. There is something today again which I must know. Say. Speak. Tell me what you want to tell today. Speak. Tell me since you have called me. A bird has flown from the cemetery. This means some evil spirit too has flown out. You? What's the matter? I am sorry for troubling you so late. But I am really scared. Scared? Why? From whom? I hear strange noises of someone laughing in my room. What? Of someone laughing? I am telling the truth. Okay. Come on. You are right. I can also hear the laughter. Looks like it was the sound of the rustling of the leaves. Let's go. There is something... which is not right. You take this lantern. You won't feel scared if there is light. Go. What happened? In my room... There is a man in my room. What? - That man in my room... Okay. Let me see. He was right here. He was sitting right behind me. He was right here. I am telling the truth. He was sitting right behind me. I am really scared. Please don't leave me alone. Just a minute. Don't leave me alone. - Just a minute. Just a minute. Okay. Come. Come with me. 'She drifted off into her dreams.' 'I couldn't take my eyes off her.' 'Watching you sleep has left me with a feeling... ' '... that you are one of my own.' 'After all, who are you? ' Whoever you are. Wherever you have come to me from. It is certain that you have given me hope to live. So what do I name the one who is my own among my own? Or should we let this feeling be nameless? Thank you! Thank you! You seem like my own. Hope to live. What name should I give? Whom were you talking about in your poem, brother? About my heart. I got this thought last night. And the poem was ready. Did you get this thought just like that... ...or did you get it after seeing someone? It refers to the one who is living with us in our house, isn't it? She is possessed by the Satan. On the full moon day, a bird has flown off from the cemetery. An restless spirit has flown off. I saw that bird sitting atop your house. That means your house is possessed by that restless spirit. Throw the one you have kept in your house out of the house. She has come brought that restless spirit to your house along with her. She will render you powerless for good. All that will be left will be the skeleton. Remember this. Okay. And write that dear Fatima, take complete care of your health. All of us are great here. And yes, this time when you come to meet me on Eid(festival)... ...I will make your favorite things... Okay, aunt. You changed sides at the first opportunity. Now you won't make me write the letter. No, son. It's not that. I thought if a daughter writes a letter to another of my daughters... ...she will be able to understand her mother better. Right? Right, dear? Here. Give it to me. We'll complete this tomorrow. Okay? - Okay. Gaffoorchand. Come on. What are you guys doing? Serve the food quickly. If you have the liberty to choose a name... ...which name would you like to choose? Here. - I didn't get you. We'll have to call you by some name, isn't it? So if you have the liberty to choose a name... ...which name would you choose for me? The one who has composed music for my song... ...what could be a better name than Sangeeta(musical) for her. That's a very nice name. As I had said. I told you that his girl is possessed. Brother, ask her to leave. Karuna, is this any way to behave? To talk about someone? Brother, ask her leave. She will ruin us. She will destroy us. She will take everything we have away from us, brother. Brother, don't you remember what that man has said? He said that she is possessed by some evil spirit. Brother, ask her to leave. Leave. Sangeeta. Sangeeta, open the door. Sangeeta. Sangeeta. Sangeeta. Sangeeta. Stop, Sangeeta. Stay away from me. Stay far, far away from me. Karuna is right. I have brought an evil spirit to your house. I am evil. I am very evil. I must go away. That would be best for everyone. Sangeeta, don't be crazy. I will not let you go anywhere. There is no evil spirit here. Not in you. Or with you. You are not evil. Let people whatever they want. I am sure. How can you be sure? What do you know about me? How can you know? I myself don't know anything about me. I can only cause harm. I am evil. Really evil. Just a minute, Sangeeta. Okay. Accepted that you are evil. And you don't want to harm me. But answer this. You want to run far away from this house. What for? Why? I don't want you or anyone to get hurt because of me. So... can this thinking be of an evil person? Why are you concerned about our pain? Why do you care whether we live or die if you are... ...what you believe you are? Tell me. Answer me. Do you know? The day you came into my life... ...I had prayed to the Almighty to give me a reason to live. Then I met you. That must mean something. Perhaps God wants me to help you. To protect you. Sangeeta, I might not know anything else. But I know for sure that... ...He can't make an evil person the reason for me to live. Isn't it? Yes. Something is definitely wrong. I also believe so. We have got a new machine just a few months ago... ...which is called X-ray machine. We can look inside the human body through that machine. If you have no objection... ...let's take her X-ray through that X-ray machine. We'll get the report by tomorrow. No, we don't have any objection, doctor. But what if she has that attack again? Don't worry. She'll stay here in the hospital till the reports arrive. We might have to run some other tests. She will be under our observation here. I love you a lot. Nurse. - Yes. Nurse, there is a crazy old woman in that room. Nurse, she is a crazy old woman. She talks in a manly voice, nurse. She grabbed my hand, nurse. She grabbed my hand. Ma'am, that's not possible. I am speaking the truth, nurse. There is a crazy old woman in that room, nurse. She... Ma'am, the woman in that room is dead. In my practice I have seen many complex cases. But this case has perplexed me. Come here. See this. This is the rib. And these are the shoulder bones. But what is this? It seems like a hand. But how can someone's hand be on the neck? It seems as if somebody's hand has clutched her neck. Why don't you take out another x-ray? That will take another 24 hours. As I said, our x-ray machine can get damaged. And we don't have the time. So I suggest that you take her to Shimla's civil hospital. Take the report with you. And meet the CMO, Dr. Albert Churchill. Maybe he can understand this case and help you. So now you will take the girl to the city? Have you gone crazy? I have not gone crazy. But you have surely lost humanity. Brother, she... Karuna... I don't know what I am destined for... ...or what will be my outcome. I don't even know whether I will meet you again or not. I just want to say thanks. You took good care of me. Whereas I have troubled you a lot. If I made any mistake unknowingly, forgive me. Take care, brother. Sangeeta, everybody can't be cured in this world. But for now it's very important to cure you. We are getting late. You are an unfamiliar person. You are a stranger. Why do you seem familiar? When you are in a deep slumber. Why do you awake in me? When I find you, my heart smiles. What is my connection to you? What do I search in you? What do I want from you? What is there in you that is mine? I don't know what part of you is mine. O stranger, you seem dear to me. I don't know what's my connection to you. O stranger, you seem dear to me. Sir, the horses are tired. It will be night soon. It's better to spend the night here. Alright. Yes? Tell me. We need two separate rooms for the night. It will be better if both the rooms are next to each other. Separate and next to each other? Yes. - You will get it. Surely. You have brought happiness in my life. Otherwise in life there is every excuse for sorrow. It's a different matter that we have met today. But my heart knows you since ages. I don't know what's my connection to you. O stranger, you seem dear to me. Every moment he is everywhere. He is just not here. He is afraid. He is certain. He wants to hide his every sorrow somewhere. But the past is in front of him. She is oblivious. But she knows him. She has lost her identity. But she recognizes him. She has also lost. What has happened to her? She has now found a strange dear one. Why do I feel like that? What's special in me? Do you see a reflection in my loneliness? In my arms the joy of heaven has come. Now that you have been generous. My body met yours in such a way. Even my soul felt ecstatic, beloved. When we walked a few steps together. I have got to know life. I don't know what's my connection to you. O stranger, you seem dear to me. You are an unfamiliar person. You are a stranger. Why do you seem familiar? When you are in a deep slumber. Why do you awake in me? When I find you, my heart smiles. What is my connection to you? What do I search in you? What do I want from you? What is there in you that is mine? I don't know what part of you is mine. O stranger, you seem dear to me. I don't know what's my connection to you. O stranger, you seem dear to me. No. I can't do this. No. What was her name? What difference does it make? When she is not there. Whatever her name was, whoever she was... ...she was very lucky. Who is it? Jaidev, is that you? Who is it? Who is it? Who is it? I knocked on the door many times. But you didn't open the door. I think you are sleeping. Is somebody there? Is somebody there? Listen. Did you... did you knock on my doorjust now? Yes. Actually, someone was searching for you. He had your snap. And he was asking for you. He said he has the memories that you have lost. My memories? He has my memories? Where did he go? - He left just now. Listen. Listen. Listen. Listen. Listen. Were you searching for me? You... you are our coachman, aren't you? Recognized me? Jaidev! Sangeeta. Jaidev! Jaidev! I have regained my memory, Jaidev. I remember everything, Jaidev. I remember everything, Jaidev. I... Sangeeta. Sangeeta. Sangeeta. Sangeeta. Sangeeta. Sangeeta. Sangeeta. Sangeeta. Sangeeta. Sangeeta. You believe it only when it hurts. Why does that happen? Pardon me. I entered your house without your permission. Actually, I was searching for you. - Searching? It's all the game of search. The villagers told me I will find you here. That's why I came here. You had to come. They told me you will come here. They? Who? The villagers? What difference does it make? Why were you searching for me? You said to throw out the girl who is living in my house. Because she has brought an evil spirit with her. How can you say that with certainty? Because I believe them. They said to tell you. To warn you. That's why I told you. Who? I told you. But you didn't listen. What do you want from me? Help. Before I take you to her, I want to tell you that... For the past five days she has neither eaten anything... ...nor spoken nor opened her eyes. Right? Yes. Can I meet her now? Yes. Come. Tell me. What is my name? Bankimlal. You are right. Then you must know my father's name too. Nehrulal. His father's name Champaklal. His father's name Nathulal. His father's name Keshav. Ramlal. Madhav. Kishan. Shyam. Chatur. Chunnilal. I know the names of all your ancestors, Bankimlal. What was all that? What has happened to Sangeeta? What shouldn't have happened! An evil spirit has possessed her. But I never imagined it will happen so soon. What do you mean? Every evil spirit has a purpose. This spirit was wandering. When it found this girl, it possessed her body. Evil spirits become active at night. For some special purpose or special person. These evil spirits have to either gain something for themselves... ...or take some kind of revenge. So now? What should we do? My suspicion was right. This is what I was afraid of. It's a new spirit that has risen from the grave... ...for a special purpose or reason. Old spirits that wander during night and daytime... ...get used to both. But he is not used to it. What should we do now? First of all, it's important for us to know... ...who is this girl and where she lives. To mend her present we will have to travel in her past. So tell me everything that you know about her. What happened? Wish I could tell you. When I found her, she had lost her memory. We don't know who she is. And from where she has come. It's a bad news. It's a very bad news. Until we don't find out about her, we can't do anything. We are helpless. I will have to ask them. Now only they can help me. They will have to help me. Who? Who are they whom you are mentioning repeatedly? Graves. My graves. She doesn't have time. Help me. So that I can help her. There is no time. No time at all. Tell me. They can't return me empty-handed. I have hope. The girl has regained her memory. - What? She has regained her memory. Now there is hope. Because she is the only person who can tell us... ...which spirit has possessed her. If the spirit has possessed Sangeeta... ...why will the spirit let her reveal its identity? This is not the time to ask questions, but to find answers. I know. You have possessed this girl. You have possessed her. I also know that she has got her memory back. I want to talk. I want to talk to this girl. Sangeeta, I know you can hear me. You can hear me. Help me, Sangeeta. So that I can help you. We will have to find out who is this evil spirit. It's important. You can't escape, no matter what you do. You are becoming weak. I know I am close to truth. The truth that will destroy you. Destroy you. Sangeeta... I know you are there. You can hear my voice. Help me. Give me one sign. Just one sign. Any sign. Then we will see him. We will show him where he stands. There is no other option. You will have to do this. You will have to help yourself. Sir. What does she want to tell us with the name Fatima? I don't understand anything. Maybe her name is Fatima. There is another Fatima. Who? Sir, my daughter. But she lives in the city. And what must be her connection with Sangeeta? Did Sangeeta ever find out about her when she was living here? No, sir. I don't think so. But we had spoken about her once. And yes, I told Sangeeta to write a letter for Fatima. But that letter is still incomplete. Where is the letter? I have the letter. - Go and get it. Take this. - Yes. Brother. Oh, God. It means... my inner voice was right. She is not Sangeeta. She is Smruti. My Smruti. On each page of my destiny. During my life and after my death. In all my future and in all my moments. Write her to be mine. In all stories, in all fables. In true bonds of the heart. In all parts of life. Write her to be mine. Oh, God. Oh, God. Whenever You make me, make me hers. Oh, God. Oh, God. Whenever You make me, make me hers. 'Listen. Listen. Listen. - Yes? ' 'Jaidev Verma. - I am sorry, madam.' 'Jaidev Verma left just now.' 'You were a few moments late.' 'Left? ' 'I thought I will hear him recite his poems.' 'I think I will have to spend a few days more... ' '... with the aid of his words.' 'Thank you.' I am hers. I am within her and from her. Let me belong only to her. I am thirsty. She is the ocean. The means for me to live. 'A letter for me? - Yes.' Give me home, street, city. Of her name only. 'Jaidev Verma.' 'Jaidev Verma.' 'Jaidev Verma's letter. Oh, my God. Jaidev Verma's letter.' 'Jaidev Verma wrote me a letter.' If you give me heart. Give me her pain only. Her laughter should resonate in my house. Oh, God. Oh, God. Whenever You make me, make me hers. Oh, God. Oh, God. Whenever You make me, make me hers. 'Sir.' 'You are Jaidev Verma, aren't you? ' 'Yes. I am Jaidev Verma. But you? ' 'There is a bad news.' 'Bad news? What bad news? ' 'There was an accident four days ago.' 'Smruti madam fell down from the stairs.' 'Smruti madam is dead, sir.' You can reduce by half my joys, smiles. If you want, take my life. But promise me. Her every tear, sorrow, injuries. When I heard that... I really believed that you... Only my right remains always, all my life. Now my faith in God has strengthened. Now she should live... No matter what happens, I won't let anything happen to you. This time I won't let you die. We shouldn't separate. I promise you, Smriti. O Lord. I promise. - O Lord, whatever He said happened. O Lord. O Lord, whatever he said happened. Son, God forbid. What if you don't achieve anything this time either? And what if you don't find anyone on this address again. It's been 2 years, son... - I know, aunt. But this is the only way to know... ...what happened with Smriti. Why did she have to lie with me? Why did she send me the false news of her death? It is very important to know the truth. Two years Smriti lived in your house. Can you tell me something about her? Smriti! Yes. She taught violin to the children. She was a mild mannered girl. I still remember. She said that she had lost her parents when she was a child. There was a poet, called Jaidev Verma. She was in love with him. And he loved her too. But surprisingly they both never saw each other. They romanced each other through letters. And that's how they expressed their love. Then, two years ago Jaidev Verma came to see Smriti. What? Jaidev Verma was here? - Yes. He wanted to marry Smriti and Smriti was willing too. They left two days later. Are you sure that man was Jaidev Verma. I am completely sure. Why? What's wrong? That's because I am Jaidev Verma. I am in love with Smriti. Then who came here and took away my Smriti. What? What are you saying? How did he look? He was as old as you. It's been two years so I don't remember. Can you remember where they went? Which place? Yes. Bada Gaav. They were saying they will settle down in 'Bada Gaav'. It's a small village amongst the mountains. One riddle leads to ten more. Who will I look for in 'Bada Gaav' now? But there's one strange thing. Someone came here before you... ...and he was asking similar questions. And he said that this mystery will unfold in 'Bada Gaav'. Before me. Who was it? I don't know her full name, just her first name. Karuna. I wonder where Karuna's gone. It's so late, and she hasn't returned home... ...and I am worried about her, son. I looked for her everywhere. But she's nowhere. Then someone told Chand that... ...she was seen heading towards this jungle... ...and I came here, son. Aunt, come here! Come here, quickly! Karuna! Karuna! Chand! Kapoor! 'Brother, by the time you read this I'll be dead.' 'The place you went to inquire about Smriti... ' '... you must have found out that I went there too.' 'You would come back and asked me... ...what truth am I hiding from you.' 'But, brother, I couldn't have told you the truth... long as I was alive.' 'So... ' 'That day I saw him for the first time.' 'He was coming towards me.' It's true that roses are unique. It's because they're beautiful... ...and also because they bloom amongst flowers. And you? Have we met before? So you're finally here. Welcome. Welcome. This is my sister, Karuna. And this is my friend Amar. I write poems, but he's got a way with words. And that too from the days of the university. Congress and Muslims have joined hands. But something fishy is brewing within. I can feel a strange silence. What happened? Everything fine. It's just... The tea's hot. Great. 'I felt drawn towards him.' 'And blossomed into love.' Before I ask Jaidev for your hand in marriage... ...I want to prove myself, Karuna. And for that I need to arrange some money. One last instalment. And I will be the owner of my new business. Karuna, what's this? These bracelets belong to my mother. She had kept it aside for my marriage. No, Karuna, I... - Amar, you need them more. I just need you. I don't need them. I am so fortunate to find you. 'He trapped me with his words and deceived me.' 'But call it my good luck or bad luck, one day... ' 'Maybe, perhaps, possibly.' That means you don't know her. And if you don't know her, how can you love her? And without knowing how she really looks. Friend. Love never sees through the eyes. You didn't understand. You won't understand. But I know that she must look like this. Because the way she described herself in her letters...'s something like this. Jaidev. I don't understand a word. Only one lover can understand another. I love her. The only difference is, its unseen love. It feels so soulful. Whatever. She knows how to play with words. We're meeting next month on the 25th. On her 19th birthday. She wants our meeting to be her biggest birthday gift. And even I am restless to know how she looks. 'That day I understood that Amar wasn't our friend.' 'His motive was something else.' What is this? I was thinking... Why would you want to steal your best friend's love letters? Now I get it. You wanted the envelope not the letters. For Smriti's address. Now that you're bored with me... want to trap Smriti. Tell me. You only understood half my motive. It's true that I want to trap Smriti. But I am not bored of you. Because I never loved you in the first place. I just wanted Jaidev's sister in my... Brother will be very hurt. But I will have to tell brother the truth about his best friend. Of course, tell him. You should tell him. But don't forget to tell him... ...that you used to sneak into my room every night... ...after he fell asleep. And also tell him that you used to... ...sleep with me on the same bed. And also tell him that now that I am leaving... one will marry you because when a woman... ...sleeps with a man before her marriage... ...then she has no honour left. And also tell him how you maligned your family honour. Please. You rascal. How dare you? In every walk of life Jaidev exceeded me. School, college, education, admiration, money. Everything. I am very jealous of him. I am jealous. So jealous that all the while I think of ways to ruin him. All my life I looked for an opportunity... get my hands on something he wanted the most. So that he suffers, just like me. And today... Today... I've found that opportunity. Smriti will be mine and Jaidev will suffer. Now I will sleep peacefully and Jaidev will lose his slumber. 'I tried telling you many times.' 'But how could I tell you that Amar and I... ' 'That I had maligned our family honour.' 'That day you brought Smriti home.' 'Smriti didn't know who she was.' 'But I understood everything.' 'I already knew that Sangeeta she is your Smriti.' 'But when I found out that maybe... ...Amar's ghost is troubling her, then to know the truth... ' '... I went to the same place where you did today.' 'And from there I went to Bada Gaav, where... ' An innocent girl is suffering for my mistakes. Please, tell me everything you know. My husband and I used to work at Mr. Amar's bungalow. This bag contains enough money to last for decades. You just have to do a small task for me. Tomorrow morning you will see a man at the church. You just have to tell him that Smriti met with an accident... ...and she is dead. His name is Jaidev Verma. Then you... You are not Jaidev Verma? - No. I am not Jaidev Verma. Look. Our very own private space. Our very own small world. A gift from me to you. Where we can stay secluded from everyone. And turn our dreams to reality. Like it? A lot. I just built a house. Now you have to turn it into a home. The house is laden with gold and pearls. But its love that made it a home. I was so lost in his thoughts. That I was sleeping with my eyes open. Jaidev. You built a house for me. But you didn't write a single poem for me since we met. I'll do that too. It's not a big deal. Not just me, but you didn't write a single poem since we met. What can I do? I can't take off my eyes of you. Love rendered me useless. Otherwise I was a man of many skills. Whether I write poems or not, but... remember all my poems. This isn't your poem, it's one of Ghalib's sonnets. I know that too. But... - Recite one of Ghalib's other sonnets... ...or one of your poems. Are you testing me? Any poem. Just one poem. I just want to hear you say a poem. You cannot be Jaidev Verma. Who are you? Who are you? My name's Amar. I am Jaidev's friend but Jaidev's not my friend. Such a big deceit. Jaidev loves you but I don't love you. You love Jaidev but I hate him. Jaidev wants to marry you but I won't allow it. He's defeated me each time... ...but this time I will defeat him. Me. - No! Madam... If the news reaches the police station... will be difficult to prove that it's accidental... ...and not a murder. A truth that no one believes in should be kept a secret. You don't worry. The wrong I did for money... ...I will rectify it for the sake of humanity. I know, this is not the time to discuss this. But I also know that she doesn't have time. Karuna has showed us the way to save Smriti. We'll have to take Smriti to that house... ...where Amar's dead body is buried. Tonight. The cloth that's covering Smriti... ...did it move on the way here. No, not even once. Good. That means even Amar's soul doesn't know... ...where we've brought him. As long as we don't take him in there... ...this cloth will keep Amar in control. Where do we need to take Smriti. Come with me. It is the law of nature... soul cannot be in two bodies. Amar's soul has stayed in his body... ...much more than in Smruti's body. We'll have to make Smriti touch Amar's body. And as soon as that happens... ...Amar's soul will have to return to his body. That's the law of nature. When Amar's soul enters his body... ...then we will burn it. To relieve the soul...'s important to burn the body along. I've arranged everything. I've put up barricades everywhere. This way it cannot escape. But still. It's better to keep her covered with this cloth. Chand, the cloth. You are lonely, I am lonely too. We started crying together. Both our sorrow started decreasing slowly. Jaidev. Jaidev. This way. Here. Come here. Honestly speaking. I like to see you suffer. My death bore fruit. It bore fruit. I left your sister and I found her. You're in pain to see her body in this condition. As if something squeezing your heart. Like this. No. After death, these bodily needs make you restless. You can neither quench your thirst nor suffice your hunger. Jaidev. Jaidev. Jaidev, it's paining. Save me. It's so easy to convince lovers. In one moment all your happiness is destroyed. Its a strange situation. For the first time in this world... ...someone has cremated his own body. And I feel really happy while doing this. Now no one can separate me from my Smriti. No. No, please. Don't do that. Poor poet... Jaidev Verma. No! No! No! No! No! Smriti's mine. You killed me. Now just finish whatever's left. I cannot be with Smriti even after I am dead. But I cannot live without Smriti. I beg you. Kill me. Please, kill me. I don't want to live. No, no, no, never. Not so easily. Death cannot relieve you from this pain. You will have to suffer. You will have to Suffer all your life. 'We'll have to use our brains and not brawns.' 'We will have to hide his true body somewhere else.' Jaidev. If Smriti can't be mine... ...then she can't be yours either. It's much easier to fool those who hate. It's been two years seven months and twenty-three days... ...since you made a promise. You promised me that you... ...will recite the poems which you wrote only for me. I think you should fulfil your promise now. So should I believe it? Should I believe it. Believe it that everything happens for a cause. Should I believe in fate? Should I believe that you're right here for a reason... When your breath sings. I reside in you. I dwell in you. I reside in you. I live only for you. The heart's still without you. You are my heart beat. If the path's filled with thorns. You're the rose petals in my way. Sweetheart, I love you. My heart beats just for you. Lessen the distance between us. Sweetheart, I love you. My heart beats just for you. Since I found your company. Every moment's been so wonderful. Now I've no complaints with life. I am just like you are. Nothing more or less. I begin from you and end on you. Sweetheart, I love you. My heart beats just for you. Lessen the distance between us. Sweetheart, I love you. My heart beats just for you. My life with you has been. Like them lamp glowing in the wind.' I overcame every hurdle with love. The moments that was against us... ...have passed away. Now that I've found you. Like the dawn, you've cleared the darkness in my life. Sweetheart, I love you. My heart beats just for you. Lessen the distance between us. *